एक्सपर्ट सर्जन से कैसे हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी को करवाना होगा फायदेमंद !
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जानिये कैसे हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी में लापरवाही मौत की वजह बन सकती है ?

क्या है हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट क्या है इसके फायदे एंड इसकी कीमत कितनी होती है


जहां बाल व्यक्ति की सुंदरता में चार-चाँद लगाते है, वही अगर यही बाल झड़ने लग जाए तो व्यक्ति के लिए काफी परेशानी खड़ी कर देते है, इसके अलावा बाल झड़ने की समस्या से हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी कैसे हमे बाहर निकालेगी इसके बारे में हम आज के आर्टिकल में चर्चा करेंगे, इसलिए आर्टिकल के साथ अंत तक बने रहे ; क्या है हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी ? हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट झड़ते बालों व गंजेपन की समस्या से निजात दिलवाने की एक बेहतरीन सर्जरी है।  वही हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट वो सर्जिकल मैथड है जिसके तहत सिर के पीछे या साइड वाले एरिया या जहां घने बाल हैं, वहां से बाल लेकर उस एरिया में प्लांट किए जाते हैं, जहां बाल बिल्कुल नहीं होते।  इसके अलावा इस पूरी प्रक्रिया में आठ से दस हफ्ते का समय लगता है। यदि आप झड़ते बालों की समस्या से निजात पाना चाहते है, तो इसके लिए आपको “विजाग में हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सेंटर” का चयन करना चाहिए। हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी को किसके द्वारा करवाया जाना चाहिए ? जहां हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी को एक सुरक्षित कॉस्मेटिक उपचार माना जाता है, वहीं इस सर्जरी को एक प्रशिक्षित और योग्य बोर्ड-प्रमाणित प्लास्टिक सर्जन द्वारा करवाना चाहिए।  इसके अलावा अगर व्यक्ति हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट को करवाने के बारे में सोच रहे है तो उन्हें सर्जन का एक्सपीरियंस भी देखना चाहिए, क्युकि अगर आपके द्वारा कम अनुभवी सर्जन से सर्जरी को करवाया जाता है तो बाद में चल के ये सर्जरी आपकी मौत का कारण बन सकती है।  तो वही हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट केवल उन लोगों द्वारा ही किया जाना चाहिए जिनके पास औपचारिक सर्जिकल प्रशिक्षण जैसे एमसीएच/डीएनबी प्लास्टिक सर्जरी, एमडी/डीएनबी डर्मेटोलॉजी के साथ डर्मेटोलॉजिकल सर्जिकल प्रक्रियाओं में पर्याप्त अनुभव हो। अगर आप झड़ते बालों की समस्या से छुटकारा पाकर चेहरे की सुंदरता को पाना चाहते है तो “विजाग में कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी” को किसी अनुभवी सर्जन से जरूर करवाए। हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी के बाद व्यक्ति को कितने दिन खुद का ध्यान रखना चाहिए ? जब ये सर्जरी की जाती है तो इसके 7 से 8 दिन तक आपको बिलकुल सतर्क रहना चाहिए।  वही हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी के बाद व्यक्ति को मुश्किल वाले कार्यो से बचना चाहिए।  ऐसे में आपको एक्सरसाइज और उछल कूद वाले कार्यो से बचना चाहिए।  आप आठवें दिन के बाद ऑफिस भी जा सकते है, पर ध्यान रहें की ऑफिस अगर आप जा रहें है तो ज्यादा ट्रेवलिंग से बचे, तो वही आप सिर को बचाने के लिए केप लगा सकते है। हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी के लिए बेस्ट हॉस्पिटल व क्लिनिक ? अगर आप वाकई में चाहते है की आपको झड़ते बालों की समस्या से छुटकारा मिल सके तो इसके लिए आपको “डॉ. वी.जे. क्लिनिक” का चयन करना चाहिए। वही इस क्लिनिक में नवीनतम उपकरणों की मदद से मरीजों का इलाज किया जाता है।  इस क्लिनिक की खास बात करें तो यहाँ के डॉक्टर को अपनी फील्ड का 40 सालों का अनुभव है, जिसके चलते अभी तक यहाँ से जितने भी मरीजों ने उपचार करवाया है, वो सफल हुए है। निष्कर्ष : अगर आप चाहते है की आपको झड़ते बालों की समस्या से छुटकारा मिल सके तो इसके लिए आपको बेहतरीन हॉस्पिटल या क्लिनिक के संपर्क में आना चाहिए। तो वहीं बाल यदि आपके ज्यादा मात्रा में झड़ रहे है तो किसी भी तरह की जल्दबाज़ी में आकर गलत सर्जन का चयन कृपया बिलकुल न करें, क्युकि गलत हाथों के सर्जन से की गई सर्जरी आपके जान के लिए घातक साबित हो सकती है।

