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मिस्टर सीमा साहनी ने बताया की हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट की सर्जरी से कैसे उन्हें मिली बाल झड़ने की समस्या से मुक्ति

मिस्टर सीमा साहनी ने बताया की हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट की सर्जरी से कैसे उन्हें मिली बाल झड़ने की समस्या से मुक्ति


डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह दिखाया गया की कैसे हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी की मदद से बाल झड़ने की समस्या और गंजेपन की समस्या का इलाज किया जाता है | इस पर एक मरीज़ ने अपने बाल झड़ने की समस्या से छुटकारा पाने की यात्रा के बारे में बताते हुए यह कहा की उनका नाम सीमा साहनी है | पिचले कई वर्षों से वह हेयर लोस्स की समस्या से गुज़र रहे थे, कई तरह के उपचार और हेयर प्रोडक्ट्स का इस्तेमाल करने के बाद भी स्थिति पर किसी भी प्रकार का सुधार नहीं आ रहा था, बल्कि स्थिति और भी गंभीर हो गयी थी | फिर उन्हें कहीं से यह पता चला की विज़ाग में स्थित डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर नामक संस्था बालों से जुडी हर समस्या का सटीक इलाज करते है | इसलिए बिना समय को व्यर्थ किये वह मरीज़ डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर पहुंच गए और डॉक्टर की सलाह पर उन्होंने अपना हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी करवाया |     इस पूरी प्रक्रिया के दौरान उन्होंने अपने विचारों को डॉक्टर के साथ विमर्श किया, ताकि इलाज के बाद उनके मन में किसी भी तरह का संकोच न रहे और इलाज से परिणाम से उन्हें संतुष्टी मिले | सफलतापूवर्क सर्जरी के बाद मिले परिणाम से वह मरीज़ बहुत खुश है और अपनी ख़ुशी का इज़हार करते हुए मिस्टर सीमा साहनी ने यह कहा की यदि कोई भी व्यक्ति बाल झड़ने की समस्या से गुजर रहा है तो इलाज के लिए डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर से बेहतर विकल्प और कोई भी नहीं है |  यदि आप भी हेयर लोस्स की समस्या से गुज़र रहे है और इलाज के लिए आप डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर से परामर्श कर सकते है | इस संस्था के सीनियर कंसलटेंट डॉक्टर सी विजय कुमार हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी में एक्सपर्ट है, जो सर्जरी के माध्यम से आपको हेयर लोस्स की समस्या से छुटकारा दिला सकते है | इसलिए आज ही डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर नमक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और अपनी अप्पोइन्मनेट को बुक   करें | आप चाहे तो वेबसाइट पर दिये गए नंबरो से भी सीधा संस्था से संपर्क कर सकते है |  इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप डॉक्टर वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांटेशन सेंटर नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो मिल जाएगी |      

कौन से विटामिन की कमी से हो रहे है सफ़ेद बाल,जानिए कौन-कौन से पोषक तत्व बालों के लिए है ज़रूरी

Treatment plans for hair problems.


