Cosmetic Facial Surgery: Everything you need to know about cosmetic surgeries?
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Cosmetic Facial Surgery: Everything you need to know about cosmetic surgeries?

Cosmetic Facial Surgery: Everything you need to know about cosmetic surgeries?


What is cosmetic facial surgery?

Cosmetic facial surgery is` performed to improve the appearance of your face and some other body parts. People who are not happy with their natural appearance are the main candidates for this surgery. This is the surgery which is totally safe and secure additionally, give you more natural and effective results. The main features which you want to improve with the help of cosmetic facial surgery are aging effects, nose re-shaping, excess fat removal, and improve the appearance of breasts.


What types of cosmetic procedures are available these days?

There are various types of cosmetic procedures are available in this modern era. These are listed below:

These all the treatments are safe and secure but the majority of people take Facelift surgery in Vizag because our surgeons are too experienced and trained.

What to expect before, during, and after the cosmetic facial treatment?

The primary factor to consider while you are thinking to get cosmetic facial treatment is to understand the theory of treatment. Don’t go for the treatment Without understanding the whole process of cosmetic facial treatment. You have to follow all the instructions before and after the treatment which are given by your surgeon.

Before the cosmetic procedure

When you go for your first consultation you must bring your previous procedures

detail copy so that your surgeon can easily examine your health conditions. Don’t hesitate, if you want to ask anything to your chosen doctor then you should ask him directly.

In this consultation, your surgeon will give you all the details about the procedure and pre-care instructions.

During the procedure

Don’t worry this is a totally safe and secure procedure, you do not face any type of side effect even after the cosmetic facial treatment. During the process, in the starting, your surgeon will give you the anesthesia in order to keep you calm and relax during the whole process. And then he will start this process, additionally, he may give you fillers injection if you need.

After the procedure

You must follow all the post-care instructions which are given by your surgeon for effective results. You should take proper rest and sleep in order to reduce the risk of swelling. In addition to this, if you are regular or passive smoker then must quit smoking because it may worsen your condition over time. Moreover, you should only take those medicines which are prescribed by your surgeon such as any type of painkillers.

Find: Before & after Results


Cosmetic Surgery: How cosmetic surgery makes women look more likable?

Cosmetic Surgery: How cosmetic surgery makes women look more likable?


What is cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgeries are specially designed to improve your appearance so that you can look younger and attractive than the previous time. In addition, this cosmetic surgery is useful to improve your self-esteem as well.

Types of cosmetic surgeries

There are several types of cosmetic surgeries which give you permanent and effective results. These include chin surgery, cosmetic dentistry, botox, facelift,

Cheek lift, neck lift, laser scar removal process, and Rhinoplasty. These all are useful for facial appearance and for the body are explained below such as

How cosmetic surgery makes women look more likable?

A recent study reveals that cosmetic surgeries change your appearance and women look more likable. Let’s have a look at how cosmetic surgery in Vizag change your appearance and you look more likable.

The researchers said that all types of cosmetic surgeries are useful to treat your facial appearance because these all the surgeries are performed with the help of your own skin cells. That’s why you look younger and adorable and also experience fewer side effects such as swelling which may be faded away within days. Moreover, this will result in a natural looking appearance and give you lasting results.

In 2012, one study selects the person who was suffering from facial problems from past 9 years. And perform cosmetic surgery on his face in order to examine the results. After performing the cosmetic surgery they reveal the truth related to surgery that you look more adorable or attractive after getting cosmetic surgery.

Moreover, there are some benefits to cosmetic surgeries.

Natural looking results

These cosmetic surgeries will give you more natural looking and permanent results of that you won’t need any type of cosmetic surgery in life in order to improve your appearance.

Boost your self-confidence

These surgeries are useful to boost your self-confidence which you lost due to not proper appearance. Now, you will be able to do all the works for you may find new work opportunities with you more attractive face.

Do not have any side effect

These surgeries are an effective solution for all the persons who want to improve their appearance. Since these surgeries do not have any type of side effects such as redness swelling and irritation. Due to this, you will able to get better results and to look more likable.

Furthermore, if you want to get proper and effective results from cosmetic surgeries must visit us once. We will guide you about the right treatment option and tells you how these cosmetic surgeries are effective and give you better results.

What is the need of getting cosmetic surgery, expectations, advantages, and risk?

What is the need of getting cosmetic surgery, expectations, advantages, and risk?


In the past few years, the demand for cosmetic surgery has risen a lot. This is because cosmetic surgery helps in improving the appearance of the person which will eventually increase the self-confidence and self-esteem. You can get cosmetic surgery on part of the body as well as the face.

