Did You Need the Revision Gynecomastia Surgery?
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Revision Gynecomastia Surgeries & Why They Are Performed?

Revision Gynecomastia Surgeries & Why They Are Performed?


It is a major shock when informed about the necessity of a revision gynecomastia surgery. Most probably, this would be a total nightmare for 95% of males who had battled with man boobs. However, revision surgeries when it comes to gynecomastia are performed, although rarely. In case required to undergo a revision gynecomastia surgery, that is totally okay since it is done to correct any underlying problem. Revision Gynecomastia Surgery, how best can you describe this surgery? A revision gynecomastia surgery is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a re-grown tissue. In other cases, the surgery is necessary in case less tissue was removed during the first gynecomastia surgery. A gynecomastia surgery is generally performed to eliminate the glandular tissue and the excess fat or skin if necessary. However, in case a less amount of tissue is removed, a patient may feel a lump a few weeks or months after the surgery. What Causes the Tissue To Regrow? Generally, the use of anabolic steroids, certain treatments and substances like Propecia can trigger a re-development of man boobs. Similarly, an elimination of less breast tissue during the surgery can lead to its re-development When Is a Revision Surgery Necessary? Basically, a surgeon is tasked to remove only the required tissue during the first gynecomastia surgery or else, a crater deformity can develop. Due to this fact, some surgeons may remove less of the tissue which makes a man develop man boobs again. On the Contrary Not all cases of lumps in the male breasts may indicate a tissue re-growth unless the patient has been taking certain drugs or medications. Therefore, the lump you may feel may indicate formed scar tissue, which is most likely to develop under the nipple. Just like any other surgery, scarring should be expected after a gynecomastia surgery. Most likely, the scar forms after 5 weeks or more. Similarly, your complaint may signify a residual swelling, which is common during the recovery period. How is the Scar Tissue Treated? This scar tissue may not require a revision surgery and with that, your surgeon may inject cortisone, i.e. kenalog to gradually dissolve it. You may have a number of injections to completely dissolve the scar tissue.

It wasn’t easy, but my Parents Had to Come to Terms with My Breast Reduction Surgery

It wasn’t easy, but my Parents Had to Come to Terms with My Breast Reduction Surgery


When you peruse through the social media, you will find jawbreaking pictures of women with big breasts. It isn’t bad at all to have oversized breasts as long as you derive pride or comfort from them, but the load tends to be heavy for the counterparts. Having these big breasts or disproportionately large breasts is definitely another burden a female has to bear every single day. Apart from feeling a load in your chest, you have to endure the pain that these large breasts trigger in the neck, back, and shoulders. To make matters worse, you have to struggle with your public image, appearance, bra grooves, and embarrassments. And so, what is the way forward? –‘breast reduction surgery’ In an effort to find an ultimate solution for my big breasts, I had to take time to understand what a breast reduction surgery can do or what it can’t do. I was pretty amazed that a majority of its candidates are aged in the twenties and then onwards. In fact, a number of women, including celebrities have undergone breast reduction treatment in India for either medical or cosmetic reasons. My Research about Breast Reduction Surgeries At the age of 21, my heart yearned for freedom, yes, an ultimate solution for my heavy, painful, and embarrassing breasts. However, the biggest obstacle appeared to be my parents. I imagined how I could walk up to them and tell them that I needed a breast reduction surgery. Some modern parents are pretty easy or understanding, but telling them about a breast reduction surgery could seem like you are not okay with what you genetically got from them and so on. With that, I had to learn more about this surgery and in case of any questions; I could be able to convince them. What I Got! A breast reduction surgery works by removing the excess fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts. It is a personalized procedure, meaning that the surgeon has to opt for a unique approach in order to produce the desired goals. The nipple is normally repositioned and any other possible changes are made to serve one’s interests. It is an outpatient procedure and drains are introduced into the body. The entire procedure is conducted under general anaesthesia. Meeting the Cosmetic Surgeon I believe that cosmetic surgeons are doctors who actually understand the psychological toll associated with big breasts. However, I had to be certain of the surgeon in order to escape the associated risks. With the help of a few friends, we found the best cosmetic surgeon in Visakhapatnam. During a discussion, I was open and had to spill every emotional and physical pain I had to bear for that long. As a professional surgeon, a number of questions were posed and I believe that was a test I had to pass in order to undergo the surgery. With the fact that I was still in my parents’ hands, the surgeon desired to meet my parents to help them understand my situation in case it was required. This relieved me of a lot of pressure and was finally in front of my parents. The Meeting with My Parents! I was pretty nervous about their retaliation since I am their only girl-child, but had to face the fact. Once they heard this, my mother became still and my father silent as the dawn. I was ready for an argument in order to convince them, but that could add another level of stress since they are my parents. ‘Have you been depressed with your breasts’, was the question my mother posed. With that, I openly told them the way I felt and lastly agreed to have my back.

