How are the important factors to prepare for gynecomastia surgery?
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How are the important factors to prepare for gynecomastia surgery?

How are the important factors to prepare for gynecomastia surgery?


One of the estimates has shown that people between the age of 50 and 69 are diagnosed with gynecomastia. This condition is characterized by enlarged male breasts. The problem is going to impact your ability to wear your favorite clothing as it brings the feeling of body shame. To prepare yourself for the gynecomastia surgery Vizag, go through the following steps. Prepare yourself for Gynecomastia surgery Understanding which procedure you need First of all, it is important to understand which procedure is best for your condition. It is important to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon. The doctor is going to look at the patient anatomy so that the fullness of the chest can be checked: Excess fat Both fat and breast tissue Too much breast tissue Areola has the presence of loose skin Older patients and patients with massive weight, feel like there is chest fullness which results in loose skin near the areola. This can be corrected with an areola reduction. In most cases, the patient has excess fat or the breast tissue is in abundance. In that case, fat removal and surgical excision of the tissue is needed. Choosing the right surgeon For any man, it is not a pleasurable feeling to get surgery for the chest. When they get the gynecomastia surgery, the scars are hidden. You must choose the right surgeon for the treatment who knows in and out about the treatment. You need to go with someone who is: Yeast of experience to provide gynecomastia surgery Board-certified surgeon Understanding the gynecomastia causes When you are getting treatment from an exemplary surgeon, the results are the best. They will ensure that you get the best treatment by determining your condition in detail. Exercise, Diet, and Gynecomastia To prepare yourself for the gynecomastia surgery, you need to work upon your exercise and diet regime. In some cases, the problem is triggered due to medication, supplements, or recreational drugs, then you need to stop its intake. Nevertheless, the fuller chest occurs due to excess fat. To lose weight, here are some of the things which you can give a try: Reduce the sugar intake Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits Limit the alcoholic beverages in your diet You should do cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes – 3 times per week. Even if you need to get surgery, you need to work on your diet and exercise regime. It is great to benefit your overall health and recovery also goes smoothly. How does the recovery feel? During the recovery timeline, you should have realistic expectations. You can expect the swelling for two weeks. The drain will be there for 24 to 48 hours. You should wear the compression vest as it helps to reduce swelling and provide you the desired results. In the first week, you need to ease with the exercise regime. Do not go with upper bodywork for 4 to 6 weeks. The results will take time but it will be worth it. Follow the tips given by the surgeon to see the visible results on time.

What do you need to know about laser hair removal treatment in Vizag?

What do you need to know about laser hair removal treatment in Vizag?


Laser Hair Removal Treatment All women want to look their best all the time. What’s better than having the safest and permanent option, like laser hair removal treatment to reduce the unwanted hair from the body. Treatment of Laser Hair Removal Vizag has become the best approach for the patients as its success rate is the proof. Laser hair removal has become a popular choice for removing the hair from the upper lip, bikini line, legs, armpits, and hands. How does laser hair removal work? During the procedure, the beam of light is passed to the skin which damages the hair follicles. The light converts itself into heat and it is going to stop the hair growth. With the esteemed and able surgeon, the hair removal treatment will be performed with the best treatment approach. Choosing the experienced professional will ensure that the complications are reduced and the possible side effects along with it. Before you get the treatment, it is important to undergo the consultation and let the doctor know about your medical history. Once everything is determined, the treatment plan is strategized for you and you will be told about the treatment cost. Pre-care instructions for laser treatment With this treatment, you need to follow some of the basic instructions, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Before the treatment, the patient should stay out of the sun for six weeks. If you have tan or dark skin, then you will be given a bleaching cream. You need to prohibit yourself from getting the hair removal procedure 4 weeks before the treatment along with waxing and plucking. Make sure that you stop the usage of anti-inflammatory medications as they might lead to blood thinning. What undergoes the laser treatment? The treatment is effectively completed within 2 to 6 sessions. The doctor will determine the place and location of hair growth and this way the interval between each session is decided. While getting the treatment, you need to wear specs for eye protection. The procedure does not involve discomfort as the treated area will be applied with cool gel and anesthesia. Initially, there is swelling and for that ice pack or steroid cream is of great help & you can recover faster. Even after getting the treatment, you need to limit sun exposure for six weeks. While getting the treatment, there is a need to get repetitive sessions for the new growth. The procedure results are not permanent but it will delay the hair growth for months and years. Even if the hair grows back the hair growth will be lighter and thicker in texture. Takeaway Undergoing the procedure is convenient, quick, non-invasive, and a perfect choice for women to get rid of unwanted hair. If you would like to book an appointment for the treatment, then feel free to do it anytime. Our esteemed and able doctors will help you give a strategized treatment plan to address the unwanted hair.

