Facts About FUE Hair Transplant
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Hair Loss Treatment: Take A Peek Into Facts About FUE Hair Transplant


Know the unknown about FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

Do you notice your hair is getting thin, receding hairline, or bald spots? Be it hair loss or hair thinning, both are a considerable concern that requires you to visit one of the top-rated hair clinic in Vizag. Undoubtedly, it’s hard to accept hair loss, especially when you have it at a young age.

However, gone are the times when you have to struggle to find the desired solution. Or splurge your money on expensive hair creams, medications, and whatnot. The Hair transplant clinic Visakhapatnam offers the most advanced medical treatment, i.e., Hair transplant performed through the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. That’s not all. The hair restoration technique helps offer natural-looking and permanent looks that increase your self-confidence.

No doubt, when we go down the road of hair transplant treatment for the first time, it’s obvious to have anxiety and worry ‘What, How, Why, When, and much more.’ And considering the similar reason I have mentioned about the FUE Hair transplant in Visakhapatnam and some of its unknown facts to help manage your hair loss situation effectively.

Facts about FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

Fact 1: Most popular hair transplant treatment

The FUE hair transplant makes one of the most precise treatment plans for giving natural-looking results. As one of the minimally invasive methods, the demand for FUE hair transplant keeps increasing. The benefits treatment offers to make it an all-reliable method.

Fact 2: Worth every minute, even if it’s a long procedure

The FUE Hair transplant can take between 4 to 8 hours. This much time ensures the hair grafts are transplanted in a precise and most natural way possible. No visible signs and scars following treatment. Therefore, the method of extraction used by the Surgeon helps offer excellent and natural results.

Fact 3: No problem with scars

FUE Hair Transplant makes an exceptional choice, as it doesn’t leave any scar. The targeted area heals within a few weeks. Just make sure to follow all necessary guidelines shared by the hair restoration surgeon.

Fact 4: No need for general anesthesia

The FUE method uses local anesthesia or a local numbing agent, so the patient doesn’t feel discomfort or pain. Moreover, with the expertise of a qualified surgeon, there won’t be any kind of risk or problem.

Fact 5: Experience and skills of Surgeon are imperative

The success of FUE hair transplant takes another level with the Surgeon’s skills and expertise. The hair restoration surgeon has done proper training and has a keen eye for strategically preparing the right kind of FUE hair transplant for you. It offers a natural-looking appearance and hairline for the best hair restoration results.

Fact 6: Smooth recovery and desired results

After the surgery, the recovery goes with utmost ease. You must follow the suggestions and tips given by the hair restoration surgeon. Additionally, it takes around 8 to 12 months to see the desired hair growth that’s natural-looking, permanent, and just the way you desired.

What all do you need to know about Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant?

What all do you need to know about Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant?



Patients dealing with hair loss whether at a young age (after 25) or in their 30s or 40s, can benefit from a hair transplant. It is one of those treatments which provides ultimate results and it is not possible with any other option. Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam will solve the issue of hair loss and extreme baldness once and for all. One of the treatment methods which is helpful to deal with hair loss issues is FUE hair transplant.

What is an FUE hair transplant?

FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. During FUE hair transplant, the hair follicles are extracted individually from the healthy part of the scalp in which the hair follicles are resistant to the effect of DHT. The healthy hair follicles are then placed where hair growth is extremely less.

How is the procedure done?

  • To perform FUE, the doctor will give you anesthesia to make you feel comfortable throughout the procedure. The doctor will take the hair grafts with punches which measure around 0.8 to 0.9 mm in width. In length, the punches are made of 5 to 6 mm. The punches are disposable material that is extracted from the micrometer tip and it is around 5000/min.
  • The punches made are sharp so that the tissues are not damaged. The punches make enough space in the scalp so that the hair grafts are inserted at the right angle. The hair grafts which are collected during the treatment are kept in the saline solution so that they are healthy for the time they are outside the body.
  • Following that the doctor will transplant the hair grafts one by one into the bald part of the scalp. The grafts are placed with utmost precision that the hair growth is natural.

Is it possible to take hair grafts from the beard area?

During the initial consultation, the doctor will check whether there are enough grafts on the scalp. If not the doctor will tell you that these can be taken from the beard area to do the treatment with precision and make sure that there are enough grafts to provide you the best results.

What are the benefits of FUE hair transplant?

