Exploring the Life-Changing Benefits of the P-Shot Treatment
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Category: Penis Enlargement

All About Penis Enlargement

Exploring the Life-Changing Benefits of the P-Shot Treatment


As men age, they might experience a decrease in sexual capability and satisfaction. This can be because of various factors like stress, age, or medical conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. One of the most common problems that men face is erectile dysfunction, which can make it challenging to accomplish or keep an erection during sexual activity. Fortunately, there is a treatment that has been acquiring popularity for its extraordinary advantages – the P-Shot Treatment.

P-Shot Treatment is a non-surgery that includes injecting Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the penis. PRP is gotten from a patient’s own blood and contains growth factors that invigorate tissue repair and recovery. The P-Shot Treatment is a protected and effective method for improving erectile dysfunction, enlarge penis size, and improve sexual performance. If you are searching for Penis Enlargement in Vizag or a P-Shot Treatment in Vizag, you can visit VJ Clinics.

Here are some of the life-changing advantages of the P-Shot Treatment:

  1. Improved Erectile Dysfunction: One of the primary advantages of the P-Shot Treatment is that it can essentially improve erectile brokenness. The PRP infusions invigorate blood stream to the penis, prompting improved erections that are more grounded and longer-enduring. This can improve sexual satisfaction and certainty, prompting a really satisfying sexual coexistence.
  2. Increased Penis Size: One more advantage of the P-Shot Treatment is that it can increment penis size. The PRP infusions animate the development of new tissue, bringing about a thicker and longer penis. This can prompt expanded certainty and performance during sexual activity.
  3. Enhanced Sensitivity: The P-Shot Treatment can likewise improve awareness in the penis. The PRP infusions animate nerve recovery, which can prompt expanded responsiveness and improved sexual pleasure. This can improve by and large sexual capability and fulfillment.
  4. Improved Peyronie’s Infection: Peyronie’s illness is a condition that causes ebb and flow of the penis, making it challenging to accomplish and keep an erection. The P-Shot Treatment can improve Peyronie’s sickness by invigorating the development of new tissue, bringing about a straighter and more utilitarian penis.
  5. Increased Sexual Performance: At last, the P-Shot Treatment can increment generally speaking sexual performance. The improved blood stream and tissue recovery can prompt expanded endurance and perseverance during sexual action. This can improve sexual satisfaction and generally personal satisfaction.

It is important to take note of that the P-Shot Treatment is certainly not a one-time arrangement, and multiple treatments might be expected for optimal outcomes. However, the advantages of the treatment can keep going for a very long time to a year, making it a beneficial speculation for those trying to improve their sexual wellbeing and fulfillment.


The P-Shot Treatment is a protected and compelling method for improving erectile brokenness, increment penis size, and upgrade sexual performance. If you are searching for Penis Enlargement in Vizag or a P-Shot Treatment in Vizag, you can visit VJ Clinics. The advantages of the P-Shot Treatment are genuinely life-changing, and can improve generally sexual capability and satisfaction.

All About Penis Enlargement

Everything You Need To Know About Penis Enlargement


Are you someone who is planning or suggesting going for a penis enlargement surgery but you have a lot of questions about it?

Penis enlargement is one of the most complex cosmetic surgeries, hence your worry is correct. But, if you are dealing with a professional surgeon for Penis Enlargement in Vizag, you won’t have to consider the complications.

If you still have second thoughts about the surgical procedure, you should read this blog till the end. Here we are going to discuss about Penis Enlargement surgery.

What do you mean by Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Penis Enlargement Surgery is one such surgery with the help of which you can easily enhance the size of your penis. Although there are various aspects linked with this surgery, let us have a look at those aspects:

  • People go for penis enlargement surgery to increase the length of their penis, which is done by surgical procedures.
  • A few people go for this surgery to enhance the circumference of their penis.
  • Penis enlargement surgery works by reducing your stomach with the help of which your penis looks bigger.

People who go for Penis Enlargement Surgery

There are several reasons why people go for penis enlargement surgery; most of the people who go for this surgery have some medical conditions, such as:

  • A few people have a micropenis, and if you are someone with micropenis, you would not be able to pee while standing. Secondly, you would not be able to have sexual intercourse.
  • The second medical condition which people have to go for penis enlargement surgery is when they face a medical condition known as a buried penis. In this situation, your penis is buried under the fat of your stomach or thighs.

Along with that, if you are someone who is not satisfied with the size and appearance of your penis, then you can also go for a penis enlargement surgery.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Procedure

Before moving forward with the penis enlargement surgery you will be asked several questions with the help of which your surgeon will know if you are entirely healthy physically and mentally.

Once that is done, there are several procedures under the penis enlargement surgery, such as ligamentolysis, penis enlargement using autologous fats, penis enlargement using dermal fillers, and many more.

Your surgeon will choose the most appropriate surgical technique based on your requirements. After the procedure, you would be shared several guidelines you should follow for better results.

Complications of Penis Enlargement Surgery

  • There could be a side effect of anesthesia on your penis.
  • You can face an inflammation reaction in your penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of sensation in the penis
All About Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement: Surgical Procedures & Acquaintance with the facts


A bigger Penis is a pride for many men. In Indian society, People think, “Lengthy penis implies deeper penetration. Deeper penetrations make the man’s wife satisfied and a Satisfied wife means a man is successful in keeping his marriage as rejoiced.”

Let’s form an Equation:

Lengthy Penis = Deeper Penetration = Wife’s Sexual Satisfaction = Happy Marriage

But what if the Penis is not having the required size?

In those cases, after trying several medicines (medical or herbal), the man chooses the best solution and that is ‘To Get The Penis Enlargement Done With The Help Of The Implants’. FYI, this is the most performed cosmetic surgery in Vizag.

What is the average size of the Penis?

All thanks to the widely prevalent pornography that the people believes that the normal size for the penis must be 12 inches. But that exists in the Porn world only. In normal lives, the average size of the penis is 5 to 6 inches long.

Is it true to say a larger penis satisfies the females the most?

It would be completely wrong to say that it is only the larger penis that satisfies the women. The findings of the surveys are completely different. According to them, about 85% of the women get sexually satisfied with the size their mating partners are having.

Why do some men have a smaller penis?

Some conditions trigger the males to suffer from it:

MicropenisPeyronie’s disease
Lack of the sex hormone (testosterone) before birth leads the males to have a smaller penis.The building of Scar tissue on the penis pressurizes it to be bent. This is categorized as Peyronie’s Disease.

Am I right in choosing the surgery?

Undergoing penis enlargement surgery or Male genital surgery is probably the right move that anybody could take to enhance the appearance of the male genital. The silicone implant is implanted under the penis’s skin to give it a thicker and lengthy look.

How is Penis enlargement related to self-confidence?

Our 40% confidence is built when we are performing well in bed and satisfying the mating partner. So the penis enlargement is linked to enhanced self-confidence and boosted self-esteem as well.

What is Suspensory Ligament Release?

This surgery is performed on those whose penis points straight when they achieve an erection. The small cut is made at the top of the scrotum so that the erection does not look unnatural at all.

Wrap Up!

Don’t be ashamed when the treatment with the possible outcomes is available. Visit Dr C Vijay Kumar who has given a gift of boosted self-confidence and happy sex life to many of the men who were bothered with the deformed and smaller look of the penis.