Caring for Your Baby’s Hair- This is for the Mothers
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Caring for Your Baby’s Hair- This is for the Mothers

Caring for Your Baby’s Hair- This is for the Mothers


They say life is a circle and indeed it is. You were once a baby and at this moment, you have a baby who means a world to you. As mothers, we tend to devise suitable care tips for our baby’s skin and hair because they are young and much less used to these environmental conditions. So it is not surprising that you picked up some baby care products from Johnson’s company. Caring for your baby’s hair requires attention as the child grows. Much as you won’t expect to take your child for a hair transplant in India, the hair experts confirm that earlier nourishing of your baby’s hair is a definite path to achieving natural and healthy hair with time. Therefore, as you search for the best tip to care for your baby’s hair, try these and see the magic in them; Washing and Shampooing Remember that your baby’s hair doesn’t require adult shampoos because these shampoos tend to have more chemicals. Try to get a baby’s shampoo and thoroughly wash your baby’s hair twice or thrice a week. As the baby grows and starts playing outside the house, you will need to double the times you wash his or her hair Haircuts In the earlier days, it isn’t so important to trim your baby’s hair unless there is a need. This should bring questions as to why you are doing since you wouldn’t desire to see your child scream over the trimming machine. In addition, the trimmer may cause wounds, irritation, discomfort since the child is new to these practices Combing & Styling If you find yourself idle, your baby’s hair should give you work to do. Remove the ponytail and spread her hair using your hands. Make your fingers touch the scalp as you straighten the hair. Use a baby hair oil or coconut oil to nourish your baby’s hair. Then comb it using a wide comb beginning from the scalp to the tip. You can then style the hair using a comb rather than a machine

Understanding the Ideology Behind Going Bald & Its Cure

Understanding the Ideology Behind Going Bald & Its Cure


The common reasons as to why men go bald aren’t significantly disturbing since it is more common for males and female to suffer from baldness today. The rate at which men go bald today doubles the rate witnessed 2 decades ago. Ideally, there are various factors for going bald, some of which are even unpredictable. Baldness is a condition in which a man loses hair (hair loss) and begins to form patches of different sizes. These patches are always depicted in the temple and crown regions. Baldness in Males At least 89% of all baldness cases in males are spearheaded by the DHT hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone in our bodies, but in higher levels in males as compared to females. Testosterone in males is responsible for the development of the male features such as the testicles, sex drive, deep voice, and beards. Generally, hormonal imbalances spark the havoc of losing hair in both males and females. The 5-Alpha Reductase (5AR) is a hormone that just below the hair follicle tissue responsible for altering testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which increases hair loss from less than 100 hair strands a day to 250 The Action of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) towards Baldness The mechanism between Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5-Alpha Reductase induces the hair follicles to swell. A given amount of pressure is exerted on the hair follicles and over time, there is reduced supply of blood, which prohibits essential nutrients to reach the hair follicles. As a result, the hair follicles will become weaker, brittle, shrink, and suddenly fall out, leading to baldness Related Causes of Baldness in Males & Females Baldness is a gradual condition, but its speed differs from one male to another. Traditionally, baldness was known to attack men in their 50s and at this stage, it was never a surprise for a man to go bald. Currently, young men become bald as early as 25 years, indicating to other possible trigger factors such as; Genetics Baldness runs through blood in at least 50% of hair loss sufferers, meaning that one is at a higher risk of going bald with minor factors such as stress, depression, sickness, and a poor diet. Androgenetic alopecia is the commonest type of hair loss in both males and females Hormonal Imbalances A variety of factors can tamper with your body’s hormone levels and these include; Hyperthyroidism “overactive thyroid” Cancer Treatments Hypothyroidism “underactive thyroid” Stress Pregnancy (women) Pituitary tumor Thyroiditis Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Diabetes Cushing syndrome Trauma Anemia (Iron Deficiency) This is the commonest cause of hair loss in women. Blood is a special carrier for various nutrients in the body. Anemia (Iron Deficiency) reduces the amount of oxygen, repair cells, and growth factors reaching your hair follicles, leading to baldness. Lifestyle Habits like smoking, drug abuse, and limited sleep have higher chances of promoting baldness in males. Whereas in females, habits like tight hairstyles and overheating the hair may cause hair loss, advancing to baldness A Possible Hair loss Cure discovered in McDonald’s French Fries Many of us had sidelined fast foods, plus processed foods, but new findings will extremely surprise you about the popular fries from McDonald. Scientists from Tokyo have recently discovered that vital ingredient called dimethylpolysiloxane used during the preparation of McDonald’s french fries could prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. This ingredient commonly used to prevent splashing during frying the fries contains hair follicle germs; cells that aid in hair growth. Scientists in Tokyo (Japan) have already conducted several experiments on mice and the results were extremely successful. This is an indication that the same will happen to bald victims. During the experiments, it was identified that thousands of hair cells began growing. These cells can then be transplanted into the skin to facilitate hair growth on the scalp. Well, this could see many of return to the forbidden french fries, only to regrow their hair

