Why are the winters considered the best time to get treated for the varicose veins?
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Why are the winters considered the best time to get treated for the varicose veins?

Why are the winters considered the best time to get treated for the varicose veins?


I know being afflicted with varicose veins is the most difficult condition of all times. The discomfort of the swelled legs when added with the disfigured legs gives a bad feeling. I know, you are among those who love winters, not because of the cold temperature but because you may be able to hide those disfigured legs in long pants. So we have decided to dedicate our today’s blog to this topic:

Which is the main cause for the development of the varicose veins?

I know, it’s good to hear. But yes, the main cause of the development of the varicose veins is chronic venous insufficiency. When this comes into existence, then the walls of the veins become weak. And because of that, the blood does not get its way back to the heart.

That results in blood-pooling. And that will eventually lead to the emergence of varicose veins which can be swollen and twisted.

Why is winter considered the best season to get varicose veins treated?

  • Reduction in the symptoms

Winters are known to have a cooler and positive impact on the following symptoms:

  • Cramping
  • Swelling
  • Discomfort
  • No discomfort of wearing the compression stockings

In summers, wearing compression garments can be a huge reason for the discomfort because they may cause you to itch owing to the hot weather. But in winters you can wear them without any problem and discomfort

  • UV Rays can interfere with the recovery

When you have recently been treated for the varicose veins, then you must keep the treated area out of exposure to the sun. IN winters, we usually stay indoors and wear full covering clothes, so it becomes easy for us to hide the area which is to be treated.

  • Our activity slows down during the winter

After getting treated for the varicose veins, it is indispensable for you to avoid strenuous activity. It is a general fact that our pace of doing the work generally slows down during the winter. So it is good to get your varicose veins treated in the winters as it is the best time for recovery.

Final Thoughts

So to get treated for this issue, make sure you are consulting the right doctors. As only the right doctors can help you to get out of this problem with ease and perfection.

Why do the varicose veins patients suffer maximum discomfort during the night?

Why do the varicose veins patients suffer maximum discomfort during the night?


After a tiring day, everyone wants to sleep soundly. But what if you have pain in your leg and thus you spent your whole night merely tossing and turning? The next morning you will get up in a bad mood and poor sleep which will result in tiredness. Such things only happen if you are suffering from the problem of the varicose veins.


Why do the pain and the discomfort when the individual wants to relax and have a comfortable sleep?

So, as you might have guessed, our today’s topics are going to be all about


So let’s begin

What are the varicose veins?

There are tiny veins present in the legs which are usually the one-way valves. When these veins begin to malfunction, then chronic venous insufficiency comes to origin which will eventually lead to the varicose veins.

How exactly does it happen?

When tissues and the veins get deficient in the essential nutrients, then they come out to be extremely swollen. This condition only comes to origin, when the blood becomes pooled or refluxed owing to improper closing of the vein valves.

Which are the warning signs of varicose veins?

The symptoms and the intensity of the pain are different from individual to individual. Some individuals may suffer a lot of pain with full intensity, while for others, this pain may be dull and may fade away on its own.


If you usually encounter pain in your legs but no sooner do you raise your legs than the pain goes away, then this makes you sure that you are suffering from the varicose veins.

Besides, there are the following symptoms, which indicates that something is wrong with your legs:

  • Extreme and Unendurable pain in the legs
  • Itching in the legs (which do not go off until you apply something on it and rub it)
  • Sudden cramping and the throbbing in the muscles
  • Swelling on the legs and the ankles

Why do we experience most of the varicose veins pain during the night?

At night, when we are on the bed to sleep and there is nothing that can disturb us, then we somehow focus on the minute things and make them appear bigger and larger. But the good news here is that this pain goes off on its own once the sunlight hits the ground.

I still want to enjoy a sound and painless sleep: How would I do it?

By following the below-mentioned ways, you can significantly get rid of the pian:

  • Raise your feet:

In case you are feeling extreme pain, then raise your feet in the upward direction.

  • Yoga:

Yoga is a well-known method to maintain ideal blood circulation.

  • Stockings:

Those who are suffering from this problem can deal with the pain by wearing special kinds of stockings, which are known as compression stockings.

Bottom Line

Apart from the above-mentioned methods to get rid of the pain and the discomfort from the varicose veins, you should switch to a healthy diet. Make sure you are incorporating vegetables which have nutritious values.

What are varicose veins? How are these diagnosed and treated?

