Answering your hair questions: how to stop hair thinning
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Tips to Stop Hair Thinning

Tips to Stop Hair Thinning


Hair thinning problems are common in both men and women. If you are one of them, then you need to talk to your doctor to get the right treatment on time. Or you can also get knowledge from a given article on hair thinning causes and ways to get rid of this condition.

Millions of people are experiencing hair thinning across the world. There are those who just neglect it or don’t realize there are various approaches to treat hair loss or thinning hair. Nonetheless, for those who worry about the color of their hair and want to look their best, there’s still a question: how to avoid hair thinning? In this article, you will learn several hair loss treatments include a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant to stop receding Hair

One of the easiest approaches to prevent hair thinning is by a hair transplant surgery. Hair transplantation is well-known and extremely successful, also a safe and easy way to improve hair thickness. However, hair transplantation may sound like a daunting operation for certain males, but its success rate is usually strong when it comes to the care of thinning hair. If you are suffering from hair thinning and other hair problems then you have to undergo this surgical procedure.

Reasons behind thinning of the hair

As we stated above, there are several reasons behind hair thinning, so you need to know them to get rid of hair fall. These include-:

  • Family History
  • Hormone Changes & Medical Conditions
  • Medications
  • Radiation Treatment
  • Highly Stressful Event
  • Hairstyles
  • Scalp conditions
  • And so on.

Ways to Stop Hair Thinning

Use a mild shampoo 

You need to use a mild shampoo to get rid of hair thinning and hair shedding. Because the type of shampoo that you are using may cause your hair to shed and fade. So, you must check the ingredients in your hair care items in order to ensure your hair is healthy.

Take vitamin supplements 

Vitamin supplements will help you to grow healthy and strong hair. You need to talk to a doctor to get knowledge about the essential vitamins for your hair.

Consume enough Protein

Our hair is made of keratin, which is a form of protein. This is an essential nutrient that protects your hair from thinning and other scalp problems. So, to get rid of thinning problems, you need to add enough protein in your diet.

Stop using hairstyling products

People who use so many hair styling products are prone to suffer from hair fall issues. So, you must avoid using too many hair styling products to develop healthy as well as strong hair.

Along with these tips, you also start drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Does Female Pattern Hair Loss Result In Thinning Hair And Hair Loss?

Does Female Pattern Hair Loss Result In Thinning Hair And Hair Loss?



Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Does hair part widen means female pattern hair loss or your ponytail is getting thinner? It might be possible that you are facing the issue of female pattern hair loss. In most cases, the problem starts in midlife during the 40s, 50s or 60s.

In some cases, the issue is progressive which they continue to lose hair. The hair loss can occur around the temples. If the women do not get the timely treatment the problem can get widespread.

This is where hair transplant treatment is the best option for the woman to regrow her hair. The treatment will give natural and permanent results which are not possible with any other option available in the market.

Causes of female pattern hair loss

  • Hereditary
  • Hormones
  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Medical health problem

Treatment of female pattern hair loss

The best treatment plan as mentioned-above is hair transplantation. The treatment will give the best results which will last for a long time. Apart from that additional treatments are mentioned below:

Minoxidil (meh-nox-eh-dil)

This is the most used treatment for FPHL and it is prescribed by the FDA. when you use the medication, for the first 2 weeks there will increase in temporary hair loss. The problem stops as the hair regrowth starts.

Side effect

The minoxidil will leave irritated scalp which can result in dryness, itchiness, scaling, and redness on the scalp. If you encounter such a problem, then you should stop taking it right away.

You need to make sure that you apply the medication only:

  • You should apply the medication on the scalp and avoid the other parts.
  • Once you have applied the minoxidil on the scalp, wash your face properly.


When can I see the desired results?

Hair regrowth will be slow and you need time to see the effective results. The medication needs to be used for one year to see how effectively it will work. If the medication works for you, then you need to use it daily. If you stop using it, then the hair will fall out again within 3 to 4 months and the hair fall will start again.

How to use minoxidil?

The medication needs to be applied on the dry scalp. Some of the medication can be applied only one time and some of them are applied 2 times a day.

Is it safe for pregnant women to take minoxidil?

