Hair Loss

Hair Fall and Hair Loss Treatment & Everything You Need to Know
In actual life, Hair loss is taken to be more immense than hair fall. Why is that so, it is simply because hair loss is denoted as the stage when you actually get that bald region or the crowning glory. Another reason is that people may have different ways to control hair fall, but for the case of hair loss, you will have to meet a dermatologist or a surgeon for better hair fall treatment in Vizag. Clinical approaches to hair loss or hair fall are the same since either of them can lead to extreme hair loss or baldness.
Dr. C Vijay Kumar diagnoses and evaluates the situation to understand better which type of hair fall control treatment in Vizag you need to undergo. Seeking personalized care for hair fall brings the utmost difference to hair health that you have been looking for all this while.
How the public views Hair Fall
Everyone can lose 50 or 100 hair strands in a day in case he or she combs her hair. This is regarded as normal. Cases, where more than 200 hair strands are lost regardless of combing or styling the hair mean that hair loss is happening. So, the level is now culminating in hair loss and further to baldness. It’s imperative to seek the best hair fall solution in Vizag by consulting a medical expert to manage the situation on time.
Whether you have been searching for a women’s or men hair fall solution in Vizag, Dr. C Vijay Kumar will customize the treatment in the ideal way possible.

Possible causes of hair loss in men
These do not differ from the general types of hair loss. So they can be presented as below;
It is also known as patchy hair loss and it is where small and smooth patches occur on the scalp or any other part of the body like the eyebrows. It is termed as an autoimmune condition and can be divided into alopecia monolocularis, alopecia totalis, and alopecia Universalis. If you have this type of hair loss, get the hair fall problem solution in Vizag from an experienced medical expert to ensure the condition doesn’t get worse with time.
2. Androgenetic Alopecia
3. Involutional Alopecia
It is a type of hair loss where the hair growth rate reduces as you age. It is denoted by thinning and reduction of the hair thickness and density, causing what we call the Telogen phase. If you notice hair fall at a young age, get medical assistance to know better which hair fall therapy in Vizag works best for you.
4. Telogen Effluvium
It is a temporary kind of hair loss that may occur due to stress or hormonal deficiencies. When these situations are corrected, you may get back your hair and prevent further hair loss.If women have been dealing with this condition, then our hair loss expert will suggest the most appropriate hair fall women treatment in Vizag to ensure the situation doesn’t get worse with time.
5. Trichotillomania
It is a kind of medical condition where one consistently pulls out his or her hair in unfavorable situations like being timid, stressed, or nervous
6. Traction Alopecia
This type of hair loss mostly occurs in women who regularly pull back their hair with the main aim of styling it. Prolonged doing so breaks the hair and eventually leads to baldness
7. Scarring Alopecia
This may be a rare occasion, but deadly since the hair follicles are slowly damaged within. With time, one will realize that most of the hair is gone and can hardly be restored
8. Tinea Capitis
It is common in young children and those adults with poor living conditions. It is also termed as ringworm scalp infection
No matter which type of hair loss you have, under the expertise of DR. C Vijay Kumar, you will get the most personalized hair fall solution in Tamil, so that hair fall get’s under control on time.
Phases of our hair
Human hair has a lifespan of 3 years and within this period, there are inter complex activities going on yet unnoticed. During this period, some hair follicles will be growing, others resting, whereas others will be falling out. So, let’s have a look at the phases of our hair It is the most active phase of the hair characterized by rapid growth of hair follicles. The rate of hair growth differs from individual to individual.
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It can be termed as the hibernating phase where the hair roots are at rest. Any unfavorable occasion may trigger the hair to fall out. If you are unsure about the reason for your hair loss and looking for methods that work for hair loss treatment at home in Vizag seek medical assistance to make an informed choice.