Is Akshay Kumar’s New Looks natural or He needs a Hair Transplant

Is Akshay Kumar’s New Looks natural or He needs a Hair Transplant


The Indian-born Canadian actor, Akshay Kumar is set to film for his upcoming new movie titled Keasri. The 50-year-old actor is an eye-catching star who has prevailed in the Bollywood industry for decades. Surprisingly, the award-winning actor has recently appeared in public with his head bald or what some have called a shaved scalp. The new hairstyle is quite rare for the star, who has always rocked a fuller head than a majority of the Bollywood actors. The actor is generally known to take a pilot study for his films and particularly the roles he chooses to play. While a majority of his film roles center around romance and specifically being the good guy, the loaded actor has chosen a different character for his soon to be filmed movie. Akshay has been confirmed to appear in “Singh Is Kinng”’s sequel, a 2008 movie that also stars Katrina Kaif, Sonu Sood, and Neha. In the sequel, Akshay will demonstrate his bad boy character, a character that requires him to have a bear head since he is to wear a turban throughout. Much as the new look is that unusual, it has left his fans and the public at large wondering as to what might have gone wrong with the factor. By now, we ideally understand the amount of stress that actors, producers, and musicians like Akshay Kumar have to bear to stay at the top. Even though it may not generally entail to their celebrity entailed occupations, these men have other responsibilities like family matters, health, and desires that can tamper with their hair. Some of the major causes of hair thinning in celebrities include; Stress Vigorous exercises to keep in shape or for their movie roles Strict diets Limited sleep/sleep deprivation Androgenetic alopecia (genetics) Hormonal imbalances Anemia Medications Drug use While appearing on a National TV station at “The Drama Company” the Canadian star put the former hovering speculations that he had completely gone bald. The actor confirmed that his new look is all about his upcoming role in Singh Is Kinng film. How Phenomenal! Well, this is the period in which Akshay and wife Twinkle head down to South Africa for their annual family holiday. Some suggested that this would be the ideal time to undergo a hair transplant since he has plenty of time for the postoperative period. Going bald isn’t a joke in the modern era, it is stressful, but many combat the painful situation by getting a hair transplant. There are quite many celebrities who have undergone a hair transplant either by a Follicular Unit Extraction technique or the Follicular Unit Transplantation approach. Both approaches are ideal for recovering hair and offer new looks to a patient. Undergoing a hair transplant will require; An evaluation An experienced surgeon A stable donor region Approved age: above 23 Required cash for the procedure Modern hair transplantation approaches provide various techniques with efficacy, such as BIO-FUE, the Trichophytic technique, and the robotic procedure

