Effective treatment for hair loss

Which is the most effective and reliable treatment to stop hair loss?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) For Hair Growth Post Hair Transplantation

Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag: Hair loss is one of the major issues as it affects a person’s self-esteem. In this situation, they prefer to try every possible option to save their hair but did not end up getting the results they want. 

Effective treatment for hair loss

In most cases, the problem is hereditary but it does not mean you cannot do anything to prevent the problem. Fortunately, the treatment of Hair Transplant is the best choice to permanently deal with hair loss and baldness.

During the Hair Transplant Process, the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to the problematic area. The hair grafts taken from the donor area are not affected by DHT which leads to hair loss. This is the reason when you get the treatment the regrowth of hair is natural and permanent.

Hair loss problem in men

In the case of a male, the hair growth process is very slow. The hair growth process is very short and the resting phase is longer. Due to this, the hair growth is very short and they barely emerge from the hair follicles.

The growth starts from the side of the scalp, then patch on the crown and it spreads further. When the hairline recedes, the bald patch can get larger. This condition is referred to as male-pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. This is the most common type of hair loss which affects men at the age of 50. By the age of 70, around 80% of the men are affected by male pattern baldness.

Hair loss problem in women

Women also suffer from the issue of hair loss but it is less common as compared to men. The hair starts getting thin from the top of the scalp. In the case of females, around 50% of hair is affected which means they do not go completely bald but the hair becomes thin as compared to earlier. With age, around 50% of the women will have hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

  • Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system starts attacking the hair follicles by mistake. It might be possible that the whole body gets affected or it can form several patches on the body.
  • In some cases, the medications, health condition, or medical treatment can cause hair loss issues. So, you must talk to the doctor to get a better understanding of how you can control the problem.
  • If you style your hair too often then it can make them dry and brittle which can also lead to hair loss.
  • Your lifestyle preferences can also leave a great impact on the overall health of your hair. You need to limit the consumption of alcohol and do not smoke.