Women who plan to get pregnant or already pregnant need to stop taking the medication or avoid it completely. Different studies have been done which have shown that women who are planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding need to avoid taking the minoxidil.


Is It Possible For Alopecia Areata Patients To Get Hair Transplantation?

Is It Possible For Alopecia Areata Patients To Get Hair Transplantation?



Hair loss can be due to different reasons and one of them is alopecia areata which is found in around 2 percent of the population. To deal with the issue of hair loss, hair transplant is a perfect and effective choice. People looking for permanent treatment for alopecia areata should read the given article in detail about how the hair transplantation will work for you.


What is alopecia areata?

Our immune system is the most essential part of the human body. The immune system helps to fight against the harmful substances present in the body and defend the body. But, sometimes the disorders affect the immune system and it makes the wrong target in the body. In such cases, the problem can result in alopecia areata.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder of the skin which affects the hair follicles as they consider it as a foreign substance. Due to this, the hair follicles get attacked and they destroy them. The problem results in permanent hair loss.

Well, the exact reason for this condition is not known but some of the studies show that it occurs due to hereditary and environmental factors.



There is no clear symptom of alopecia areata but it can result in hair loss. The hair loss mostly occurs in the rounded area which can be on one part of the head or more. In most cases, hair loss results in patches.

One of the main reasons is hereditary so people need to be more careful about this situation. However, the problem will not pass through physical contact.


Treatment for alopecia areata

The first care treatment for the patient with alopecia areata includes:

  • Minoxidil is applied to hair which has hair loss.
  • Low-level laser application improves the scalp and hair health.
  • The hair follicles are fed by giving the supplements which have biotin and zinc.

In case the patient has a lot of hair then these treatments might not prove effective. So, you should undergo the treatment of hair transplantation in the first place.


Hair transplant treatment

Hair transplantation is the permanent solution for the hair loss issue. There is no point in looking for an alternative solution and then waiting for a long time to see the effective results. This is why patients should undergo hair restoration to have natural and permanent hair growth. This is true, there is no other solution that will work in the same manner as this method.

During the surgery, the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and then they are transplanted where hair growth is very less. The treatment will effectively cover the shedding areas.


Is it true that undergoing hair transplantation will solve the hair loss problem permanently?



Hair loss is one of the major issues which is faced by people of different age groups. No doubt with age the problem is very common but in some cases, it can trigger at an early age.

Choosing the best hair loss treatment

Ideally, hair transplant is the perfect solution to counter the issue of hair loss. Earlier the methods to deal with hair fall results in fake-looking hair growth. In the procedure of hair plugs, several hair follicles were plugged which resulted in unnatural hair growth.

With hair transplantation, the technology has helped to add thickness to the hair and it helps in filling the receding hairline properly. This is a modern technology which has given effective and suitable results to patients all over the world.

If you are considering getting the treatment then you should choose the best hair surgeon to get proper understanding and quality treatment.

What is a hair transplant?

The hair transplantation is the cosmetic procedure in which the hair follicles are harvested from the donor site and then transplanted to the other part of the scalp. This way the bald spots or thin parts of the scalp are covered properly.

The hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp because the hair is not affected by DHT which results in hair loss or baldness.

Methods of hair transplantation

Well, there are 2 different methods to get the treatment which includes:

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

In this approach, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted where hair growth is very less.

  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

In this approach, a strip of hair is taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is very less.

No matter which approach you choose or doctor recommends the results will be natural. The best part is that it is just a one-time procedure and the results will last for a long time. Before the treatment, the patient is given anesthesia so that he or she feels less pain during the surgery.

Should I get the treatment?

Undergoing any kind of medical procedure needs patience. You need to make sure to do proper research and understand how effective the treatment will be. Always spend time to choose the best surgeon who is experienced and has done his proper training.

Additionally, you need to follow the surgeons’ guidelines and give your body enough time to recover. Without a doubt, the results will be what you are looking for.

So, there is no need to deal with the pain of hair loss for a lifetime. Book your consultation today only and understand how the treatment plan will be customized for you!

Explain in detail about the effective treatment of hair transplant in 2020

Explain in detail about the effective treatment of hair transplant in 2020



Hair loss is one of the problems which individuals have to face with age. In such a case, people look for hair loss treatment which is effective and can solve the problem permanently. One of the treatment options which is authentic and has been highly effective from the last many years is hair transplant.