Here is the Ultimate Solution to Your Balding Scalp

Here is the Ultimate Solution to Your Balding Scalp


We all want to look good and trust me; every man wants to stay at the knob. With that, everyone is trying to defy his or her age by using expensive skin products, opting for supplements and even shedding some weight in any way possible. But, during this struggle, another rival continuously dares to take the lead and that is none other than Mr. Alopecia. Hair loss is a common scalp condition, certainly different from seborrheic dermatitis and related scalp issues. Onset hair loss is commonly unnoticed and many victims will take it for granted only to take action when a bigger havoc is created. Normally, a receding hairline is the first indication of hair loss in males, whereas, in females, it may be hard since female hair loss generally occurs in a diffuse manner. With that, a number of hair loss treatments such as Minoxidil, and therapies won’t do any good in restoring the lost hair, but rather, a hair transplant. How Does this Treatment Approach Work? This treatment approach basically begins with a scalp evaluation, normally conducted during your first consultation. The doctor will identify the level of hair loss and try to understand the actual cause. For a majority of males, androgenetic alopecia is the underlying issue. This type of hair loss generally runs in families and therefore, it is genetically triggered. With other types of hair loss such as, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and traction alopecia, your doctor may decide to prescribe other treatment approaches to analyze the results, after which he may recommend a hair transplant. A hair transplant is a surgery, but a minimally invasive procedure as you can return to your duties after a day or two. During the procedure, the surgeon will collect healthy and DHT resistant hair follicles from the sides or back of the scalp using small surgical tools and will create tiny incisions in the bald region. These healthy grafts are evaluated and inserted into the tiny incision following your hair pattern and direction. The surgeon will not transfer more or a few hair follicles, but a number that will create a thick and fuller head. The number of transferred hair follicles differs from one patient to another. Many patients appreciate their results since their hairline is aesthetically designed and their appearance is surely altered for the best. Undergoing a hair Transplant in the Modern era A hair transplant is basically one of the simple, yet technical cosmetic procedures. To a patient, the procedure is certainly a walkover, but to a surgeon, it requires artistic and aesthetic skills to create natural results. The type of hair transplant technique utilized also determines the length of the post-op period. The FUE technique is generally manageable since there are no stitches or major wounds created. With the FUT technique, a patient may feel pain, bleeding, and the risk of infection increases in case no proper measures are taken during and after the surgery. On the other hand, hair transplant results are generally natural and last a lifetime. But, it will cost you Rs. 55, 000 for an average hair transplant and more in case of extreme hair loss.

