Face Surgery in Vizag | Jaw Surgery Cost in Andhra Pradesh, India
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Face Surgery

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    What is Jaw Surgery?

    Jaw surgery, oftentimes medically known as Orthognathic Surgery, is recommended to people when they have an abnormally placed jaw. On other occasions when the upper jaw or the lower jaw are not positioned correctly in regards with each other, or are dissimilar in their sizes, the face surgery in Vizag is recommended. This disposition can be cured by undergoing an Orthognathic Surgery. This surgery is exceptionally useful for anyone suffering from all the aforementioned issues.

    What Can You Expect?

    If you have elected to undergo Orthognathic Surgery, it is important that you are aware of how exactly the surgery procedure takes place. By being aware of how the jaw surgery in Vizag is conducted, one can make an informed decision whether they want to undergo this procedure or not.

    During the Orthognathic Surgery procedure, one can expect that their jaw will be increased or decreased in size, depending on the individual. The surgeons also focus on making certain that the alignment of the corrected jaw is right in order to provide an enhanced visual appearance as well as an aligned bite.

    This treatment method can take anywhere between 2-6 hours, under anaesthesia. The incisions are made inside the mouth, therefore the chances of any permanent scarring on the face is non-existent. Face surgery in Vizag can sound extremely daunting, but it is extremely beneficial to a person’s confidence in the long run.

    What is the Cost of Jaw Surgery?

    Every person has individualised needs and requirements for the procedure, therefore the jaw surgery cost in Andhra Pradesh can vary from person to person. Additionally, the cost of the procedure might also depend on the clinic and the surgeon one chooses. Regardless, it is important to note that the procedure is a permanent solution to a lifelong issue. One can have an improved sense of self, as well as bypass all the issues they were facing.

    Why Choose Dr VJ's Cosmetic Surgery Clinic?

    There are a number of reasons why you should opt for Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery Clinic for all your jaw surgery in Vizag requirements and needs.

    • Experience: With a team of experienced and highly trained doctors, the treatment you will receive is bound to be exceptional. We only employ doctors who have at least ten years of experience in the cosmetic surgery and care field.
    • Techniques: At Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we make certain that we constantly update ourselves as well as the equipment we use to ensure a technologically advanced treatment and care procedure whenever and wherever possible.
    • Safety: We make certain that all the safety measures are set in place to make sure that there are no unwanted complications during your surgery procedure.
    • Results: By choosing Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, you are assured to receive quality results that match your expectations. We have always strived for perfection and patient’s satisfaction.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Jaw surgery cost in Andhra Pradesh can be staggering, which can make the treatment procedure affordable for some people. However, by opting Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, you can receive the treatment in a much more cost-effective manner.

    Where Can You Find Us?

    • Call us at 9849797776
    • Write to us: chevuru.vijay@gmail.com
    • Visit our clinic for an official consultation at either of the following addresses:
    1. Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, 4th Floor, KGH Down Rd, opp. Indus Hospital, Jagadamba, Jagadamba Junction, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530002
    2. Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, Citi Medi Plaza, 22-1-32, PR, College Rd, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 533001

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    What is hair restoration? Which methods are used to trigger the best results?

    What is hair restoration? Which methods are used to trigger the best results?

    It is a well-known fact that overall appearance creates an impact whenever we visit for a job interview. Ut hair loss patients have not only lost their hair but they have lost their self-esteem and confidence as well. For this reason, we have committed to making the hair loss patients regain the lost confidence by carrying out a hair transplant in Vizag and other cities where hair loss patients are rising at a rapid pace. If one is wondering about hair transplant cost in Vizag, then it is noteworthy that it depends on the factors like that of the experience of the dermatologist, the location where the clinic is situated, the intensity of the baldness and the total area fatted with the baldness. So let us get to know about this modus operandi in depth. Hair transplant is a technique which helps to regrow the hair which is transplanted from some other zone of the body. People who suffer from hair loss go through a very terrible period. So we aim at making them believe what has passed is passed. Now it is the time to relive the life which they used to live when they did not suffer from hair loss.  Customarily, there are only two types of modus operandi which is used to carry out the successful results in the field of hair transplantation: Strip harvesting is a conventional mechanism of hair restoration. In this stratagem, the strip of the scalp is harvested to extract the variegated hair grafts. Hair grafts can be referred to as a group of hairs. As soon as the hair grafts are extracted, they are kept under the supervision of the graft extracting team which determines whether the grafts can regrow in the recipient zone.  This modus operandi is like the above-mentioned stratagem of hair restoration. The mild difference can be noted in the extraction procedure. In the above-mentioned stratagem, the initialization is customarily done by extricating a strip from the scalp. But this is a bit more advanced and less invasive. In this procedure, the doctor takes out particular hair grafts rather than picking out the full-fledged strip. The implantation modus operandi is however the same. Both procedures are believed to trigger the best results. There are some precautions which you need to take care of before and after the surgery for successful survival of the hair follicles: Final Thoughts Hair transplantation is considered as a revolution in the appearance dominated era. This field has significantly stood out in making the hair loss patient glad & confident.VJ Clinics provide you with perfect treatment at a very affordable price.

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