PRP Treatment For Hair Loss
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Category: hair loss

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration

How many sessions of PRP treatment are needed for hair loss?


PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

When you are in search of hair loss treatment, it can make you wonder which one to choose? As there are various options, and what’s essential is to select the most effective one. If you are looking for effective hair fall women treatment in Vizag, then PRP is one of them. No doubt, every patient responds to the treatment differently, and the entire session they need may vary.

PRP results are different from patient to patient

At the top-rated hair clinic in Vizag, the doctor will personalize the necessary PRP treatment plan. The platelets are extracted from the blood because of their practical abilities. The results are much more effective when the follicles and scalp respond well to everything. PRP therapy makes a suitable choice for both men and women.

Although, you should keep in mind that results might vary from patient to patient. It’s not just about your scalp health, but even your overall diet and lifestyle make utmost difference.

Important things to check before undergoing PRP

When you consult the hair expert to begin your PRP hair treatment in Visakhapatnam, the doctor will carefully check your entire health. Most importantly, analyzing the given factors:

  • To begin your PRP session, the doctor will perform different tests to see if you are a suitable candidate or not. The doctor confirms you are the right candidate and proceeds further.
  • Make sure to inform the doctor about any medications you are taking or any medical condition you have.
  • Make sure to not drink or smoke before the treatment as it impacts the effectiveness of the results.
  • Do not apply any chemical product on the scalp as it makes it difficult for the scalp to heal like normal.

How many sessions of PRP are required?

The doctor will suggest a customized treatment plan for PRP therapy by checking your specific issue. Although there is no standard protocol for the treatment, giving an exact guideline on how long PRP treatment results last.

Ideally, it takes 3 to 4 sessions to see the difference. Make sure to get the session between intervals of 4 weeks each. You must attend the session every 12 to 24 months to maintain results. It’s imperative to follow all necessary suggestions your medical expert gives, and only then can you see the essential difference.

Save your hair locks with PRP

If you have been struggling to find an effective, non-surgical, and budget-friendly treatment, then get hold of our medical expert.  Getting accurate information and clarity are essential to see the change in your hair locks. The expertise of our medical expert will help you prepare for your hair loss journey smoothly.


Hair Loss In Different Scenarios And How They Are Correlated


In this blog, we are going to talk about hair loss and how a different set of problems is associated with it.

Hair Loss Associated With Thyroid Issue

Out of the many things that hormones control is hair development. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be the real culprit of hair loss because of hormonal imbalance. Getting treatment for any of these thyroid problems will help you balance your hormones. This will automatically halt hair loss and make it possible for the new hair to grow.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

There are other hormonal imbalances that can cause hair loss. One such is the rapid changes in hormone levels after pregnancy or delivery. It is not an uncommon scenario to see that women experience hair fall post-pregnancy. They would notice thinning of hair or even baldness or patches of hair when their hormone level returns back to normal. This usually happens around three months following the birth of the infant. But do not worry, you can get various treatments like hair transplant in Vizag to eliminate such problems.

Hair Loss Because Of Consumption Of Drugs

The secondary effect of consuming various popular drugs is hair loss. There are many medicines that might lead to hair thinning or baldness. Some medicines include blood thinners, NSAIDs, antidepressants, and calcium channel blockers. In fact, too much vitamin might also lead to hair loss. We have also gathered some reports about hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy medications treating cancer. After you stop consuming those medicines, your hair will grow back as it did before chemotherapy.

Hair Loss Due To Alopecia

Both the androgenic or androgenetic and alopecia areata hair loss come under the umbrella terms alopecia. It is a medical term that defines hair loss. Dermatitis can cause hair loss all across the body or just the scalp. In this condition, you might notice bald patches, hair thinning, complete or partial baldness, and permanent or transient baldness. There are many factors such as heredity that might play a big role in suffering from this problem. Consult your doctor and get the men hair fall solution in vizag for the better.