First of all, it is a one-time investment which means one session of hair transplant can solve the issue of baldness. In addition, the regrowth of hair after the transplant will look natural as they blend with the existing hair growth. This is because hair grafts are extracted from a patient’s scalp. In addition, the results are permanent and there are no chances of error when you undergo the surgery from an experienced doctor. Moreover, there is no problem with scar after the hair transplant.

Consult the best to get the best results

Just make sure that you look for an experienced and trained surgeon to get the best results. The doctor will consult you to understand the reason for hair loss and accordingly tell you what treatment plan will suit you the best.

What is a hair transplant? What is the cost of a hair transplant in India?

What is a hair transplant? What is the cost of a hair transplant in India?


What is hair transplant  Or hair restoration?

Dr Vjs VizagHair transplant is a blessing for people suffering from hair loss problems. It is a technique in which surgeons will transplant hair on the scalp of the patient. The surgeon takes hair from the donor area or sometimes from the back of the scalp.

In fact, there are two procedures which are becoming popular among people.


Follicular unit transplantation is a procedure in which the doctor will perform the surgery by taking out the strips from the donor area and transplanting it into the problematic area.


Follicular unit extraction is a procedure in which a surgeon will perform the surgery by extracting the hair individually and transplant it into the problematic area.

What you should keep in your mind while selecting the clinic?

You should make sure that the surgeon who is going to perform your surgery should be highly-qualified and experienced. It will help you in achieving the desired results. Talking about the cost, you should not trust anyone who is performing the surgery at lower rates because there are chances that you might end up getting undesired results. It also affects your mental health. In fact, there are numerous clinics available that claim that they perform the best surgery. But they are not trained, not having the proper equipment, furniture, and much more. But they are experts in convincing you. So be careful and don’t trust the first surgeon you are going to meet.

What is the cost of hair transplant surgery?

At Dr VJs, we will keep the patient’s experience, safety, quality, survivability, results in mind before performing the hair restoration surgery. If you are thinking about the cost of the surgery then there are things that you should keep in your mind that are mentioned below:

  • Qualification & experience of the surgeon.
  • The location of the clinic
  • The procedure you are going to choose.
  • How many grafts surgeon will transplant
  • Facilities surgeon is going to provide
  • Whether he is having the latest technology or not and much more.
  • The main root of hair loss.
  • The surgeon will examine the donor area.


What are the questions you should ask from the clinic before undergoing the treatment?

  • Whether the surgeon or assistance, who is going to do the surgery?
  • You should ask your surgeon to show qualifications and experience.
  • Which diagnostic system do you have?
  • How much time surgery will take?
  • What procedure is beneficial for me?
  • What kind of services will the clinic provide?


AT VJC, we take care of the things that are mentioned below:

  • The success rate of the treatment.
  • Safety of the patient.
  • Privacy of the patient.
  • The patient will get the maximum density.



How FUE hair transplant is considered an effective method on scalp scar?

How FUE hair transplant is considered an effective method on scalp scar?


Some patients visit the doctor to get a hair transplant on scar tissue. At times, it is seen that the person undergoes the treatment and it results in a large scar. These problems occur when the person chooses the surgeon who is not skilled or they do not have the experience to do the surgery with precision.

This creates a stressful situation for the person. Fortunately, the issue of scar tissue can be solved by undergoing FUE hair transplant treatment. Let’s understand this in detail.


About hair transplants on scar tissue

Hair does not grow in the scar tissue because there are not any hair follicles in the scar. Hair follicles are present beneath the skin that hold and help the hair to grow again. Blood vessels under follicles result in hair growth. If the scar forms then the follicles do not grow the way it needs to.

To transplant the hair follicles onto the scar area, the surgeon will take the grafts that have follicles into the scar. By doing so, it helps the hair to take the root, and they will grow easily. Also, it allows the hair root to have contact with blood vessels which means they get the nourishment for hair growth.

Hair follicles will start growing once the affected area is healed, and the follicles are grafted into the skin. They receive the blood flow which allows them to grow within the required time.

Following the surgery, you need to take proper care and make sure the results are according to the way you want. In some cases, there is a lack of blood flow to the specific area, and then another treatment session might be required.


FUE hair transplant

During the FUE procedure, the hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. This way there is no problem with the scar. No one will be able to tell that you have undergone hair transplant surgery.


Taking care of your hair

To make sure the hair growth is proper you need to take care of your hair. Just follow the surgeon guidelines. Most importantly take the prescribed medications on time. The medications are given to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Also, you can take care of your hair the same as you used to do it with your natural hair. The hair growth is permanent, and it blends easily with the existing hair follicles.