What are varicose veins? How are these diagnosed and treated?


The affliction of the varicose veins is so common these days that 25% and 15% of women and men come across this respectively. The varicose veins can either be twisted or swollen or both. This problem usually appears on the legs. Customarily, people are concerned about varicose veins treatment just to enhance the appearance but sometimes it is an indication of some serious health problem. It has been observed that the varicose veins may lead to the following;

  • Venous leg ulcers
  • Deep vein thrombosis

Why do the varicosities come into origin?

The varicosities come into existence when the legs encounter extreme pressure which may lead to the weakening and destruction of either the valves or the walls of the veins. Any superficial vein is at the risk of getting afflicted by the varicose veins.

Do you know

If you keep on standing for prolonged hours, then it may contribute to skin breakdown.

When does the encounter of the varicose vein become quite common?

It becomes customary when the woman is in her postnatal period. People of older ages are also prone to these problems.

Which other consequences can be faced apart from that of the aesthetics?

No doubt, the varicose veins may contribute to the deteriorated look of the body, but apart from that, these also contribute in the following:

  • Discomfort
  • Itchiness
  • Heaviness

The amazing fact about Varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the pre-stages of the CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency). It is a condition that produces considerable impact on the lower leg venous circulation.

What are venous leg ulcers?

By venous leg ulcers, we mean the eventual stage of the CVI. These are the open wounds that usually occur around the ankle. The aggravation of the problem is not encountered in all cases. Rather only 10% of cases get affected by this.

Why are the varicose veins patients considered risky?

The patients who are suffering from varicose veins are at risk of getting developed with the DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). No sooner the blot clot gets encountered in the deep veins than the DVT starts bothering you with the illness and disability.

What are the consequences of the bleeding varicose veins?

If you come across the condition of the varicose veins, then the following conditions may be encountered:

  • Skin changes in the lower legs
  • Swelling
  • Persistent itching
  • Continuous Pain
  • Lower leg ulcers
  • The appearance of hard veins

Why do the doctors perform the ultrasound for the diagnosis of the varicose veins?

The ultrasound helps to know if there are any blood clots in the legs.

What if the blood clots or any issues regarding the varicose veins are found?

If any issue is found, then the doctor proceeds to provide the treatment through radiofrequency ablation.

Important information

The varicose veins may again come into existence if the individual has not taken the right precautionary or preventive measures into account. The modifications in the lifestyle help to prevent this situation.

If you experience any symptom of the Varicose veins, please make sure that you are consulting with the doctor at the early stage. Otherwise, you may face the aggravated consequences of the same.

Top 10 ways for treating the issue of Varicose veins with home remedies

Top 10 ways for treating the issue of Varicose veins with home remedies


Vizag: Varicose Veins are found in legs which are twisted and enlarged veins. The veins get enlarged when excessive pressure is put on them when you are standing or sitting. It some cases, the problem is heredity also.

List of Top 10 Home Remedies For Varicose veins

  • Massage gently

      One of the effective ways to increase the blood flow is with a massage. Make sure you do it very gently and do not put pressure directly on them. The twisted veins will become smooth as you massage the legs in an upward motion which helps in increasing the blood flow. You can use coconut oil and olive oil, with this add peppermint essential oil few drops for a soothing effect.

  • Compression Stocking

      Compression also helps the muscles as well as veins to move the blood flow to the heart. A study has shown that people who use compression stocking for one week with a pressure of 18 to 21 mmHg helps in reducing the pain and ache. You can either buy them online or from the pharmacy store.

  • Low- impact Exercise

      Daily exercise is also very helpful in encouraging the blood flow throughout the legs. Additionally, it also helps in reducing the blood pressure which happens because of varicose veins. Doing low-impact exercise is really helpful in reducing the problem. You should go swimming, walking, yoga, and cycling.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes

      Blood flow can also be restricted because of wearing tight-fitting clothes. Many people have found it helpful by wearing loose-fitting clothes as the blood supply is not restricted. You should also wear flat shoes and not high heels. If you facing the problem in excess then you should get Varicose Veins Treatment in India.

  • Keep the legs elevated

      The blood circulation is improved when you keep the legs elevated. It should be at the same height as the heart or above that. The blood flows smoothly back to the heart as the pressure is reduced in the legs. In case, you have to sit for long hours you should keep them elevated.

  • Dietary changes

      It is essential that water retention in the body should be reduced by consuming food which is rich in potassium. You should consume food like lentils and white beans, leafy vegetables, potatoes, almonds, and pistachio nuts.

