What are the advantages and eligibility criteria of rhinoplasty?
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Category: Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty How It Works, Benefits, Eligibility & Cost

RHINOPLASTY – Mechanism, Advantages, Eligibility criteria and the Cost


We all want to have precise facial features whether it is the chubbiness of the cheeks or it is the shape of the nose. Girls are particularly more concerned about nose shaping. Therefore, we have contributed to bringing out the rhinoplasty in Vizag also. Now you do not have to go far beyond the boundaries of your state to get your nose in shape. The rhinoplasty cost in vizag will thoroughly depend on:

  • How much area of the nose is to be treated
  • How much shaping efforts are to be induced in it?
  • What is rhinoplasty?

The cosmetic surgery which aims at rectifying the shape and sundry malproportions and distortions of the nose is known as rhinoplasty. 

  • How is rhinoplasty carried out? 

First of all the patient is made numb by injecting him with anaesthesia. Afterwards, the surgeon is supposed to correct the nose by making incisions over and beyond the columella. 

During the procedure, the predominant focus of the surgeon is to focus on close monitoring and redefinition of the features as per the specification of the patients. To make the nose adapt to the redefinition either synthetic implants or nasal cartilage is stationed inside the nose. 

  • Why undergo rhinoplasty?

The patients want to take up the procedure because its results are permanent as it aims at correcting the:

  • Bumpy nasal bridges
  • Width of the nostrils
  • To organise the space in the middle of the upper lip 7 the nose appropriately.
  • Fixing the deformities which are since birth
  • Sometimes, rhinoplasty is also undergone to get rid of the ailments like:
  • Nasal septum
  • Sinus
  • Which are the function-oriented causes to undergo rhinoplasty?

To undergo rhinoplasty, the following functional causes are also accounted for:

  • Amelioration of bumps on the nasal bridges
  • Correction of the nasal tip which emerges as the plunged
  • To rectify the width of the flared nostrils
  • Correction of bent nose
  • Reshaping of the twisted nose
  • Aesthetic definition of the angle which falls in the middle of the lips and the nose

Which precautionary measures must be followed before taking up the rhinoplasty surgery?

  • First and foremost, the patient is suggested not to intake any kind of blood-thinning medicine like aspirin etc. Because these may cause your nose to bleed which is not supposed to happen before and after the procedure.
  • Do not smoke or consume alcohol for the period as suggested by your doctor. 
  • Is there any age-related constraint for undergoing the rhinoplasty?

There is an age bar that the female should be older than 15 years and the male should be 17 years old or more. 

  • Which results are definite to encounter after the procedure?

Subsequent features are sure to be experienced:

  • Appropriate proportioning of the nose
  • Amelioration of the shape of the nose 
  • Increased functionality of the nose 


The patient who has undergone the rhinoplasty surgery should take care of the precautionary measure in the recovery period like not engaging in activities that could make them sneeze or exert pressure on the nose. It is also advised not to sleep by keeping your head elevated. If you have any further query please give us a chance to seek your query.

रहिनोप्लास्टी क्या है ? जाने रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी से अपना लुक को कैसे बदले

रहिनोप्लास्टी क्या है ? जाने रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी से अपना लुक को कैसे बदले 


डॉ. वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के सीनियर कंसल्टेंट डॉक्टर सी विजय कुमार ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स के माध्यम से यह बताया की रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी जिसे नाक की जॉब के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक ऐसी सर्जरी है जिसमें नाक का ऑपरेशन कर उसे आकार दिया जाता है | एक आकर्षक खूबसूरती के लिए नाक का सही आकार में होना काफी मायने रखता है | इन्ही कारणों की वजह से आज के समय में पूरे विश्व भर में सबसे ज्यादा नाक की कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी की जाती है,केवल इतना ही नहीं इस सर्जरी को करवाने वाले मरीज़ों के ग्राफ का दर भी दिन-प्रतिदिन बढ़ते ही जा रहे है | आइये जानते है रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी का मुख्य उद्देशय क्या है :- 

रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी का मुख्य उद्देश्य है नाक के ऑपरेशन के दौरान उसे सही रूप से आकार देकर मरीज़ के लुक को और बेहतर और आकर्षक बनाना है और साथ ही इस ऑपेरशन की मदद से सांस लेनी की क्षमता की भी बढ़ाया जा सकता है | इस सर्जरी की प्रक्रिया के दौरान नाक की सरंचना में ऊपरी हिस्से की हड्डी, उपास्थि या फिर त्वचा को बदला जा सकता है | अब अगर बात करें की रहिनोप्लास्टी की सर्जरी व्यक्ति को कौन-कौन से फायदे प्राप्त हो सकते है तो :- 

1. यह सर्जरी मरीज़ के आत्मविश्वास को पूर्ण रूप से बढ़ाने में सहायक होती है | 

2. जिन व्यक्ति को सांस लेने में काफी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, उनके लिए यह सर्जरी काफी फायदेमंद साबित हो सकती है |

3. टूटी हुई नाक को भी इस सर्जरी के माध्यम से ठीक किया जा सकता है | 

4. साइनस की समस्या को दूर कर सकता है ये सर्जरी | 

5. खर्राटों की समस्या से छुटकारा दिलाने में यह सर्जरी सक्षम होता है |      

पहले के दशक में इस रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी को सिर्फ विदेशों के हॉस्पिटलों में ही में किया जाता था, जिस वजह से कई लोगों को यह सर्जरी को करवा अपने लुक को बेहतर बनाने का मौका नहीं मिल पाता था | लेकिन अब भारत में भी कई हॉस्पिटल्स में इस सर्जरी को प्रदान किया जा रहा है, जिनमे से एक है डॉ. वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट | 

यदि आप भी अपने लुक को आकर्षक बनाने के लिए रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी करवाना चाहते है तो इसमें डॉ. वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट आपकी पूर्ण रूप से मदद कर सकता है | इस संस्था के सीनियर कंसलटेंट एंड सर्जन डॉक्टर सी विजय कुमार रहिनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी में स्पेशलिस्ट है, जो इस सर्जरी के माध्यम से आपके लुक को और भी आकर्षक बनाने में मदद कर सकते है | इसलिए आज ही डॉ. वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और अपनी अप्पोइन्मेंट को बुक करें | आप चाहे तो इस वेबसाइट पर दिए गए नंबरों से भी संपर्क कर सकते है | 

इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक कर इस वीडियो को पूरा देखें, इसके अलावा आप डॉ. वीजेएस कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी एंड हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी विजिट कर सकते है | इस चैनल पर इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो बना कर पोस्ट की हुई है |

Rhinoplasty - Is it Ideal For You?

Want To Get Your Nose Corrected? Rhinoplasty is the Best Solution For You


Ever wanted to get your nose corrected for aesthetic reasons? Well, your prayers are heard by God. You can consult the best doctors for Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag for Rhinoplasty. Their guidance will be helpful to you.

Rhinoplasty is a surgery done to alter the look and functionality of your nose. People opt for this surgery for either aesthetic changes or to facilitate better breathing. People primarily go for Nose Surgery in Vizag for aesthetic reasons. It lets them look good and boost their confidence.

Rhinoplasty changes the bone, skin, and cartilage of your nose. You can consult your surgeon, who can explain to you in the best way possible.

Why People Opt for Rhinoplasty

As mentioned earlier, People opt for rhinoplasty to correct their nose for any aesthetic purpose. They also opt for this surgery to correct any congenital deformities and enhance their breathing.

Risks that can happen with Rhinoplasty

This surgery has some risks which could be harmful. These risks are:

  • Nose bleeding
  • Infection
  • Bad reaction to anesthesia
  • breathing problems from the nose.
  • Numbness in the nose which can be permanent
  • Chances of odd looking nose
  • Pain, change in color, and swelling on your nose, which can last for long
  • Scar
  • A hole in the wall between both nostrils, also called septal perforation
  • Additional surgeries
  • Noticeable change in your smelling sense.

Your doctor will also describe the way these side effects can change your daily life.

Preparations to Take before opting for Rhinoplasty

You shall consult your surgeon and discuss various things before you go for this surgery. You should know some major factors given below before opting for this surgery:

  • Medical History: It plays a major role in this journey. You just have to answer some questions asked by the doctor. These questions include nasal blockage history, surgeries you underwent, and medicines you take. If you have a bleeding condition called hemophilia, then you should avoid this surgery at all costs.
  • Physical Exam: This step determines what kind of changes should be made. Your skin thickness and cartilage strength are some of the things examined in this step. You must undergo a physical examination to determine the changes you require.
  • Photos of your nose: The physician will click pictures of your nose from various angles. They will also generate post-surgery images of your nose to show you the expected results. Surgeons use these images during the surgery as references. These photos will also be a part of your discussion for goals.
  • Discuss Your Expectations: You should tell your surgeon about your reasons for this surgery and your expectations. They will tell you the possibilities and improbabilities of this surgery.