Hair Follicles Shocked Because Of Physical Trauma

There might be times when you might notice thinning of hair or even clumps of hair falling out of your scalp when you are at extreme physical tension or stress. In such a situation, the normal cycle of your body and its development might get disturbed, causing extreme hair loss.

In fact, you can lose up to 75% of hair after meeting with severe trauma to the body, such as a serious illness or car accident. This hair loss might continue for months after that.

Hair Loss Due To Emotional Stress

Not only physical but emotional stress can also lead to hair loss. Life-altering events such as financial difficulties, breakup, divorce, and the loss of a loved one or a house can also have an impact on your hair growth cycle.


For more details, contact VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplantation Centre.

We believe in giving top-notch service to our patients!


A Guide On How To Manage Severe Hair Fall To Save Strands In Time


You can ask anyone about their biggest struggle with hair, and the chances are they will say hair fall or hair loss. This is why in this blog, we are going to talk about some better hair care for your hair fall issues.

What Is Hair Fall?

Let us begin with the ideology that hair fall is very normal and nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, on average, we lose around 50 to 100 strands a day. But due to the phase of regrowth, you most often then do not notice this trope. However, the trouble begins when the rate of hair fall becomes excessive without the growth of new hair.

Types Of Hair Fall

There are different types of hair loss. It all depends on the location of your hair fall.

  • Gradual thinning

This type of hair fall is generally a result of aging. With time, we notice a reduction of new hair growth, which is why your strands tend to become thinner. This happens because their protein contents start to deplete. Apart from that, many hair follicles also stop producing new hair strands.

  • Bald spots

Patchiness or bald spot is a hair loss cognition which is also known as alopecia areata. In such circumstances, you will notice hair fall only in a particular area or region.

Causes Of Hair Fall

Understanding the root cause of the problem will help you gather information about the issue and find the hair falling solution in Vizag for better results.

  1. Diet: What we eat and drink reflects on our skin and hair.
  1. Sleep: Two crucial things: sleeping on time and sleeping enough.
  1. Smoking: the chemicals in cigarettes can shrink the blood vessels, which reduces the oxygen flow. This can affect your hair follicles, requiring minerals, nutrients, and oxygen.
  1. Hydration: Just like your skin, your hair requires moisture too.
  1. Stress: With stress and anxiety, you would notice hair fall as a common occurrence.
  1. Excessive styling: Using heat styling tools excessively can damage your hair.
  1. Avoid hard water: Avoid hard water that contains minerals such as magnesium and calcium.
  1. Harsh ingredients: Products that contain hard ingredients such as SLS can strip away the moisture from hair leading to hair fall.

How To Manage Hair Fall?

These are some of the typical hair fall therapy in Vizag that can help you get rid of damaged hair or hair fall.

  1. Eat healthy food and be on a good diet.
  1. Do not tie your hair too tightly, as it can damage your hair. Instead, use silk scrunchies.
  1. You should braid your hair and then go to sleep to avoid tangling.
  1. Be stress-free and pay attention to your mental health.
  1. Be gentle with your hair and take care of it by massaging your hair pre-shampoo.
  1. Do not wash your hair with hot water, especially if you struggle with an itchy scalp. Lukewarm is the way to go!
  1. You should use the right shampoo for your hair based on your hair requirements and hair type. Ask your doctor about the kind of hair shampoo and which one will suit you the best.



New Hair Transplant Technique For Hair Loss Treatment With Effective Result


Story Of Our Patient: Hair Transplant

Sumit Patil has heard from three different hair transplant centres the very same thing: that the hair of the bank will be hard to transplant as it tends to be Carly which does not transplant very well.

From the age of 24, Sumit has been struggling with hair loss problems. He did not fall out in clumps, to be honest. It was just unable to grow back again. 

With time his hair got thinner, and the more he believed that he looked like an older man.

He said, “ you would think that something like that would happen in your late 50s or even 60s but not in your 20s. It was always supposed to be some other guy, not me.”