उम्र बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ बालों का सफ़ेद होना पूरी तरह से प्राकर्तिक प्रक्रिया है | अगर समय से पहले ही आपके बाल सफ़ेद हो रहे है तो इस बात पर चिंतत होना जायज है | समय से पहले बालों का सफ़ेद होने हमारे ख़राब जीवन शैली की तरफ इशारा करती है | दरअसल क्या होता है की जब बालों के रोयाँ में मेलेनिन के निर्माण में कमी होने लगती है तो बालों का रंग सफ़ेद या भी ग्रे होने लगता है | मेलेनिन हमें कई पौष्टिक तत्व द्वारा प्राप्त हो सकता है | अगर आप अपने बालों को सेहतमंद और काला  रखना चाहते हो तो आपको कई पौष्टिक तत्वों का सेवन करना चाहिए |  बालों के लिए कौन-कौन से पौष्टिक तत्वों के आवश्यकता होती है ?  1. प्रोटीन  दरअसल बाल का विकास मुख्य रूप से प्रोटीन से ही होता है । इसकी कमी की वजह से कई मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है जैसे की असमय पर बालों का सफेद होना, कमजोर होकर बालों का टूटना, दोमुहा बालों का विकासित होना, इत्यादि | इसलिए बालों को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए प्रोटीन का सेवन करना बेहद ज़रूरी है | मस्तक बालों तक पर्याप्त प्रोटीन पहुंचने का काम करता है जिससे उन्हें जीवित रखा जाता है | शाकाहारी व्यक्ति प्रोटीन की आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए अमीनो एसिड का अधिक मात्रा से सेवन कर सकता है |    डेली डाइट यह आहार शामिल करें : अगर व्यक्ति शाकाहारी हैं तो दाल, मटर, सोयाबीन, पनीर आदि खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन कर सकते है । वहीं अगर व्यक्ति  मांसाहारी है तो  को अंडा, मछली आदि का सेवन कर सकते है |  2. ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड  ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड का शरीर के लिए बेहद जरूरी है,परन्तु  इसका निर्माण व्यक्ति का शरीर खुद से नहीं करता। दरअसल फैटी एसिड शरीर, बालों और खोपड़ी के लिए बहुत ही बढ़िया पोषक तत्व है । जिसकी वजह से  बालों में मुलायम और चमकने की नमी बनी रहती है और बालों को टूटने-झड़ने से बचाता है। फैटी एसिड की मदद से बालों का विकास भी बहुत तेजी से होता है और यह बालों को सफेद होने की परेशानी से भी बचाता है। व्यक्ति के शरीर को प्रतिदिन 250 मिलीग्राम ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड मिलना ही चाहिए । इससे आहार के रूप से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है |  डेली डाइट यह आहार शामिल करें  : अगर व्यक्ति शाकाहारी हैं तो पालक, अलसी के बीज, चिया बीज, अखरोट, सोयाबीन, केनोला आयल आदि खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन कर सकते है ।वहीं अगर व्यक्ति  मांसाहारी है तो वसायुक्त मछली जैसे सैल्मन या क्रिल,अंडे आदि का सेवन कर सकते हैं। 3. विटामिन डी  विटामिन डी आपके बालों के रोयाँ में काफी पोषण देता है | इसकी कमी के कारण भी बाल सफ़ेद होने लगता है | विटामिन डी की कमी जितना बालों के लिए खतरनाक है, उतना ही अधिक मात्रा में  सेवन करना नुकसानदायक है |  इसलिए विटामिन डी का नियमित रूप से ही सेवन करना चाहिए |  डेली डाइट यह आहार शामिल करें  : अगर व्यक्ति शाकाहारी हैं तो ब्रोकोली, दूध, एवोकाडो, टोफू आदि खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन कर सकते है | वहीं अगर व्यक्ति  मांसाहारी है तो वसायुक्त मछली जैसे टूना,सालमोन, अंडे की जर्दी  आदि का सेवन कर सकते हैं। 4. आयरन एंड कॉपर  आयरन और कॉपर की कमी से भी बाल समय से पहले सफ़ेद हो जाते है | आयरन की कमी से बालों की जड़ों ब्लड सर्कुलेशन में बाधित डालते है, जिससे बाल टूटने लगते है | वही कॉपर की कमी बालों की नमि में सफ़ेदपन का कारण  बनता है |  इसिलए आयरन और कॉपर का एक नियमित रूप से सेवन करना चाहिए |  डेली डाइट यह आहार शामिल करें  : अगर व्यक्ति शाकाहारी हैं तो काले, आलू, मूंगफली, काजू  आदि खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन कर सकते है | वहीं अगर व्यक्ति  मांसाहारी है तो वसायुक्त मछली जैसे टूना,सालमोन, ओएस्टर, लिवर आदि का सेवन कर सकते हैं। अगर इस समस्या से जुड़ी कोई भी जानकारी लेना चाहते हो तो डॉ वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी से ले सकते है | इस संस्था के सभी डॉक्टर्स कॉस्मेटोलॉजी में एक्सपर्ट्स है और इन्हे 40 सालों का तज़र्बा है |

Are Fenugreek Seeds Good for Your Hair?

What are the reasons behind hair loss in young girls and explain the Remedies?


