Benefits of laser hair removals

Regrow Your Hair With These Food Items

Regrow Your Hair With These Food Items

Many people experience hair fall, baldness, patches on the head and the reason for the cause is unknown. Many of us don’t know that lack of vitamins in our diet also refers to hair fall problem. We need to have a proper diet that contains vitamins A, B, C and E to maintain our hair […]

Everyday practices which are the main reasons behind the hair loss

Dr. C Vijay Kumar: Most of us found hair at the back of the shirt, entangled in the comb, on the collar, on the pillow, and maybe at the workplace. You have made countless efforts to make your hair look healthy and strong.  Using the aggressive method of drying or to comb the hair You […]

What is the reason for Gynecomastia and what is the way to treat it?

What is the reason for Gynecomastia and what is the way to treat it?

What is gynecomastia? Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Breast tissue or mammary gland is present in both men and women. The glands are helpful in producing milk after the mother has given birth to the baby. Men’s mammary gland does not get to the point that they can produce milk.  What are […]

Hair growth timeline after hair transplantation

Hair growth timeline after hair transplantation

Waiting long enough to get a transplant done is an exercise in patience. However, waiting for your crowning glory to be back is yet another challenge which has to be faced with patience and understanding.  We intend to introduce you to the timeline after the Hair Transplant procedure. If you are considering Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam, […]