Do You Have Varicose Veins? You May Have an Increased Chance of Blood Clots

Varicose Vein Stripping: Explain the symptoms, causes, types, and treatment


Flaunting bare legs in the summer is quite obvious as we find possible solutions to stay free from the high temperatures. However, conditions like varicose veins may leave you embarrassed in the public as they are at times noticeable by those around you. Varicose veins largely differ in sizes, but at times, they are too big and painful. Spider veins are generally smaller in size and may disappear with time, but those with enlarged varicose veins vividly require medical intervention as they pose higher medical threats. Latest Findings Regarding Varicose Veins Although varicose veins may not cause pain in the initial stages, researchers stress that enlarged varicose veins can become painful, cause the affected region to become tender, and also showcase their colour, i.e, dark purple or blue. Apart from affecting your cosmetic concerns, these varicose veins put an individual at a greater risk of developing potentially dangerous blood clots. The condition is known as Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). Deep Venous Thrombosis is a condition triggered when clusters of blood, known as blood clots develop in veins. It certainly attacks the deep veins in the body and as a result, you will experience severe pain, swelling, and yet in other cases, there may be no symptoms to indicate DVT. Vital Information About Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) Scientists indicate that DVT can at times become a serious or critical condition in case the blood clots break and spread through your bloodstream. As a result, they will lodge anywhere or in the lungs, something which affects blood flow. Doctors indicate that in case you notice a sudden increase in your legs (size) and also experience pain and discolouration, this is surely an emergency case. In addition, doctors stress that untreated or poorly treated varicose veins only become more problematic as you age. DVT is obviously a complication from varicose veins and requires one to seek medical help. Risk Factors for Varicose veins One has an increased chance of developing varicose veins in case stands or walks for a long time. Pregnancy is another trigger factor for varicose veins due to the changes in the hormones and the pressure exerted on the inferior vena cava. Generally, varicose veins during pregnancy can disappear after delivery, but effective measures must be undertaken to reduce their effect. Age is another risk factor for varicose veins because as you get older, the veins tend to lose their elasticity and the valves become weak which allows them to stretch. Studies also indicate that women have higher chances of developing varicose veins due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause or due to monthly periods. Exercising, shedding weight in case of obesity, elevating your legs are some of the possible tips to prevent varicose veins

This is why we should expect more Hymenoplasty Procedures in the near future

This is why we should expect more Hymenoplasty Procedures in the near future


Repairing the hymen may sound like awkward or totally a disgusting procedure, but it is currently one of the most sought reconstruction procedures in cosmetic or plastic surgery centres. Cases, where a girl loses her virginity before marriage are many, and she or her family can’t bear the social stigma associated with that fact. Her names withheld, she and her family believed that Mr A was the perfect guy. As love blossomed every single day before they got married, everyone believed in the tales of ‘happy ending thereafter’. But a year of their union (marriage), their home was like a living hell and the girl had to run away. To cut the long story short, hymen repair seems to be the only solution for this young woman in case she is to get married again and above all stay treated like a princess. What is Hymen Repair? Every woman has a hymen located in her reproductive part. This hymen is a thin membrane which partially opens and closes and scientifically, doctors believe that it protects the internal organs from infections. Traditionally, or culture wise, a hymen is a significant symbol of virginity. In some countries like India, Tunisia, Yemen, among others, losing your virginity before marriage is a serious matter that has left many dead or torn away from their families. Cases of hymen rupture are common after sexual intercourse, but the hymen can also rupture during strenuous physical activities/ exercises like jumping, running, among others. How is the Hymen Reconstructed? There are various approaches or techniques of repairing the hymen, but all are based on the amount of rupture. A partly ruptured hymen may only require stitching the remaining parts together, whereas a completely torn hymen will require the surgeon to create a new hymen using tissues from the lip of the vagina, a surgical approach known as hymen reconstruction. Another approach is known as the “Alloplant technique”, this is conducted when the hymen remnants can’t be stitched back together. In this case, the surgeon will introduce a biomaterial into the vagina and the created thin layer will act as the new hymen. Prior to the surgery, you will have a discussion with your doctor to come up with the ideal hymen reconstruction approach. The surgeries are conducted under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Once the new layer is created or the remaining hymen pieces gathered, the surgeon will use dissolvable stitches to form a new hymen that will function just like the natural hymen Possible side effects Just like any other surgery, a hymen repair procedure or reconstruction is also associated with various side effects such as bleeding, bruising, swelling, discoloration of the hymen, discomfort, numbness, and hematomas. Am I a candidate? Generally, every healthy woman is a Hymenoplasty candidate as long as she had lost her virginity in any way. In other cases, women also resort to hymen repair in order to experience more sexual pleasure during intercourse. Women above 17 years are also ideal candidates Is it always necessary to go for Hymen repair? Normally, religious, cultural, societal, family, or individual factors may influence one to undergo a hymen repair or reconstruction. Otherwise, certain religions and cultural factors hardly recommend a woman to undergo the procedure.