Earlier the hair restoration methods resulted in hair growth which looked artificial and it did not match with the existing hairline.

Hair Transplant Treatment

Undergoing the treatment of hair transplantation has made it possible for the person to get the youthful and young look. Without a doubt, this treatment is the most reliable medical procedure to deal with the problem of thin hair and bald patches.

Well, there are different methods of this treatment which your surgeon will explain to you in detail and let you know which method is best suited for you. The advanced method of hair restoration technique includes:

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)


The FUE method is less invasive as compared to other treatment options. Undergoing the treatment will leave no scar and stitches on the scalp.

In this method, the hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area. After that, they are transplanted in problematic areas. The procedure is outpatient which means the patient can go back home the following day. The hair grafts needed for the treatment depends on the hair coverage the patient needs. The entire procedure can take around 4 to 8 hours.


FUT is another method to deal with the problem of hair loss. In this method, a hair strip is taken which is extracted from the donor’s hair and then transplanted to the back of the scalp.

Once the hair grafts are transplanted it leaves a linear scar which is not noticeable when you keep your hair long. With both the methods, the results are natural and permanent as the patient’s hair is used to cover the bald patches and thin hair.

Stem Cells the future of hair restoration treatment

Stem cells in the treatment which is in clinical research and it might be available in the next 2 to 3 years. Proper clinical studies need to be done before the treatment is available for patients all over the world. The treatment is checked in various ways to make sure it is effective and it gives the best possible results.

With this approach, the hair surgeon will take the hair tissues which are best as compared to all other cells. After that, the cells are multiplied and the surgeon will implant or inject them into the problematic area. The desired results take around 6 to 12 months. Until the effectiveness of this procedure is checked methods like FUE and FUT are the best choice for hair loss patients.


What are the different advantages of getting hair transplant surgery?

What are the different advantages of getting hair transplant surgery?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag: Hair transplant surgery is a surgical procedure designed to treat hair fall in both men and women. This treatment option is beneficial to get rid of baldness or bald spots. 

Hair transplant is the best hair fall treatment that gives you desired results. To know about the types and working of this treatment option. Hair transplantation has two types, Follicular Unit Extraction, which is a recent and advanced way of treating hair fall. And Follicular Unit Transplantation is a conventional way, in which your specialist collects the strip of hair from the back of the head.

To get the hair transplantation, you need to understand about the causes of hair loss and which stage of hair loss you have. Only after choosing the hair transplantation type to get rid of hair fall condition.

As we stated above, you will surely get the best results of hair transplantation.

Now, let’s have a look at the benefits of hair transplantation.

Natural growth

Some people ask about hair growth after getting hair transplantation, whether new hair similar to existing or not. This treatment option offers you natural hair growth, which is beneficial to improve your physical appearance and you will be able to make any hairstyle. This only happens, because this treatment option works with your own hair. As we stated above, your specialist collects the hair grafts from the back of the scalp to transplant in the affected area. In this treatment, there is no place for the donor’s hair, so you don’t worry about hair growth.

Safe procedure

Yes, it is completely a safe and secure procedure, that’s why many people get it, these days. In this treatment option, first, your specialist gives you anesthesia, so that you cannot feel pain and discomfort during the procedure. So, you do not take tension, if you are planning to undergo this treatment.

No side effects

This treatment option does not have any type of side effect such as infections. It is normal that you are experiencing swelling after getting treatment, but it will go away within days. So, you do not take too much stress.

Permanent solution

After getting hair transplantation, there is no need to go with any other hair loss treatment, because this treatment option offers you permanent hair growth results. To get the best results, you need to wait for some time, such as 6 months to one year.

One-time procedure

Yes, you do not need to visit the clinic again and again, this is a completely one-time procedure. When you have done with this treatment, there is no need to go with any other treatment option.


What are the best Men’s Hair-Loss Treatments to grow natural looking hair?

What are the best Men’s Hair-Loss Treatments to grow natural looking hair?


Hair transplant

Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag: A hair transplant is one of the most well-known treatment options, which is specially designed for those with bald spots. If you are also experiencing bald spots, then you need to talk to a hair loss specialist to get the treatment. This treatment includes two types such as Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation.

