Procedure of the Thigh Lift Surgery
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Category: cosmetic surgery

Thigh Lift Surgery - Its Pros and Cons

Thigh Lift Surgery – Its Pros and Cons


A thigh lift is a method that removes the excess skin and fat from the inner and outer sides of the thighs. Thigh lift surgery in India is used when diets and exercise are failed to perform the weight reduction task. After the surgery, you have to maintain the healthy lifestyle and moderate weight. Thigh lift surgery is responsible for providing you the youthful thighs that you always desire.

Who is the right candidate for the Thigh Lift surgery?

  • If you feel that you must have the firmer look thighs.

  • If you are planning to undergo the bariatric surgery. This is surgery that is used for excessive weight loss. Thigh lift surgery will help you to reduce the weight of the thighs.

  • If one is distressed with the loose and flabby skin.

  • If you want to wear the designer clothes that you don’t wear because of the heavy thighs.

What are the Pros of the Thigh Lift Surgery?

  • You can wear the designer clothes as well as the swim wear clothes.

  • Your body will look in proper figure and shape.

  • Your thighs will look younger and fabulous.

  • What are the cons of the Thigh Lift surgery?

Poor Scaring: the only side effect of the thigh lift surgery is the poor scaring.

Deflated skin: sometimes, there may be chances of the deflated skin. This looks very bad when you wear the swimsuits.

Your surgeon will consider the numbers of the factors before doing the thigh lift surgery: if you are the aged person, then the effects of the sagging, cellulite and loose skin must be seen on your thighs. If you are taking the weight reduction program, then it essential to tone your thighs according to your figure.

How the Thigh lift treatment performed?

INNER THIGH LIFT: This is commonly known as the medial thigh lift treatment. In this treatment, Incision is drawn in the groin area of the thigh, Excessive fat and skin are removed from the inner area of the thigh. The same procedure is repeated with the other thigh. This procedure is also known as thighplasty.

OUTER THIGH LIFT: This is also known as the Lateral thigh lift. This is the one of the complex procedure. This involves the reconstruction of the buttocks. This is the removal of the excess tissue from the outer thighs. In this case, there is the big scar on the thigh of the person. Skin will be less elastic after the treatment. So, you have to maintain the weight after the surgery. Otherwise, you will suffer from severe problems.

The best surgeon will provide you the best thigh lift surgery in India at the very reasonable price. The thigh lift surgery of the Visakhapatnam is renowned among the whole of the India. In the planning process of the thigh lift surgery, you have to perform the full fledge searching regarding the surgeon whether he is having the required level of certification in this field or not, having sufficient experience and also search about the comfort level.

Lips correction surgeries for the larger lips

Lips correction surgeries for the larger lips


Plumy lips are always considered to be sexy. If you are having larger lips, these can interfere with the eating, drinking and speaking. If you think that your lips are too large, lip reduction surgery is the best approach for you.

Lip correction surgery in Visakhapatnam is the permanent treatment of reducing the lip size. This correction procedure may be performed alone or it can be performed with other cosmetic plastic procedure.

Lip correction procedures may be surgical or non-surgical. Their main goal is to alter the size of the lip. There are two types of the lip correction surgery.

  • Lip reduction: This is the surgical procedures to reduce the enlarged size of the lips. You can go with the lip reduction surgery if you are facing following issues:
  • Lips are bigger than the normal size
  • If you are excessive skin
  • If you are having asymmetric lips or traumatic scaring

Congenital defect

Consultation: During your consultation with the surgeon, he will examine your smile and speak. He will decide the amount of the excess tissue to be removed. He will consider your goals at how much extent you require the correction of the lips.

Preoperative instructions: Your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking for at least 4 weeks. You also have to skip certain medication like aspirin etc

Procedure: Lip reduction surgery is the best cosmetic surgery in India. This is done under local sedation and the time period of this surgery is between 30 to 40 minutes. In this surgery, your surgeon will cut the inner sides of the lip. Excessive amount of the fat and soft tissues are removed

Recovery instruction: after the treatment, the person will recover within 7 to 10days. The number of the days is dependent upon the extent of the swelling.

Risk: There is the risk of the bleeding and infection. These can be easily controlled but asymmetry, numbness, and lumps cannot be easily controlled.

  • Lip augmentation: This may be surgical or non-surgical. This is used to enhance the upper or lower lip to make the fuller lips appealing.

