Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Vizianagaram | Best Gynecomastia Doctor in Vizianagaram

Gynecomastia Surgery Complication Made Simple

Gynecomastia Surgery Complication Made Simple

Gynecomastia causes men to develop an abundance of breast tissue that matches a woman’s breasts. It causes extensive genetic, pharmacological or hormonal imbalances. This sickness may cause mental distress in men, which may diminish their self-esteem. One prevalent remedy is gynecomastia surgery, in which experts terminate the extra tissue from the chest and reshape it. […]

Does Insurance cover Gynecomastia Surgery

gynecomastia surgery Before & After Results

Gynecomastia, which is when a male has excess breast tissue. It is a problem that many men have. Some men could need surgery to correct it. It does not go away on its own or with non-surgical treatments.  Gynecomastia  Gynecomastia is a medical disorder that can be started by hormonal imbalance, inherited factors, specific medications […]

Gynecomastia: What is it, What Causes it, and How to Treat it

Gynecomastia: What is it, What Causes it, and How to Treat it

Gynaecomastia is an abnormal condition in men in which their breast tissue has more fat tissue than usual that has grown over time and doesn’t seem to look good. Many men do (reduction mammaplasty), which is also called male breast reduction surgery, To get rid of Gynaecomastia. A cosmetic surgeon does it. Many Best Gynaecomastia […]

Let’s break the myth: Gynecomastia treatment is possible without surgery

Gynecomastia Triggers: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Gynecomastia Treatment When there’s a specific term, different assumptions are made regarding the same. One of the biggest that revolves around the problem of Gynecomastia, also known as male boobs, is ‘Gynecomastia treatment is possible without surgical intervention.’ Well, that’s not true at all. Gynecomastia Surgery in Vizag is the only way to deal with […]

How does gynecomastia surgery help to reduce breast size? How much does it cost?

Enhancing Gynecomastia Surgery: Common Add-Ons for Optimal Results

How does gynecomastia surgery help to reduce breast size? In many cases, the problem of gynecomastia is common. This is the condition when breast size is large and men want to improve their look. In this case, the doctor suggests undergoing Gynecomastia surgery in Vizag. At Dr. Vjs cosmetic surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, the […]

Fatty Liver Disease: Can Gynecomastia occur due to hormonal imbalance?

A Simple Guide to Understanding and Addressing Male Breast Enlargement

Overview Fatty Liver disease sometimes does not have any symptoms and sometimes people are not that cautious which eventually makes the condition worse. In case you notice enlarged breasts, then there is a possibility of hormonal imbalance in the body. The reason for the same might be fatty liver disease. Although, in the case of […]

What should you know about Gynecomastia and its treatments?

Gynecomastia Surgery Complication Made Simple

Gynecomastia is a problem which is encountered by males in which they are bothered by the enlarged breasts. The enlargement of the breasts among the males is enough to destroy their masculine image. To get rid of that problem, gynecomastia treatment is relied on. One of the successful treatment alternatives for this problem is the […]

Gynecomastia – Causes, Self-examination, surgery and its preparations

Gynecomastia in Your 30’s

Owing to the proliferation of the feminine hormone, the breasts of the males can get augmented. But this augmentation does not look pleasant on the masculine personalities, so the males who experience this problem usually face a fall in their self-confidence. To get rid of that hormone look. Male often opt up for gynecomastia surgery […]

What is Gynecomastia? What are the causes and treatment for Gynecomastia?

What is Gynecomastia? What are the causes and treatment for Gynecomastia?

What is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is the male breast enlargement. Many men have not heard about the condition, till the time they do not get it. The problem is likely due to the reason of excess estrogen i.e. female hormone or too little testosterone i.e. male hormone. Also, the glandular tissues of the breast start to […]

What are the benefits and importance of undergoing gynecomastia surgery?

Adult Gynecomastia, 40 And Beyond

It is a researched fact that more than 70% of the boys who suffer from the problem of gynecomastia are going through the period of puberty. And more than 65% to 70% of the males who are going through the problem of gynecomastia come under the category of middle age and senior citizens. This is […]