Fenugreek is an herb with small, yellowish-brown seeds commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. Surprisingly, they are also beneficial for your hair. These seeds are packed with nutrients that promote hair health. If you’re in search of expert guidance on hair care, exploring the benefits of fenugreek seeds could be a wise choice. If you’re looking for the best hair clinic in Vizag to learn more about how fenugreek can help your hair, you’re on the right path to healthier and more beautiful locks. May encourage hair growth Fenugreek seeds are like tiny treasures for your hair. These small seeds are brimming with nutrients that can enhance the strength and health of your hair. One vital contributor is protein, which plays a critical role in hair growth. Fenugreek seeds are abundant in protein, fostering the growth of new hair. Additionally, they contain lecithin, which provides hydration to your hair and enhances its manageability. May support a healthy scalp Fenugreek seeds are like a secret ingredient for a healthy scalp. They contain nutrients that can help you bid farewell to dandruff and an itchy head. Fenugreek seeds are great for your scalp. They have anti-inflammatory properties that can calm an irritated scalp, and their antioxidants boost blood circulation, potentially encouraging hair growth. Other factors that influence hair growth Before delving into the details, let’s explore the other critical factors that influence the health and growth of your hair when it comes to the benefits of fenugreek seeds. Nutritional factors Your diet plays a vital role in hair health. Nutrients are crucial for promoting hair growth. A well-rounded diet that includes these vitamins provides nourishment to your hair follicles and fosters the growth of healthier, shinier hair. Stress and lifestyle High-stress levels and poor lifestyle choices can harm your hair. Stress can lead to hair loss, so managing stress is key. Avoid harsh chemical treatments, use gentle hair care products, and protect your hair from excessive heat or styling to maintain its strength. Genetic makeup Your genetics play a significant role in determining your hair’s thickness and growth rate. Some people are naturally predisposed to have thicker or faster-growing hair, while others may struggle more. Knowing your genetic tendencies can help you understand your unique hair needs. How to Utilise Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Care? Fenugreek seeds can have a notable impact on your hair’s health, and there are two methods for their use: Supplements You can incorporate fenugreek supplements into your daily routine in the form of capsules or powder. They provide essential nutrients that support hair health from within. Topical application If you are in search of effective solutions for your hair concerns, consider exploring various hair loss treatment in Vizag. Expert professionals in the field can guide you towards healthier, more lustrous hair.

Journey of hair transplant surgery after 3 month

Hair transplant after care


A hair transplant is an advanced technology used to grow hair on your head. A hair transplant is the best option if you have baldness and thin hair. If you want to restore your hair, you can visit a well known clinic for Hair Transplant. It is one of the best techniques available that result in natural looking and long lasting results.  The journey of Hair transplant after three months After the hair transplant procedure, you are curious about how to grow your hair. After three months you can see the result on your scalp.  What is expected after hair transplantation  After three months, your new hair grows on your head. When you get surgery, then your hair follicles start in 2 weeks. During the growing stage, your hairline sticking does not cause panic after three months. It’s visible to new hair. Hair growth is a slow process; growing long hair may take a year.  After hair transplantation surgery, they suffer side effects such as swelling, itching, and redness. It is a growing stage in your hair.  Tips for care for hair after a hair transplant   There are some tips to care for hair after hair transplant surgery  Take a proper diet. When you get treatment, you should take a healthy diet. You can eat those foods which have proper minerals and vitamins. It helps to grow your hair and heal the wound after surgery.  Use mild product  After the hair transplant, you do not use chemical products such as alcohol, sulfate, or other chemicals harsh on your hair. You take a small quantity of shampoo in your hand and gently apply it on your whole hair. Do not rub your scalp after you wash your head. After washing, dry your towel gently. You can wash it 14 days after hair transplant surgery. You can use it according to your hair doctor’s advice. Protect from environmental exposure.  You should wear a hat When you go for a walk or to a clinic. It helps to protect against environmental exposure such as sun and dust. You can spray sunscreen on your scalp.  Massage your scalp  Massage your scalp every day. It helps to increase your blood circulation and hair regrowth. You can use your finger deep in oil and massage your scalp for a few minutes. You can use the oil that your doctor recommends.  Manage stress level  Manage your stress level using those techniques such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercise. It helps reduce your stress and grow your hair because stress harms your growing hair. Physical activity  After a hair transplant, you can do a physical activity such as walking. It helps to reduce tension and minimizes the infection.  Correct sleeping position  After treatment, ask your hair doctor for a sleeping position and pillow. It helps reduce swelling on your head after hair transplant surgery. Doctors guide you on how to treat your hair before sleeping.  It is essential to follow these tips to grow transplanted hair as your normal hair. If you are curious to know about Hair Transplant Cost in Punjab, you can contact a well known clinic. 