You Can Now Get Water-Assisted Liposuction to Walk Pain-free

You Can Now Get Water-Assisted Liposuction to Walk Pain-free


The liposuction wonders are escalating each year and the medical field is certainly reaping big. Traditionally known to be as a sculpting procedure where fact is melted and sucked out via a specialized instrument, liposuction has extended its influence by helping individuals to walk pain-free. In 2017, Sandra McCrea travelled to Germany to attain the latest surgical procedure, known as water-assisted liposuction. The procedure had to be performed on her legs in order to treat lipedema after putting up with pain for several years. Lipedema is a chronic condition that commonly affects women. It triggers abnormal fat deposits in the legs, arms, and even buttocks. These deposits may feel and appear like marbles under the skin and may ache at times. What water Assisted Liposuction (WAL)? It is a unique approach for body contouring that utilizes fan-shaped jet of tumescent solution to anesthetize the fat in the legs or any other intended part of the body. In some way, the technique is similar to tumescent approach, but the water-assisted Lipo is such a remarkable breakthrough in the medical field. During the procedure, the introduced solution works efficiently to dislodge the fat from the connective tissue as opposed to utilizing a cannula and suction approaches in other types of liposuction. The technique is quite gentle and isn’t associated with higher incidences of trauma. Studies According to the so far conducted studies on females who have finally undergone water-assisted liposuction who were grouped according to the volume of treatment, it was found that patients experienced uneventful recovery periods characterized with minimal side effects and there were no significant complications. Since the three phases of water-assisted liposuction requires large volumes of tumescent solution, there was no major difference in the total volume of infiltration and that of aspiration. Patients were highly monitored for at least 24 hours and there were no cases that required a blood transfusion, fluid resuscitation, or Interventional treatments. What can Lipedema patients gain from water-assisted Lipo? Water-assisted liposuction is seen as the ultimate procedure that can prevent damage to the lymphatic system since it gently removes fat deposits from the body. The procedure has also delivered desired results when it comes to relieving pain in patients without triggering extra trauma to the intended region. The procedure is relatively expensive, but significantly effective. Water-assisted liposuction is just one of the various types of liposuction performed in cosmetic centres, and only water-assisted liposuction is considered safe for Lipedema patients.

Is there anything wrong with smoking before A Hair Transplant?

Is there anything wrong with smoking before A Hair Transplant?


