Know More about Donor and Receipt area in Hair Transplant Surgery

How Transplanting Hair from the Donor Area to the Recipient Area Happens

How Transplanting Hair from the Donor Area to the Recipient Area Happens

Perhaps you now know that a hair transplant is the only final alternative for growing hair in that bald region. A hair transplant procedure is a new style that produces wonderful results when an artistic surgeon is approached in the leading hair transplant centre. A hair transplant is mainly understood as the procedure in which the surgeon extracts hair follicles from one part of the scalp called the donor area and then implanting it in the bald region also known as the recipient region.

It is vital to fully understand the process of extracting hair follicles from the donor area and implanting it in the recipient region before a hair transplant in India.

Let’s talk about the Donor area

A donor area is that region where hair is supposed to be removed. Advanced technology has facilitated quick and painless extraction of hair follicles from the donor region. It is always decided during the consultation the type of technique to be used. There are only two modern techniques and they are FUE and FUT.

Extracting hair follicles with the FUE Technique

What happens in the donor area during the FUE procedure is that the surgeon will use modern instruments selected after clearly observing your hair anatomy. A magnifying instrument is normally used during this procedure to extract the grafts without damaging them.

The scars created are minimal in order to help a patient style his or her hair in any manner and also to allow a future hair transplant procedure in case required.

Extracting hair follicles with the FUT Technique

It is known as the strip technique since hair follicles are harvested in the form of strips. A medium strip is cut from the donor area using a surgical blade. This technique will always leave a linear scar, but the surgeon’s skills aid in reducing the scar’s visibility. Trichophytic closure is one of the latest ways of eliminating scars.

General points while extracting hair follicles from the donor area

  • It is done under local anesthesia
  • The grafts are extracted carefully and preserved until they are implanted
  • Over grafting may hinder natural results
  • The surgeon must aim at reducing the size of the scars

Let’s talk about the Recipient Area

Since the recipient area is the bald region, more attention is driven towards this region in order to create natural results

The slits made

Horizontal and lateral slits are made in the bald region to permanently harbour the hair follicles. The size of the slits is determined by one’s hair structure and the right instrument used while making them.

Fixing the hair into the slits

This step requires numerous skills and expertise since it is associated with designing one’s hairline and the bald region. The hair has to be implanted in a sequence that will produce natural results. Normally, the angle, direction, density, and the space in between the slits are observed carefully.

Within a few weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out leaving the roots behind which help new hair to fill the bald region.