Before a hair transplant, here is a guideline for it
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Before a hair transplant, here is a guideline for it

Guidelines for Hair Transplant Surgery


Many patients may feel well conversant with the procedure, but there is a lot of confusion created in public about hair transplant procedures. We can simplify details about hair transplant procedures like this; A hair transplant in Visakhapatnam or anywhere in the world is a surgical technique where hair is extracted from the donor area (part of the head with more hair normally at the back) to the part of the head that is experiencing thinning and baldness. The procedure requires a surgeon to administer anesthesia to a patient, start on grafting where hair in one, two, three or four are harvested. If it is an FUT, a strip of hair is to be extracted and then dissected. The next step requires a surgeon to make small incisions in the recipient area (bald) and the hairs are implanted in the right direction to produce natural looking results. A hair transplant can also be conducted with the help of transplanting hair from other parts like the arms, chest and the legs to the scalp. FUE leaves dot like scars whereas FUT leaves a linear scar. Normally, treatments are taken to reduce the visibility of the scar and reduce its size. The hair implanted will fall out after a few weeks, leaving roots behind and new hair will begin growing. The hair that grows is natural like the rest of the hair on the head and it can be styled or shaved as per the person’s desires. The procedure can be performed a day or two, depending on the time a person wants to take at the clinic.

The Catastrophe Caused by Hair Loss Today

The Catastrophe Caused by Hair Loss Today


If at all there is a way that anyone thinks of in the case of excessive hair loss is none other than a hair transplant. The terrible side of hair loss and baldness in men and women is planting severe damage today and we don’t know where it will all end. In the lead to look for the best solution for hair loss, patients have had to fly to other countries just to get a hair transplant performed. The information about these hair transplant clinics that patients visit is normally found on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other social media. When they see the before and after pictures of the clinics, they are convinced that it is the best clinic for putting an end to hair loss. The truth is hair transplant procedures are a major way of combating hair loss that is even occurring in men and women under the age of 25. Countries like Turkey, India, USA, and Europe are the leading countries in performing hair transplant procedures. It is estimated by Huyesin Kirk the chairman of the Middle East Tourism and Travel Agencies Association that 100 to 500 hair transplant procedures are performed weekly in Turkey. From the huge number of medical tourists to Turkey each year, about 60,000 patients are for hair transplant procedures. Due to this boom in the medical tourism, many hair transplant clinics have been opened up and many of them are not up to standards. They advertise and clean up the clinic on the day of an official operation, but after that day, things turn upside down. It has also been revealed that many times the hair transplant procedures are not performed by the actual doctors who are faced during the consultation sessions, but the technicians and nurses who are less trained and experienced. This is bound to increase the rate of infections in patients and complications in the future. It is automatically the patient to suffer most and while the clinic gains from the increasing number that visits it per day. Hair transplant procedures are delicate and full of complications, including bleeding, scarring, and infections. These can only be avoided when an expert works on the patient.