So what he did was shave his head every day. And to be honest, the woman loved it to some extent, but he did not. He also admitted to being right and vicious toward men with full heads of voluminous hair.

Hair Transplant: His Saviour

That is when he started to search for the perfect solution. He rejected most of the medication, saying that it would make his hair look shabby and choppy, not natural.

But that’s when he heard about Hair Transplant in Vizag. He felt that it was the perfect ideal solution for his hair loss treatment.

But his curly hair became a problem!

Experienced Surgeon And Their Magic

Many transplant surgeons recognize this problem very well. They even downright disagree with solving it with any cautious method.

However, with experience and qualifications, one could achieve such a complicated hair loss problem without sweating.

There has been a lot of medical technology advancement which have made it possible for curly hair people to get hair loss treatment in the hair clinic in Vizag. 

To top it off, the techniques are not only suitable but also less invasive and more effective. 

In this blog, we will discuss the best hair transplant Surgery men could get for their hair loss.

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant surgery is one of the most influential and natural-looking treatments for hair thinning.

In this surgery, the surgeon begins the procedure by blocking or extracting hair strips of policies from the back of his head without many incisions. The donor site plays a significant role in transplanting the hair follicles to the affected hair or recipient’s hair. This is why it is necessary that they make sure that the donor site has an adequate amount of hair follicles.

How To Find The Best Hair Transplant Surgeon?

These are some of the ways that will make sure that you select the best hair transplant surgeon for your hair fall treatment in Vizag.

  • Read their qualifications and ask them about their experience in a particular field with the same hair type. This will help you to get a better result as compared to others who are not as experienced.
  • Read the reviews from the previous patient and gather as much information about the reputation of the clinic and the doctor.
  • Check the behaviour and the atmosphere of the clinic, to make sure that you will be comfortable.
Hair Transplant: What are the different factors that influence the cost of hair transplant surgery?

What Are The Major Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness And Its Treatment?


Male pattern baldness is one of the most forms of hair loss that men, in general, suffer from. Most individuals suffer from it to a certain degree by their 60s. However, it does not discriminate; men of any age can suffer from these hair fall issues. In such a situation, the only proper treatment that comes to mind is Hair plantation in Vizag. It is an effective procedure that gives mind-blowing and natural-looking results.

The Hair transplant doctors in Vizag also call these bald male patterns androgenetic alopecia. People usually notice later in life as an outcome of a change in the levels of hormones in males. Almost 80% of the male and 50% of the female population suffer from fhair . It usually starts before the middle age hits them up.

 What Are The Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness?

There are many things that could lead to male pattern baldness. In this blog, we are going to delve into some of those common causes.

  • The number one cause of androgenetic alopecia is the genetic predisposition to balding. Basically, it means that people who have a family history of balding or hair loss might be at higher risk of going through the exact consequences of hair loss or balding. According to a study in a hair clinic in vizag, the doctor associates it with the male androgens and sex hormones.
  • Androgens help regulate the growth of hair with many other functions. Do keep in mind that each hair growth has a cycle, but with male pattern baldness, the hair growth cycle gets disrupted, which ultimately weakens them. In the end, it leads to the shrinkage of the hair follicles, which eventually finishes the process with no hair growth taking place.
  • Apart from the genetic causes, there are also environmental causes that disturb hair growth. There are certain things that negatively affect health that also contribute to balding. Some of these environmental causes that affect hair fall include stress, anxiety, smoking, and nutritional deficiencies. All so many more can impact the likelihood of experiencing hair loss.
  • We can also link hair loss to some other long-lasting health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • In case you notice hair falling alongside some other medical condition, or after you try out new medication, we highly recommend you visit a doctor and seek medical treatment. In fact, the doctor has shown concern regarding the MPB as a potential indicator for prostate cancer incidence in the future. However, there has been no proper recollection of data that we can deem reliable regarding this.
  • The doctor will conduct an examination to diagnose whether the patient is suffering from male pattern baldness or not. There are different variations and reasons for hair loss, and it is very necessary to verify the type of balding the patient has before they begin the treatment. Without diagnosing the actual cause, the doctor will not be able to prescribe the right treatment for the problem. Thus do not wait any longer and visit our doctor immediately.