When can I see the desired hair growth?

A hair transplant is an ultimate solution for hair loss, and if you have a scar. This treatment option makes the best choice for male and female. The initial hair growth can be seen within 3 months following the surgery. To see the desired hair growth you need to wait for 10 to 12 months.

How undergoing hair transplant treatment can transform your appearance?

How undergoing hair transplant treatment can transform your appearance?


We all want to look our best when we look in the mirror. People who have experienced hair loss slowly start to look distracted with their appearance and this can affect their self-confidence greatly. Moreover, it can become difficult for them to style their hair, and managing them is a task. With each passing month, there can be many challenges which they need to face.

Fortunately, all this problem can be solved by undergoing hair transplant treatment. This means your hair loss issue can be resolved simply by getting hair transplantation.

Feel good with Hair Transplant

Due to continued hair loss, the person can feel not so good about their appearance and this will have low self-esteem. You need to consult the doctor to get the best solution by understanding what your condition is. The doctor will determine the reason for hair loss and evaluate your history to know about the entire problem. The treatment can easily cover the large area of the scalp with the different methods of hair transplantation.

Method of hair transplant

  • FUE
  • FUT

FUE (Follicular unit extraction)

First of all, the surgeon is going to build a new hairline, restore the frontal zone, and mild scalp which works to the front of the crown. This way the patient is going to get the best cosmetic benefit as it helps to improve their appearance greatly.

During FUE, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. The hair grafts are placed with precision which helps the patient to get the natural look. This procedure is going to leave dot like scars which cannot be seen with bare eyes.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

During FUT, the strip of hair is taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. With FUT, more number of grafts can be transplanted on the scalp as compared to FUE.

Gain your self-confidence

With hair transplantation, the person can gain back his or her self-confidence. Just a one-time procedure your hair loss issue will be solved once and for all. In some cases, the surgeon can combine both the methods to have better results and address the issue of hair loss. The treatment is going to give the best coverage you are looking for and restore the crown area easily.

The transformation is what the patient needs and it leaves a positive effect on their mind which increases their self-worth.

Consult the best surgeon

The surgeon will understand the reason for hair loss and accordingly suggest to you what treatment plan will address the issue perfectly.

Everything you need to know about Failed Hair Transplant treatment

Everything you need to know about Failed Hair Transplant treatment



With the innovative and latest technique to deal with hair loss like hair transplant, the patient can get the best results. Unfortunately, some of the hair transplant fails when the surgery is done with little experience and less technical expertise.

Failed Hair Transplant

Different reasons are included for failed hair transplant and some of them are:

  • Improper surgical method

This leads to thinning in the donor area or the presence of a scar. Getting the treatment from an inexperienced surgeon will make the treatment performed improperly.

  • Technical failure

Technical failure is caused when the surgery is as an out-dated method or the surgeon uses the unsuitable instruments during treatment.

  • Not a suitable candidate

Certain patients are not suitable candidates for the surgery and they need to be advised to undergo different treatments to deal with hair loss.

What are the situations where hair transplant is needed?

It is important to correct the outcome of poor quality hair transplant treatment. Some of the causes of poor outcomes are:

  • Defective hairline

Undergoing the treatment with unprofessional surgery will aggravate the alopecia syndrome and this will give an unnatural look and people can easily notice the person has undergone the surgery. In that case, the hair follicles need to be placed for reconstructing the hairline.

  • Wide scar or stretched scar following FUT

FUT is a strip procedure that includes surgical removal of a strip of scalp and this often leads to the permanent linear scar on the back of the scalp. Over time, the patients can face the widening of the scar and this is the reason long-lasting and effective solutions.


What are the rescue options for failed hair transplant?

At VJ’s, our doctor will make a careful and detailed assessment to choose the best hair restoration technique for getting the desired results. Our doctor can fix the bad results of the treatment with the following ways:

  • Correcting bad hair transplant

To correct the issues of previous surgery, the doctor may decide to take the grafts and transplant them with other methods to take healthy grafts for implantation. The surgeon aims to give you the best possible results which look natural.

  • Plug removal

If camouflaging the plug-looking grafts does not work then a more intensive method is needed. The doctor will remove the poorly placed grafts, re-distribute them, and reduce the size to create the natural-looking results.

  • Fixing scars

Patients who have a strip scar due to the surgery, have the best option to hide the scar by growing hair and this covers it appropriately. However, this solution is temporary. For a permanent solution, the doctor will use the FUE technique and transplant the hair follicles to minimize or hide the scars.