  • Consume more flavonoids

      The varicose veins can get shrink by eating food which has flavonoids as they help in improving the blood circulation. You should food items like onions, bell peppers, spinach, apples, cherries, grapes, and garlic.

  • Do not sit for long hours

      Makes sure you do not sit for long hours as they can make the situation even worse. Moreover, you should not sit with crossed legs as it restricts the flow to blood to legs and feet.

  • Plant extracts

      Some studies suggest that horse chestnut, sea pine extract, and Ruscus aculeatus are helpful in reducing leg pain.

  • Herbal remedies

      Taking grape seed extract,  Vitis vinifera really helps in reducing the swelling in the lower leg. Make sure you take them according to the prescription to avoid any risk.

Varicose Vein Stripping: Explain the symptoms, causes, types, and treatment

Varicose Vein Stripping: Explain the symptoms, causes, types, and treatment


Varicose veins are explained as enlarged and swollen veins that typically happen on the feet and legs. The varicose veins might be of dark purple and blue color. Additionally, they are regularly twisted, lumpy, and bugling in appearance. There are different symptoms of varicose veins, for example, uncomfortable and heavy legs, throbbing and burning in the legs, and swollen ankles and feet. Moreover, you can also encounter itchy, dry, and thin skin, aching, and muscle cramp in your legs, especially around evening time over the affected vein.


One of the most well-known reasons for this condition is that when the little valves inside the veins quit working. In a strong and healthy vein, blood streams easily to the heart. The blood is kept from streaming in reverse by a progression of little valves that open and near let blood through. On the off chance that the valves are harmed and soft, the blood can stream in reverse and gather in the vein, in the end making it be swollen and expanded varicose. Certain things can expand your odds of creating this health condition. Moreover, if you are a female you may encounter varicose veins due to some factors such as being overweight, being older, having a close relative with varicose veins, being pregnant, and having work that includes significant lots of standing.

Different kinds of varicose veins

There are 3 kinds of varicose veins which have different symptoms that are explained below as-:

Trunk varicose veins:

These are explained as thick and knobbly that are closed to the outside of the skin. Additionally, this type of varicose veins are frequently long and can look disagreeable.

Reticular varicose veins:

This type of veins are generally red in color. In addition, these veins at times gathered near one another in a system.

Telangiectasia varicose veins:

 This type is additionally known as thread and spider veins. These types of veins basically appear on the face and legs, which formed small clusters of red and blue color. These are less harmful veins as compared to truck veins.

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins treatment in India includes routine exercise and proper rest. You should consult with your primary care doctor if you are suffering from severe pain and discomfort. You can also use compression stockings for 6 months to 1 year. There are other treatment options available that include stripping, ligation, sclerotherapy, and endothermal ablation. In these treatment heat and a special type of foam is used to treat the affected vein. Many people take surgery for this condition. Th the surgery, your surgeon will remove your affected vein.

You can treat your varicose vein problem at home in other ways such as you should take regular breaks during your working hours. You can also treat them with routine exercise, for example, walking and yoga because these are helpful to improve the blood circulation.




The human body is composed of various parts and each one of these is performing its own special task. There are two types of blood vessels that are comprised of the human circulatory system. One of them is arteries that are responsible for pumping pure blood from the heart to other parts of the body.

The other one is veins that carry the impure blood from the rest of the body to the heart. The functioning of arteries is dependent on the heart’s pumping. Whereas, the functioning of veins relies on the movement of muscles around the veins along with many valves and is not supported by the heart. Thus, veins are performing a more difficult function. When the valves respond to function properly or get weakened, there is a problem in the flow of blood. The blood accumulates in the vein which leads to stretching and bulging of the vein. This makes the veins enlarged and these enlarged veins are termed varicose veins.


There are some factors that cause varicose veins. These are:

  • Obesity
  • Lack of activity or inactivity
  • Consumption of low fiber and high refined diet
  • Some genetic predisposition
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Liver disease
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Sitting or standing for prolonged hours


  • Varicose veins are characterized by tender and painful veins due to which legs begin to feel swollen, tender and tight.
  • Bruising
  • Dry or itchy skin on or near the varicose vein
  • The appearance of ulcer on the varicose veins


The varicose veins generally do not have any health risks associated with them. Still, some home remedies can help to get rid of varicose veins and reduce the pain caused by them.