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration


In the last decades, there has been a lot of research and innovation in the field of the hair restoration. In order to relieve the hair loss people, there are few methods that need to follow in order to restore the hair without surgery. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is one of the recent inventions of the last few decades. This is the very effective hair fall solution. India has developed so much in the hair restoration techniques and a large number of patients from different corners of the world visit India in order to obtain the best PRP Therapy in India. Let’s take the closer look to know what PRP is? PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is the therapeutic and non-surgical option for the people who are suffering from the hair loss problem. This is one of the ultimate options for the people who are searching for the hair restoration. This is effective when the hair loss has been just starting. If there is the extreme level of the hair loss, then hair transplantation is the most effective option. This is appropriate for the baldness or thinning of the hairs. How does PRP Therapy work? Human blood contains the mesenchymal stem cells, these are vital nutrients for the growth and development of the various aspects of the body. In the PRP therapy, Platelets which contain these cells are extracted from your body. The cells are treated with the other growth factors, then these are used to introduce in your body. This is specifically introduced in the scalp. This will lead to the better growth of the hairs. Cells are usually taken from your blood, there are fewer chances of the infections, allergies etc. How is the PRP Session performed? In the first phase, blood is taken from your body. In the second phase, centrifugation process is performed. This involves the spinning of the blood and the platelets are separated with the help of centrifugation. In the third phase, Platelet-rich plasma which contains all the essential growth factor is injected into the scalp. The number of the PRP session required is dependent upon the surgeon you choose for yourself. Is the PRP pain-free process or not? Most of the surgeon uses the Local anesthesia in order to make the treatment pain free. This will make the entire process more comfortable. What are the guidelines that need to follow after the PRP treatment? There is not any kind of sedation or medication in this process. Once the effect of the local anesthesia has been finished, then you can wash your hairs in next morning. Most of the patients can go home after driving the car with you. What is the science behind the PRP treatment? Each and every human has platelets in their blood. Platelets are helpful to create the natural healing process in the human body. This is also responsible for increasing the tissue healing process and this also develops the response mechanism after the injury. Platelets are responsible for aiding and assisting the formation of the new cells. There has been the intracellular structure that involves the glycogen, lysosomes and alpha. All are responsible for the growth and healing of the body. Platelet-Derived Growth Factor is responsible for growing the blood vessels and the replication of the cells. Platelet-Derived Growth Factor is also responsible for the growth of the matrix between the different cells. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor is responsible for promoting the formation of the blood vessels Epidermal Growth Factor is responsible for the growth of the cells, This also promotes the formation of the collagen. Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 takes the responsibility of the growth of the specialized cells. This is responsible for the formation of the blood vessels There are growth factors like Insulin which is responsible for the normal physiology of the cells How will the PRP therapy work for you? Most of the patients, who suffer from the hair loss problem, always think that whether PRP will work for them or not.Following are the conditions in which PRP will not work for the patients: If you are the heavy smokers, then PRP will not work for you. Regular consumption of the alcohol will not help you to take the PRP treatment. If you are having the history of the drug abuse, then PRP will not work effectively in your case. There are the some of the medical conditions like platelet dysfunction syndromes, hemodynamic instability, thrombocytopenias and hypofibrinogenemia, are not the candidate for the PRP treatment. There are some people who are suffering from the chronic ailments like liver disease, skin and another type of cancer, are not undergone with the PRP treatment. Metabolic or systemic conditions or disorders are main obstructions in taking the PRP treatment. If you are patient who is suffered from the Anti-coagulation therapies, then PRP treatment is not meant for you. You can become the good candidate for the PRP treatment if you leave some mentioned things. The most interesting part of this treatment is that there is not any kind of the side effects. There are fewer chances of the infection with the PRP. This is essential to consult the best doctor before taking the decision. Advantages of PRP Therapy This is simple and the non-surgical procedure. This process involves the use of the multiple injections. Each and every process take 60 minutes, This process has the safe and reliable results. This ultimate benefit of this therapy is the fastest recovery time. With this, you will get the beautiful and natural looking hairs. How much does PRP cost? There are only few insurance plans that provide the reimbursement of the PRP injections. The PRP therapy cost in India varies from location to location. This also depends upon the reputation of the surgeon, goodwill of the clinic, and numbers of the sessions required etc. What are the potential side effects of PRP? PRP process involves the injecting of the substance into the skin of the person. But that substance