Things to remember when you seek a Hair Transplant

Benefit of Certified Hair Transplant doctor


Hair fall has become one of the most common problems nowadays. It can occur in males or females. There are several reasons for hair fall, like stress, bad diet, and using chemical dyes and other products on hair. But you do not need to worry about hair fall. We have a solution for Hair transplants in India. People prefer permanent hair transplants over temporary methods. Temporary methods are often costly and ineffective in the long run. All your problems are related to hair transplants and cosmetic surgery in Vizag. What is hair fall? Hair Fall happens due to hormonal changes, sun damage, use of chemical products on hair, and not taking the essential nutrients for hair growth. Baldness is also related to genetic hormones. If someone’s father has a bald condition, he is most likely to inherit the same situation at some age. Numerous creams and oils are available in the market, which are more likely to say they can stop hair fall. Indeed, they can slow the process of your hair fall, but only some products in the market can assist you in cultivating your hair.  What You need to do: If you’re upset from hair loss, then no need to suffer. You should consult a doctor because cures are available and the best you can do in hair loss conditions. A doctor can advise you on the best treatment and the severity of the hair fall condition. When you are seeking a hair transplant doctor, there are some points you need to keep in your mind.  Points to remember when seeking a Hair transplant doctor(plastic surgeon): You must ensure that the doctor you will consult is a specialist or not in hair transplants. Avoid falling for catchy advertisements from the hospitals, do some research on your own. Check his expertise and credentials. Make sure that the doctor you’re going to visit must be qualified from any recognized board.  Experience matters a lot. A hair transplant is a supersensitive technique and treatment. It can be a pleasure for life or anguish for a lifetime. Make sure to read some reviews and surveys about the doctor before visiting him. Let’s meet some previous patients and ask about their treatment experience. After reading reviews and meeting previous patients, positive thoughts will help you to go with the doctor; negative reviews mean you should be alert not to go with that doctor. The doctor should also check the concern of the clinic, which is linked to the doctor, as the clinics have a significant role in where to seek treatment. You should check for the standard of the services provided and count the minutes and distance to reach there. Check the expenditure for the treatment of your hair fall. Consider the hospital and doctor best suit your budget. Conclusion You should consider these points before consulting for your hair fall treatment. But I must share a one-stop solution for all your hair problems at Vj’s Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre. You can visit here for all your hair fall and loss treatment and medications. 

Is it normal or abnormal? Exploring the Safety of an Itchy Scalp After Hair Transplantation

Itchy scalp after hair transplant Find relief.