Which treatment option is considered beneficial to cure baldness?

What do you need to know about laser hair removal treatment in Vizag?


Hair loss or baldness is an important matter for men and women. In most cases, people lose their self-confidence and they do not feel like going outside to meet anyone. Most of them try to wear a hat, wig or try to tie the hair by wearing a handkerchief. In many cases, people even try to go through the options of alternative remedies. Additionally, they consider the option of allopathic medicines which helps them to grow their hair fastly. In that case, you can be benefited by getting a hair transplant in Vizag. What are the reasons for hair loss? In the initial stage, the problem is referred to as hair thinning, and then gradually the hair loss occurs. The problem can be hereditary, and the person must be careful about their age. Some of the additional reasons are: Age Consuming more fast foods and junk foods Drinking less water Daily combing with a rough comb Not applying hair oil Medication side effect Straightening and curling of hair Use of hair dryers for drying your hair Hair coloring products Daily use of helmet Regular use of shampoo and soap Wearing a hat or handkerchief  Baldness and Treatment Options Surgical Treatment for Hair Loss The Healthcare industry has developed a lot with time. The reason for that is the advancement in medical equipment and medications. The hair transplant surgeon will let you know in detail about what type of treatment plan you need to get.   FUE hair transplant Follicular Unit extraction is the best approach to deal with hair loss. During the surgery, the hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp and fixed on the bald area. The hair grafts will grow there like usual. The hair growth will be thick and the bald spots are going to be covered effectively. The use of local anesthesia is going to reduce the pain and discomfort during the surgery.   FUT hair transplant Follicular Unit Transplantation is also referred to as strip surgery. During this approach, the hair strip is extracted from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less.   How is it beneficial to get surgical treatment? Both FUE and FUT help the patient to get natural results. Both FUE and FUT help is giving permanent results to the patients. The hair growth will look natural, thick, and healthy   What if I try non-surgical options? If you opt for the non-surgical methods, then keep in mind the results are not permanent. You might see the hair growth for 6 months but after that, the problem will come back again. This is the reason, we suggest our patients get surgical treatment which is a one-time investment and results are also the best.

What is a beard transplant? What are the reasons you need to consider a beard hair transplant?

What is a beard transplant? What are the reasons you need to consider a beard hair transplant?


Increasing demand for Beard Hair Transplant Beard is one of the important parts of a man’s personality. It is the reason, most men are opting for the beard transplant. No matter where you work, beards are accepted as they are a sign of strength, masculinity, and determination. However, certain men cannot grow a beard, and it is due to genetic factors. Thankfully, modern and revamped technology has changed the entire situation for the better. Choosing the option of Hair Transplant in Vizag can help you get the full-grown beard you have always wished for.   What is meant by beard transplant? The surgeons are turning around the treatment and using it for the people who want more facial hair but genetics do not allow them to get the same. During this perspective, the surgeon will take hair follicles from the back of the scalp and transplant them to the troublesome area, where beard growth is needed The hair is taken from the back of the scalp as the hair growth is thickest, and this allows the hair growth to be natural looking and thick. With just a one-time investment, you are likely to have a beard hair growth you always wished for.   Why do you need to get a beard transplant? Male grooming has taken off in the last couple of years. With time, consideration is given to the facial hair as it depicts the masculine style. The men who are having trouble having a full face of hair need to consider the beard transplant. Some of the determinants with beard transplant are: Less facial hair near the chin The hair growth in the facial area on the chin might be less as compared to the side of the cheeks. You can plan to get a beard transplant. You must look at the head hair and the facial hair which can be grown. Rare difference If there is an uncommon difference between scalp and beard hair then a hair transplant is possible. Following this approach will ensure that the hair growth is in the right tone. Color and hair texture If the scalp and facial hair texture & color are alike then you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. Some patients do not worry about the differences. Nevertheless, if the facial hair has a red tint and scalp hair is dark brown then, you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.   Get good medical care – With VJs medical expert Are you looking for the perfect appearance? But the facial hair problem is not helping you get that. Worry not beard hair transplant gives you the perfect opportunity to do that. It is such a precise method, and its results make everything better.    