Smoking is a common habit worldwide and its end can’t even be predicted by researchers. Ideally, a number of individuals aged 16 and above smoke cigarettes, marijuana or consume any kind of drug in this context. At this juncture, we would love to come up with an answer as to whether smoking can affect your hair transplant. Smoking & Hair Transplantation Just like several surgical procedures, a doctor provides various instructions prior to the surgery. Although there are no studies that confirm any complication in smokers after a hair transplant surgery, hair transplant surgeons largely prohibit their patients from smoking prior or post the surgery. This is because there is an array of side effects that can occur after the surgery. Obviously, expect a question pertaining smoking during your consultation. How Must you Moderate Smoking? It is quite difficult for a patient to quit smoking towards a hair transplantation surgery, but a patient must either moderate or abstain from smoking for a period of one week prior to the surgery. To others, it is even necessary to postpone the hair transplant surgery in case it might involve more risks. Some of the easiest ways to help you quit or moderate smoking towards your surgery aren’t dissimilar from the general ways to stop smoking and they include; Throwing away cigarettes packets or containers Becoming more engaged in work and responsibilities Talk therapy Stay focused and positive among others On the other hand, hair transplant surgeons require their patients to avoid smoking at least 10 days after a hair transplant. Why is it necessary to avoid smoking prior to the hair transplant surgery? Cigarettes contain nicotine which causes the blood vessels to harden and constrict. As a result, there will be a reduced blood flow to your scalp, which is also worsened by the carbon monoxide in the smoke. Although the patient may observe no need to stop, a reduced blood flow will slow down the healing process after the hair transplant surgery which increases your chances of infection and extent of scarring. For starters, smoking may cause no side effects of this kind after the surgery, but to habitual smokers, they may move ahead to experience poor healing, something that can antagonize the hair transplant results. Related side effects of a prolonged healing process include Crusting Scabs Necrosis A thicker scar tissue Similarly, you may need to quit smoking prior to the hair transplant surgery in order to reduce chances of excessive bleeding during the procedure. Cases of excessive bleeding during the surgery will surely affect the surgeon’s speed (prolong the surgery period) and hair transplant efficacy. Will smoking affect my hair transplant results? Just as explained above, smoking can trigger various unwanted conditions that can indirectly sabotage your hair transplant results. To prevent associated risks, your surgeon may have to reschedule your surgery to avoid complications like respiratory issues after the surgery. An experienced surgeon will provide various instructions suitable for individual hair transplant needs.

This is How An impeccable Hair Transplant is Produced

This is How An impeccable Hair Transplant is Produced


Decades down the road, the cosmetic field is entirely invaded by hair transplant procedures. Gone are the days when liposuction had just made its way out and everyone couldn’t stop raving about the benefits of the procedure. From renowned celebrities like David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, Jude Law, Tom Hanks to a common man, hair transplant procedures have taken their force to become a leading and one of the most sought cosmetic surgery in the current era. However, many tend to believe that hair transplant procedures are magic-driven, which is ideally wrong. Hair transplant results are vividly influenced by various factors, therefore, this is what you must know; Hair Transplant Results are mainly influenced by the right surgeon Hair transplant results can look more realistic if the right surgeon performs the procedure, but expect the opposite (doll’s head) in case performed by an inexperienced surgeon. The hair restoration procedure will result in minor or no noticeable scarring and the density will absolutely allure you. Not only Applicable to Men A majority of hair transplant centres registers a rising number of female hair transplant candidates than in the past. The procedure was initially known to solve male pattern baldness, but due to technology advancements, the same road is embraced by females. A number of women undergo hair transplant procedures to lower their hairline by increasing the hair density surrounding their face. This approach is basically intended for cosmetic reasons. Not all Who Experience Hair Loss are Hair Transplant Candidates Certainly yes, various considerations are made by experienced surgeons before conducting the procedure. These include evaluating the available donor hair intended to supply the bald or thinning regions. In addition, you must have utilized non-surgical treatments like Finasteride, or Minoxidil to control your hair loss, otherwise male pattern baldness, which is genetically triggered or results from hormonal imbalances is most suitable for this approach. The Procedure is Expensive, But Worth It! Hair transplant procedures are generally known for being costly, especially when you have got to pay for extra treatment programs like PRP, or utilizing advanced procedures like the robotic approach. Basically, the type of hair transplant procedure selected determines the amount of cash you have to pay, but consider the procedure to cost you between Rs. 54, 000 and 2 lakhs. Grafts are Extracted in Two Approaches The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are the two main approaches to extracting hair follicles from one side of the scalp or from any part of the body under the influence of anesthesia. Micro punches, which are sharp instruments and needle-shaped and a surgical blade are used respectively to extract grafts from the donor region. The FUT procedure leaves a linear scar whereas the FUE procedure only leaves tiny dot-like scars. Your Procedure May last for more than 7 hours Luckily enough, your hair transplant surgeon would have informed you about the length of the procedure and so, you may sit for more hours than earlier thought. Patients with larger bald regions may choose to take up different settings, but this is also associated with its own effects.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Can it Trigger Hair Loss?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Can it Trigger Hair Loss?