After this surgery, you should take a prescribed diet from the surgeon to get healed soon. Avoid smoking, vaping, and intake of aspirin and ibuprofen two weeks before and after the surgery. They can slow down your healing. Smoking can also contribute to infections.

Anesthesia will also make you forget things for the first few days. You will also have moments of slow reactions and misjudgments.

Hence, you should opt for rhinoplasty only after you consult the doctor.

To become the best-looking version of yourself, come to us and avail the best benefits for yourself.

What all you need to know about the nose reshaping treatment cost in India?

What all you need to know about the nose reshaping treatment cost in India?


What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is the most demanding cosmetic surgery in India. People opt for the treatment to change nose shape through cartilage or bone modification. Patients with nose deformity, improper nose shape, or another noise-related issue get the procedure.

Cost of Rhinoplasty (Nose job)

Rhinoplasty Cost in Vizag is around Rs 30,000 which is for a basic treatment plan. The change in the cost will depend on the place and in which city or place the hospital is located.

Hospital preference

Choosing the best hospital means quality treatment and it will make changes to the cost. Make sure to choose a premium hospital or which can provide you with all the basic treatment plans. If you want a luxurious healthcare facility then you can make the final choice accordingly.

City preference

The choice of city in which the hospital is located will make a lot of difference in the price. The transportation, food cost, and accommodation are higher in developed cities. It is better that you should research and then make the final choice on where to get the treatment.

Which are the reasons to get rhinoplasty?

As we have mentioned earlier, people get nose job surgery for different reasons. They may want to get it done after the injury, correct breathing issues, or birth defects. Some of the reasons to undergo the rhinoplasty include the following:

  • Change in nose size

  • Change in nose angle

  • Reshaping the nose tip

  • Nostrils narrowing

  • Bridge straightening

You are likely to be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if the nasal bone is completely grown. The ideal age to get it done is 15 years for girls and boys can get it after 18 years. Although, if you a patient has a breathing issue they can get it done before the mentioned age.

Types of rhinoplasty

  • Open rhinoplasty

In this approach, the nose cartilage of exposed by peeling back the nasal skin. The doctor will make a small incision on the columella which is the area between the nostrils. The incisions are not in a straight direction.

  • Closed rhinoplasty

Its other name is endonasal rhinoplasty and there is no need to make an external incision.

Which is better, open or closed rhinoplasty?

Well! There is no particular answer for that. The surgeon’s expertise and your situation will determine what type will be best for you. If you are okay with a light scar then you should choose this option.

What is the surgical approach?

  • The patient is administered anesthesia as an outpatient method or in the doctor’s clinic.

  • Medications are given through IV as it increases comfort and reduces infection chances.

  • The pulse and heart rate are monitored throughout the entire surgical approach.

  • Once everything is ready the surgeon will make cuts inside or between the nostrils.

  • The skin is pulled apart from the bone or cartilage. Following that the nose will be given the desired shape.

  • If more amount is needed, then the doctor may remove it from the ear or inside of the nose. In total, it will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Shall I opt For Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty nose job surgery in India


What is rhinoplasty surgery?

Rhinoplasty nose job surgery in India: Rhinoplasty is also known as nose job surgery. During these surgical procedures, the changes are made to the nose and it is redefined which helps the face to get an aesthetic look. If you are not with the nose and think it is too small or too large then this cosmetic surgery is the preferable choice for you.

Nose shape and size are dependent on different factors and this includes heredity. If you talk on a scientific basis, the way the nose looks then it is determined by the structure underneath it which is the cartilage and the bone.

To change the size and shape of the nose, the rhinoplasty surgeon will change the position or size of the cartilages and nasal bones. However, the patient needs to have realistic expectations from the surgical treatment. Keep in mind you cannot get the nose looking like your favourite celebrity.

rhinoplasty nose job surgery India

What is the need for undergoing rhinoplasty surgery?