Acne Causes, Prevention, Treatment, and all about it

Acne Causes, Prevention, Treatment, and all about it


Women are naturally affected by acne, but the level differs depending on the reason as to why one may experience them. Men are also affected by acne though the occurrences are lower to those of women. At the adolescent age, girls get acne/pimples due to hormonal changes and as one grows, other factors may increase acne in her life. Although acne is common in women, there are some who never experience them due to their genes. In others, they may occur once in two or more months What is Acne? Pimples or acne develops when the body is faced with and tries to release the increased natural oils in the body. The glands in the skin are responsible for secreting the oils and once the pores are open, pimples occur. The degree or level of acne attack occurs differently from one woman to another. In cases where there is severe acne, the bacteria in the sebum are responsible for it Types of Acne There are mainly two types of Acne, namely; Inflammatory acne and Noninflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne is when pimples with white or blackheads occur. This is the common type of acne whereas noninflammatory acne is a type that leads to inflammatory acne and also becomes red as time goes on. This problem may also be called papule. One should note that acne can happen to an individual in any part of the body. It can be triggered or worsened by any factor that needs to be treated for the acne to completely disappear. Most people experience acne in their facial parts, but acne can also occur in the neck, upper arms, chest, back, and elsewhere. Causes of Acne The exact cause of acne is unknown, but so far the causes are due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, menstruation, and health issues. During pregnancy, the body experiences a change in the hormones and it can trigger them and after delivering the problem may stop. In other cases, the problem may continue and this depends on the woman’s immune system. Other causes are; Stress and anxiety Oily faces Cosmetic products Infertility, for example, PCOS Physical irritation which may be due to allergy Dust and environmental pollution Treatments/ medications, for example, steroids, isoniazid, and phenytoin Family history Prevention of Acne There are different measures that one can take to prevent acne in her life and the most important factor is that they are mostly home remedies First and foremost, keep your hands from your face, whether with acne or without acne Develop a hygienic routine whereby you wash your face more frequently with clean water and a clean towel Soak the towel you use in your face in hot water regularly to kill the germs that cling to it. Avoid oily foods, especially those with oily faces Never squeeze or tamper with acne lesions Use warm water to wash your face at least twice a day with a simple soap. Avoid soaps that are harsh for the skin In case of a long journey, physical exercises, and hard work remember to cleanse your face with clean water immediately Avoid harsh conditions, for example, harsh sun rays and dirty atmospheres Treatment for Acne Treating of acne is at times difficult for many women simply because some simple methods may not work for them and they need to see a dermatologist. Seeing a dermatologist can help you in case you have fought acne for many years and there is no solution for it. A dermatologist is able to carry out different tests and determine the type of acne affecting you after which he provides treatment. Staying away from the use of multiple facial products will help you since some facial products are harsh and disturb the cells in our faces There are simple facial lotions, gels, and creams that can be used to treat acne, for example, sulfur, salicylic acid, and Benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic acid It prevents clogged pores and you can get it from some facial products like the gels, cleansers, and creams. Benzoyl peroxide It is one of the best medications for acne. It removes excessive oils from the skin plus the dead skin. Sulfur It is also another recommended acne treatment since it removes excessive oils and the dead skin. Caution is required while using it, especially people with complicated skin types and dark skinned people. Acne treatment in India is provided at the leading cosmetic surgery clinic. All types of acne can be treated and prevention measures given to a patient to stop the problem. Simple acne can be treated with simple measures, but where there is no improvement a patient must see a dermatologist for further treatment.

FUT or FUE Hair Transplantation

FUT or FUE Hair Transplantation


Hair transplant is a procedure where hair is removed from one area to another. Due to hair loss and baldness, hair transplants are commonly used to restore hair in the different parts of the body where it is needed. Hair transplantation is a surgical technique where instruments are used on a patient after the administration of local anesthesia to harvest and implant hair where it is necessary. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are used. Men and women with thinning hair and baldness can undergo a hair transplantation procedure to increase or restore hair on their scalp. Men are mainly affected by male pattern baldness where hair loss is visible on the top or on the front of the scalp. Hair loss also occurs in men and women due to genetic factors or hormonal changes. The process Hair Transplantation The process begins with consultations to a surgeon or a dermatologist who gives all the proper information about the transplantation technique The steps of FUT are similar to those FUE and the only difference comes from the way hair grafts are harvested and treated before implanting them On the real day of the implantation procedure, the hair in the donor area is trimmed for easy identification of the follicles Local anesthesia is administered to a patient to prevent pain and discomfort during the procedure Extraction: In FUT, a strip is cut from the donor area along with the follicles and the tissue after which, the wound is sutured. In FUE, hair follicles are individually extracted and there is nothing like a strip done In FUT, the hair follicles are taken to the laboratory where they are dissected using a microscope and preserved in a solution until they are implanted into the recipient region Slits are made in the recipient region The hair follicles are implanted into the recipient region and the density is followed here. Hair follicles of 1 and 2 are placed in the front and those of 3 and 4 are put in the incisions at the back. This is done to create a proper density in both the hairline and the behind part of the scalp. FUE VS FUT Hair Transplant Patients can go in for FUT or FUE, but each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. Hair transplant in India is taken to be a permanent solution for hair loss and the benefits are seen from the patients who have had hair transplant procedures. The advantages of FUE FUE leaves no linear scar which may be visible to others- a linear scar is only created in FUT and there are no sutures made It is a minimally invasive technique- there is limited bleeding and incisions made in the scalp It is for both men and women- men and women can all benefit from this technique since it leaves no visible scars Natural looking hair line- this is because it is an advanced procedure where artistry is used Advantages of FUT It produces a greater density- this is because more hair grafts are implanted There is a higher rate of graft survival- a special solution is used to keep the hair grafts at the right temperature until they are implanted More hair grafts are extracted in the shortest period of time- since a strip is used