It is the period where the Anagen phase closes and a club of hair is created

It is the most active phase of the hair characterized by rapid growth of hair follicles. The rate of hair growth differs from individual to individual
Hair Loss Assessment Criterion at VJ clinics Andhra Pradesh
A variety of steps are considered for assessing your hair loss level, among which includes;
- Patient’s Medical History
The use of anabolic steroids, antidepressants, and illicit drugs is one of the major risk factors for future hair loss. A poor health condition in the early years with underlying medical conditions are also major triggers for hair loss among men and women. Disclosing your medical history by answering various questions can help in effective hair loss assessment
- Scalp Biopsy
A biopsy is a sample tissue taken from your scalp along with a few hair strands. The biopsy and the hair strands are evaluated by a hair analyst to ascertain possible causes of hair loss in case other assessment approaches prove to be less effective
- Photographic Evaluation
Photographic evaluation before hair loss treatment is an ideal approach in analyzing the extent of hair loss in a patient. During this procedure, scalp images of your scalp are taken and in case you possess any images of your scalp in the past, it is important that you disclose them to the doctor for proper assessment. A photographic evaluation is also utilized during hair loss treatment, especially with the help of therapies, Minoxidil, and Finasteride
- Hair Analysis Test
This test requires taking your hair sample and studied under a microscope. This hair assessment approach helps in the examination of the hair components/characteristics and the extent of damage in the case of chemical burns. This technique is also common in the detection of drugs in humans
- Blood Tests
Blood tests are normally required to confirm any underlying medical condition such as hypothyroidism, skin infections, among other chronic medical conditions that can trigger hair loss
- Physical Examination
A physical examination only requires the doctor to look at your scalp and determine the extent of hair loss or baldness. This approach is performed during a consultation. The hair therapist will also take the opportunity to ask different questions regarding your hair loss pattern.

Causes of Hair loss in Men
Men are more prone to baldness than women, and commonly, onset hair loss in men is characterized by a receding hairline. This male pattern hair loss will continue shifting the frontal hairline and leads to the formation of corners/edges. In the later stages, hair loss extends to the crown and temple regions which lastly forms a bald patch. Apart from androgenetic alopecia, which is generally genetically triggered, men lose their hair because of the following reasons;
- Use of testosterone supplements
- Use of anabolic drugs
- Antidepressants
- Mood stabilizers
- Hypothyroidism
- Chemical injuries
- Infectious diseases
- Stress
- Iron deficiency anaemia
- Chemical exposure

Causes of Hair loss in Women
Though losing less than 100 hair strands in a day is regarded as normal, the situation may raise a catastrophe in some women. Increased hair fall “on a daily basis” may result in baldness in the case taken for granted. Possible causes of hair loss in women include;
- Prolonged stress
- Genetics or genetic disorders
- Hypothyroidism
- Facial plastic surgeries
- Infectious diseases such as leprosy, tuberculosis, and herpes
- Anemia
- A strict diet
- Menopause
- Skin diseases, i.e. Seborrheic dermatitis, Lichen Planus, and follicle infection
- Chemical injuries- these include acid burns, sunburns, and physical trauma from surgery or an accident
- Poor styling methods
- Tight hairstyles
Hair Loss or Hair Fall Treatment in India
After diagnosis, a plan for hair loss treatment in Visakhapatnam is devised. Depending on the type of hair loss, the level of baldness and the available treatments, one is treated to restore back the hair. Nonsurgical treatments would be best for Hair Fall Treatment after looking at the level of hair fall and surgical treatments that include FUT or FUE hair transplant techniques would be best for extreme hair loss or baldness.
Hair restoration therapies are non-invasive approaches to hair restoration. Normally, a single therapy approach or a combination of two can be used to restore your hair. Therapy treatment approaches provided at VJ Clinics are completely safe and offer ultimate results during that last for a lifetime. These therapies include
- BIO Therapy
It is also known as PRP therapy. This therapy involves the extraction of your own blood from the body after which it is clinically treated to obtain a rich formula. This formula is injected into your scalp, specifically in the thinning regions to trigger hair growth. Blood extraction and formula injection pose no effects
- Mesotherapy
This technique involves the injection of a nutrient-rich solution into the mesoderm of the scalp. The injected solution has various impacts on hair growth, cell metabolism, proper healing of the scalp, improving blood circulation within the scalp, eliminating infections, and strengthening the hair strands
- Nutrition/Diet Therapy
Least is known about the secrets in hair growth diet boosters, but our hair loss treatment doctors are extremely aware. An excellent hair loss treatment through various oral and topical supplements can effectively restore back your hair in conjunction with a home hair growth booster. Hair growth boosters are provided in the form of oils, hair serums, and organic supplements
- Laser Hair Loss Therapy (Low-Level Light Therapy)
This hair loss treatment approach requires a specific laser device to be applied to the scalp. The Low-Level Light is absorbed by the cells, which improves cellular activity, thereby promoting hair growth
- Combination Therapy
Two of the above-mentioned therapies can effectively be used by our hair loss doctors to eliminate hair loss and baldness. The best approach is selected depending on the level of hair loss and affordability.
- Surgery (Hair Transplantation)
Surgical approaches through the FUE and FUT methods permanently put an end to baldness. Normally, this technique is recommended once your hair loss hits the maturity stage.