How Much Time Does Someone Need To Wait For Proper Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

FUT + FUE Combined Hair Transplant Technique Vizag


Hair Transplants

Hair transplant surgery is a process in which hair roots are transferred from one part of the scalp to another part. The process involves the transfer from the donor area to the recipient areas. While the donor area still shows ample growth, the recipient area is the balding area. Hair Transplant ensures that DHT resistant hair is implanted on the balding surface.

The FUT + FUE Combined Hair Transplant Technique:

The hair transplant combined technique involves both the FUT and FUE technique to extract the required number of grafts and deliver aesthetically pleasing goals. The combined technique requires a surgeon who has expertise in both techniques. The employment of the technique also depends on the amount of hair on the donor areas and the requirement of the recipient area.

Choosing FUT + FUE Hair Transplant: when is it feasible?

  • If the grade of Norwood baldness is more than V (VI-VII)
  • When a patient needs an extremely high-density solution
  • Patients who don’t have enough safe donor supply
  • When it is required to fix a maximum number of grafts per session so that the desired restoration goal is met.

Which skills are required to perform the FUT + FUE Hair Transplant?

Experience: The surgeon’s in-depth knowledge and experience in hair transplants are required. The surgeon should have credit for performing the FUT + FUE hair transplant. He should also be accredited and recognized by the restoration societies.

Artistic skills: The surgeon must have artistic skill and proficiency in understanding the natural hairline design and how the hair roots should be placed to look aesthetically pleasing. The surgeon must have both precision and proficiency to deliver the desired results.

Decision-making: The surgeon must have exceptional decision-making ability so that he carries out the surgery in a well-executed manner. Using the donor areas efficiently and getting the desired results depends on the decision-making ability of the surgeon


So, if you are planning to undergo hair transplant surgery, you must avail the services of the best surgeon in your area. Be careful to opt for a well-known clinic. You can isolate the best names by doing online and offline research and getting in touch with people who have undergone transplants at various clinics.

When should Hair Transplant Surgery be performed?

Pattern Baldness: If the patient suffers from Androgenic alopecia or the pattern baldness, then hair transplant surgery is required.

Grade of baldness is greater than III: hair transplant surgery is often recommended when the grade of badness is more than 3.

Autoimmune Disorder is not the reason: Hair transplant surgery is not a suitable option when the patient has an autoimmune disorder (Alopecia areata or spot baldness).

What are the different ways of sleeping after FUE Hair Transplant Therapy?


During Follicles Unit Extraction therapy or after going through that phase, some major questions arise regarding sleeping postures or patterns. Most of the patients often ask this question to their surgeons i.e. How to sleep after Hair Transplant Surgery? Or what are the different ways of sleeping that a patient should follow after the successful FUE Hair transplant process?

Importance of Sleeping Posture after Hair Transplant.

In the earlier days after hair transplantation, the scalps and the hair grafts are quite sensitive & delicate. The person who recently goes from FUE hair surgery should avoid disturbing these sensitive areas as it may impact on your recovery process adversely.

To take care of the sleeping posture, the following recommendations are outlined:

  • Cleanliness of Bedsheets & Pillowcases

Cleanliness is very essential for an individual or a patient. For light & comfortable night, sleep make sure that your bedsheets & pillowcases are clean. It is also very crucial to check that your bedsheets are detergent free from infections. Thus, clean bedsheets stay away from different kinds of allergens.

  • Put Soft Dark Towel over your Pillow

 Placing a soft dark towel on your pillow is a must because, after FUE hair restoration surgery, some leakage from the scalp is quite common. To prevent staining or leakage from the scalp, use a soft towel as it effectively avoids staining your pillow as well as a bedsheet. You can sleep properly & comfortably.

  • Evade Sleeping on Your Stomach

 Sleeping on the stomach is very harmful as it arises several disturbances in your body. It occurs swelling. For a patient, it is very necessary to take care of its sleeping position. If you are sleeping on your stomach then migrate your sleeping posture for the betterment of your hair transplant results.

  • Sleep Properly With Straight (Elevated) Back & Head 

There are lots of sleeping postures but for a Hair restoration patient, it is essential to sleep properly with their head & back elevated to your pillow. A proper posture of 45- degrees is considered as best for the first 4-5 days after surgery. It controls swelling & boost up your healing process. A proper sleeping posture is very important for a sweet sleep.