Hair Restoration Secrets in Order to Boost up Your Life

Hair Restoration Secrets in Order to Boost up Your Life


Anyone who has experienced any type of the hair shedding is interested to reverse the hair loss. This is not realistic to regrow the hairs fully. There are the different ways that can help fight the effects of the hair loss. How to Reverse Female Hair Loss Female hair loss is common as you think. The average hairs of the women are shed between 50 to 100 hairs. If you start losing the more than 200 hairs, then it is time to take the action. Invest in Satin Sheets Friction is actually the enemy of the healthy hairs. When you are tossing and turning at the night on the cotton sheets, your hairs must be tugged or knotted throughout the night. This will result in more brokerage and damage. Damaged hairs are not stand up to the brushes and the styling products. Satin bed sheets and pillows are helpful to eliminate the friction. This will help you to save the breakage and hair loss. Use Less Hair Product Spraying your hair is the one of the harmful product that will slow down the growth of the hair. Hair products are helpful to build your hair follicles and also suffocate the hair growth. Try to switch to the all natural products with the helpful nutrients. Get a Hair Growth Vitamin If you are suffering from the hair loss, then there is need to add the supplements to your daily routine. Try to eat well and maintain the healthy and balanced diet. Hair growth tablets will help you to get the healthy hairs. How to Reverse Male Hair Loss Male hair loss is the common problem when it is considered to be genetics. There have been the certain aspects that need to have in men’s lives in order to alter the hair loss. This will also encourage the hair growth There is one option that the men may adopt is Finasteride. This also works for blocking of the DHT. This is the hormone that is responsible for the male baldness. You can also prevent the thinning of the hair and also promote the growth with the help of the hair vitamin supplement for the men. Most of the hairs need a certain amount of the nutrients in order to grow the thick and strong hairs. Foods that Reverse Hair Loss Salmon Salmon is the best source for building the hairs. This is the great source of the high protein. This is responsible for strengthening the hairs strands. Spinach Green leaves are the great source of the vitamin A and vitamin C. Spinach is the great source of the foliate and beta-carotene. Green Tea Green tea contains the antioxidants that help to flush out all the impurities from the body. When your body is free from the impurities, then the circulation of the blood will improve. If the above mentioned preventative measures do not work for you, then contact us in order to get the best hair transplant in India as we are certified clinic. Moreover, the hair transplant cost in India is much affordable and large number of the people comes to India for the hair loss treatment.

Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure, Recovery, Complications, Risks, and More

Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure, Recovery, Complications, Risks, and More