How Can Laser Therapy Benefit You In Your Appearance

How Can Laser Therapy Benefit You In Your Appearance


You can improve your appearance after a hair transplant with the help of Laser Therapy. It helps in killing the cells responsible for hair loss in your body. Located in the hair follicles, these cells produce DHT, which is detrimental to your hair growth. People opting for Hair Transplant in Vizag always use laser treatment to kill these cells.  People opting for Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag are sometimes not satisfied with the results of their hair transplant surgery. Hence they opt for laser surgery which has its own set of benefits. Although it is not a cure but can be used for those who are looking for a procedure to stop hair fall.  Functions of Laser Surgery  Laser surgery uses a type of laser light that stimulates the cells of the body. Its goal is to stimulate hair growth on your head. People are using this treatment to treat skin problems like acne. But doctors have recently proved this method entirely successful for hair growth.  Difference between Hair Transplant and Laser Therapy  Hair Transplant  Laser Therapy In this procedure, the physician moves the healthy hair from one point to another point of the head where the hair growth is minimal or zero. The surgeon in this therapy uses a special light on the head to stimulate hair growth to grow new hair. It is shown to be effective in recent years. Laser treatment is generally used in cases in which the patient has alopecia, bald patches, burns on the forehead, or those without natural hair growth due to chemotherapy. How does Laser Therapy Work  Low-Level Laser Therapy, also called cold laser therapy, helps stimulate and encourage hair growth. The stimulation of cells increases their metabolism and lets them produce more collagen for faster healing and better muscle recovery. A laser in this surgery produces short pulses of light penetrating under the tissue. It leads to efficient stimulation of the cells in the treated area. Laser Therapy has also been effective in these situations like Headaches. Neck pain. Stiffness in certain areas of the body.  Longevity of Laser Hair Therapy  Laser hair therapy, is a newly founded method, which is non surgical and drug free. There are some factors upon which the success of this therapy depends, varying from person to person. These factors are the severity of the baldness and hair care post-surgery.  Side Effects of Laser Treatment  Redness on the skin  Swelling on the treated area  Sensitivity to the sunlight  Blistering skin  Peeling skin  Discoloured or darkened skin  Scars on the skin  These side effects are temporary. However, you should know about these side effects before opting for a laser transplant.  Conclusion  Laser Hair therapy has its own pros, which outweigh its cons. When combined with hair transplant surgery, laser treatment is more effective. It also removes the risks pertaining to transplant surgery, thus making it a viable option for people going for cosmetic surgeries. Hence you have the best option to get your lost hair back with laser treatment.