Some of the common issues for which people need to undergo rhinoplasty surgery include:

  • A nose that is too long
  • Wide nose
  • Nose looks droopy
  • Bulbous round tip
  • Hump along with the nose bridge

No doubt, the nose performs the most critical function, and it also helps to enhance human beauty. It is placed right in the face which makes it the first thing to notice about the human body. It is the reason, it plays an important role to increase the aesthetic beauty and determine the femininity or masculinity of the face.

How does nose job surgery correct the breathing issue?

If the nasal septum is partially or entirely crooked then it blocks the nostrils that trigger breathing issues. This surgery can even correct the deviated septum. So, this surgery makes the best choice to correct the breathing issues and the deviated septum. The surgery aims to repair the deviated septum, exclude nasal polyps, or shrink the size of the turbinates. Keep in mind, if you are happy with the nose appearance then make sure to inform the surgeon during the consultation so that he does not make any changes in it.


Will the surgery leave scars?

During the surgery, the incisions are made inside the nose, so you do not have to worry about anything. Only one incision is done externally on the base of the nose. However, it is going to fade away with time as the healing is completed.

Does the surgery hurt?

Like any other surgical procedure, we are afraid that it will be painful or hurt a lot to get the treatment done. With this surgery, you can rest assured because surgery is done under local anaesthesia that numbs the nose and face. This way the sensation of pain is reduced. If the surgery is done on a child, then the surgeon can prefer general anaesthesia.


How can a broken nose be treated by the surgeon?

How can a broken nose be treated by the surgeon?


A broken nose is a common facial fracture encountered by the surgeon. Surprisingly, the nose Correction Surgery is the third most common surgery. The nasal fractures can occur due to different reasons like you met with an accident or suffered an injury. In some cases, the problem cannot be critical but at the time the breathing can get affected.

Medical help right away after the injury

The broken nose is best treated right away the injury has occurred. Ideally, it is best to seek medical help within 3 to 6 hours. If there is a collection of blood on the septum and not treated right away then it can lead to infection and other complications. The nose fracture is treated with a closed reduction which means resetting the broken bone. To perform the surgery the patient is given general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The best part is that it does not leave any scar.

Unfortunately, not everyone seeks medical help right away after the injury. Let’s understand how the nose injury can be treated at different times by the best surgeon.

  • After first- 2 weeks from injury

Within 14 days, the swelling will occur, which means the patient will wait until the swelling subsides properly.

Keep in mind that nose fractures need 3 weeks to heal. You need to get a close reduction within 14 days. There is no problem with the incision. In a few cases, the revision rhinoplasty may be needed if there is any type of abnormality left.

  • Seeking medical help 4 to 6 weeks following surgery

By this time, it is not easy to treat the fracture because of the scar and fibrosing cartilage which will be present around the fracture. For the optimal results, it is important to schedule the treatment within 3 to 6 months.

  • Visiting doctor after a long time

Few patients, wait for a long time to seek medical help. At this point, the nose is deformed and asymmetrical. It may be possible to have nasal obstruction. Well, they can be treated any time with a rhino-septoplasty and nose technique.

Important consideration

If you wait for 3 to 5 days before seeking medical help, pay attention to the below-mentioned points:

  • Swelling doesn’t progressively improve.
  • The nose looks crooked after the swelling recedes
  • Breathing is not proper even after swelling subside.
  • Frequent nose bleeding.
  • High fever.

Make sure that you do not neglect these symptoms as it is about your health. Any type of negligence should not be done. If you have known anyone who has suffered a nose injury then make sure to inform them right away to seek medical help.


What is Rhinoplasty surgery and how to choose the right surgeon to get this surgery?

What is Rhinoplasty surgery and how to choose the right surgeon to get this surgery?


Vizag: These days, several people undergo Rhinoplasty surgery, which is also known as a nose job. This type of surgery is specially designed for those who are not happy with their nose shape or they find difficult to take a breath. 

What type of problems are treated by a Nose job?

There are several types of problems that can be treated by a rhinoplasty procedure. These are:

Deviated Septum

The septum is explained as a cartilaginous sheet, which separates the left and right both sides of the nose. This is basically straight, but if you are suffering from the bend of the septum, which is known as deviated, then you need to undergo this treatment option. In this condition, it is too difficult to breathe properly from both sides.