Indication. Fat is the best material for the lip augmentation. This completely reduces the risk of the rejection that is common in other synthetic fillers. You also skip the aspirin before the treatment

Procedure: this is done by the specialized plastic surgeon and this is done under the general anesthesia. It releases multiple growth factors like the creation of the natural tissues.

Recovery: It requires three weeks of the recovery period.

Risk: This is the low risky procedure. The chances of the allergic reaction are totally zero.

Recovery instructions. The lips tend to swell heavily following the procedure but shall subside in a few days to 3 weeks. The outcome is supple and natural lips. Sometimes, there may be lumping and scaring effects. But all can be cured by the specialist surgeon. There is no need for the worry. This is the successful technique and has high success rate.

The Gynecomastia concern: Is the Breast Reduction Surgery enough?

The Gynecomastia concern: Is the Breast Reduction Surgery enough?


Analysts have gained a great concern and insight about the raving gynecomastia levels in India. It is saddening as the physical deformity points to a number of cases that include;

  • Hiking obesity levels

  • Poor feeding

  • Alcoholism and drug abuse

  • Increased hormonal imbalances

  • Threatening male breast cancer

  • Tumors

  • Genetics among others

What is gynecomastia and what you need to know about it!

Males who use bodybuilding foods, boosters and supplements are more prone to gynecomastia much as it can occur due to a number of reasons.

Male hormones are stimulated at the puberty level in males and that’s why the deepening of the voice, development of sexual feelings and mustache occur in boys. In case the hormones are disrupted by any reason, a boy may develop gynecomastia in his life.

But however, a majority of males begin developing gynecomastia symptoms as early as childhood due to poor feeding measures adopted by their parents.

Breast Reduction Surgery as a solution

In the real sense, a breast reduction surgery in India is applicable to both males and females. There are females with oversized breasts that feel horrible each day of their lives due to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and oversized clothes that they need to put up with.

A one named lady referred to as “Prety” had to bear with her oversized breasts that were believed to be genetically triggered. She complained about the inability of glancing at her feet comfortably, sleeping comfortably and feeling free. She was totally insecure about herself and longed for liberation.

Once she learned of a cost-effective breast reduction surgery, a ray of hope struck her immediately consulting a specialist about her chances of feeling like a normal girl.

Fortunately, the surgeon for the breast reduction surgery in Visakhapatnam was quite professional and well-experienced in this sphere. After a good examination and evaluation, the young lady was able to relax and rebuild the once shattered dreams.

Is Breast Reduction Surgery the permanent solution?

Experts have ascertained that sensitization is quite important, especially for males who acquire enlarged breasts or chest, due to health compromises. Poor eating habits and drug abuse must be frequently pointed out to individuals in case they desire to prevent the deformity.

The use of harmful drugs and substances must also be monitored to prevent male breast enlargement.

Physical exercises to prevent or eliminate enlarged breasts

Males head to gyms and apply dietary measures to build a chest and muscles, but unmonitored measures may ruin one’s intentions.

In case of gynecomastia, a patient must try to approach a doctor about the deformity and apply the right measures of reducing the breasts.

The cost of breast reduction

The surgery highly varies from one patient to another and specifically, a patient may require skin elimination, liposuction, and glandular elimination which all hikes the surgery cost.

However, the surgery is highly affordable in India.

Arm Lift Treatment Is The Right Choice For The Bingo Wings

Arm Lift Treatment Is The Right Choice For The Bingo Wings



Bingo Wings: Bingo wings are the situation of saggy dermis among the most of the mature men and women. This situation occurs when the person loses a lot of the weight. Loose hammocks, auntie arms, nanna wobble, etc are the common symptoms of the Bingo wings. Bingo wing condition may be hereditary among the people who possess the bingo wings gene.

Bingo wing is the very unattractive situation in which you feel that your body looks more mature than your age. This creates the feeling of the disappointment when your excessive fat is dropping out.

Alternatives to cope up with Bingo Wings:

There are numbers of several alternatives to cop up with this Bingo Wings problem. You can do physical exercise. This is accomplished with awesome muscle tone beneath the wings. Another choice is the Liposuction. Bingo skin is the extra skin and not the fat. So, liposuction will not work with this. The only option is the arm lift treatment.


Excessive fat on the underside of the upper arms and on the inside of the upper legs is commonly the result of the pregnancy, an extreme weight loss or ageing. An arm lift is commonly known as Brachioplasty and thigh lift can be the solution for the lost skin elasticity and excessive skin.

