Does BodyTite and J-plasma Treat Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition in which a male’s breast becomes enlarged. This large breast decreases the confidence level of a man. The breast of males looks like a female’s breast. Different treatment plans are lucrative for the treatment of Gynecomastia, but the most effective treatment is surgery. Some doctors use BodyTite and J-Plasma treatment for curing Gynecomastia.
What is the definition of gynecomastia surgery?
The surgery reduces the size of breasts in males. It is also beneficial for flattening and increasing the contours of the chest. In some cases, the excess weight of breast tissue causes stretch and sag of the breast around the skin of the nipple. For reducing the skin, position, and size of the areola, the surgical procedure is the most preferable. The medical term for Gynecomastia is reduction of mammoplasty.
BodyTite and J-Plasma treatment
Many doctors use treatments like BodyTite and J-Plasma for the reduction of breasts.
- BodyTite: It is a technology revolution that increases the final results of gynecomastia surgery via tightening the skin. The doctors who perform Gynecomastia Surgery in Rajam recommend the BodyTite treatment to the patients.
- J-Plasma: Before the J-Plasma wand doctors perform VASER liposuction surgery to remove the excess fat from the chest. The treatment under the skin is performed with the cool helium plasma using J-plasma wands. It is inserted through the same sites that are used for VASER.
Incisions and scarring on the gynecomastia surgery.
The most common concern of the patients considering the surgery for Gynecomastia is the visibility of scars and marks on the skin. In some cases, the incisions are undetectable once the surgery heals. For patients with skin Laxity issues, additional skin tightening treatment is needed. Two techniques are used to address incisions and scarring. The two techniques, BodyTite and J-Plasma, are used for skin tightening.
Skin Tightening & Gynecomastia Surgery
the patients with moderate Gynecomastia who need some skin contraction. It is not to be confused with liposuction for fat removal, which will also be done if necessary. It simply means he will use this same device but for a different purpose: skin tightening. There are many doctors now offering surgical and non-surgical laser and radio-frequency devices as an option for skin tightening of the male chest. Unfortunately, the technology doesn’t yet rival the techniques mentioned above.
Trust a gynecomastia expert.
Many people do not trust the doctors for the treatment. For having the best treatment you have to trust a gynecomastia expert. Only gynecomastia experts provide you with proper guidance about the treatment and the issues. Contact the best and most experienced gynecomastia surgeon for the surgery procedure.
Benefits of the bodyTite and J-Plasma.
There are several benefits of the BodyTile and J-Plasma treatments.
- BodyTite: While traditional gynecomastia surgery involves incisions, stitches, and downtime, scarless gynecomastia treatment does not! Using a special technique with BodyTite, men can enjoy a flatter, firmer chest without surgery.
- J-Plasma: Following VASER liposuction of the chest for Gynecomastia, many are left with loose skin, especially around the nipples. It is further worsened by the need to remove any glandular tissue. J-Plasma following VASER liposuction results in tighter skin and a better cosmetic result.
What are the causes of Gynecomastia?
Many factors are responsible for the issue of Gynecomastia.
- Overuse of Alcohol: the level of the male hormone testosterone is decreased because of overconsumption of alcohol. The sudden increase in estrogen levels can also be a reason for Gynecomastia. This disturbance in the hormones can develop the bodybuilder gynecomastia.
- Medications: for the development of Gynecomastia in bodybuilders, the use of some antibiotics, anti-anxiety and anti-ulcer medicines to increase the level of estrogen can be another reason for it.
Treatment plans for Gynecomastia Problem.
The treatment for Gynecomastia in bodybuilders is changing lifestyle, medicines and surgery.
Medicines: Every doctor prefers medicines for the treatment of any problem. Some
high-branded medicines are used to treat Gynecomastia.
Surgery procedure: Two types of surgery that are useful for curing Gynecomastia.
- Liposuction. Liposuction surgery removes the fat of the breast but is not able to reduce the breast gland tissue.
- Mastectomy. Mastectomy is a type of surgery that removes the breast gland tissue. The small amount of gland tissue can be done using small incisions in the procedure of Mastectomy. It takes less time for recovery. Sometimes, liposuction and Mastectomy are combined in some exceptional cases.
Gynecomastia is a very common problem in males. The surgery treatments are quite expensive, but the VJ Clinics provide you with perfect treatment at a very affordable Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Rajam.