Introduction: Hair transplantation is a famous cosmetic surgery procedure that reestablishes hair growth in people encountering hair loss or diminishing. Nonetheless, after a hair transplant, patients are expected to have an itchy scalp. In this blog, we will look into the security part of an itchy scalp post-hair transplantation, tending to whether a specific event or something requires consideration. We will zero in explicitly on the setting of Hair Transplant in Vizag, an eminent objective for cosmetic surgery. Understanding the Hair Transplant Process Hair transplant procedures include the extraction of hair follicles from a donor area and embedding them into the beneficiary area, commonly the scalp. This cycle means reestablishing hair growth in the regions that have encountered hair loss. While the surgery is protected and powerful, patients might meet different aftereffects during recovery. The Itchy Scalp Phenomenon Post-hair transplantation, patients frequently experience an itchy sensation on their scalp. This itching can be ascribed to different variables, including the healing process, new hair growth, and scabs development. The irritation indicates that the body is fixing itself and is viewed as a typical piece of the healing process. Importance of Proper Post-Transplant Care To guarantee a successful and safe hair transplant insight, observing legitimate post-transplant care rules is crucial. The cosmetic specialist gives these rules and may shift depending on individual cases. Adhering to the guidelines, for example, tenderly washing the scalp, abstaining from scratching or picking at scabs, and applying endorsed skin meds, can assist with mitigating the irritation while advancing appropriate healing. When to Seek Medical Attention While an itchy scalp is commonly a specific event after hair transplantation, there are certain cases where it might demonstrate an expected issue. If the itching is joined by extreme agony, inordinate dying, enlarging, or disease indications, it is essential to talk with a clinical expert promptly. These side effects could demonstrate difficulties that require clinical mediation. Expert Hair Transplantation Services in Vizag For individuals considering hair transplantation in Vizag, choosing a reputable clinic that offers expert services in cosmetic surgery is essential. Vizag is known for its advanced medical facilities and skilled surgeons specializing in hair transplant procedures. Patients can limit potential dangers by selecting a famous clinic that adheres to industry standards and guarantee a safe and successful result. Conclusion: Encountering an itchy scalp after a hair transplant is generally considered normal and part of the healing process. Nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize normal itching and side effects that may indicate complications. Keeping legitimate post-transplant care rules and seeking medical attention when necessary is essential in guaranteeing a safe and successful hair transplantation experience. Choosing a reliable clinic with experienced professionals is critical to achieving desired outcomes for those considering Hair Transplant in Vizag.

How to Avoid Dry and Kinky Hair After a Hair Transplant

Dry and Kinky Hair After a Hair Transplant


A hair transplant can be a highly effective way to regain a fuller hairline and boost your confidence. However, similar to any medical procedure, it can accompany a few potential side effects. One of the most common concerns is experiencing dry and kinky hair after the transplant. Although this can be a transitory issue, it can still be a disappointing and uncomfortable experience. If you’re searching for hair plant or cosmetic surgery in Vizag, there are some factors to consider to ensure an effective and safe system. Fortunately,  there are steps you can take to prevent this and keep your hair looking healthy and vibrant. 1. Keep your scalp hydrated To avoid dry and kinky hair after a hair transplant, it’s important to keep up with legitimate hydration. Lack of hydration is the main cause of dryness and irritation in the scalp after the transplant. Drinking a lot of water and routinely applying a moisturizer to your scalp can assist with keeping it hydrated and preventing dryness. For a natural and effective moisturizer, you can try utilizing aloe vera gel, which can relieve and hydrate your scalp. 2. Use a gentle shampoo After a hair transplant, it’s essential to use a gentle shampoo that won’t strip your hair of its natural oils. Search for a shampoo that is sulfate-free and pH-balanced. A gentle shampoo can assist with purifying your hair without bringing on any harm or dryness. It’s additionally essential to avoid utilizing hot water while washing your hair as it can additionally dry out your hair and scalp. 3. Avoid heat styling tools Heat styling tools like hair dryers, hair curling accessories, and straighteners can cause harm to your hair and make it dry and frizzy. It’s ideal to avoid involving these tools as much as possible, particularly in the initial few weeks after your hair transplant. If you should use them, try to apply a heat protectant to your hair first and use the least heat setting conceivable. 4. Protect your hair from the sun Exposure to the sun can cause harm to your hair and scalp, making it dry and fragile. Shielding your hair from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing a cap or using a conditioner with SPF is significant. This will assist with keeping your hair hydrated and prevent any further harm. 5. Follow post-transplant care instructions At last, it’s essential to follow the post-transplant care instructions given by your hair transplant specialist. These instructions will assist you with avoiding any complexities and ensure that your hair transplant is a success. They might incorporate avoiding specific exercises like swimming or strenuous activity, avoiding liquor and smoking, and taking any prescribed medications. Conclusion If you’re encountering dry and kinky hair after a hair transplant, relax. It’s a common issue that can be managed easily with the right care and treatment. By following these tips, you can keep your hair looking great and sparkling. If you have any doubts or questions, make sure to talk with your hair transplant specialist or cosmetic specialist in Vizag. At Vjclinics, we offer high-quality services hair transplant in Vizag to help you look and feel your best. Reach us today to book a consultation.

