Which is the safest non-surgical treatment for vaginal rejuvenation?
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Category: hymen reconstruction

Which is the safest non-surgical treatment for vaginal rejuvenation?

Which is the safest non-surgical treatment for vaginal rejuvenation?


Do you think that there can be a procedure for vaginal tightening and rejuvenation, which may feel like a warm massage when carried out? Yes, you guessed it right, we are talking about the hymenoplasty in Punjab. This is a kind of female genital surgery. If you are interested to know about male genital surgery, then let us know. We shall publish our next blog on that topic.

But in today’s write up, we are going to talk about the thermiVa procedure.

ThermiVa is the kind that helps to make the vagina tight and rejuvenated. It is often taken up by the women after delivery. This procedure takes the help of either the medicines or the radio frequency waves. With these, the collagen gets synthesized which eventually leads to the shrinking and the tightening of the female tissues.

In simple words

With the real-time monitoring of the temperature, this procedure helps to reach the subcutaneous layers of the skin. With heating, the tissues are aimed for the contraction.

What is the difference between surgical vaginal rejuvenation and the thermiVa?

Usually, all the other methods to rejuvenate the vagina are surgical and are less effective. But when we are comparing them with the ThermiVa, then it comes out to be best in all the aspects. With its non-surgical approaches, this treatment procedure aims at treating the following problems:

  • Vaginal Laxity
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Sexual disorders

Who can benefit you with this procedure?

We offer all the procedures which are required by our patients to improve the aesthetics and the functioning of their private parts. We know that not all people are comfortable talking about genital problems with the opposite genders. So as per your convenience, we make you available with highly qualified doctors whose primary motive is to make you comfortable.

There are broad scope of advantages if you take up this treatment from us:

  • Cost-effective treatment
  • Result-oriented procedures
  • Use of the modern technologies
  • Right approach
  • Personalised treatment plan

How long does it take for the completion of the procedure?

It depends upon the expertise of the staff that this procedure does not take more than 30 minutes to get completed.

How can you get benefitted from this procedure?

You can experience the following if you undergo ThermiVa:

  • The vagina gets tightened and thus the satisfaction in the intercourse can be achieved
  • The viva and the Labia also gets tightened
  • The vaginal dryness can be gotten rid of
  • The incontinence and leakage like issues can be treated

What about the cost?

The cost of the procedure may vary depending upon the expected outcomes. If you want to achieve more than one enhanced feature, then the cost will naturally be high.

Contact us

In case, you want to take up the vaginal rejuvenation procedure, then make sure you are consulting us. We are best known for providing the required services in this regard.

Hymenoplasty: Why Hymenoplasty is so popular among women these days in India?

Hymenoplasty: Why Hymenoplasty is so popular among women these days in India?


What is Hymen?

A hymen is described as a pinkish membrane that plays an important role to block the vaginal entrance. In addition, a hymen is also known as vulva, which acts as the gateway to the vagina. Moreover, it is generally found inside the vagina and the size of a hymen is half an inch.

What is Hymenoplasty?

It is basically a cosmetic procedure which is designed to construct a hymen similarly as a natural one. Additionally, it is useful to regaining virginity after losing it. In this process, your surgeon repairs the remnants of the torn hymen which are further used to restore natural hymen. When the edges combined with each other during recovery you are able to maintain your virginity. This is the process which is totally safe and secure because it does not have any side effect also have less recovery time. Moreover, this procedure is completely safe since it has no scarring and any other sign of side effect. At last, after getting this procedure, during your sexual intercourse you experience bleeding similarly as virgin girls who do this first time.

Who is the good candidate for hymenoplasty?

Additionally, this is also useful for girls who want to present them as a virgin girl on their first night after marriage. Moreover, many people choose this hymenoplasty in India due to cultural and religious factors because their culture does not allow them to intercourse before marriage. But these are not only reasons, but some girls also follow this treatment when they met with an accident or due to injury. Sometimes, many girls who play sports get this treatment in order to maintain their virginity.

Reasons for hymenoplasty

There are several reasons behind this hymenoplasty such as cultural and religious factors, injury to the hymen, psychological factors, and revirgination.

Cultural or religious reasons

The main reason for hymenoplasty is a cultural and religious factor because of many people afraid of disapproval. In addition, Indian culture does not allow them to get involved in intercourse before marriage. This is the procedure which gives them 100% successful results.

Psychological healing

If a girl is suffered from sexual abuse or rape, then this procedure will give her a chance to get back her virginity. In this way, you are able to reduce the risk of mental disorder because it is a totally safe and daycare process. If you do not want to tell anyone this procedure only takes 40 minutes to do.

Injury to the hymen

If a girl met an accident and suffering from the problem of injury to the hymen. Then this is the procedure which gives them real comfort and relief. You must visit the doctor first and then go for the treatment.