Swollen and Enlarged Turbinates

The turbinates are described as the humidifiers of the nose, which are basically made of the nasal mucosa. If you are experiencing swollen or enlarged turbinates, then you have to talk to a specialist, so that he can examine you well. This condition is only caused due to environmental factors such as allergies and infections.

Middle Vault Narrowing or Collapse

“Collapse is explained as a weakness of the side walls or middle vault of the nose. This condition is usually experienced by sports persons because they need to hold the nasal passages for a long time. So, this type of nose problem is treated with surgical procedures.

How to choose the best Rhinoplasty Surgeon?

To choose the right surgeon for a nose job, you need to understand certain things and must examine whether he has the proper experience or not. Here are some things on which you have to focus to choose the right surgeon. These are-:

  • You have to check whether he has valid experience or qualifications to perform the surgery.
  • You also check all the facilities in the clinic, because you have to spend some time there in the clinic.
  • You also need to check the behavior of the surgeon as well as staff members too, as they will also treat you. If they are rude in communication, then you must choose another one to get a nose job.
  • You also get information about the surgeon or clinic from nearby people.

What about the cost of a Rhinoplasty procedure?

Well, the cost of this surgical procedure depends on several components such as-:

  • The surgeon’s fees
  • The facilities which are offered by the surgeon or clinic to you.
  • The type of surgery or as per your nose condition.
  • The location of the clinic in which you choose you to get the surgery.


Rhinoplasty - Is it Ideal For You?

Rhinoplasty – Is it Ideal For You?


Many people often discuss dissatisfaction regarding physical features. In this case, the most common one is the nose. It is not only about the physical features but it does include aesthetic issues like trauma or injury. This is why many people are opting to undergo the surgery of rhinoplasty.

This procedure is also referred to as nose job among plastic surgeons. You must choose the skilled and experienced surgeon to get superior quality results.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The nose is made of soft tissues, small bones, and cartilage, they all work together in creating its appearance and shape. If changes are made in any of the one components then the nose can change dramatically so the procedure needs to be done very carefully.

The technique used in the procedure is going to depend on the patient’s goals and considering the previous injury or trauma.

Reasons to undergo Rhinoplasty

Deal with a breathing problem

The airflow into the nose can be affected by the genetic issue, growth in the nose, or injury which results in breathing problems. By undergoing the rhinoplasty surgery, the structure or shape of the nose is designed so that airflow can get normal.

Changing the nose shape

Many people opt for this procedure to work on their appearance and shape. According to the nose anatomy the minor changes can be made in the structure which helps in reflecting the improvements.

In some cases, it is possible to change the various parts of the internal structure to get the desired look. The person can opt for the procedure to get nose shape wider, smaller, or narrower. It is also possible to alter the nose shape.

Complement your ethnicity

This means changing nose appearance but without sacrificing on the nasal features which help in characterizing the various ethnicities.

Am I the right candidate for the surgery?

No doubt, it is everyone’s personal choice to undergo the treatment or not. Some of the common reasons which make the person a good candidate for the procedure:

  • A crooked septum which makes the nose appear off-center
  • The nose has a bump on the bridge
  • A wide nose
  • A thick nasal tip, an overly projecting, asymmetric, or drooping tip
  • The cosmetic issue because of injury or trauma

Who should I consult for the surgery?

There are many surgeons who might be qualified to do the surgery but you need to trust someone who can be trusted. You need to make sure they have proper training and experience regarding the procedure.

Make sure that the surgeon you opted for possessed a certain level of expertise to give the superior results you need. It is also important that they give the treatment plan according to your case as every case is different from others.

The experienced and best surgeon will make sure that they diagnose and evaluate your condition and then give you an appropriate treatment plan.

For more information or if you have any doubt you should schedule the consultation with the surgeon as early as possible.

Shall I opt For Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Shall I opt For Rhinoplasty Surgery?


Everyone wants to look too unique and beautiful, but he is unable due to certain abnormalities. People may not be happy with their natural appearance, that why they feel embarrassed and ugly. In this case, they go with cosmetic or plastic surgery, which is the best way to improve your natural appearance. If you are not happy with your nose shape, then you have to go with Rhinoplasty surgery. This is the type of plastic surgery, that gives you mind-blowing results according to your desire. Let’s talk about this nose job procedure in detail.