  • Maintain Your Proper Sleeping Patterns

After treatment successfully, it is necessary to take a lot of rest to relax your body and recover fast. Take good sleep at night for the first week following your surgery can boost up your healing power. Proper rest for the first four nights is very crucial as mentioned in the treatment.

  • Scalp Protection.

Protect your scalp from hitting on the board as it can make an adverse effect on your recovery process. For protection, a small pillow is placed in between your head & the board. It may make a huge difference.

What is a hair transplant surgery? Explain the Types and Process of hair transplantation?


Almost everyone experiences hair falls once a life, the normal hair loss conditions reveal that you are losing almost 50 to 100 strands a day. But if you are losing more than 200 strands a day, then you are suffering from excessive hair fall, or this condition leads you to baldness too. In this condition, you may need to undergo a hair transplant.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical treatment, which is specially designed to treat certain types of hair fall. No matter, what type of hair loss you have, this is one of the best treatments, which always results in natural-looking hair growth.

There are several people who are suffering from hair loss as well as baldness. So, this is the best treatment for them, because it always gives you the desired results. But you have to choose the hair transplant method according to your hair loss condition and reason behind this condition.

Let’s have a look at hair transplantation methods.


The other name of FUE is Follicular Unit Extraction, which is the most recent and advanced treatment method, that is designed to treat your hair fall condition. In this treatment option, your surgeon harvests a single hair follicle from the back of the head. Thereafter, transplant at the affected area for proper hair growth. No doubt, this is a little expensive treatment but does not result in scarring or any other type of side effects. That’s why this treatment option is well-known and taken by people who are suffering from excessive hair fall.


This is additionally known as the strip harvesting method and Follicular Unit Extraction. This is a conventional or traditional method, which is less expensive as compared to FUE treatment. In addition to this, you may not know that in this treatment option, your surgeon collects the strip of hair follicles from the back of the head, which is known as the donor area. And then transplanting them in the affected area, so that you can get the proper hair growth without any problem. Well, this treatment results in scarring at the donor site, which can fade away over time.

Benefits of both treatment options

As we told you above, there are several benefits of these treatment options. These are-:

  • These results in permanent as well as natural-looking hair growth. After getting these treatments, there is no need to go with any other type of treatment.
  • There are no such risks of side effects.
  • This is a completely safe and secure procedure, so you do not take tension about anything.

Working of hair transplantation

In this procedure, your surgeon first prepares the donor area and then collects the hair graft from the donor area. Once he did with hair follicle collection, he prepares them in a lab and then transplants at the affected area, so that you can get rid of hair fall completely.

Know How Subhash Sharma gets Successful Hair transplant


Hair problems are on the peak these days, which are not only experienced by men, but women are also suffering from this condition. There are several hair problems, but hair fall is too common in both males and females. This hair fall problem is not a disease, but it is a cosmetic condition, which is caused due to several reasons. 

In this condition, you need to go with a hair transplant, because this is the best surgical procedure to grow your hair properly. 

Let’s have a look at the Subhash Sharma hair transplant experience.

Subhash Sharma is a businessman and he was suffering from hair loss problems for a long time. He tries several things to get rid of this condition, but he was unable to cure hair loss because everything gives temporary results. And then he talks to his friend and he suggested him to visit Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag. Then he visited us and discuss his problem with our specialist.

Thereafter, we recommend him to take certain tests that will help us to know which type of hair fall you have. After performing this, we recommend him to undergo hair transplantation, which is a surgical procedure and gives you the best results according to your hair fall condition. Now, let’s have a look at hair transplantation and how it works.

What is hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic surgical procedure, which is designed for those who are suffering from too much hair fall as well as baldness too. This treatment option is best and well-known among everyone who is experiencing excessive hair loss.

This treatment option includes two methods that explain below-:

Follicular Unit Extraction

This is a recent as well as an advanced method of hair transplantation, which is useful to treat excessive hair fall or baldness. This is additionally known as FUE, in which your surgeon collects a single hair from the back of the scalp. This back of the scalp area is known as the donor region and then he transplants them in the affected area. In addition to this, the FUE treatment option is too beneficial to grow new hair because it does not result in scarring and other side effects too.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation is the conventional method to treat hair loss problems in both males and females. Additionally, this is known as FUT hair transplantation. In this method, the strip of hair is collected by your surgeon to transplant in the affected area. No doubt, this method is also beneficial but it leaves a linear scar at the donor area.

So, if you want to get the right treatment, then you need to talk to our senior doctor to get detailed information.