Breast reduction surgery is also known as mammaplasty. Mammaplasty is used to reduce the size of the breasts and shape them in order to proportionate to the rest of the body. This treatment will relieve the physical and emotional burden of the over large breasts. When to Consider Breast Reduction ? If your breast is so much large and it creates pain in the neck, back and shoulder. If you are having the heavy breasts and your nipples and areolas are pointing toward the downward. If one of the breasts is larger than the other. If you are not happy with your appearance. Pros Breast reduction will help you the better proportion of the breast and you feel firmer. This surgery will relieve you from the neck, back and shoulder pain. Your clothes will fit better and you will feel more confident about your appearance. Cons Some of the patients feel sensation in the some of the areas. This includes the nipple and areolas. There are some patients who complain about the breasts and nipples are uneven. Are you a good candidate for a breast reduction? Women who have children, overweight, disproportionate breasts, sensitive to estrogen are the candidate for the breast reduction procedure. What are the reasons why women go with the breast reduction surgery? If the women have the backaches, neck aches skin irritation under the breasts. You are feeling difficulty in breathing and also noticed grooving in shoulders You have poor posture and numbness on the part of the breasts. This is very difficult to buy dresses for you and find tops for you. If you are unhappy with your appearance and the breast size. If you are having a good health and not any kind of the active and medical conditions. If your skin has the required level of the elasticity. How is a breast reduction procedure performed? Breast reduction is normally taken three to five hours. This is performed in the surgical centre. This surgery involves the three incisions. Your surgeon usually uses the surgical marker on your skin in order to indicate the incisions. After this, most of the surgeon gives the general anesthesia. Some of the surgeons performs the breast reduction with the intravenous sedation. This is also known as the twilight sedation. The pattern of the incision is depending upon the size of the breast. This is also dependent upon the breasts sag and complexity of the nipple and areola. In each of the technique, the areola is to make smaller of it is too large. Patterns of the incisions: Micro incisions: this technique is used for those breasts that are fatty and not sagging. Liposuction is basically used to reduce the breast size. Because small incisions are used to allow the liposuction cannula to enter the breast A donut incision or periareolar incision: This is made around the border of the areolas. A keyhole incision: This technique is known as the lollipop incision. This is also made around the border of the areolas. An anchor incision: This is the most common technique that is used by the most of the surgeons and has the three different cuts. The one incision is made around the border of the areolas. The second is vertically extended down from the areolas and the third incision is made along the breast crease. Then your surgeon, remove the excess breast skin and fat with the scalpel. This is dependent upon the breast size that you require. If the breasts are asymmetrical, then your surgeon will remove more tissues from one breast than the other. Then, the drain is placed in the breasts in order to collect the excess fluid. Then, breast incisions are closed with the help of the sutures. Then go from the deep tissue layers to the more super artificial layers. What are my options? Your surgeon will suggest the best technique depending on the size, shape, reduction requirement etc. This is also possible to avoid the vertical incisions. Liposuction for breast reduction Liposuction is suitable for you if you have the fatty breasts, minor to moderate reduction. Results can be achieved for each and every woman. On the top of the menopause, breast tissues are replaced with the fat. Postmenopausal women are the suitable candidate for the liposuction Women with the fibrous tissue and minimum level of the fat are not the good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is used to treat the asymmetry to the one size cup. What will my breast reduction incisions and scars be like? This also depends upon the type of the incision. there are some incisions lines that are concealed in the natural breast contours but the rest of the scars are visible on the breast surface Incisions lines are permanent but in some cases, these re fade and also significantly improve with the passage of the time. Your surgeon will do every effort to hide and minimize the scar. The main goal of every surgeon is to achieve the shortest possible scar. How to select the surgeon for the breast reduction surgery? You can select the surgeon to whom you can trust. You can select the surgeon on the basis of the education, training and certification. The surgeon must have the long-term experience in the breast reduction surgery. The most important thing is that you are comfortable with your surgeon. Your initial consultation appointment In your initial consultation, you have the opportunity to discuss the entire cosmetic goal. Then your surgeon will examine that you are the right candidate for the breast reduction and which types of the breast reduction surgery are suitable for you. Your surgeon normally takes the photographs of your current size and shape of your breasts. Then your surgeon will make the medical history that includes Past and present medical conditions, Drug allergies and current medications, Medical treatments you have received, Previous surgeries, including breast biopsies, Family history of breast cancer, Current mammogram results etc. If you are interested to lose your weight,