Need for getting cosmetic surgery

You should first ask yourself why you need this and are you really doing it for yourself? Secondly why you want to change and what? What are your expectations from the surgery? Lastly, your surgeon should also agree that the goals you want to have are reasonable or not. You can also get Cosmetic surgery in Vizag.

Before undergoing cosmetic surgery if you know the results will be appropriate, it helps you to make your decision more easily and in a better way. If something is not clear then make sure you ask the surgeon so that he/she can tell you whether you have to reconsider the option or not.

Expectations of cosmetic surgery

We have all have the expectation that we want this type of results from the surgery. For this, it is necessary to discuss with the surgeon about the entire process in detail. It will be beneficial to know everything and what will happen after the surgery. Keep this thing in mind that it won’t change your life but it will help you change the appearance which you might want.

Additionally, consider whether you can afford the entire cost of the surgery as cosmetic surgery is not covered by health insurance companies. Do not fall for the advertisements, it is better if you directly consult the surgeon. Once your consultation is done, who will have to properly evaluate your decision?

If you are feeling anxious about anything share your thoughts with the surgeon. In the end, they are the who can guide you better and you will surely feel more comfortable.

The procedure of cosmetic surgery

During the procedure, general anesthesia is given to the patients to reduce any type of discomfort. Procedures like facial fillers can be performed with local anesthesia. Before the surgery, you will get to see the surgeon if you want to ask any question.

Once the procedure is done, you will get the prescription and post-surgical care. This will help you know what you have to do and to avoid. In case, there are any issue phone numbers will be given to you so that you can share the problem and get the solution.

The risk with Cosmetic Surgery

There is some type of risk and complications involved with cosmetic surgery. The risk is aggravated because of bad lifestyle habits which can result in obesity, diabetes, blood clot, stroke, and lung disease.

Some possible complications are the infection, anesthesia-related issue, mild bleeding, scarring, tingling, and numbness.

When can I attain Abdominoplasty?

When can I attain Abdominoplasty?


We live in a world of smartness and in case you don’t match the standards, you may find yourself segregated from your peers. Abdominoplasty is one of the commonest cosmetic procedures that works by eliminating excess fat from the lower and middle part of the abdomen. Your cosmetic surgeon will lastly tighten the abdominal muscles to achieve a perfect contour.

When & Why is Abdominoplasty considered as an option?

Normally, the immediate way 0f attaining a perfect body shape is through diet and physical exercises. In some cases, stubborn fat may require other technical measures to rest from deformity or irregular body shapes. Things like love handles are no longer an issue once the right surgeon is selected for the surgery.

In the same way, any individual, both males, and females can opt for abdominoplasty as long as healthy and have excess fat that prevails regardless of the measures taken to eliminate it.

Forms/Types of Abdominoplasty you may consider

There are various abdominoplasty surgeries each selected after an evaluation. These include;

Partial Abdominoplasty- In this, a given amount of fat and skin are eliminated from the abdomen and the skin is then stitched back to normal.

Complete Abdominoplasty- In this procedure, an incision is made from hip to hip, all the excess fat is removed and the skin and later on the abdominal wall is tightened to achieve a steady shape/appearance.

An Extended Abdominoplasty- This is a comprehensive procedure in which the surgeon eliminates all the excess fat and skin and also performs a thigh lift.

The abdominoplasty surgery is associated with side effects like bleeding, nerve damage, swelling, infection, blood clots among others. It is recommended that caution is taken after the surgery.

Various Procedures help in treating Wrinkles

Cosmetic procedure: What are the various procedures that help in treating the wrinkles?


Although wrinkles are a sign of wisdom or maturity. As we age, we all have a certain type of wrinkles. The treatment which helps in treating the normal skin aging is generally termed as cosmetic and they are not covered by health insurance.

Following are the different types of Procedures help in treating Wrinkles

  • Laser Light and radio frequency treatment

      The problem of wrinkles can be treated with laser resurfacing, during the procedure, laser light is used which helps in destroying the outer layer of the skin by a laser beam. Basically, it heats the underlying skin and it also increases the growth of collagen fibers.

The recovery time of this procedure is long. Once the wound is completely healed the skin becomes tighter and smooth. After the procedure, the risk is scarring and the skin may get either light or dark in color.

However, this process has to be repeated more than once. During the procedure, radio frequency is used to treat the problem.

