Learn About How Stress Causes Hair Loss

Learn About How Stress Causes Hair Loss

Explain: Whether stress can affect hair growth after the hair transplant?

Hair loss can result from genetic conditions such as deficiencies, nutrition, depression, and anxiety and is most commonly caused by stress and other health conditions. Treatment for hair loss can depend on its causes but may include dietary changes, mental health and physical health.   Treatment or prevention tips can often help manage the hair loss […]

Debunking the Common Myths Associated with Hair Fall

Debunking the Common Myths Associated with Hair Fall

Hair loss is the most common concern worldwide. Research has found that around 50.31% of Indian men are facing hair loss problems under the age of 25. And the most shocking report is that 25.89% of men are under 21, and they are already at stage 3 hair fall.  But on the other hand there […]

Change Your Diet And Lifestyle To Maintain Healthy Growth Of Hair

Regrow Your Hair With These Food Items

We all know that there are many roots (No Pun Intended!) for the hair loss problem. However, most often than not, the biggest reason for baldness and hairfall treatment in Andhra Pradesh is malnutrition and even a lack of minerals or vitamins. Did you know that your hair follicles require high nutrients to stay healthy […]

The Acceptable amount of Hair loss

The Acceptable amount of Hair loss

Hair loss, also called Hair fall, is one of the biggest nightmares for everybody. You would shriek out of fear when you see a strand of hair fall before you. People who opt for Hair Transplant in Vizag always regret the absence of hair care in their lives.  Hair fall is a natural thing that […]

लगातार झड़ रहे बालों की समस्या का मिला रामबाण घरेलू उपचार !

लगातार झड़ते बालों की समस्या से कैसे करें खुद का बचाव

आज के समय में बालों का झड़ना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है। क्युकि महिला हो या चाहे पुरुष इन सबके द्वारा बेहतर व सुन्दर बालों के लिए तरह-तरह के केमिकल प्रोडक्ट्स का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जिसके चलते उनके बाल काफी ख़राब होने की वजह से झड़ने लग जाते है। वही बालों के झड़ने की […]

Debunking Myths about Hair Transplantation with Eczema

Hair Transplantation for Individuals with Eczema

Hair transplantation is a famous cosmetic treatment that helps individuals restore their natural hairline and recover their confidence. However, individuals with eczema might have concerns and confusion about going through a hair transplant. In this blog, we will debunk common myths encompassing hair transplantation with eczema, revealing insight into the safety, effectiveness, and contemplations of […]

Determining the Optimal Blood Volume for Hair PRP Treatment

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration

Hair loss is a common problem that can affect confidence and self-esteem. Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is an effective treatment for hair restoration. The PRP procedure involves injecting concentrated platelets from a patient’s blood into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. The optimal blood volume is crucial to the success of the PRP treatment. This […]

India: The Impact of Hair Transplants on Men’s Youthful Appearance

How Hair Transplants Can Make Men Look Younger

India: As men age, hair loss can essentially affect their self-confidence and overall appearance. However, advancements in cosmetic surgery have prepared for a remarkable solution: hair transplants. Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, a leading clinic for hair transplant in Vizag, India offers transformative procedures that can assist men with recovering a youthful […]