A Complete Guide About Hair Transplant And Its Surgical Procedure

Understanding The Hair Transplant Surgery Its Procedures


Most people think that a hair transplant is only for those who have lost their hair naturally and want to get their hair back with the help of a hair transplant in Vizag. But that’s not the case, as people who want to change their hairline to look better also opt for these services. Hence it’s essential to learn about the complete process of this cosmetic surgery in Vizag that can help you get your hair back and make them look better. This blog will share a complete guide about hair transplant and its surgical procedure. That will help you understand the process better. Step-By-Step Guide On Hair Transplant A hair transplant is a surgical process that helps fill empty areas on your head with hair by picking hair follicles from any part of your body, such as the face, legs, chest, and many more. Later those hair follicles are attached to the empty places on your head. Let us discuss the hair transplant process step by step: 1- Preparation of hair transplant: In the first step, the hair follicles are picked from the back of the head, or in some cases; the hair follicles are removed from other body parts such as the face, chest, legs, and more. Once the donor area is picked, all the hair is trimmed. 2- Donor area prepared for surgery: Later the donor area is given anesthesia so that the person does not feel any pain when the hair follicles are removed. Once the hair follicles are removed, sutures are used to comb the hair over the donor area so that the donor area does not look bald. 3- Bald area preparation: Once the hair follicles are picked, you must prepare the bald area. However, additional anesthesia is not provided, as the effect of anesthesia remains in the patient’s body. In the next step, the hair follicle incisions are irregularly made in the balding area. 4- Hair transplant completion: Right after the completion of hair transplant surgery, you will be able to notice small incisions made in the surgery area. Later the surgical area is covered, all the incisions made during the surgery cure naturally, and all the redness will be removed. Crucial Facts About Hair Transplant  The transplanted hair will start acting like your natural hair, and the natural hair shedding process will begin again. But the roots of the hair will start developing new hair, and the natural hair growth process will start. Local anesthesia is used in hair transplant surgery, with the help of which the patient feels no pain and can get discharged on the same day. Hair transplant surgery helps in getting a natural look. Hence, if you think you can get a completely different look from your natural look, it’s wrong.  

Factors to keep in mind while selecting a hair transplant surgeon?

How long do the results of the FUE hair transplant procedure last


There is no doubt that the demand for hair transplant in Vizag or any other place is pretty high. Hence you should contact VJ’S Hair Transplant Centre because they can provide you with Hair Transplant Training in Vizag. So you can create a new source of income by learning this popular skill. Moreover, this is a top-listed hair clinic in Vizag, so you can get in touch with them to get your desired quality of training. However, let’s learn about how a person can find the best hair transplant surgeon. Five tips for finding the best hair transplant surgeon Select experienced one There is no doubt that with the help of experienced hair transplant surgeons, they can improve the quality of treatment. Hence it would be a great option for you to select an experienced one that will help you to make your treatment more successful. Additionally, experienced surgeons can give you an idea about the quality of your results by showing their previous hair transplant surgeries. Success rate This is another factor that you have to make sure to check because you can not compromise with this factor at any cost. There are several ways that you can use in order to know about the success rate of a hair transplant surgeon, but the most useful one is reading the reviews of their recent clients. Because clients always like to share their hair transplant treatment results so you can read reviews and get an idea about the quality of results. If the maximum number of reviews is positive, then you do not need to worry but be careful at that time when there are many negative reviews. Additionally, you can visit the social platforms of a particular clinic in order to find the review of their clients. Treatment costs This is another factor that you have to ensure to know about because there are some hair transplant surgeons who charge an extra amount for providing hair transplant treatment. Furthermore, there are also some who provide excellent quality treatment results and also keep their treatment prices economical. So you have to try to find these types of hair transplant surgeons. You can also compare the treatment quality and costs of two or more surgeons in order to find the best one. Shares all information As there are some surgeons who do not examine the scalp of a client and just provide the hair transplant surgery, at those times, chances are less that you can get your desired results of treatment. But there are also some who always examine not only the scalp but also other health factors that can bring changes in the results of your surgery. And they also provide you with this whole information.  

Why You Should Contact An Experienced Surgeon For Crown Hair Transplant?

Why You Should Contact An Experienced Surgeon For Crown Hair Transplant?