  • Botulinum toxin injections

      This is another option which can reduce some type of wrinkles and it is also known as ‘Botox’. They are used to treat the forehead and frown lines which result from making a facial expression. These injections are also helpful in reducing the lines from the corner of the eyes. The doctor will inject the injection into specific muscles on the face. This basically helps in relaxing the muscles and it reduces the wrinkles and fine line on the face. To see it effect it will take at least two or three days and to notice the difference you have to wait for one or two weeks. The time duration of this treatment is three to six months. These injections are not suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You can visit our clinic to get Botox Treatment In India.

  • Face Lift procedure

      One of the best and most effective methods is face-lift. The best candidate for this procedure is under the age group of 40 to 80. As we age, the skin gets loose or it becomes saggy in the lower face. Before the procedure, the patient is given general anesthesia for pain relief. The surgeon will incisions around the hairline, at the temples, or around the ear. After that the tissue is distributed again, the face muscle is lifted and before the skin is re-draped, the excess skin is trimmed. For a few days, swelling and bruising are very common. For the first few weeks, compression garments should be worn, vigorous activity is not advised, and only walking is permitted. For the procedure of Face-lift in India, all the latest techniques and methods are used.

  • Dermal filler injections

      To make your skin look plump, fuller, and smooth, a dermal filler is the best option. They are mostly used around the nose to reduce the lines and to enhance the shape of the lips. The results of the procedure can be either temporary or permanent. The dermal filler is injected into the skin surface with a very small needle. The results also depend on how you take care of your skin and they mostly last for 3 to 18 months.

What are the 10 most effective Cosmetic Procedure to improve your look?

What are the 10 most effective Cosmetic Procedure to improve your look?


Cosmetic surgeries are becoming extremely popular and their demand is rising among the young urban Indians. Moreover, the trend has also changed these days because of the advancement in technology and technique.

  • Nose Job

People who want to smooth out the bridge of the nose or want to create nostril symmetry can get this nose-job rhinoplasty treatment. This method is performed by using the injectable fillers which are Juvederm and hyaluronic acid. No doubt, the results are not permanent and you have to get the treatment again after some time. You can visit our clinic to get treatment of Rhinoplasty in India.

  • Lip Correction

Those who want to change the look of the lips can opt for Lip injection. This method is extremely popular and the demand is this treatment is continuously increasing. The lip injections contain Juvederm filler or fat which is removed from your own body. Then the filler is injected around the lips as well on the lips. Lip Correction Surgery in India is performed with the latest method and technology.

To achieve younger looking, clear and brighter skin chemical peels are the best option. This option is best to reduce the fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and sun damage to the skin.

  • Smile Correction

If you want to correct the smile area then Botox injections are the best option. With these injections, the upper lip will be prevented raising very high and you can smile without exposing the gum.

  • Oxygen facials

There are many celebrities who have undergone this method to make their skin look red carpet ready. The results are immediate and it used compression machine which pushes oxygen and other skincare products into the skin. So, if you want to make your skin brighter or lessen the fine lines then it is the best method.

Another popular method is Botox injections which relaxes the facial muscles and the results are effective. The patient does not feel pain and the procedure is quick also.

  • Chin fullness reduction

To get rid of a double chin as well as to contour the jawline cosmetic procedure are also available. The injections help in combating the chin fullness and the procedure is less invasive and rapid also.

  • Thermage

Another popular method for skin tightening is thermage. During the process, radio-frequency energy is used that stimulates collagen production. The procedure is painless as well as no recovery time.

  • Cheek fillers

For defined cheekbone and tight skin, different options are available. Some of the injectable substances are Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane as they help to get a youthful look.

  • Deep Peels

as we age the skin on the hands become loose. For this, you can use skin tightening laser which has different fillers and the results are also quite impressive. It is best to get deep peels and superficial peels at least once in a month.

Cosmetic surgery: Tips to find a trusted plastic surgeon for Gynecomastia

Cosmetic surgery: Tips to find a trusted plastic surgeon for Gynecomastia


Cosmetic surgery Visakhapatnam: Plastic surgeons not only perform a tummy tuck and facelift procedures, they additionally perform cosmetic surgeries such as gynecomastia and liposuction. Finding the best plastic surgeon is not an easy task but you should consider some important things that are necessary for permanent and successful results. They additionally perform a non-surgical procedure such as laser-resurfacing which will give you pleasant look and remove minor skin flaws.

There are some tips you should follow while choosing a plastic surgeon such as experience, training, credentials, referrals, and reviews of previous patients. These are great ways to get information about the surgeon. This type of surgeons performs gynecomastia surgery which is additionally known as male breast reduction procedure.

