Everything you need to know about cosmetic procedures like botox, laser, and chemical peels
A timeless beauty with Cosmetic Procedures
Every person has one wish to stop the aging process and live eternally. With that said, cosmetic procedures have made this possible to a great extent. Many cosmetic procedures can mask the effect of sun exposure and the aging effect. With time, non-surgical cosmetic surgery has gained a lot of popularity. Let’s understand some of the revolutionary cosmetic procedures in India.
What is Botox?
Botox is available in three different forms Dysport, Botox Cosmetic, and Xeomin. These are injections and temporarily paralyze the facial muscles. Botox can diminish some of the wrinkles produced on the eye corner and forehead. With this procedure, the muscles are contracted that cannot happen normally. With the use of thin needles and toxins in small amounts, the pain is minimized with the injection.
What happens before and after Botox?
Once you get a botox injection, there is muscular control on a gradual basis and this can take around 2 weeks to reach maximum effect. By doing so, the affected area is inexpressive and calm. Patients need to get maintenance regularly as the paralysis effect lasts for 4 months.
What are chemical peel basics?
During a chemical peel, many substances are used to damage the skin and following that exfoliate the skin outer layer. According to the chemical used by the cosmetic surgeon, the depth of the peel will vary. Additionally, it also determines the amount of time it will be on the skin. Lactic acid, Glycolic acid, Trichloroacetic acid, and phenol are some of the chemical options. Once your skin starts healing you will be able to see the desired results.
What happens before and after a chemical peel?
To get the desired outcome, you need to get mild peel for a few weeks. Deeper peels can result in slight discomfort along with swelling and face crusting. A deep and moderate facial is repeated for around 6 to 12 months.
What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a procedure whereby silicon crystals are projected by air onto the skin surface which can result in inflammation. There is swelling by this procedure which improves the wrinkle appearance. The procedure gives temporary and modest results. To maintain the results you need to get the treatment repeated at intervals suggested by the doctor.
What happens after microdermabrasion?
The procedure can result in irritation which is initially like sunburn and our skin is tight. However, this effect of the procedure lasts for just one day. For the improved and better results you need to undergo multiple sessions.
What is cosmetic filler?
Not only is there a wrinkle problem, but there is a loss of fat in the temples and cheeks along with increased fat in the neck.
What happens before and after getting cosmetic filler for dark circles?
The surgeon might use fillers around the hollow eye areas and it reduces the bags and dark circles under the eyes. To make the best final choice, consult our cosmetic surgeon and he can guide you better how your specific problem can be fixed.