Both treatment options are beneficial, but you have to choose according to your hair loss condition. In this treatment option, your specialist collects the hair grafts from the donor area ( back of the scalp). And then prepares the hair grafts to transplant in the affected area. This treatment results in natural and permanent hair growth.


This is a type of medication, which is useful to treat hair loss in men. Finasteride is an effective way to treat men’s hair loss. And this is only available with a doctor’s prescription and available in the form of tablets. You need to take finasteride tablets daily for better hair growth.

Rogaine Foam

Rogaine is additionally known as minoxidil and this is available in the form of liquid that you have to apply on your hair twice a day. This will give you relief from excessive hair fall condition. In addition to this, rogaine is the best hair loss and bald spot treatment.


This medication is valuable to get rid of hair fall due to hormonal, genetic, and environmental factors. With this medication, you will be able to grow black and natural looking hair at the bald spots. Folexin contains biotin, which is not only good for hair health but also beneficial for skin health too.

Hair Growth Support + by Nuzena

Nuzena is a brand-new supplement company, which offers you Hair Growth Support + contains a range of products to grow hair faster. These ingredients include folic acid, biotin, and Fo-Ti. Also, this contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for hair growth.

Nizoral A-D Shampoo

This is a type of shampoo, which is beneficial to treat dandruff. As dandruff is also responsible for excessive hair loss. In this condition, you need to go with Nizoral shampoo. This shampoo contains an active ingredient named ketoconazole, which is useful to get rid of inflammation at the scalp and promote hair growth.

TruePure Biotin Serum

As we stated above, biotin is the supplement, which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. You can take biotin supplements or go with biotin-rich shampoo. TruePure Biotin Serum includes red clover and caffeine, both will help you to treat baldness.

HairMax Prisma 9 LaserComb

You can also go with laser therapy which is useful to stimulate the hair follicles for better hair growth. You must buy HairMax Prisma 9 LaserComb to grow long and natural looking hair.

Hair Growth: What are the nutrients you need to consume for healthy hair?

Hair Growth: What are the nutrients you need to consume for healthy hair?


If you are struggling to grow hair faster, then you need to go with a healthy diet full of nutrients and minerals. Several people are suffering from hair loss problems, because of certain causes include an unhealthy diet, lack of nutrients in the body, and hormonal changes too. Some people experience minor hair fall, which can be treated easily, but if you are suffering from excessive hair fall, then you need to undergo a hair transplant. 

Here are certain healthy nutrients, you need to consume for healthy hair. 


Our hair is made up of keratin, which is a type of protein. Lack of protein in our body results in hair fall and other hair problems. To keep hair in good condition, you need to consume enough protein, because this nutrient is beneficial for dry, weak, and brittle hair. You must add protein in your diet or go with protein-rich foods such as-:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs 
  • Legumes
  • Nuts


Iron is a crucial mineral for hair and if you do not have enough iron in your body, you will surely experience hair fall. You may also experience anemia, due to lack of iron. Additionally, improper nutrient supply to your hair results in hair shedding or permanent hair loss. So, you must go with iron-rich foods including fish, red meat, spinach, other green leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli, lentils, and chicken.

Vitamin C

It is necessary to eat vitamin C rich foods because it is an antioxidant that helps you to get rid of several hair problems. You can get enough vitamin C from-:

  • Blackcurrants
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Guava
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet potatoes. 


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies can not produce themselves, and which can only get from our diet. Additionally, Omega-3s fatty acids are present in the cells that line the scalp and these are essential to supply the oils that hydrate the hair and scalp. You can get enough omega-3 fatty acids from-:

  • Tuna
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Trout
  •  Mackerel
  • Banana
  • Pumpkin
  • Walnuts.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is too essential to make sebum in the human body. As sebum provides enough nutrition to your hair and protects your scalp as well as hair from dryness and itchiness. You can get vitamin A from sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and carrots. 

Apart from these, there are certain other healthy nutrients, which provide you with enough nutrition to grow hair faster. These are:

  • Zinc and selenium-: Oysters, eggs, and beef.
  • Vitamin E
  • Biotin-: Liver, yeast, whole grains, egg yolk, and soy flour.
What are the reasons behind hair loss problems in both men and women?