Tips to find the best surgeon

Check experience and training

You must check the experience and training of the surgeon. You can additionally check the credentials of the plastic surgeon so that you will get the best treatment without any side effect. You should check it from his webpage or directly ask him about the credentials. You should also ask him about the training he has or what type of patients he treated.

Make sure the surgeon is board certified

You must get treatment from the certified surgeon so that you cannot encounter any problem in the future. You should ensure that your surgeon has an official degree and has graduated from a recognized university. This is necessary to know otherwise you may feel any serious condition in future. This is a way to know the success of the surgery, additionally, the success of the surgery depends on the experience, training, and knowledge of the surgeon.

Ask your family doctor to reference

you should first converse with your family doctor because he will guide you clearly. You should additionally ask him to refer you to the best surgeon he knows. In this way, you will definitely get the best and trusted treatment from the best plastic surgeon. Additionally, you should ask your friends and relatives if they know any trustworthy plastic surgeon you should go with him.

Check testimonials

You should check the testimonials of plastic surgeons you sorted. In this way, you should get knowledge of the surgeon and their faculty who perform the surgeries. You can additionally talk to his previous patients, they will give you the right information about the behavior of faculty and doctor.

Before and after photos

You should check the before and after photos of the previous surgeries he performed. You should go to his webpage and check all the photos it will help to find about the surgery.

Face-to-face meeting

If you are in doubt then directly visit the surgeon and talk to them. Make sure you ask him some questions about the surgery and procedure. His answers will help you to clear your queries. In this way, you will definitely get the best plastic surgeon. Moreover, you should ask him about the previous surgeries he did. Moreover, you should clear all your doubts at the consultation time.


Can I Go For Multiple Cosmetic Treatments At Same Time?

Can I Go For Multiple Cosmetic Treatments At Same Time?


[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””]Cosmetic procedures are becoming the preferred treatment for the people worldwide as having good looks and body shape is the prime concern for most of the people. There are the number of cosmetic procedures are being offered to people to resolve their aesthetic concerns but the common question that remains in the mind of the patient is

Can I take more than one cosmetic decision at the same time?”

Well, the answer to the above question is ‘yes’ means you can take multiple procedures at a time, in fact, many patients are doing the same.

Taking multiple cosmetic procedures can be beneficial for you in the following concerns

  • You can save your money and time by choosing multiple cosmetic procedures at the time
  • There will be no need to go for multiple consultations with the plastic surgeon for different issues as all can be done in the single meeting
  • You can have your concerned solved in single surgery in a single time
  • Combined procedures also combine the recovery period for you
  • You can get back to your routine soon after multiple treatments
  • In a single time, you can have improved overall improved appearance.

Combining one or more cosmetic treatments can be beneficial for the patient but before combining the multiple treatments the doctor need to consider various things to ensure safe treatment

Doctor’s considerations before combining multiple treatments

The doctor has to keep in mind about following things before recommending any patient for multiple treatments at the same time

  • Patient must have overall good health
  • The doctor needs to examine the areas before treating them
  • The doctor has to take care of the length of time for which patient would need to go under anaesthesia to ensure his safety

Which procedures can I combine?

Following are some treatments that you can combine together to save your time and money and can get best results

  • Tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation and breast lift for the mommy makeover
  • Breast lift and augmentation
  • Thigh lift and liposuction
  • Arm lift and liposuction

Mostly the combined procedures of mommy makeover are popular among the new mothers as they can restore their pre-pregnancy body after delivery with these procedures. The combined procedures are specially designed to resolve the postpartum issues of new mothers like breast sag, loose skin, and excess skin in the abdominal area, loss of breast volume, the deposit of extra fat, stretch marks and even wrinkles. For such postpartum changes treatments like breast lift, augmentation and liposuctions are combined to give aesthetic look to women after delivery.

In the same manner, other procedures can be combined to resolve various concerns of the patient at the single time. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Eternal Youth: Everyone’s Dream

Eternal Youth: Everyone’s Dream


Whether 50 or 30, everyone wants to look younger than their age. You must be no different. Yes, everyone wants to look and feel young. So if you are spending sleepless nights due to crow’s feet and laugh lines, it’s time to knock the door of a Botox specialist. But first get your facts right.

Will I look like an ice maiden after the treatment?

No, if you are in the right hands. Botox eases away the wrinkles and the laugh lines when administered by the expert hands in micro doses. Undoubtedly, it is the best bet for returning a youthful appearance to your face.

Botox: A boon or a bane?