Arm lift is the standard surgical procedure. It takes two hours to complete this surgery. This is done under general anaesthesia. The arm lift procedure involves the excess skin removal mostly on the inside of the upper arm and makes the skin tighter again. This treatment is also combined with the Liposuction treatment in order to remove the fatty tissue.

Who can have this Arm Lift surgery?

  • The persons whose weight in the normal healthy range are suitable for the arm lift surgery.
  • The persons who have drastic lost in the weight and As a result, have loose and flabby skin.


  • After the surgery, the plastic surgeon will apply the bandage.
  • After the two weeks, the bandage will be removed and stitches will be taken out at the same day.
  • One should avoid the heavy efforts at least 4 weeks after the surgery.
  • Healing after the surgery will create some discomfort due to the skin tension around the scar borders.
  • In order to make the scar invisible, excessive skin is removed on the inside of the upper arm. In the starting three months, it can. After the year, The lift scar will be fade and become smoother. The scar needs to protect from the sun.
  • You have to take the painkillers for the several days. You require at least three days back to your normal routines.

The first action you need to perform is to search for some professional. The only expert can perform the best arm lift surgery in India. The arm lift surgery in Visakhapatnam is performed by the expert team of professional who has 100% success rate in this profession.

Gynecomastia Surgery - Procedure and Its Results

Gynecomastia Surgery – Procedure and Its Results


What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the male breasts. It is occurred at the age of the infancy, puberty, middle age, old age. It is different from the Lipomastia. Lipomastia is the presence of the fat deposits in the breast area of the obese men. Actually, true Gynecomastia is the result of the growth of the glandular tissue. Glandular tissue is present in very small amounts in men. This is the condition which requires the medical treatment.

What are the common signs and symptoms of the Gynecomastia?

  • The first sign is the enlargement of the breasts.

  • The second sign is the enlargement of the glandular tissue.

  • Gynecomastia occurs in the both sides of the nipples.

  • Either Enlargement may at the one side or both sides.

  • There is no severe pain , but tenderness and sensitivity may be the cause of the Gynecomastia

What are the reasons –why men are choosing Male breast reduction?

Gynecomastia affects between 40 to 60% of the male population. Instead of sitting in silence, most of the men are opting for the plastic surgery to reduce the size of the breasts.

Reasons for the Gynecomastia

  1. It is very difficult to hide the chest area .your clothes will reveal the exact picture.

  2. The trends of cosmetic surgery in men has been increased drastically

  3. It is easy to get the surgery information through the social media channels, television and other digital media.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure (Male Breast Reduction)

  • Male breast surgery is helpful to contour the breast shape and removes excessive fats and tissues through the liposuction surgery

  • You will give anesthesia and tiny incisions will be made underneath the folds of your breasts.

  • A small cannula is inserted to break the fat cells and remove then through suction assisted technology.

The result of Liposuction surgery is permanent. You will have little scaring after the surgery. The best surgeon for Gynecomastia surgery In India will assist you to reduce scars. You can go back to the work after the one week of rest. The renowned surgeon for Gynecomastia surgery In Visakhapatnam will guide you about the exercise that will be helpful to protect from the blot clots..

Benefits of the male breast reduction:

One has to take his own decision regarding male breast surgery. Before choosing the surgery, it is essential to know about the potential surgery risks and results. You are taking this surgery for pleasing yourself and not to please others. For the better results, it is essential condition to maintain the healthy diet and healthy lifestyle.

Outcomes of the surgery are:

  • It is helpful to increase one’s confidence.

  • It is helpful to restore the shape of the chest.

  • You can go anywhere without shirt in summers.

  • Your chest will tend to look more sporting look.

Gynecomastia is common among the people.

If you are having problem of enlarged breast tissue, then you are not the single one. There are lots of people who are suffering from this problem. The best surgeon in Vishakhapatnam will provide sporting chest look at an affordable price.

Facts About the Popular Liposuction Procedure

Facts About the Popular Liposuction Procedure


Liposuction is emerging as the commonest cosmetic procedure worldwide. The procedure was initially performed in the 1980s and with time, Liposuction has become so popular that it is among the first ever-thought of procedures while seeking plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Well, you may have heard of this blossoming technique/procedure, but how much do you know about it. Let’s take a journey to the Liposuction realm.

  • Liposuction is also known as Lipoplasty, Lipo, Liposculpture, Lipectomy among other terms that any surgeon may describe the technique.