As a number of us battle to retain our hair through various ways, there are other medical conditions that trigger hair loss indirectly. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS is a common reproductive health condition that affects 80% of women, though its severity differs. What is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is generally a hormone-related disorder that leads to the development of numerous cysts in the ovaries of a woman. These cysts tend to be small in size, but can enlarge and cause various complications, including infertility. These cysts are normally filled with liquid and burst or dissolve by themselves during the normal menstrual cycle. Cases where these cysts prevail and increase in number, they can lead to other conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer. What’s the actual cause of PCOS? Medical experts are still unaware of the actual cause of PCOS, but the condition is associated with hormonal imbalances. There is also a genetic link, meaning that one’s chances of battling PCOS increases in case her mother, sisters, or female relatives have ever suffered from the condition. To elaborate on hormonal imbalances- women have various hormones such as; estrogen, progesterone, LH, and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) that aid in the preparation of the womb for pregnancy. Apart from these hormones, they also have testosterone, though in a very low amount as compared to males. This hormone is responsible for maintaining muscle strength and mass as well as enhance the sex drive. Women with elevated levels of testosterone, LH, and prolactin have less than the required Sex Hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). In the same way, their testosterone level increases, which pave a way for hair loss. Do I have PCOS? You may never know that you have PCOS until you get examined by a gynecologist or a fertility expert. Currently, PCOS victims seeking IVF treatment are escalating due to infertility that the condition triggers. The commonest symptoms of PCOS include; Irregular or heavy Periods Acne Multiple cysts in the ovaries Mood swings Hirsutism Hair loss (Scalp Alopecia) Sleep apnoea Anxiety Depression Darkening of the skin Weight Gain or Obesity (Metabolic syndrome) PCOS Diagnosis & Treatment Through regular examinations, your doctor may diagnose you with PCOS through a pelvic exam. That is generally through the symptoms and your medical history. In other cases, blood tests to evaluate your insulin and cholesterol levels are performed. An ultrasound to look at your entire reproductive system may also be conducted to check for PCOS. When it comes to treatment, a number of approaches are considered to reduce the effects and complications of PCOS. These include Weight loss programme Clomifene Metformin Regular exercises Diet alteration Contraceptive pills Lifestyle changes Surgery To extract the oversized cysts, a laparoscopic surgery, which is minimally invasive is conducted to improve a woman’s pregnancy chances. Women with PCOS induced infertility may be helped via IVF treatment, where hormonal drugs are provided to stimulate the ovaries in order to extract multiple eggs. These eggs are fertilized in a Petri dish with the male sperm after which a viable embryo is taken back to the woman’s womb for development.