Put Maximum Attention To Your Hair Before It Is Too Late

Put Maximum Attention To Your Hair Before It Is Too Late


For women, pregnancy may cause hair loss due to the change in hormones and stress that some may face. Male pattern baldness due to genetic factors in men is also a common cause of hair loss. The fact is that hair loss these days can be expected at any time and the important thing is to work on it as soon as possible. Visiting a dermatologist may seem out of someone’s league due to the fact that some think that such doctors work on severe skin cases. Visiting a dermatologist will save your hair since treatment can be identified quickly to stop or reduce the peril. Alopecia is a common treatment for hair loss and it is also given to patients with minoxidil and topical steroids. These treatments can be accessed in any shop or pharmacy but it is advisable that you seek the dermatologist advice before its use. They have side effects that can jeopardize your life if not carefully handled. The doctor will tell you about everything you need to know about the treatments and how to reduce the effects. Doctors in the field of hair transplant in India are well experienced and trained to help all patients with different types of hair loss. This will help you restore your hair at the end.

Overcoming Hair Problems

Overcoming Hair Problems


The techniques are advanced, safe and also practiced by well-trained surgeons. It is not that easy when one has any facial deformity or a problem because it paves way for ill treatment from the public and inferiority. It leads one to lose his or her self-esteem and at the end, the ability to perform his or her duties is compromised. Many youths are faced with hair loss due to hormonal imbalances, stress, and genetic history. There are different methods of overcoming hair loss in the hair transplantation industry and they are FUT, BIO-FUE, and FUE. These methods have proved to be a step higher in dealing with baldness and that is the major reason as to why more patients are fond of them. BIO-FUE Hair Transplant in India is performed by experts and it requires a surgeon to select the best follicular units from the donor area and then dipped in a solution for some time in the laboratory to preserve them and after implanted in the affected region. After transplantation, platelets are then injected into the patient’s scalp to increase the density of the hair and improve the quality of the hair that will grow back BIO-FUE helps to strengthen the hair follicles and helps the patient to have a fuller head of hair. The general appearance of the hair is improved and no one can identify that one underwent transplantation procedure.

