How FUE hair transplantation treatment is helpful to repair the scars?
Hair transplant uses the follicular units which do not leave any scarring in the recipient area. But, when older methods are used with the oldest technology then it can leave possible scarring. The problem also arises when you do not select the best surgeon.
This is the reason, many people come to us to repair & disguise the scars. Many patients visit as they have linear scarring due to the FUT method. In such cases, the FUE (Follicular Hair Transplantation) hair transplantation technology is very effective in repairing the scars.
Does the procedure only repair the scars from hair restoration?
Well, many patients have scarring because they met with an accident in the past. The method of SmartGraft or Graft is very helpful in treating the problem with FUE technology. To choose the best method between the two there are various factors that need to be kept in mind so that the scars can be fixed. Let’s understand the given options in detail:
- PRP therapy along with FUE method
When the scar is very thin, the new hair follicles cannot be added. To solve such an issue of scars it is very difficult to harvest the new hair grafts because the area is damaged in excess. The doctor will make sure to check the scars properly so that your treatment plan is made accordingly.
The idea to check if the issue of scarring will be fixed is with the blood supply. When the blood supply is proper then the transplanted grafts are going to grow properly. The effectiveness of this procedure is very high which means that successful results are possible.
- Graft along with FUE method
To determine this method can be used for fixing the scars is by determining the scar thickness. Along with that, the scar size is going to play an important role in determining the success rate. The success rate is affected by the larger scar as the process of the newly transplanted hair will get affected.
What is the most effective method?
One of the approaches is to stimulate and promote hair growth so that the scar tissue is removed with the same punch being used with Graft when the hair grafts were removed from the back of the scalp. When the scar tissue is removed, it helps the area to shrink so that it can heal.
Consult the best Surgeon
These are the most effective methods for fixing the issue of scars. No doubt, both the options give the reliable results you want. If you are going through the same situation or know someone who had a bad outcome with the improper treatment then you should recommend them to opt for these options.