Everything you need to know about the different types of baldness


Hair loss and types of baldness

Hair loss is one of the nerve-wracking conditions which makes it difficult for the person to enjoy life to the fullest. The state of losing hair often signals low self-esteem and self-confidence. With the ever-increasing state of increasing hair loss issues, more people demand to look for permanent and economical Hair loss treatment. But, one thing is sure to know about the effective hair loss treatment plan: The reason for hair loss and type of baldness should get checked.

What are the symptoms of hair loss?

If you have any of the given below hair loss symptoms, then schedule immediate consultation at one of the leading Hair Clinic in Vizag. Some of the common symptoms of hair loss are:

  • The scalp top has gradual thinning

  • Sudden hair loss

  • Full-body hair loss

  • Patches that spread to the entire scalp

If your hair loss has reached a state where baldness is evident, seek medical assistance at the earliest.

What are the types of baldness?

Given below are the common types of baldness which you have to be familiar with like:

  • Patterned baldness

Patterned baldness occurs due to a family history of baldness. The problem occurs when hormones that help with hair growth are not balanced. This type of baldness is common in men and women. Hair Transplant in Vizag is one of the effective treatment plans to deal with such kinds of hair loss.

  • Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is the state of autoimmune disorders which means the immune system starts attacking the healthy hair follicles by mistake. Such hair loss has two different types:

  • Alopecia totalis: Hair loss over the entire scalp

  • Alopecia Universalis: Complete hair loss on the scalp and body

Sometimes the hair loss condition gets better on its own, but sometimes it triggers permanent hair loss. If you have this type of hair loss, you have to consult a medical expert at the earliest.

  • Diffuse hair loss

Diffuse hair loss is when you have a bald spot in the crown with a receding hairline. Such baldness makes it pretty evident you have lost hair, and even hair quality gets down. There are high chances there’s an underlying condition that is making hair health worse.

  • Lichen planopilaris

Such baldness is not common, but it leads to moderate or inconsistent baldness when it occurs. One of those conditions for which the reason behind baldness is also not known.

Treatment for baldness

To find the most reliable and economical hair loss solution, you must visit one of the best hair transplant surgeons. Sometimes, it’s possible to treat the condition through medications. But sometimes, only the hair transplant surgery works under that state.

Get hair restoration treatment

Hair transplant treatment in Vizag, under the expertise of Dr. C Vijay Kumar, offers the most effective treatment plan. To know better about the right kind of treatment plan, schedule an initial consultation and make your condition better.

Answer the important Question about Micro Scalp Pigmentation hair fall treatment

Is It Possible To Undergo Hair Transplant Burn Injury On The Scalp?


Is Hair Transplant Viable After Burn Scar On Scalp?

For hair loss, people often opt for hair transplant surgery. It helps in filling those areas which are bald. Hair Transplant in Vizag is not only limited to the head or the scalp but is also possible to be performed on the facial hair. A hair transplant is a great way to gain back that lost confidence that has butchered up your professional, personal and social life. There are many reasons for people to go for hair transplant surgery. One such reason includes burning injuries on the scalp. The damage has already made the patient stressed and has given them a hard time. On top of that, the surgery is going to add fuel to the oil.

Hair transplant surgery for such a reason can only be possible if the injury for the burn is in the form of the first or second degree. given below are some of the factors that determine whether or not the patient should undergo the surgery of Hair Transplant in Kakinada:

  • The size of the burned area
  • The severity of the burn
  • If the burn is not treated immediately, then the doctor might have difficulty performing the hair transplant surgery

 What Is The Procedure Of Hair Transplant Surgery?