When a woman wants to begin a relationship with a new partner, in this way this is the treatment which gives you better results.

What is the time taken for hymen repair?

What is the time taken for hymen repair?


The hymen is an integral part of the female anatomy. It is a thin membrane-like structure which covers the vaginal opening. The hymen usually ruptures when the woman has vaginal sex for the first time. But it may also be ruptured during exercise, tampon insertion or masturbation. It is a brutal truth in many cultures that the society looks down upon women who are not virgins before marriage. Its original form have the option for undergoing hymenoplasty. It is a surgery in which surgical restoration of a hymen is carried out. It is also referred to as Virginity surgery or Hymen Repair surgery.

The surgery in finer details

The surgery is fairly simple to carry out. The mucosal edges are freshened. This is followed by stitching the tissues together.

The hymen opening is thus reduced to 1-2 cm in diameter.Self-dissolving sutures are used to stitch the tissues.The surgery can be carried out by using local anesthesia.If the patient so desires, oral sedation may be used. In cases where the patient is extremely anxious, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia may also be considered.

Precautions after the surgery

The hymen is a delicate part of a woman. Its restoration is a miraculous gift offered by the medical fraternity. As in the case of other surgeries, it requires great care and gentle handling of the area after the surgery. The foremost care that should be taken is to abstain from sexual activity for a minimum period of six weeks. Any self-indulgence like masturbation is also strictly prohibited for the same period of time. Any kind of foreplay or insertion of fingers to check the results of the surgery will be enough to damage the organ and cause discomfort. Resume any kind of aforementioned activities only after the mentioned period of time. It is highly recommended that you select an experienced surgeon with a proven track record.The clinic chosen also must have all the latest facilities and infrastructure in case an emergency situation arises. The cost may vary according to your location and the clinic that you choose. Before reviewing your budget, consider the fact that your body and well being is at a risk if you are bartering your well being for a small amount of cash.

This is why we should expect more Hymenoplasty Procedures in the near future

This is why we should expect more Hymenoplasty Procedures in the near future


Repairing the hymen may sound like awkward or totally a disgusting procedure, but it is currently one of the most sought reconstruction procedures in cosmetic or plastic surgery centres. Cases, where a girl loses her virginity before marriage are many, and she or her family can’t bear the social stigma associated with that fact.

Her names withheld, she and her family believed that Mr A was the perfect guy. As love blossomed every single day before they got married, everyone believed in the tales of ‘happy ending thereafter’. But a year of their union (marriage), their home was like a living hell and the girl had to run away. To cut the long story short, hymen repair seems to be the only solution for this young woman in case she is to get married again and above all stay treated like a princess.

What is Hymen Repair?

Every woman has a hymen located in her reproductive part. This hymen is a thin membrane which partially opens and closes and scientifically, doctors believe that it protects the internal organs from infections. Traditionally, or culture wise, a hymen is a significant symbol of virginity. In some countries like India, Tunisia, Yemen, among others, losing your virginity before marriage is a serious matter that has left many dead or torn away from their families.

Cases of hymen rupture are common after sexual intercourse, but the hymen can also rupture during strenuous physical activities/ exercises like jumping, running, among others.

How is the Hymen Reconstructed?

There are various approaches or techniques of repairing the hymen, but all are based on the amount of rupture. A partly ruptured hymen may only require stitching the remaining parts together, whereas a completely torn hymen will require the surgeon to create a new hymen using tissues from the lip of the vagina, a surgical approach known as hymen reconstruction.

Another approach is known as the “Alloplant technique”, this is conducted when the hymen remnants can’t be stitched back together. In this case, the surgeon will introduce a biomaterial into the vagina and the created thin layer will act as the new hymen.

Prior to the surgery, you will have a discussion with your doctor to come up with the ideal hymen reconstruction approach. The surgeries are conducted under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Once the new layer is created or the remaining hymen pieces gathered, the surgeon will use dissolvable stitches to form a new hymen that will function just like the natural hymen

Possible side effects

Just like any other surgery, a hymen repair procedure or reconstruction is also associated with various side effects such as bleeding, bruising, swelling, discoloration of the hymen, discomfort, numbness, and hematomas.

Am I a candidate?

  • Generally, every healthy woman is a Hymenoplasty candidate as long as she had lost her virginity in any way.

  • In other cases, women also resort to hymen repair in order to experience more sexual pleasure during intercourse.

  • Women above 17 years are also ideal candidates

Is it always necessary to go for Hymen repair?

Normally, religious, cultural, societal, family, or individual factors may influence one to undergo a hymen repair or reconstruction. Otherwise, certain religions and cultural factors hardly recommend a woman to undergo the procedure.