What is a crown hair transplant? In crown hair restoration treatment, The cosmetic surgeon transplants hair from the donor area to a man pattern bald area that looks like a Crown. In the crown pattern, men experience hair loss at the back side of the scalp or in the middle of the scalp. It is an FUE type of procedure in which individual hairs are re-transplant. Therefore if you are looking for Crown Hair Transplant in Vizag, you should contact our expert surgeons. In the forthcoming paragraphs, we discuss in detail about the procedure and the prime reason to consult an experienced medical practitioner for a crown hair Transplant. In case you have any queries regarding crown hair restoration, Then contact the top-rated Hair clinic in Vizag. Why see only an experienced surgeon? The crown hair transplant is different from other types of hair transplants. This transplant procedure is basically done through FUE techniques, in which your own hair is re-transplant individually. Thus it would be best if you take the treatment under the supervision of an expert hair transplant surgeon for effective results. Therefore if you’re planning for a crown hair restoration procedure, you should get in touch with our experienced medical practitioners. They assist you with the latest technology treatment that gives you natural-looking, strong, and shiner hair. Moreover, you can contact us if you want to enrol in Hair Transplant Training in Vizag. Know about the treatment If you need clarification about the crown hair treatment procedure, its timeline, and its cost, then Vj’sVj’s clinic is a one-stop destination to get answers to all your queries. The treatment timeline is similar to other hair transplant procedures with some changes. However, crown hair restoration takes a little more time in contrast to others. On average, it takes about 10 to 18 months for complete growth. The initial weeks are required for healing; some hair gets shed after a month. Thus after 4-6 months, hair starts to grow and looks dark like natural hair. And after a year, they get entirely mature. Cost: The cost of a crown hair transplant varies on different factors. The important factors that determine the exact restoration treatment are location, the surgeon’s expertise, and the types of treatment and care he provides. Mainly the crown hair transplant follicular unit extraction, which is a little expensive in contrast to others. However, it depends on your surgeon and location. For affordable and quality hair transplants, you can consult our cosmetic surgeons. Final words. Here you get affordable and Goal-oriented treatment under the guidance of the most experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. C Vijay Kumar. He has more than 45+ years of expertise in cosmetic surgery treatments.. Therefore, to get rid of baldness, feel free to get in touch with our team.

Complete information about dandruff on the scalps during hair transplant

Complete information about dandruff on the scalps during hair transplant


Well, the problem of dandruff is pretty common, and almost every fourth or fifth person faces this problem. And this problem occurs especially in cold weather when the skin is usually dry. But after getting Hair Transplant in Vizag or at any other place, you may confront issues like dandruff. This usually makes people uncomfortable and worried about their hair growth. Moreover, if you are facing this problem after getting a hair transplant, then you have to make sure to visit VJ’S Hair clinic in Vizag because dandruff at that time can cause changes in your transplant results. Additionally, this clinic is a top-listed one for providing excellent Hair Transplant Training in Vizag. Can dandruff hamper the growth of transplanted hair? It is common that after a hair transplant, the problem of dandruff can occur, and it is essential to remove all those dead skill cells in order to increase the healing speed. If you do not remove those dead skin cells, then there are some chances that you may face hair fall. Sometimes surgeons also suggest some medicines in order to stay away from these issues. However, hair fall because of dandruff is not permanent and dandruff is also a sign that your small wounds which occur because of hair transplant surgery are getting healed. If you can not carry this problem with you, then you can use anti-dandruff shampoos but make sure to get a consultation from your surgeon before using any chemical-based product on your scalp. Ways to deal with dandruff Firstly, you do not need to panic because post-hair transplant dandruff is a common thing. But you can control that by taking proper care. And you can also contact your doctor in order to get medications for dandruff. These are some essential things that you can follow: Try to avoid scratching your head Do not touch the grafts as they can get loose and harm the wound ultimately, which will increase issues like dandruff Do not use strong shampoos which contain high amounts of chemicals. Use experts prescribed chemicals only Wash your head with warm water Oil massages can help to get rid of dandruff and boost the speed of your recovery process Does dandruff go away on its own? To be honest, chances are pretty rare that your dandruff problem will also end along with your restoration process. You may need to follow a proper diet and care tips in order to eliminate dandruff completely. These foods are beneficial for dealing with dandruff Vegetables Fruits Lean meat Seafood and Egg Olive oil Nuts and yoghourt