There are two possible ways to complete the task of hair transplant surgery. These two techniques help in achieving natural and long-lasting results. The two methods are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). It would require several years for the patient to see the desired years in the burnt scalp cases- remember having patience is the key. The doctor performs this hair transplant surgery at various stages. This is done to observe whether or not the patient is responding to the remedy.

The two stages of hair transplant surgery include:

  1. In the first stage, the doctor conducts the hair loss treatment at a low density so that the hair follicles get adequate time for proper growth.
  2. With years the doctor would increase the density of the hair as the procedure becomes effective.

In both techniques, the doctor retrieves the hair follicles from the back or the side of the scalp and implants them back in the affected area. This is done because the tissues that stimulate hair growth are basically healthy there. It will also help heal the affected area with no difficulty; from patient to patient, the requirement of the number of grafts changes in the hair transplant treatment.

What Is The Cost Of The Hair Transplant Surgery?

The cost of the hair transplant depends on various factors, from the technology that is used by the doctor to your underlying health condition; all of these play a significant role in dictating the price of the treatment. This is why it is essential to consult with our doctor beforehand and learn about your condition and its causes to find which treatment would best suit you and your hair type.

Apart from that, the qualification and the experience of the doctor and the reputation of the clinic also play a significant role in fluctuating the price.


What are the treatment options that can stop male pattern hair loss?


Hair loss is one of the common conditions noticed in men and women. The condition is indeed increasing at a higher prevalence rate than expected. It is being referred to as such a severe concern everyone wishes to find the cure for hair loss. But is there a cure for hair fall? Well, there is no such cure, but the treatment of Hair Transplant in Vizag is rapidly gaining attention among individuals to address their hair loss in all ways.

Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, hair loss is heart-breaking, and it has to be dealt with with the care that there is no such problem. One of research has shown that by the age of 50, most men face the issue of androgenetic alopecia. Now, as hair loss is such a concern, finding the right solution that works for you is effective in all ways. Before I discuss the treatment, let me shift your focus towards why hair loss happens. 

Hair loss: Why does it happen?

Hair loss does play a significant role depending on the way hormones behave in the body. One major is the DHT because when it’s not proper, or you are highly sensitive to DHT, hair follicle health is bound to get affected. Due to DHT, the hair follicles will shrink with time, and it is even difficult for the new hair to produce the right way. This is why you will have patchy hair loss or even obvious bald spots are noticed on the scalp. Considering the seriousness of the situation, you must choose the Hair Transplant in Kakinada under the experienced team of hair experts who can personalize the treatment as per your condition.

 Hair loss treatment options

With time the person’s body and look change, but when it happens early on in the age, the person starts looking for the answers on what to do. Considering the same, the most effective hair loss treatment option is hair transplant, which results in hair growth that looks permanent and natural in all ways. No doubt, the main aim of hair transplant treatment is to effectively address hair loss as every patient’s condition varies from one another, so the treatment plan is given accordingly to address the situation the right way.

 Get yourself a customized treatment plan

No doubt, medical science has advanced a lot, and with time it keeps on getting better and better. But, thinking that we have found the cure is not correct. Although, hair transplant treatment is an effective treatment plan to address the condition better. Apart from hair transplant, PRP therapy is often combined with hair transplantation to make the results better. Dr. C Vijay Kumar is one of those names whom you should put your trust in to deal with hair loss.

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration

Why choose VJs Clinic for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy for hair growth?


Best centre for hair loss treatment

Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center is one of the well-known places among the patients to get hair loss treatment. Whether you talk about getting the Hair Transplant in Vizag or PRP therapy, Dr. C Vijay Kumar has experience of more than 35 years to address your hair loss issue completely. Like the doctor will inform you about the Hair Transplant Cost during the initial consultation after analyzing your situation. In the same manner, only after the initial consultation, you will get to know about, ‘How much does the PRP therapy cost?’