Liposuction: Candidates, Techniques, Benefits, & After Procedure

Liposuction: Candidates, Techniques, Benefits, & After Procedure


Looking at a mirror and observing fat pockets, love handles, and a floppy belly worries many modern women in conjunction with men. If we are to compare celebrities, both fat and slim, we shall find certain similarities that bond them. This is identical with Bollywood’s Kareena Kapoor and Hollywood’s Kim Kardashian. There is a very big difference between these fans favorite, but one significant similarity remains to be “a perfect body contour”. These ladies are perfectly sculpted from head to toe and there is no doubt that they are pioneers in cosmetic and plastic surgeries Liposuction Today Liposuction is one of the leading cosmetic surgical procedures commonly performed in India and around the globe. Liposuction conforms with many cosmetic desires in both men and women and these include; Eliminating unwanted fat deposits Attaining a perfect body contour Achieving a perfectly sculpted body Getting rid of saggy body parts What is Liposuction? Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure where a dermatologist eliminates unwanted fat from the different parts of the body, commonly in the abdomen, arms, buttocks, thighs, flanks, and other parts of the body. Normally, regular exercises and diet are the immediate fat reduction techniques commonly opted for in the modern world. However, these techniques may not be sufficient to eliminate sagging and excessive fat deposits and to attain aesthetic and attractive results, Liposuction happens to be the ultimate option. Currently, Liposuction “Lipo” is a proven procedure with over 350,000 procedures carried out annually. Facts About Liposuction One of the leading cosmetic surgeries performed in India It is a safe procedure with various forms It can be combined with other plastic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty, breast reduction, and facelift The procedure is performed under general anesthesia It is generally an outpatient procedure unless otherwise It is not a treatment for obesity nor a weight loss tool There are various associated risks like scarring and infection The surgeon’s expertise matters a lot for aesthetic results Latest Lipo techniques facilitate large amounts of fat elimination than the traditional techniques Candidates for Liposuction Liposuction is an open procedure for both men and women, but one’s candidacy can only be confirmed by a doctor or an experienced plastic surgeon. Candidates for Lipo must be; Above 17 years Completely healthy Those with realistic expectations Failure of the non-surgical techniques to eliminate fat deposits Patients within 26 pounds of body weight The following aren’t suitable candidates for Liposuction Those with health issues such as heart diseases or any other chronic dysfunctions Pregnant women Breastfeeding Mothers Those allergic to lidocaine Individuals who take blood-thinning drugs Confirmed risk factors like death Liposuction Procedure Depending on the type of surgery selected, your surgeon may choose to use local or general anesthesia, and intravenous sedation. A cannula or a hollow tube is then inserted through the already made incisions and the excess fat will loosen with the help of back and forth motion The loosen fat will then be suctioned from the body using a syringe or a vacuum attached to the cannula. The incisions will be sutured and taken to the recovery room Liposuction Techniques Fortunately, there are numerous techniques of liposuction that a patient and a surgeon can select from before undergoing the Liposuction procedure. The technique is selected depending on the patient’s requirement, age, and amount of fat to be eliminated It is advisable that a patient selects the best plastic surgeon for an evaluation and the procedure to avoid the would-be risks and attain excellent results. The different techniques of Lipo include; The Traditional Liposuction Technique To date, the traditional technique of suctioning fat is one of the commonly performed types of Liposuction surgery in India. The procedure requires a surgeon to use a cannula, a “thin tube” that is connected to a powerful suction pump. The cannula is introduced through a small incision and the surgeon will loosen the fat by injecting a specified fluid into the intended region and manipulating the cannula The Super-Wet Liposuction Technique This procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia and during the procedure, the surgeon injects an exact amount of fluid in the intended region depending on the amount of fat to be removed The Tumescent Liposuction Technique This technique is somehow identical to the traditional technique, but during the tumescent Lipo technique, the surgeon uses a specialized fluid that is three times the amount of the fat to be removed. This liquid is injected into the intended region, causing the fat deposits to eventually swell and it also contains local anesthesia. This procedure is one of the excellent Lipo technique commonly used The LipoSelection® Technique This was developed by VASER® and it utilizes ultrasonic energy to break down the fat before it is removed. Unlike other forms of Liposuction, this technique leaves the surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and tissue intact. The procedure is known for lessening bruising and swelling The Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction Technique This technique requires the surgeon to use a cannula that introduces ultrasonic sound waves into the fat deposits. The ultrasonic sound waves will liquify the fat, making it easier to be removed This is one of the excellent techniques of removing large amounts of fat from the body though carries more risks The Power-Assisted Liposuction Technique This is also another technique that allows more fat to be removed from the body. During the procedure, a cannula with a vibrating tip is introduced into the body through an incision to break down the fats after which they are removed from the body. The surgeon may choose to tighten the skin since this technique causes the skin to loosen The Laser Liposuction Techniques There are various forms of laser-assisted Liposuction techniques that include abdominal Etching, SlimLipo, among others. These are advanced Lipo techniques that use lasers to break down the fat after which the surgeon will suction it. These techniques aid in; Collagen production Less recovery period Best Lipo results Abdominal muscle tightening >Areas treated through Liposuction Abdomen Back Love handles (flakes) Thighs Upper arms Buttocks