  • Diet: a person having varicose veins should consume a diet that is rich in fibers such as fresh fruit, dark leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and soaked whole grains. This can help in getting rid of constipation and varicose veins. Eating onion, fresh garlic, ginger, and cayenne make way for blood circulation.
  • Water intake: water intake, as well as drinking fluids such as fresh fruit juices, helps to keep the digestive system on track. This makes the digestive system hydrated and moist.
  • Avoiding some foods: there are some foods that decrease the blood circulation in the body such as hydrogenated oils and they also increase inflammation. Not only this, caffeine and alcohol adversely affect the body by dehydrating it and aggravating the pain of varicose veins.
  • Exercise: it is a very well known fact that exercise improves blood circulation in the body. So, spending 10-15 minutes of the day on some simple exercises such as swimming, cycling, walking or yoga help to improve the movement of blood in the body. With this, the varicose veins either get reversed or do not appear at all.
  • Wearing loose clothes: wearing too tight clothes makes the body and veins tight. We do not realize but the veins of the body get contracted and blood circulation is lowered down by the regular wearing of tight clothes. Thus, wearing loose clothes can aid people with varicose veins and they themselves can experience the improved blood circulation.
  • Wearing the right type of footwear: flat shoes are more ideal for people suffering from varicose veins and leaving the habit of wearing heels can help them in getting relief from varicose veins in the legs.
  • The position of legs: it is ideal for people to keep their legs elevated to a height such that they reach at the same height as their heart or are over it. This makes the blood circulate freely. People can practice this while sitting or resting.
  • Massage: massage is another very effective home remedy for varicose veins. Massaging gently on the varicose veins helps to make the blood movement easy through them. The massage can be done either with some essential oil or moisturizer. No pressure should be exerted while massaging as it can damage the tissues.
  • Keep moving: Prolonged sitting or standing is the biggest culprit for varicose veins. Thus, it is important to avoid continuous sitting or standing. One should keep moving or changing positions to make the blood circulate freely.

Overall, varicose veins are responsible for making the person uncomfortable. Their treatment is possible with some simple home remedies and change in dietary patterns.


Where to get Best Varicose Veins Treatment in Anakapalli?

Where to get Best Varicose Veins Treatment in Anakapalli?


Do my Age Matters for Varicose Veins Treatment?

Varicose veins are getting a quite common vein disease, especially among the adults. Due to this disease patient may have enlarged and twisted veins often of legs and feet that appear in dark blue or purple color.

It is the totally curable condition of veins as it is possible to get varicose veins treatment in Anakapalli. However, some patients think that their age can become the hindrance for getting this treatment but actually there is not any age limit for this treatment as an active patient of having age more than 70 can also get this treatment with great results.

So for getting the treatment for varicose veins, age is not any restriction but after the adequate evaluation and diagnosis, your doctor may recommend you the best solution for your symptomatic varicose veins treatment. So for varicose veins treatment, not any old is too old so without worrying about your age you can take this treatment.

For the best outcomes of the treatment, it is important to follow post-operative conditions including the wearing compression stockings to routine activities.

How to detect and treat varicose veins problem

If you are noticing any of the following symptoms then it is time to do something about your varicose veins

  1. Feeling any discomfort or heaviness in your legs
  2. Feeling burning or throbbing in legs
  3. Swelling on legs
  4. Noticeable thickness or change in the color of skin
  5. Itching and problem with healing and bleeding

After noticing any of the above symptoms you must seek for the advice of specialist as only the doctor can suggest you the best treatment option for you. However, you can do some activities at your end to get rid of this veins problem

  1. You can keep your legs in elevated position. It is good to keep your legs above the level of heart so that gravity can help you to get rid of this issue
  2. Compression stockings can help you to maintain blood flow and prevent swelling so you must wear compression stockings in the daytime but these must be taken off at bedtime
  3. Exercises that lead to movement of legs can help you to improve blood circulation so veins problem can be prevented.
  4. Your excess weight can be the problem for your legs so it is good to lose some weight and be active

Treatment options for varicose veins

Apart from the above daily exercises, you may do some relevant changes in your lifestyle and be eating pattern as per the advice of the doctor to get rid of this condition. In the severe conditions, patients are advised for the surgical treatment in which the skin surface having twisted and enlarged veins are removed surgically.

Apart from surgery, Sclerotherapy, endovenous ablation, and microphlebectomy are available treatment options which are non-invasive and effective.