Liposuction Surgery Cost in Vizag, India | Best Liposuction Surgeon in Andhra Pradesh
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Liposuction Surgery Procedure, Benefits & Cost


Body Sculpting or Liposuction Surgery in Visakhapatnam, India

Liposuction is the word which originated from the word suction means negative pressure for removal of fat, so the liposuction is the procedure used for the removal of excess skin and fat originally from the abdomen subcutaneous but now from everywhere in the body through the small incisions.

Liposuction or Body sculpturing is used for the volume reduction and even for shaping up the body. This procedure is also called as Lipo-Sculpture means the reshaping of the body through liposuction means removal of fat. From bulk fat areas and augmentation where bulk is less by fat injection. Means it is the complete procedure to give perfect shape to your body. 

Today Not even in India people around the Globe Looking for liposuction surgery to reduce unwanted fat and improve their looks. We have very good traffic on Liposuction Surgery In Vizag and we are producing very good results. See our video section and compare our results.

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    Areas Where Liposuction Can Be Performed

    It can be done anywhere in the body where the subcutaneous fat deposition is present like in the areas belly, abdomen, buttock, thighs, hips, arm, breast, double chin and face.
    This procedure can be of following types

    Abdomen or belly liposuction with hips and Mons pubis liposuction
    In this procedure, hip liposuction is done simultaneously with the abdomen. Cosmetic surgeons start from the abdomen by removal of skin just beneath the breast areas and continue it up to the mono pubis. In this procedure sometimes vaginal lips liposuction is also added according to requirement.

    Lower abdomen liposuction
    This procedure is performed only on the lower abdomen area and excess fat is removed to give the flat abdomen.

    Mono pubis liposuction
    This procedure is performed around the genitalia to rejuvenate the private parts like sagging vaginal and hidden penile length in males

    Saddlebags and love handles liposuction
    Saddlebags are very common in the females these are localized collection of extra fat in the flanks and upper outer side of the thigh with depression between two.

    Male belly liposuction
    This procedure is done for male belly fat reduction. In the surgery, the fat which is resistant to diet control is removed to make the body light and proper shape of the belly.

    Body contouring
    It is the complete procedure for shaping up the body not only with the removal of excess fat from one location also the reuse of removed fat in filling areas where bulk lacks and augmentation is required.

    Thigh and buttock liposuction
    in this procedure, the extra fat is removed from the waist, thighs and buttock to make the movement of these thick skin areas better and easier. In this procedure legs, liposuction can also be added according to the requirement for the perfect shape of hips and legs.

    Buttock liposuction lift
    In this procedure, not extra skin is removed only the correction has been done in the buttock with good skin contraction.

    Face liposuction
    This procedure is quite common among the people to improve the appearance of their face. In the procedure puffy cheeks, double chin areas are corrected by removing fat and this fat is used for face augmentation in required areas like hollow cheeks.

    Procedure for Body Sculpting

    It is the surgical way to give proper shape to the body so the procedure is done under the general anaesthesia, so that patient could not feel any pain or discomfort during surgery.

    This procedure is of 1-2 hours depending on the area treated and the extent of treatment needed. In this surgery, tiny incisions are made for the removal of fat and closed with the stitches to give an aesthetically pleasing shape to the body.

    This surgery has made it possible for the people to get the desired shape of the body and lock the younger look at low liposuction surgery cost in Andhra Pradesh.

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