  • The technique removes undesired or excess fat in the various parts of the body. The technique mainly removes subcutaneous fat that is mostly found in the stomach region and may cause undesired health issues.

  • It is not a weight loss technique, meaning that don’t apply for liposuction surgery in India to lose over 40kgs in one round.

  • The surgeon will remove only a given amount of fat since fat is necessary to the normal human body. It is burnt down to get energy and warmth and also protect organs.

  • Liposuction can be a solution for those suffering from edema (swelling) due to many conditions such as fluids tumors and so on.

  • There are various types of liposuction that are described according to the amount of saline anesthetic fluid injected into the region to the treated or the amount of fluid injected. These types include dry liposuction, wet liposuction, and wet-super liposuction.

  • The procedures are commonly performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia is also used in case it is an extensive surgery. This is decided as per the doctor’s evaluation.

  • Liposuction is normally the last choice for individuals who have failed to cut down fat through dietary measures, physical exercises and so many other lifestyle changes.

  • The newer liposuction technique known as Laser Liposuction is becoming more popular due to its greater efficacy. The procedure melts fat, stimulates new collagen production and also tightens the skin. The procedure is an excellent type of Liposuction surgery in Visakhapatnam since it results in no risks.

  • The laser assisted Lipo is a bit expensive as compared to the formerly introduced types of liposuction.

  • Liposuction may be performed alongside other cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures, especially those that require fat transfer like the face (face filler) or improving the appearance and shape of the buttocks. During the procedure, the surgeon will use liposuction to suck out fat from any location and then introduce it aesthetically in the new region.

  • Much as many patients may expect to see the results within a week, that isn’t possible. It may take several results for some patients to attain the intended results while for others, it may take only a one month.

  • Liposuction involves some side effects that include swelling, bruising, sagging of the skin, numbness, irritation, and minor scarring.

  • It is recommended that you get the procedure done from an experienced plastic surgeon, since inexperience may result in unintended complications like nerve damage, and extended scarring.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery? Know About Its Procedure

What is Breast Reduction Surgery? Know About Its Procedure


If you are worried and feeling stress about your breast size that the heavy and large breast can cause a backache and neck pain then with the breast reduction surgery, you can reduce the size according to your desire.

Large breast size sometime does not match with your body. You may suffer from skin irritation below the breast. Also, it is not easy to maintain the heavy breast at gatherings and this can make you to buy new sizes of clothes again and again.

But there is a best surgical solution to this problem i.e. Breast reduction surgery in India. This is the only last option with which you can get rid of your large sizes f breast. You can instantaneously get the advantage of getting rid of back, neck and shoulder pain, skin infections, irritations and difference experienced in size.

The procedure of the surgery involves the removal of tissues and some breast skin and then suturing the skin. Sometimes, there can be also needed to reposition the areola part in case of large sizes.

Watch this live video of breast reduction surgery, to get an idea about the live procedure of the surgery.

Man boobs could be a genetic problem, but you can control its existence

Man boobs could be a genetic problem, but you can control its existence


When we all look at a healthy baby, we can see man boobs and I guess we all had them. Also known as Gynecomastia, male breasts or man boobs can be triggered by many factors and can appear at an unexpected age. Babies, adolescents, and older men are victims of man boobs. Mostly influenced by life habits and practices, man boobs can be controlled to a greater extent the issue is detected in time

What is Gynecomastia?

It is where a man has enlarged breasts almost detectable like for a woman. The gynecomastia problem is a gradual process where the glandular tissue develops over time and causes the breast tissue to enlarge hence forming that bulky chest. The problem of breast tissue in males is not an issue to do with fat only, fat may exist, but the major problem goes down to the glandular tissue that is formed with time also causing more skin.

The breast issue in males despite of age, excluding babies, is a deformity that may affect the body image and self-esteem in public. Recently, Jax Taylor the Vanderpump Rules star underwent surgery to get rid of the breast tissue since he had body image issues.

Causes of breasts in males

The causes vary widely in males, but we can explain the causes below

Genetics – It may run in families making you get it too in future

Hormonal imbalances– lower levels of testosterone and androgens may cause gynecomastia in some males. That means that they have high levels of female hormones, like prolactin and estrogens that need to be corrected

Physical exercises– vigorous exercisers like gym exercises may also cause breast tissue in males

Obesity and poor eating habits- males who gluttonies have higher chances of developing man boobs. Also, an obese man obviously has enlarged breasts

Drug use- The use of anabolic steroids to build muscles cause breast tissue and in addition, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and opioids can also lead to breast tissue in males.