The Top Supplements for Incredible Hair Growth in 2023, Endorsed by a Dietitian

Hair Transplantation for Individuals with Eczema


Having healthy and luscious hair is a dream for some. While there are various hair care products and medicines accessible, now and again, the key to accomplishing incredible hair growth exists. In 2023, there are five uncommon enhancements endorsed by dietitians that can make all the difference for your hair. In this way, assuming you hope to improve your hair growth commonly and successfully, read on to discover the top enhancements that can transform your locks. If you’re looking for ways to improve your hair growth naturally and effectively, read on to discover the top enhancements that can transform your locks. Also, consider the option of a Hair Transplant in Vizag for long-lasting results. Essential Nutrients for Healthier Growth Biotin: The Building Block for Stronger Hair Biotin, or vitamin B7, is an effective supplement for advancing healthy hair growth. It helps convert supplements into energy and assumes a crucial part in the production of keratin, a protein that forms the construction of your hair. Integrating biotin into your daily everyday practice through enhancements or biotin-rich foods like eggs, nuts, and avocados can strengthen your hair and advance quicker growth.   Collagen Peptides: Feed Your Hair from the Inside Out Collagen isn’t only helpful for your skin; it can likewise do wonders for your hair. Collagen peptides are hydrolyzed forms of collagen handily absorbed by the body. These peptides provide the building blocks of painful areas of strength for healthy hair, working on its general thickness and sparkle. Integrating collagen peptide supplements into your diet can assist with advancing hair growth and reducing hair breakage, giving you the radiant locks you’ve generally desired.   Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin for Stronger Hair, Vitamin D deficiency, has been linked to hair misfortune and unfortunate hair well-being. This essential vitamin is imperative in hair follicle cycling and the production of new hair cells. Spending time in the sun is a usual method for helping your vitamin D levels. However, enhancements can likewise be gainful, mainly if you live in regions with limited daylight. Talk with your dietitian or medical care provider to determine the proper dosage of vitamin D enhancements for ideal hair growth. Zinc: Strengthen Your Hair from Inside Zinc is a mineral significant in different bodily capabilities, including hair growth and fix. It keeps up with the well-being of the hair follicles, advances the production of sebum (the scalp’s regular oil), and aids in protein synthesis. Zinc enhancements can assist with forestalling hair misfortune and promote healthy hair growth. Additionally, consolidating zinc-rich foods like clams, nuts, and seeds into your diet can provide vital supplements for dynamic and solid hair. Conclusion:  As you continue looking for incredible hair growth, don’t underestimate the force of enhancements. These five dietitian-endorsed vitamins & supplements – biotin, collagen peptides, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and zinc – can do incredible things for your hair, providing it with the fundamental supplements it needs to flourish. Nonetheless, it’s memorable’s critical that enhancements should be taken in the meeting with medical services proficient or dietitian in Ludhiana, particularly if you have any underlying ailments or are taking other medications.

Why choose VJs Clinic for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy for hair growth?

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration


Best centre for hair loss treatment Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center is one of the well-known places among the patients to get hair loss treatment. Whether you talk about getting the Hair Transplant in Vizag or PRP therapy, Dr. C Vijay Kumar has experience of more than 35 years to address your hair loss issue completely. Like the doctor will inform you about the Hair Transplant Cost during the initial consultation after analyzing your situation. In the same manner, only after the initial consultation, you will get to know about, ‘How much does the PRP therapy cost?’ Platelet-Rich Plasma Best choice to regrow your lost hair PRP therapy is one of the effective treatment plans which a person can get individually or along with hair transplant treatment to make the results better. This therapy effectiveness is seen among the patients who are struggling with hair loss and after getting the treatment they got fuller & natural-looking hair growth. Here’s what happens during PRP treatment: During the PRP session, the blood is drawn out from the highly effective area. Following that the blood is centrifuged through which the platelets are taken out from the plasma. These platelets are filled with all the best of properties which are a key factor to repair and help the cells to regenerate themselves. Then Dr. C Vijay Kumar will inject the platelets into the problematic part of the scalp. As the cells can renew and regenerate themselves which increases the hair growth in the bald or thin part of the scalp. In simple terms, you can say that the hair growth cycle will go into the anagen phase. How many PRP sessions are required to see the results? To see the notable hair growth with a PRP session, it takes around 3 to 4 treatment rounds. Well! Once the procedure is done it is essential that you take proper care of your hair, so that the results last for a lifetime. PRP treatment: Effective, minimal downtime, and natural results Can it get any better than this? The conventional method of hair loss treatment used to provide the patients with doll-like results or it required too much maintenance that the individual would stop the treatment midway because of the excess cost. Thanks to medical science, there is no such thing as that in the present. With PRP the results are highly effective, natural, and you will be at ease whether you are getting the treatment or after the results. As we have said earlier the total number of sessions you need will be based on the extent of hair loss you have. Take the right step on time If you are struggling with a hair loss problem, then what’s the wait? Don’t let things get out of control and then regret later that you should have taken the right step then only. Today is the day when you need to be proactive with every decision of your life. Schedule your initial consultation with our doctor to get the best care.

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