What is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgical procedure is beneficial to re-shape your nose or valuable to improve its function as well as shape. If you are not happy with your nose shape, then you must visit the best specialist and get the right treatment according to your nose shape. In addition to this, if you are feeling difficulty to take breathe, then you must go with this surgical procedure. This may happen due to several reasons such as injury, trauma, and any accident as well.

Types of Rhinoplasty

There are several types of rhinoplasty, that are valuable to improve your nose’s shape and appearance too. These are-:

  • Resizing the nostrils
  • Changing the nose’s shape and appearance (cosmetic surgery)
  • Adjusting the bridge
  • Removing the nasal hump
  • Widening the breathing passages
  • Correcting the shape of the nose after a trauma or injury

Several people ask as to how to choose the best surgeon to get this surgical procedure. You have to check several things in the surgeon such as the experience and qualifications of the surgeon, the reputation of the surgeon, and the location of the clinic. These are things that you need to consider while you are choosing a surgeon.

The procedure of the Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty surgical procedure is a type of plastic surgery. Take a look at procedure-:

  • First of all, your surgeon examines your overall health and ask you for any type of family history. If you are suffering from any type of health condition, then he will recommend you to undergo the treatment first. Otherwise, you will surely experience several problems in the future after getting treatment.
  • After that, he will examine your nose condition and then tell you how to treat it as well as to improve the appearance of the nose.
  • At last, he fixes the date when you have to undergo the treatment according to your schedule.
  • At the time of surgery, your surgeon first gives you the local or general anesthesia, so that you cannot feel pain or discomfort.
  • Then he makes small incisions to reshape the inner bone as per your desires.

Risks that are associated with this surgery

There are several risks associated with nose job procedure include-:

  • Scarring at the base of the nose
  • Nose bleeding
  • Infection, if you do not take care of yourself after the surgery
  • An allergic reaction to the anesthesia
  • Bursting of the minute blood vessels on the surface of the skin
  • Numbness
  • Permanent nerve damage
  • Swelling
What are the benefits of undergoing the procedure of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

What are the benefits of undergoing the procedure of Rhinoplasty Surgery?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Visakhapatnam: Rhinoplasty surgery or Nose correction Cosmetic surgery is also referred to as a nose job. With this, the nose shape is changed by modifying the cartilage or bone. 

Types: Rhinoplasty Surgery or Nose correction

  • A change in size
  • Straightening of the bridge
  • A change in angle
  • Narrowing of the nostrils
  • Reshaping of the tip

So, you are planning to undergo the treatment of rhinoplasty. Make sure you seek the help of the best surgeon as they will let you know about the entire procedure and help you get reliable results. This is the reason, the demand for Rhinoplasty Surgery in Vizag at our clinic is increasing.


Benefits of getting Rhinoplasty surgery

The procedure of rhinoplasty help you get a certain type of benefits:

  • Gain confidence

The most important benefit of getting the treatment is that it helps to improve confidence which is like a great motivator.

  • Fixing the broken nose

Unfortunately, you had a fall or met with an accident in which you got your nose broken or there is nasal deformity. This can affect the functionality and appearance of the nose and also increase the pain.

  • Breathing is improved

At the time, individuals deal with the problem of breathing issues. You will be surprised to know that rhinoplasty can also fix this problem effectively.

  • Revision procedure

In some cases, one surgery might not have solved the problem or the outcome was not the best. It might happen because you did not choose the best surgeon or did not take proper care. This is the reason, the revision procedure is needed.

  • Sinus problem

Facing problems breathing, congested feeling, and severe headaches. In all these conditions undergoing nose surgery can solve your problem.

  • Snoring

Snoring can create disruption but it does is not taken seriously and it might be something serious. This thing can affect your relationship and also sleep quality. Rhinoplasty surgery can solve this issue also.

  • Rectify the birth defects

Sometimes at the time of birth is defect like underdevelopment, lump, or masses in the nose. It will be a life-changing movement to get the birth defects corrected.

  • Increased job prospect

When your confidence is increased, eventually it will help you get a better job as you better about yourself which will increase your performance also. Having a younger and attractive personality will help you get promotions and appraisal reviews.

  • Restoring the facial symmetry

The surgery is a very effective choice as it can address the issue of a crooked nose, bulbous (fat) tip of the nose or miss-shaped nose.

  • Bullying

Studies have shown that many students get bullied because of their looks. Some parents are letting their child opt for cosmetic surgery to get the problem fixed as it can help them.