Looking at breast issues in different males

Babies and children

Breast tissue in babies and children of 1 to 2 years is okay. This has greater chances of disappearing as the baby grows up due to the requirement of more food for energy production and bodybuilding.


The breast formation could represent high female hormones in the body since this is the time when male attributes are supposed to show up in a boy. Breast tissue in adolescents could be due to over-eating and obesity, but where the breast tissue persists until the age of 20, then gynecomastia must be the issue


We are currently witnessing enlarged breasts in rich men and those who are associated with vigorous activities. When dietary measures are taken, this may solve the breast issues. Cases, where one is not associated with any of these, must get gynecomastia treatment.


At Dr Vjs cosmetic surgery centre, the diagnostic procedure is carried out through the following;

Physical examination, mostly focusing on the shape, size, tenderness and hardness of the breast.


Tests to detect the hormonal levels

Gynecomastia treatment

Gynecomastia treatment in India is performed with surgical treatments or non-surgical treatments. With the non-surgical treatments, it may include weight loss, diet, or exercises to get rid of the breasts as may be diagnosed. Man boobs can also be controlled once one detects that there are possibilities for the breast tissue to enlarge.

In other cases, 70% of males will require surgery for breast reduction. Surgery is seen as the permanent way of getting rid of the glandular tissue. The process of Gynecomastia surgery in India begins with the administration of local or general anaesthesia. There are different types of surgeries that a surgeon may select from in order to effectively treat a patient.

The surgeon makes an incision around the areola to remove the whole glandular tissue. Liposuction may also be performed to remove the excessive fat and also eliminate the excessive skin. The surgeon will also have to remove the blood vessels and the nerves. The procedure normally lasts for 4 hours but may take more time depending on the work to be done.

The cost will also vary on the level of breast tissue, plus the individual requirements to be achieved.

What happens after the procedure?

There is an immediate change in the size of the chest and you will feel it. It is recommended that you restrain yourself from vigorous exercises that may put pressure on the chest. Try to follow the doctor’s advice

There is always a new thrill felt by the patients after a breast reduction. You will be satisfied with the results and you won’t struggle with body image issues anymore.

From the given video you can watch the live procedure of gynecomastia surgery:


Thigh Lift Surgery and how it can help contour your body

Thigh Lift Surgery and how it can help contour your body


These surgeries are proving to be necessary because of the fashion trend that anyone may want to move with. When aesthetically performed, a thigh lift surgery will leave you contented for the rest of your life

What is a thigh lift surgery?

It is a cosmetic procedure where excessive skin and fat are removed from the thighs and around the buttocks areas. The sagging skin may be a result of weight loss and aging or either of the two. Another may be the poor shape that some people have that need to be corrected

Who gets a thigh lift?

Quite high numbers of men and women are getting the procedure done as long as one is mentally and physically healthy. A thigh lift surgery in India will require you to fulfill the following;

  • Generally healthy
  • When you have lost the elasticity effect in the thighs and the surrounding regions
  • Poorly formed thighs
  • Sagging skin and dimple formations in the thighs
  • Any other reason

Before the surgery

  • You will have a consultation in which the surgeon explains the whole procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and use of various drugs for 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Depending on the goals, a type of thigh lift is selected to hide the scars
  • You need to have realistic expectations

The procedure of a thigh lifts in India

  • The procedure is an outpatient surgery, so you will be discharged on the same day most likely
  • It is performed under general anesthesia to prevent pain and you will not feel anything until you wake up
  • In the case of lifting the inner thighs, the surgeon will make small incisions (cuts) from the anterior part of the groin crease to the buttocks crease
  • In the case of circumferential lower body surgery, it will take more time since the surgeon has to make incisions from the buttocks crease to the groin then to the abdomen.
  • The incisions will be sutured in an aesthetic manner
  • Drainages are used to collect fluid and blood

Postoperative care

  • There will be bruising and swelling for the first 8 weeks, after which they will fade
  • In the case of small thigh lifts, simple pain killers are used to relieve pain and discomfort and usually, there is a les recovery period
  • In case of extended procedure, one will have to stay at the hospital for two or three days for monitoring
  • A corset is used after the surgery for protective measures

A thigh lift surgery cost in India

Anywhere in India, a thigh lift surgery starts from Rs. 80,000 to 1 lakh or plus depending on the hospital and the type of surgery required. It is best to avoid very cheap procedures or clinics since it may cost you a lot in the future.