How Fluent is an FUE hair transplant Procedure?

Preventable Food Regimen After the Liposuction Surgery


When it comes to hair transplant, the Follicular Unit Extraction technique also known as FUE happens to have gained more significance than the traditional procedure. The procedure is described as minimally invasive when it comes to combating hair loss or baldness in males and females. What does FUE really mean? The Follicular Unit Extraction procedure allows a hair surgeon to extract individual hair follicles from the donor region and then implant them in the bald spot. There isn’t any linear scar created in the donor region, but rather, there are tiny scars in the form of dot marks. The donor region requires no sutures and quickly heals naturally within two days Technologies applicable to the FUE procedure The modern technologies of FUE hair transplant in India are quite interesting and regarded as superior. FUE & ARTAS Robotic hair transplant The ARTAS Robotic hair transplant is a cutting-edge technique conducted in advanced hair transplant centres. The procedure basically uses the FUE technique, but in this case, a robot performs the hair transplant procedures. The ARTAS Robotic procedure is believed to eliminate any chance of human error that would render the procedure botched The Neograft FUE In case you desire to restore your hairline with perfectionism, the Neograft procedure is yours. It is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes no staples or stitches During the procedure, the surgeon only removes individual hair follicles from the donor region and artistically implants them on your hairline. It results in a natural appearance with no traces of a hair transplant procedure. The procedure is suitable for men and women Body hair transplant Body hair transplant encompasses various concerns that include; Using body hair as the donor hair Eyebrow hair transplant Beard hair transplant Eyelid hair transplant among others These are a bit technical procedures that require great expertise and experience. FUE Guidelines Much as the procedure offers assured chances of hair growth, you may need to peruse through your hair transplant needs. Consider an evaluation session before any hair transplant in India Evaluate your capability for the cost and post-operative treatment and care Make enough inquiries about hair transplantation How long will my procedure last? An FUE hair transplant typically lasts for four hours to eight, but you may require more sessions depending on; Extent of hair loss The number of hair follicles to be extracted The surgeon’s experience Post-operative care guidelines Follow the surgeon’s instructions Tenuous physical exercises are recommended Follow the surgeon’s instructions during scalp shampooing, sleeping, and styling Avoid sun exposure Eat well Avoid smoking Describing the FUE results The FUE hair transplant technique offers natural results, but your surgeon’s experience matters a lot.