Combat Hair Loss With These Simple Foods

Combat Hair Loss With These Simple Foods


The mechanism of hair loss that mostly culminates into baldness is silently triggered by the interrupted hair growth cycle, normally through a prolonged catagen phase and a telogen phase. Naturally, the process of hair loss is triggered by DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) an androgen that causes the hair follicles to shrink. In males, testosterone is converted by an enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR) into DHT. DHT is blamed for a majority of hair loss cases today. Below are the best DHT blockers you can utilize to stop hair loss and promote hair growth Avocados In some Indian cities, avocados are rare and extremely expensive in stores otherwise it would have been a daily meal for many. Nevertheless, try as much as possible to incorporate avocados into your meals as it is rich in amino acids, folic acid, antioxidants, iron, copper, magnesium, and proteins. The oils in avocados are commonly utilized in hair oils since they are excellent in promoting hair growth while unclogging the blocked pores Berries Berries are considered a magical fruit and apart from having an ideal history, they are enriched with vitamin C, flavonoids, and Proanthocyanidins that aid in blood circulation and also stimulate hair growth by increasing the transition phase (telogen to anagen) Carrots You will hear more about carrots when talking about healthy eyes, however, the same applies to your hair. Carrots are very rich in vitamins such as A, C, E, K, and also contain beta carotenes, which is an antioxidant. Generally, carrots will help you in promoting hair growth, prevent hair breakage, and protect it from external conditions Tomatoes They are normally part of our everyday meals, but the bad thing is that we consume them in a wrong way. In order to utilize the rich nutrients in tomatoes, eat them raw or half cooked, however, this isn’t a call to stop using tomatoes in a common way Tomatoes are excellent in antioxidants, Beta-carotene, vitamin E among others Almonds & Walnuts Almonds are drupes, available in different types, however, the commonest which is shelled is excellent in promoting hair growth. Almonds consist of vitamin E, magnesium, and protein responsible for promoting hair growth. The fruit also aids in strengthening hair follicles and also conditions them Walnuts, on the other hand, are excellent protein, vitamin E sources, and Tannins that help in hair growth and reduce hair loss Eggs Eggs are some of the most nutritious foods on planet earth. Apart from being an excellent source of proteins, eggs are also rich in biotin and cysteine, a type of amino acid that aids in hair growth. Eggs can be eaten in a number of ways, but boiled eggs are recommended for hair growth Bananas They are an excellent source of potassium that helps in promoting the circulatory system and also contain FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) required for healthy gut bacteria that moderates DHT production Watermelons Due to the lycopene in watermelons which is actually a DHT blocker, you will be able to have a fuller head. Watermelons also contain vitamin C, B12 & B6 necessary for nourishing your hair Green Tea Green tea is generally termed as an excellent antioxidant recommended for a healthy life. Apart from that, green tea contains Panthenol an alcohol analog used in hair conditioners and due to its powerful antioxidants, you will realize more hair growth than before Pumpkin Seeds These are some of the healthiest seeds on planet earth. They are rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, cucurbitin, and L-lysine. These aid in hair growth as well as improving your hair texture and quality Peanuts Peanuts are some of the world’s most nutritious legumes, known for their excellent quantities of L-Lysine and Biotin, which are DHT inhibitors. The above-mentioned nutrients help hair follicles utilize copper and iron required hair growth. Also, they excellently help in promoting a natural growth of healthy hair follicles. Peanuts are also good sources of Folate, Molybdenum, and monounsaturated fats, which keeps your hair follicles excellently nourished. Pecans Pecans also contain a reliable amount of L-Lysine, which is a natural DHT blocker. Apart from L-Lysine, pecans also contain ellagic acid and monosaturated fatty acidic, which protect damaged hair follicles from acquiring an infection. In addition, they also contain gamma-tocopherol, an important source of vitamin E that helps in reducing scalp inflammation that can lead to hair loss. It is quite important to note that pecans are also a good source of Iron, Selenium, and Manganese that promotes the growth of natural hair follicles. Mangoes Mangoes are some of the cheapest fruits in India and apart from that, they can be consumed in a number of ways. Apart from being a delicious fruit, mangoes are also perfect sources of Lycopene, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, that helps to slow the conversion of testosterone into DHT, heal damaged hair follicles & scalp, and the skin respectively. For best results, eat raw mangoes. Swiss Chard It is considered one of the best world’s healthiest foods, with a number of nutrients, such as Vitamin K, A, E, C, copper, manganese, Iron, calcium, fibre among others. When it comes to controlling hair loss, Swiss Chard contains numerous antioxidants that fight scalp inflammation. It is also a good source of syringic acid, a type of flavonoid that lowers blood sugar levels and inflammation, which protects one from going bald. Kale This nutritious food can easily be attained from grocery shops and highly recommended for overall body health. Kale is an excellent source of Zinc, a mineral that stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT. In addition, Kale contains forty-five flavonoids and Isothiocyanates that helps to fight hair follicle diseases and detoxify the body of the excess hormones respectively. Kale also reduces hair follicle inflammation. Spinach Just like Kale, Spinach is also an important nutrient source for the entire family. It contains Zinc, which is a good DHT inhibitor, and also contains vitamins such as A, C, B12, and iron that work together to promote a healthy scalp and hair follicles. Cooked White

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