Guide on answering the questions for hair transplant in abroad

Guide on answering the questions for hair transplant in abroad


Hair Transplant treatment Hair transplant treatment popularity is increasing at a widespread pace all around the globe. With that, there are various renowned, reputed, and modern technologically based Hair clinic in Vizag and different parts of the world that are being opened to provide the individual with the best care. When it comes to hair transplant surgery, it works effectively in handling the situation of hair loss and baldness, as India is the medical hub for advanced and inventive treatment options. Considering the same planning, the hair transplant treatment would make a lot of difference. Please Note! The increasing demand has even made a finer approach towards giving preference to Hair Transplant Training. With that, it allows training professionals or young medical enthusiasts to work against the said approach effectively. So, it is all about the use of the right methods and techniques that make a huge difference in everything. Plan your hair transplant journey abroad Here are some of the most effective ways to undergo the Hair Transplant in Kakinada and make sure there are the right results & management: How do I begin the hair transplant journey? When you plan the hair transplant journey, it might seem like a lot. But, it’s all about right planning and starting the journey correctly when getting the same abroad. So, with that, it makes everything much easier and more manageable. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind: Try to get all information about the treatment Being well-informed about the treatment is essential. That is being mindful of the various techniques of hair transplant like FUE and FUT. Most importantly, choose a surgeon who has undergone proper Hair Transplant Training in Vizag and has years of expertise in handling the treatment with perfection. Look for popular destination Begin searching for a hair transplant treatment location that’s accredited and well-known around the globe. With that, you will know better about the place, where to stay, and other imperative factors. Visa requirements Make sure to check visa requirements. Just like Indian medical tourism is gaining demand and even the medical visa requirement process is much simpler to deal with. With that, it makes everything easier and more manageable. Additionally, it’s better that you take some time off, like 2 to 3 weeks, so that you get to prepare yourself for the same. Should I avoid something before starting a hair transplant? The doctor’s expertise makes a huge difference. And with that, you will get to know better all the things that you need to avoid and do to boost the success rate of the treatment. Some of the mindful things that you need to follow are: Don’t cut the hair two weeks before the procedure. The hair requires trimming before the treatment begins. Avoid the use of any kind of hair-related products that might lead to hair loss Do not drink alcohol at least 5 to 14 days before surgery Don’t drink coffee Don’t drink at least a few weeks before surgery  

How do biotin tablets work to improve the overall hair health?

How do biotin tablets work to improve the overall hair health?


The hair loss prevalence rate is higher than ever Be it, men or women, both are engulfed in the vicious circle of hair loss. Many individuals even deal with hair loss before hitting the mark of 30. So, what should be done? Most importantly, get medical attention to ensure everything gets handled on time. If you have been dealing with hair loss, your self-esteem may take a toll on you. And that’s why you need to visit one of the top-rated Hair clinic in Vizag without wasting a second. To facilitate hair growth, choosing the Hair Transplant in Vizag makes a lot of difference. Hair transplantation is the most approachable method to restore hair growth naturally and get permanent results. In that case, it’s also essential that you follow all the necessary suggestions given by the surgeon. Some patients have concerns about whether ‘Can I take biotin to boost hair growth?’ What is biotin, and what does it do for hair? Biotin is another name for Vitamin B7. The goodness of Biotin Tablets For Hair Growth is considered exceptional in different situations. The supplements help to break down the carbohydrates and fats that help to increase energy levels. If you have undergone a hair transplant and want to include a biotin supplement, consult the healthcare professional. In case your situation is appropriate for the same, the doctor will suggest if this is right for you. Hair restoration doctors find out the reason for hair loss Hair loss in young individuals is getting common. Mostly, hair loss occurs in a way that the hairline begins to recede. Some of the common reasons behind hair loss are: Depression Stress Hormonal imbalance In all these situations, hair loss occurs temporarily, and it’s essential to get the treatment for the same on time. The doctor will check the reason behind hair loss and explain the right approach to manage the symptoms. The doctor will also find if the body is properly absorbing the biotin, as sometimes other medical conditions can create problems. What are the natural sources of biotin? The adults need to take biotin around 30 to 100mg daily. Apart from the supplements, you can include natural sources that will make your overall diet plan better. Some of the effective biotin-rich food options are: Egg yolks contain enough biotin. It’s best to consume soft-boiled eggs to improve your hair health. Apart from that, some nuts allow the overall meal to stay balanced. Fish and caviar are other great sources of biotin-rich food options Sweet potatoes have enough amount of biotin to improve the hair health You should consume peas, soybeans, and legumes.