Preventable Food Regimen After the Liposuction Surgery

Preventable Food Regimen After the Liposuction Surgery


India is the country of the scientific inventions. Numbers of the inventions have been discovered on the regular basis. One of the newest inventions is the Liposuction surgery. This is the one of the best cosmetic surgery in India. The surgeons of our hospital are specialized in providing the liposuction surgery in India as well as other countries. Liposuction is commonly known as the Lipo. This is the one form of the cosmetic surgery that extracts extra fats from the human body. This is mostly done in order to change the shape of the person. These are mostly performed in the abdomen. Thighs, arms, hips and buttocks of the obese person. Liposuction is not the weight loss procedure. This is mostly used to lose those fats that do not melt with the diet and exercise. What are post preventative measures about the food after the Liposuction surgery? Saturated Fat Try to avoid the fried food. Always avoid the diet that is full of the saturated fat. Saturated fats are mostly found in the fast food, baked goods, dairy products etc. One should also avoid consuming the processed foods. Processed foods are the source of the unhealthy Trans fat. You should try to consume fruits, whole grains and low-fat proteins. Salty Foods You should try to avoid the salty food. High level of the sodium will lead to encouraging inflammation in your body. This will adversely affect your healing process. You have to limit the salt intake to at least 2 to 4 months. Try to substitute salt in the form of the herbs and spices. Try to eat onions, garlic cloves, oregano and parsley as part of your diet. In this way, you can consume the tasty and healthy food. Sugary Foods You should limit the intake of the sugary foods. If you will consume the sugary food during the recovery period, then this will increase your body weight. This will also affect your healing process. Food that includes the vitamins. Minerals and other nutrients are the good sources of the recovery process. Alcohol and intoxicants If you want to recover properly, then avoid taking alcohol. You should try to avoid the nicotine; drugs etc. only take those medicines that are prescribed by your doctor. Only drink healthy juices and drink plenty of the water in order to speed up the healing process.

Dr. VJ’s Clinic as a Top Destination for Hair Transplant in India

Dr. VJ’s Clinic as a Top Destination for Hair Transplant in India


We have seen countless bald patients and many others are losing hair as if taking in water. A variety of reasons today lead to hair loss that at times if not special precaution is taken can lead to baldness. The factors that lead to baldness are many and somehow differ from individual to individual, but one must know that the weather conditions, environmental pollution, medications, stress, and lifestyle play a major role in stimulating hair loss in both males and females. For that matter, many are resorting to hair salons and hair transplant centres to find solutions for combating hair loss or baldness. Luckily enough, you won’t need to extremely worry in case you are an Indian citizen or a foreigner in India because of the cost-effectiveness of hair loss treatments especially when we talk about hair transplant procedures. In addition, India is raving about its incomparable expertise and hi-tech ends that facilitate world-class treatments as well as surgeries. Opting for India in the case of medical attention, treatment and surgeries is seen as an excellent move as you will save at least 50% compared to attaining treatment from other countries like UK, USA, Australia, and UAE. For that matter, we re-introduce one of the notable destinations for hair transplant in India and that is none other than Dr. VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplant Centre. Reasons as to why individuals choose Dr. VJ’s clinic in India are; High expertise and incorporated world-class technology Dr. VJ’s hair transplant centre is a multidisciplinary centre conducting various body procedures and treatments beginning with hair transplant procedures, plastic surgeries, non-surgical body therapies, and hair treatments. The clinic incorporated multiple tools, machines, and instruments that are exactly used abroad to conduct surgeries. With that, patients are assured of attaining world-class treatments at the best cost possible and without moving abroad. Cost-effectiveness While comparing the hair transplant cost in India and that of popular countries like USA, UAE and so on, you will find that India charges at least 3 to 4 dollars for grafting a single hair follicle whereas this may be a dream in those countries. Various Hair Restoration Procedures At Dr. VJ’s clinic, you will automatically find the best solution to your hair loss. Some of the options include; FUT hair transplant Despite the fact that it is regarded as the traditional hair restoration technique, our surgeon “Doctor Vijay Kumar” is extremely experienced and trained to conduct the procedure for efficacy. FUE hair transplant The follicular unit extraction is an excellent option for both females and males affected with baldness. This technique also facilitates the extraction of hair follicles from the body parts (beard, chest, arms, and mustache) to collect a variety of hair follicles for a fuller head and additional hair follicles. PRP Therapy This non-surgical hair restoration technique works by extracting a patient’s own blood from the body and introducing it to the centrifugation system where it is spun at a high speed to collect the concentrated PRP plasma that is later on injected into the patient’s own scalp to restore hair. All in all, much as many may be worried about the treatment cost, our centre provides a friendly hair transplant cost in Visakhapatnam that is exclusively charged at our centre. Our surgeon and specialists aim at standard results and also provide client satisfaction.

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