Why You Need a Hair Restoration Procedure

Why You Need a Hair Restoration Procedure


Hair Restoration Procedures have become popular due to the awareness of the general public about them and the change they bring in people. The surgeries are safe and sound and apart from that, there are many other methods for hair restoration. Extreme hair loss automatically requires a hair restoration procedure to overcome the trouble it brings and that can be through a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is a procedure performed by a trained and qualified surgeon who observes the hairline and as well as the natural appearance of the patient. These procedures are FUE and FUT that are surgically performed. In the past, hair restoration techniques were a taboo for many patients and they were stuck to non-surgical hair restoration procedures like herbal treatments, shampoos, home remedies, and injections. FUT was later added to these methods but was taken to be a hard and complicated procedure due to the fact that it involves the obtaining of the strip of hair from the donor site. It also leaves a linear scar that could shame patients after the surgery. With the help of the latest technology, a minimally invasive scar removal surgery can be done to get rid of the scar or a Botox treatment can be used to eliminate it. FUE leaves no visible scars except the dot marks in the form of scars left behind. Here is what you should know before any hair transplant procedure A hair transplant surgery highly depends on the surgeon and that is why before you choose any surgeon, do a research for your own good. A person who has suffered from baldness for almost 18 years needs a good surgeon to perform the surgery or else, one will end up unhappy and regretting. For anyone requiring for Hair transplantation in India should have to read about the surgeon and the testimonials of his former clients. All hair restoration techniques require unique artistry skills since patients are different in a way that some may require more hair grafts while others may require fewer and yet all their hairlines are different. This requires a surgeon to study his patient before a hair transplant procedure. The surgeon and his co-workers should be able to tell you whether they are capable of working on you or not. Some patients may have a few hair grafts on their scalps which require a surgeon to carry out body hair transplantation. If a surgeon can’t do this, it means that you have to find another clinic. A surgeon must be able to tell you about the possible outcomes. All hair transplant procedures deliver permanent hair and changes, but that is not possible for every patient. There are patients who may require two surgeries to completely get a full head of hair There are clinics that are proud of their results and they show them off because they know what they are doing. Any patient must look for that kind of clinic that is not a dupe too What should a good surgeon focus on in a hair transplant procedure? As patients normally have higher expectations from the surgery, so should a surgeon work to bring out the best results. A surgeon should focus on the age and the facial appearance of the patient. In this, the hairline and reaching a good density of hair for a patient must be a priority.   The benefits of hair restoration are; Restoration of hair: hair restoration helps one recover back his or her own hair that was once lost. Improved facial appearance: it helps a person have better looks since balding alters one’s facial looks to become older The styling of the hair in any form: there is no need to style the hair in the same way on and on again. One can change to any style he wants It is an advanced procedure: this makes the procedure safe and secure for patients. A good surgeon will reduce the chances of infections and complications Natural and healthy results: a hair restoration procedure helps one to have natural hair and healthy since the strong grafts are used for the transplantation procedure. It is cost-friendly: a hair restoration procedure is cost friendly in the long run. There won’t be any need for other hair treatments that are not beneficial in any way Happier life: patients who have had a hair restoration from good surgeons live a happier life after the procedure just because their physical looks are transformed for good.




So it is obvious to get worried about the receding hair line for men as this devastating fact can not only take their crown glory but also dent their looks and make them to look older than their age. So the trends and perception of modern society has made the need of hair transplant real and urgent so that natural, smarter and younger look can be restored. Following reasons have made it essential for the men to have surgeical treatment for their hair loss. OLD VERSES MODERN PERCEPTIONS The vast difference between the perceptions of old or modern days have make surgical hair restoration really popular as in past das it was quite popular to have tattoo or shaved head after the hair loss but these days men are extra conscious about their crown glory so they do not want to compromise for their look. Even the positive opinions of the persons that have taken hair transplant, have also made the difference to the perception of men. Hence it becomes reasonable to get transplant after experiencing hair loss. DESIRE TO REGAIN SELF ESTEEM Hair loss not only cause baldness but also dent the self esteem and confidence of person as with the bald heads men do not want to get socialize. Modern generations’ hair transplant procedures have made it possible for the men not only to have their valuable asset hair back but also to regain their confidence and self esteem with the improved natural, smarter and younger look after surgery. PACE OF COMPETITION As today is the era of cut throat competition not only in the society but also at work people want to lag behind others but hair loss can make the men to lose this competition so getting hair transplant to restore the natural looking hair has become important for men to win the competition at work and society. Modern men want to do anything to compete so it is quite predictable if they go for surgical hair restoration after hair loss as it can make them win. ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media has also played the positive role in increasing the popularity of hair transplant and even making it as obvious action after hair loss. These days there are several centers that advertise on internet about the positive and effective results of hair restoration so that are sufficient to allure the people that are suffering due to alopecia. Even the modern technology has refined the results of procedure and lower down the cost of hair transplant, which is highlighted on media up to great extent. Hence media has also played the positive role in making the need for hair transplant real for men.

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