What to expect after the surgery

A thigh lift is a contouring procedure, so you will have to enjoy the benefits whenever you look at yourself or dress up for any occasion.

To know the full procedure of the thigh lift surgery watch this video:

Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck Procedure)

Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck Procedure)


Why is that so? Because of the tummy that is exposed to the public. A flat tummy will make one appear younger and smarter in any kind of outfit she may dress in and theta is why tummy tuck surgeries multiply very year.

There are factors that cause a tummy to protrude as if one is pregnant and some of them are;

Eating habits- Men and women in India are battling extended tummies just because of the foods they eat. Chapatti (roti) is widely consumed in India and many have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is wrong. It is good to balance the meals and eat a variety of foods rather than roti and dal each day.

Another cause of the protruding tummies is the consumption of oily foods, sweets, and fats.

Lack of physical exercise-many hit the gym after gaining extra weight or unwanted fats in the thighs, abdomen, and the arms which is ideally wrong. Exercising regularly will reduce cholesterol levels and burn down the unwanted fats

What is abdominoplasty?

Also known as tummy tuck surgery, it is a procedure which helps you get rid of the unwanted fat and skin (excess) in the abdomen. The procedure will help you get a firmer, smoother, and a youthful tummy shape. It is commonly performed on;

  • Women who fail to lose the protruding tummies after a pregnancy
  • Aging man and women
  • Obese men and women
  • Those who fail to respond to exercise

There are no particular physical exercises to eliminate the excessive fat and skin in the abdominal region, but watching one’s weight and exercising regularly can reduce the chances of fat accumulation

Are you a candidate?

This particular plastic surgery is suitable for men and women, but there are considerations such as

  1. Having a good mental and physical health
  2. One with sagging abdominal skin
  3. Failure of other simple techniques to eliminate the excessive weight in the midsection
  4. One with realistic expectations

What to know before a tummy tuck treatment in India

A tummy tuck surgery is designed for those conscious of their body appearances and those who may want to retain their youthful body shapes. Abdominoplasty has various types and each procedure is performed on a patient depending on the goals

A Tummy Tuck procedure on its own and requires attention on the side of the patient. A major consultation must be performed in which the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s eligibility for the procedure.

There are cases of failed tummy tuck procedures due to neglected or compromised conditions. This will result in a second surgery to correct the mistakes. Before this surgery, the surgeon takes pictures, examines the amount of fat in the midsection and the amount of skin to be removed.

Types of Tummy tuck procedures

In this case, body contouring procedures are divided into 3 categories, each performed for specific reasons

  1. Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

This procedure is specifically for those with less skin to be removed and in some cases, the muscles remain untouched. Mini tummy tuck procedures require a single and a small incision to be made below the navel and the navel is not repositioned. It has a shorter recovery period

  1. Traditional Tummy Tuck Surgery

This surgery alters the entire abdominal region. Usually, an incision is made from one hip to another where fat tissue and excessive skin are removed and the navel is repositioned. The abdominal muscles are tightened to create firmer and natural pleasing results. Liposuction is also performed during this same procedure

  1. The extended Tummy Tuck surgery

It is a comprehensive procedure where excessive fat and skin are removed and the entire abdominal region is reshaped. The procedure requires a surgeon to make an incision from the hips to the waist and the lower back to contour the whole lower area and the muscles are also improved

Other types include

  1. Circumferential for those who have drastically lost weight and it is more of a body lift surgery
  2. Endoscopic Tummy Tuck– performed with the help of an endoscope, it is performed on those with minimal fat and no visible sagging skin.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

  • The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia
  • Depending on the type of tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon will make an incision to remove the excessive fat
  • The skin will also be removed and the muscles will be tightened.
  • Drainages which are to be removed after some days are fixed for the blood or liquid to flow in
  • The entire abdominal region will be contoured to give perfect and natural results.

Recovery period

  • These surgeries are not a joke; one will feel uncomfortable and moved to spend more time at home.
  • Follow the surgeon’s advice to avoid complications. The recovery period depends on the type of tummy tuck surgery taken


  • Slimmer and firmer stomach
  • More self-confidence
  • Natural and attractive looks
  • You can dress up in any way you may want.

Check out this video to know more information about the Tummy Tuck Surgery: