What is Male pattern baldness and explain the Causes and treatment of male pattern baldness?
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What is Male pattern baldness and explain the Causes and treatment of male pattern baldness?

What is Male pattern baldness and explain the Causes and treatment of male pattern baldness?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair loss has many types in which male pattern baldness is so common and experience by several people these days. This condition usually refers to the hair fall on the scalp in males. The main reason behind this condition is changed in hormone levels, which is basically experienced by old age people. You may not know that unexpected hair fall refers to a severe health condition, which can only be treated with surgical or medical treatment.

To get rid of this condition, you may need to undergo a hair transplant in Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam has a great deal of hair loss specialist with valid experience and training. 

Interesting facts about male pattern baldness

  • Male pattern baldness usually occurs in old age people, which is a result of hormone changes.
  • This is a too embarrassing and distressing condition, due to which they undergo several hair fall treatments.
  • Hormonal changes are not the only reason behind pattern baldness but there are several other reasons for this condition such as poor nutrition and infection.
  • Treatment options involve hair transplantation, certain medications, and laser & light therapies.

Causes of male pattern baldness

As the name depicts this condition is basically experienced by males across the world. There are several causes of this condition that are divided into three main categories. These are:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Hormones.

This male pattern baldness is additionally known as androgenetic alopecia.

  • Well, these above-mentioned factors are responsible for hair fall or pattern baldness in men. In which, if your father or grandfather had this condition in their life, then you will surely experience it. This condition is known as genetic or hereditary hair fall.
  • As we said earlier, this condition can also trigger due to hormonal changes in the body such as men have testosterone and estrogen in some amount. If you are experiencing a high amount of these hormones, then you will definitely experience male pattern baldness.
  • People of old age are more prone to experience this male pattern baldness condition. This happens because they start experiencing certain health conditions. These are the main reasons behind male pattern baldness in males.

Treatment for male pattern baldness

There are several treatment options are available for male pattern baldness include-:


If you are suffering from male pattern baldness, then you need to go with Minoxidil and Finasteride. These are explained below-:


This is a topical medication, which is additionally known as Rogaine. You can find it in lotion form and you have to apply it to the scalp. This medication will offer you the best results and if you are losing too much hair from the crown, then you need to apply it directly to the crown. You have to wait for at least 6 months to get the best results of this medication.


Propecia is another name of this medication, that is only available on prescription. This is useful to prevent DHT hormone in male, that affects their hair badly and they experience male pattern baldness. In addition to this, you have taken these medicines at least for 3-6 months, so that you can get rid of this condition.

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is the surgical treatment, that is specially designed to treat several forms of hair loss in both sexes. This surgical treatment includes the two types FUT and FUE. In this treatment, the specialist first prepares the donor area and then collects hair graft from the donor area. After that, he transfers the hair graft to the affected area. 


There are two types of shampoo available to get rid of male pattern baldness such as-:

  • Ketoconazole is also known as Nizoral
  • Pyrithione zinc or Head and Shoulders

Other treatment options

  • Laser and light treatment
  • Hairstyle changes
Hair Transplant Timeline: What you should expect after the transplant surgery?

Hair Transplant Timeline: What you should expect after the transplant surgery?


Sometimes the patient is not worried about the procedure of hair transplant surgery, but their major concern is what to expect after the surgery. After the surgery, the patient will notice scarring and redness for some amount of time. The doctor will prescribe you medications and give you a schedule on how to manage your hair-care routine. If you are following the doctor advise then the patient will recover very fast. You can get the best treatment of hair transplant in Andhra Pradesh. Your hairs will grow back according to an extensive timeline. So, you need to be patient to see the final results.

Immediately After The Hair Transplant Surgery

After the Transplant surgery, you will be able to see the shape of your new hairline where the hair follicles are transplanted. If you notice tenderness, swelling, redness, or soreness then it is very normal. After a few weeks, it will go away. The doctor will recommend you some medications to apply for redness and swelling. He will also suggest you a plan on how to take care of your hairs. Some of the things which you should avoid like sleeping with your head elevated or washing your hairs after the surgery. For some time you should avoid applying hair products because it might cause infection and itching.

First 15 days after the procedure

For the first few days, the patient will experience mild swelling, itching, and pain. These side effects will occur in both recipient and donor area.

First Month after the procedure

After the surgery, it is very common that the patient will experience hair loss as it is part of the procedure. So, you should not worry about this situation. This happens because after the transplant the hair follicles enter into the resting phase. This is temporary and it will go away in a few weeks.

Two months after the procedure

In the first few months, the patient will notice hair growth. Every patient will notice this phase differently. In some case, the hair growth might take some time and for some, it may happen early. The doctors say that it takes at least three months to notice the change. In the starting phase, the hair follicles might be uneven but it will grow eventually. The transplanted hairs are also thin when they start to grow.

Six months after the procedure

The patient will expect new hairs which are thick and noticeable after 5 or 6 months from the surgery.

Ten months after the procedure

At this stage, you can properly compare the hair growth and in a very impressive way.

One year after the procedure

After one year, you can notice the final results. It also depends on what type of medication and whether you have taken the necessary precaution or not. If the patient has suffered the problem of hair loss in excess then they can get another surgery.

बाल झड़ने का उपचार: इसकी लागत, फायदे और जोखिम विस्तार से सब कुछ जानिए आन्ध्र प्रदेश में

बाल झड़ने का उपचार: इसकी लागत, फायदे और जोखिम विस्तार से सब कुछ जानिए आन्ध्र प्रदेश में


आन्ध्र प्रदेश में बाल झड़ने की समयसा लोगो में बहुत ज़्यादा देखी जा रही है। बाल हर एक इंसान के लिए बहुत ही ज़रूरी होते है। यह संकट एक उम्र के बाद लोगो में बहुत ज़्यादा बढ़ जाता है. आज कल यह समयसा नोजवानो में बहुत ज़्यादा बढ़ रही है। दुनिया भर में बहुत सरे लोग इसका इलाज करवा रहे है ताकि वो इस समयसा से छुटकारा पा सके। बालो का झड़ना अलग अलग वजह से हो सकता है जैसे हार्मोनल परिवर्तन, ज़िन्दगी जीने का तरीका, तनाव, और किसी दुसरी बीमारी की वजह से हो सकता है । हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट का इलाज मदद करता है इस समस्या से छुटकारा पाने के लिए।


हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट की सर्जरी को करने के दो तरीके हैँ।

  • पहला फॉलिक्युलर यूनिट ट्रांसप्लांटेटिशन, इस तकनीक में बालो के उस भाग से लेकर टांके लगाए जाते है जहाँ पर बाल सबसे ज़्यादा हो। फिर बाद में यही भाग वहां लगाया जाता है यहाँ पर बाल बहुत कम हो। इस तकनीक का नुकसान यह है की सर्जरी के बाद सिर पर निशान रह जाते है।
  • दूसरा फॉलिक्युलर यूनिट एक्सट्रैक्शन, इस तकनीक में एक-एक बाल निकला जाता है. फिर इन बालों उस जगह लगाया जाता है जहाँ पर बाल बहुत ही कम हो। इस तकनीक का फ़ायदा यह है की इसमें बालों पर निशान नहीं रहते।

सर्जरी की कीमत

इस सर्जरी की कीमत आमतौर पर ₹ ३०,०००  से ₹ १,००,००० है। यह अलग-अलग कारण पे निर्भर करता है की कीमत कितनी होगी । जैसे की आप किस जगह से इलाज़ करवा रहे हो, डॉक्टर को कितना अनुभव है, सर्जरी में कितने ग्राफ्ट्स की ज़रुरत पड़ेगी, और तरीका कोनसा इस्तेमाल किआ जायेगा सर्जरी में।


इस सर्जरी का फ़ायदा यह है की इससे व्यक्ति का आत्म-विश्वास बढ़ता है।  इस प्रक्रिया के बाद गंजा पन दूर हो जाता है और आपकी सुंदरता और भी बढ़ जाती है। इसका सबसे बड़ा फ़ायदा यह है की बाल बिल्कुल प्राकृतिक

दिखते हैं। सर्जरी के कुछ समय बाद ही आप अपने सामान्य जीवन में लोट आते हैं.

सर्जरी के जोखिम

सर्जरी करवाने के बाद दुष्प्रभाव बहुत ही मामूली होते है जो की कुछ हफ्तों में दूर हैं। पर कुछ मरीज़ो को बहुत ही मुश्किल का सामना करना पड़ता है। जैसे कि

  • आँखों के चारो और नील पड़ जाना
  • खून बहना
  • सूजन
  • अस्थायी रूप से बालों का झड़ना
  • खुजली

सर्जरी करवाने से पहले अच्छी तरह से डॉक्टर से जानकारी प्रापत कर लें अच्छे से सोच विचार करके ही किसी नतीजे पर पहुंचे।

What is the connection between Dandruff and Hair Loss - How to prevent the problem?

What is the connection between Dandruff and Hair Loss – How to prevent the problem?


Dandruff is a scalp problem due to which white flakes and itching on the scalp occurs. The problem can negatively impact a person’s life.  When the problem becomes excess it can lead to hair loss and thinning of hairs. The hair follicles get damaged due to dandruff in the scalp. In this case, the hair transplant can also save your hairs.

One of another condition is Seborrheic dermatitis which is often mistaken for dandruff. This problem is more severe and it can occur anywhere on the body.

Symptoms of dandruff

  • The scalp starts hurting and you will feel a burning sensation.
  • You will notice rashes on the scalp.
  • On the scalp and shoulders, white flakes are found.
  • If the problem is extreme then there will be red patches on the scalp.

How both the problems are linked?

The hair loss is not directly related to the condition of dandruff.  This will damage the hairs and the problem will be more if the patient is already suffering from the problem of hair loss.

How to prevent the problem of hair fall caused due to dandruff?

  • Medicated Shampoo

Dandruff can create a fungal infection. Those who are suffering the problem have to use a medicated shampoo in there hair care routine. The shampoo can be prescribed by the doctor or you can find the best one from the market. For first weeks, you have to use the shampoo when you wash your hairs. The doctor will recommend you how much amount you have to apply on the hairs or according to the instructions mentioned on the product. Once it is under control, you can use it once in a week or 1 time in a month.

  • Moisturize your Scalp

When you suffer from dandruff, you use shampoo to get rid of it and this will reduce the natural oils from the scalp very fast. You have to moisturize your scalp to bring back the oil back. This will keep them healthy and it will help the hairs to grow fast also. You can use coconut oil or jojoba oil for moisturizing the scalp. It would be even best if you use drying ingredient in the treatment such as salicylic acid.

  • Sunlight

A little bit of sunlight can help to keep your dandruff under control. Standing in the sun for a few minutes can benefit you in a great way. Make sure to apply sunscreen on the face and body to avoid any sunburn.

Before starting any treatment make sure to consult the doctor to get a diagnose of the treatment. This will also tell you how much treatment is required and if the problem is in excess then he will recommend you what should be done.


What is the difference between the two - Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement?

What is the difference between the two – Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement?


Hair is indeed the most invaluable possession of every human being. Hair not only adds to the personality of the individual but give him/her different confidence altogether. Surprisingly, many individuals including young and adult irrespective of their genders have been struggling through the issue of hair loss. There are many ways of treating the hair loss and reverse the issue of receding hairline. The two most commonly confused ones are hair transplant and hair replacement.

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure for restoring the lost hair of the scalp. In this process, the hair is taken from the areas of the scalp where there is thick growth. After removing the thick hair follicles, they are implanted to the bald areas with the help of small incisions. The scalp is made numb with the insertion of anesthesia. After that, the hair follicles are fixed to the bald scalp. The hair takes a period of around 6 months to start regrowing.

Benefits of hair transplant

The hair transplant has multiple benefits. Firstly, it helps in restoring the lost confidence. Secondly, it adds to the persona of the individual. Thirdly, the hair is taken from the scalp of the same individual. So, there is no need to search for the donor of hair. Fourthly, the hair growth continues as usual.

The first and the foremost limitation of hair transplant is that it is a costly affair. Besides this, hair fall does not stop and it continues as usual. In addition, there is also the issue of scarring that comes along with hair transplant procedure.

What is hair replacement?

Hair replacement involves fixing an altogether new set of hair to the bald scalp. The color, density, texture as well as the length of hair can be decided as per the preference of the individual. The hair is made artificially with fine material. This therapy can be used to treat hair loss caused by any reason such as heredity baldness, medical issues, hair loss due to chemotherapy, and many other reasons.

Merits of hair replacement

Hair replacement offers numerous positives to the one undergoing this procedure. First of all, it does not involve any surgical procedure at all. Then, this is quite an affordable process. It is most suitable for those who have very thin hairline or are completely bald.

The most prominent con of hair replacement is that the hair needs to be maintained regularly and need to be cleaned frequently. The person may also feel that he/she is adoring a wig.

All in all, the major difference between hair transplant and hair replacement is that where the former is a surgical procedure, the later is an absolutely non-surgical procedure. Moreover, for hair transplant, one has to have sufficient hair growth on his scalp while it is not so in case of hair replacement.




Hair is an undisputed asset for all the human beings that enhance their beauty. All are fond of their hair whether men or women. They like to style their hair differently on different days and different occasions. In the modern world, even men are not behind when it comes to hair styling.   Baldness lowers self-esteem and confidence of a person especially women. It has been observed that people as young as the age of 20 are facing the problem of baldness and it has become a matter of serious concern.


Let us, first of all, examine all those factors which can possibly lead to hair fall or baldness:

  1. Pollution: the pollution has been increasing at unimaginable rates and there are various gases as well as gaseous substances present in the air. These are toxic for hair growth and lead to hair fall resulting in baldness.
  2. Stress: the stress has also risen among modern youth and adults. The stress puts pressure on their brain which as a result affects the health of their hair and they face hair loss.
  3. Aging: aging definitely is an undisputed factor that causes hair fall. With the progress in age, the growth of hair declines and baldness starts.
  4. Unhealthy diet patterns: the food consumption of people has also changed alot these days. They rely more on upon fast food to satisfy their taste buds and consume less of a rich balanced diet. As a result, the essential nutrients required for hair growth are not available and baldness becomes frequent.
  5. Consumption of liquor: the intake of liquor, too, has become quite common these days. Both the sexes take alcohol a lot. The consumption of alcohol beyond the limit is not detrimental for health but also for the hair growth.
  6. Smoking: smoking does the same as the alcohol does. It badly affects hair growth.
  7. Use of various styling equipment and products: men and women both use a variety of hair styling products such as gels and crèmes as well as use a lot of hair styling equipment. For example hair curlers, straighteners etc which deprive the hair of their natural moisture and make them brittle. Due to this, hair fall and baldness have become common.


There are various baldness treatments available which are discussed below:

  1. If the hair loss is detected at an early stage, various home remedies can be used as well as the diet that is good for hair growth can be taken to restore hair growth and get rid of baldness.
  2. However, if it is not detected early and baldness has already occurred majorly or to a minor extent then various medical treatments for baldness are available and the best among them is hair transplant. In the hair transplant treatment, the plugs that contain hair are removed from either sides or back of scalp where there is still hair growth. After this, they are placed on the bald parts of the scalp. This process requires several sittings and can not be achieved overnight or in a single day.
  3. Scalp reduction: the next medical treatment for hair restoration is scalp reduction. In this process, the bald part of the scalp is carefully removed and replaced with a hair-covered scalp.

Baldness affects not only the appearance but confidence of people too if it happens in early ages. The reliable hair treatments thus can help to restore the hair, attractiveness and confidence