Platelet-Rich Plasma Best choice to regrow your lost hair

PRP therapy is one of the effective treatment plans which a person can get individually or along with hair transplant treatment to make the results better. This therapy effectiveness is seen among the patients who are struggling with hair loss and after getting the treatment they got fuller & natural-looking hair growth. Here’s what happens during PRP treatment:

  • During the PRP session, the blood is drawn out from the highly effective area. Following that the blood is centrifuged through which the platelets are taken out from the plasma. These platelets are filled with all the best of properties which are a key factor to repair and help the cells to regenerate themselves.
  • Then Dr. C Vijay Kumar will inject the platelets into the problematic part of the scalp. As the cells can renew and regenerate themselves which increases the hair growth in the bald or thin part of the scalp. In simple terms, you can say that the hair growth cycle will go into the anagen phase.

How many PRP sessions are required to see the results?

To see the notable hair growth with a PRP session, it takes around 3 to 4 treatment rounds. Well! Once the procedure is done it is essential that you take proper care of your hair, so that the results last for a lifetime.

PRP treatment: Effective, minimal downtime, and natural results

Can it get any better than this? The conventional method of hair loss treatment used to provide the patients with doll-like results or it required too much maintenance that the individual would stop the treatment midway because of the excess cost.

Thanks to medical science, there is no such thing as that in the present. With PRP the results are highly effective, natural, and you will be at ease whether you are getting the treatment or after the results. As we have said earlier the total number of sessions you need will be based on the extent of hair loss you have.

Take the right step on time

If you are struggling with a hair loss problem, then what’s the wait? Don’t let things get out of control and then regret later that you should have taken the right step then only. Today is the day when you need to be proactive with every decision of your life. Schedule your initial consultation with our doctor to get the best care.

How does chemotherapy affect hair? How to reduce its effect on hair?

How does chemotherapy affect hair? How to reduce its effect on hair?


No doubt, chemotherapy is one of those treatment options that help patients to get rid of cancer. But every good thing has a cost. So is ‘Chemotherapy.’ We have to pay for our hair as the cost for the cancer treatment. This is the super-strong treatment that produces the direct impact on the hair follicles. But no worries, as long as hair restoration procedures like hair transplant are available to give us our looks back.

Did you know?

90% of the chemo patients who are suffering from one or the other kind of hair loss problem, usually go for a hair transplant in Vizag since it is the last resort treatment available for chemo patients.

Do not take even a bit of tension regarding hair transplant cost. It is economical enough that it would fit in your pocket without disturbing the home budget.

Please note:

Some chemotherapy drugs may cause the patient to lose hair. But to consider that ‘All the chemo drugs are responsible for hair loss would be wrong.

Is the hair loss caused by chemotherapy permanent?

No, not at all. The hair loss caused by chemotherapy is never permanent. You will start encountering hair growth once the entire course of the treatment is over. But for regrowth, you need to be very very patient. Since it takes time for the hair to grow to the fullest. And also initially the hair is extremely thin.

How to take care of the hair during Chemo-Treatment?

Following are some of the important ways with which we can take care of the hair during the chemo treatment:

  • Cut your hair shorter

Before you start the treatment, it is always suggested that you should get a new haircut that is not only short but also easy to maintain. By this, it will be convenient for you to make the hair loss appear less noticeable.


You are also suggested not to pressurise or strain your hair by tying the tight ponytails, plaits or other tight hairstyles.

  • Protect your scalp

To make sure that you are protecting your hair follicles from getting further damage, you have to take a very good look at the hair follicles.


First and foremost, it is suggested that you should not go out in the sun. If there is an emergency and you need to go, then it is advised to wear a hat or scarf so that you do not let the harmful UV rays harm the follicles.

  • Go for the scalp cooling method

It is one of the most effective methods to make hair loss emerge at a lower rate. In this method, a cap which is usually filled with the cold gel is placed over the head to make sure the blood vessels get narrow and the less amount of medicines reaches the scalp and affects the hair follicles.


  • Our dietary plan

No matter whichever problem we are suffering from, the eventual effective treatment option which all the doctors’ guide is hair growth and hair loss.