Botox has been at the centre of the controversy that it is more of a hazard than a blessing, given the fact that it could cause a paralytic condition. But rest assured, a standard product in suitable quantity is just the miraculous anti-aging solution you have been searching for years. But the awareness is as important. The most reliable brand names in the field are Xeomin by Merz, Myobloc by Solstice, Botox by Allergan and Dysport by Ipsen. These brands have been certified by European authorities and FDA. The clients can trust these brands with their eyes closed. While their cheaper Chinese and Korean counterparts may deliver the same results, their side effects can’t be predicted as they do not conform to the regular standards. So it’s better to be safe than sorry later. I strongly recommend that you stick to the four brands.

The magical treatment ‘s methodology

After your physician checks the muscle structure of your face, he will specify which areas are giving your age way. A customized plan will be planned accordingly. In the first step, the skin is cleaned. A numbing cream is applied. Subsequently, the injection is administered. The whole process lasts 20-40 minutes.

The pain for the gain

The pain felt depends on the pain threshold of the client. While some need only an ice rub, others may require laughing gas to alleviate the pain.

The after effects

The injected areas appear like mosquito bites which subside within 30 minutes. Blood thinners must be avoided before the treatment. An injection in the wrong area could result in an asymmetry in the face. If care is not taken, facial abnormality like eyebrow drop or drooping eyelid could also be caused.


The full effect will show up after a week or so. An expert physician, after a discussion with the patient, will work out a natural looking result by administering just the right dose.

The duration of the effect

The effect lasts anywhere between 3 to 5 months. The results last longer if the procedure is done regularly.

 The financial angle

The expense incurred depends on the number of units required, the area undertaken and whether the physician in question is an expert or a novice.

The age factor

While young people undergo this procedure to prevent the onslaught of aging, the older lot takes up the same to restore their youthful appearance. So people might go for it well in their 20’s or 80’s.

The right person

Never get the treatment done by a beauty parlor, go for a certified physician.

The Bottomline

The ultimate ruling about Botox is here-It is a patient-friendly anti-aging treatment when done the right way. Apart from its cosmetic purposes, it is also used in many other medical procedures such as calf muscle reduction, slender legs, and reducing pore size. So there is nothing to apprehend about. Just take into consideration the information given above.

Desire To Undergo Cosmetic Surgery? This is How To Select The Right Surgeon

Desire To Undergo Cosmetic Surgery? This is How To Select The Right Surgeon


Since cosmetic surgery is trendy these days, some patients may think that all surgeons are equally experienced and perhaps experts. However, it is extremely important to pay attention to the surgeon’s reputation, working experience, past results, and the clinic at large.

Why Do You Need To Be Keen?

The main reason for undergoing cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is correcting any deformity or improve one’s structural appearance. According to the best plastic surgeon in India, a number of botched plastic surgeries today arise from inexperience, and lack of expertize, but not only technical aspects.

Choosing a right surgeon will indeed help you obtain the best results ever to boost your confidence and self-esteem. The procedure will certainly be equivalent to every penny spent.

  • Vital Tips To Consider While Looking The Right Surgeon

It should be noted that a successful plastic surgery is influenced by a number of factors and the most notable ones of them include;

  • A patient’s candidacy
  • Surgical expertise (Surgeon)

This is how to find the right surgeon

  • Surgeon’s Qualifications

The path to becoming a qualified plastic surgeon is long and it even takes a desire to opt for additional qualifications. While searching for the right surgeon, he or she should have a bachelors degree with biology or chemistry as the major. The surgeon should also have an M.D from a credited medical college or university.

The surgeon should also have clinical experience followed by training of about 4 to 5 years. During the first three years, the surgeon will basically get trained in general surgery whereas the next years will focus on training as a plastic surgeon.

  • Board-Certified

It should be noted that doctors are certified in different fields and certainly as per levels of experience. A surgeon may be certified as a doctor, but not as a plastic surgeon. Opt for a surgeon who is specifically certified in plastic surgery in case you desire excellent results.

  • Surgeon’s Experience & Expertize

As earlier noted, many surgeons move ahead to obtain additional training, especially with modern technology. It should be noted that each area of cosmetic/plastic surgery requires experience and skills. Obviously, the surgeon requires specialized skills to perform breast augmentation and different skills to perform a hair transplant.

Try to understand the surgeon’s experience in the particular procedure you desire to undergo. Remember that a surgeon must have aesthetic skills, plus artistic skills.

  • The Operating Facility

Outdated instruments will only render your surgery a botched one and also increase your risk for complications. In addition, your safety is compromised, something which can lead to death.

Therefore, find out whether the operating room has life-supporting systems, emergency facilities, an experienced anaesthetist.