What are the reasons behind hair loss problems in both men and women?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag: First of all, you try to understand there are two types of hair loss such as-:


It means, if your parents or sibling have/had this problem in life, then you are also at great risk of having hair loss. Or some persons are suffering from hair loss due to their genes, or you may experience a gradual reduction in hair volume.


This type of hair loss is caused due to inner imbalance or you may suffer from hair loss condition due to severe stress, a medical condition, nutritional deficiency, and so on.

In these conditions, you need to get help from a specialist. He first examines you well, and then he may recommend you hair transplant. This is one of the best treatment options, which gives you permanent hair growth along with natural-looking results.

To get this treatment, you need to understand the causes of hair loss.

Let’s have a look at the reasons behind hair loss.

Hormonal changes

Several people are suffering from hair fall condition, because of hormonal changes. Women have two types of hormones including estrogen and progestin, also have some amount of male hormone named testosterone. And males have testosterone and some amount of estrogen hormone.

If they are suffering from a high amount of opposite sex hormone, then it will surely result in hair fall conditions.

Taking too much stress

If you are taking too much stress, then this will affect your hormone levels and leads you to several health conditions, in which hair loss is on the peak. So, to get rid of this condition, you need to reduce the stress with the help of stress-relief therapies.

Nutrition deficiency

If you are not taking a good food full of vitamins, proteins, calcium, and other essential nutrients, then you are at greater risk of having hair fall condition. People who are taking too much junk and oily food, usually experience hair fall because these types of foods contain harmful chemicals.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

As we mentioned above, certain nutrition deficiencies lead you to hair problems. Similarly, Vitamin B12 deficiency also leads you to low on energy and affects the health of red blood cells, due to which you experience hair fall. This type of hair fall can only be treated with the help of hair transplantation.

Your age

Yes, your age plays an important role in hair health. Generally, old people experience too much hair loss due to hormonal imbalances or certain other medical conditions.


Some people are suffering from hair problems after taking too many medications. People who are taking high blood pressure or diabetes medicines are at greater risk of having hair problems.

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions also contribute to hair fall problems. These are-:

  • Thyroid problem
  • Cancer
  • And so on.
How Certified Hair Transplant Surgeon Will Save Your Money?

How Certified Hair Transplant Surgeon Will Save Your Money?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: When we look for the doctor to treat the problem of hair loss we see different companies advertising the certified hair transplant doctor. They promote how the doctors & staff will give the treatment of hair transplant is the best manner.

The clinic website or the advertisements will include videos that help in showing the use of the robotic machine and the latest methods of the surgery. No doubt, this treatment option gives the most effective and reliable results which are not possible with the other options.

But, at times the videos used for the advertisement do not provide enough knowledge or it is not mentioned in the right way. The results of the surgery will make a lot of difference when you get it done by the professionals. Some of the issues you can look for if the video is not by the professional.

  • In the video, there is no detailed information about the surgery. It just shows who will perform the operation and nothing else.
  • Instead, in some cases, the video might show the non-professional doctors are drilling into the scalp and extracting the hair follicles.The professional and experienced surgeon will extract the hair follicles from the donor area and then inserted into the recipient area.
  • The video shows that the automated machine will do everything. But there are some major concerns:

– In many countries, the non-doctor or medical staff is not allowed to cut the skin or give anesthesia. But, in the videos, it is not shown in detail. Well, in many states this is illegal.

– Many people get scared because some videos show that the FUT will leave obvious scars. No doubt, with FUT, the patient will have the linear scar on the scalp which is not noticeable when you wear your hair long.

  • Patients often look for questions like whether the treatment is painful or not. FUT and FUE are surgical methods so the patient scalp will be tender and it needs some time to heal properly. When you visit the experienced and skilled surgeon they will prescribe you the medications which help to minimize or eliminate the pain.
  • The use of machines for harvesting the donor grafts will damage the surrounding tissues and this way the hair grafts will not be adequate to cover the bald area.
  • But, this problem is not encountered when you hire a skilled and competent surgeon to perform the hair restoration. This is because they carefully extract the hair follicles one by one or even if it is the strip of hair. They make sure that the grafts are not damaged in any manner and placed on the scalp right away.

The certified doctor will give you a proper understanding from start to the end so that the patient is well aware of the entire treatment.