What are the topmost tips which help to design the best future healthcare hospital?

What are the topmost reasons which lead to the problem of hair loss?


Have you ever wondered how the healthcare design will be in the future? The best builders in London, take every challenge to design the hospital with the best approach. No matter which healthcare unit you are talking about it becomes important that everything is well managed and designed. Giving the patient a comfortable and the best environment is extremely important. For the best centre of hair transplant in Vizag, it is mandatory to offer the patients the best options so that they are at ease throughout the treatment.   Take as much as you can to grow your value Well, here we are talking about promising the patients that they will get the best service. Even more than that it is independent accreditation of the concept. Once it is executed correctly, it should provide the patient with a positive environment, irrespective of what treatment they are getting. It is also important that the facility’s return on investment is kept in mind. You should focus on the design approach and give yourself time to understand each part of it. Once everything is done, it is also important to ensure every element is important in its way.   Research is important For a team to be well-prepared and equipped it is important to do research. They should take their time to work on the new approach and overcome the necessary challenges. Some of the real projects which need to be given consideration are budget, site, schedule, and culture. With this approach, the researchers can check the research question and then combine the necessary parameters so that the best practices are used.   Utilize patient advocacy surveys It will take expertise to understand which design will improve the patient experience. You should ask the patients what makes their experience the best. You should ask them what they would want when they visit a specific health care unit. Various research is there which has helped to design the best building and it has been seen that the patient experience improves a lot by giving them a comfortable space.   Conduct Post-Occupancy Evaluations You should create the questionnaires so that you can work accordingly the way the patient wants. This way you can see how the design will be the best. When everything is proper it improves the patient comfort level and they get the best service. Every small thing is noted by the patients so you need to be careful how everything is managed. If the patient gets the natural light and the perfect view they are going to be happy.    

What is meant by liposuction surgery and what are the various ways for this technique to be carried out?

What is meant by liposuction surgery and what are the various ways for this technique to be carried out?


People usually get tensed when they find that some areas of their body are disturbing their overall appearance. They get even more stressed by fitting this thought in mind that nothing can treat this. Do not anticipate that way. Because there is a technique which is popularly known by the name of liposuction Vizag or lipo surgery which definitely aids in the context. What does the liposuction technique imply?  It is quite common that fat cells begin to grow in higher proportions in some parts of the body. In those body parts, fats are collected that obviously disturb the appearance of the whole body figure. For the treatment of such cases, one very effective technique has been put into use i.e Liposuction technique. The liposuction procedure is deemed to be one of the very successful processes in treating fat of various body parts like the abdominal part, calves, buttocks, arms, etc. How is this technique carried out?  This procedure is carried out when the patient is injected with anesthesia. This technique is considered a little bit invasive because some invasions or incisions are made to inject some kind of wet solution. Then fat from the targeted body part is removed by using a device which is usually known as a cannula. Because of the suction nature of this procedure, one is sure to experience scars at the targeted body parts. Do not brood when such a thing happens. There is also a session arranged for the swelling. This session usually takes up scar removal therapy. It is carried out after 1 month of the lipo surgery. Results are quite sure to be visible after a week of surgery. But that will be only glimpses of how your body should look. It takes roughly 3 to 4 months for apparent consequences to be seen. What is the variegated genus of the Liposuction technique? There are variegated types of lipo surgery. The genus completely differs in the way of performance from one process to another. Vaser Lipo  This procedure is carried out in two stages: Firstly, fat cells are torn down. The next stage includes the elimination of the cells. This technique is carried out for less postoperative discomfort and long-lasting results. Power-Assisted Lipo  This technique aids in destroying the tissues which contain fats. They get out from the body through the suction technique. This technique is carried out through vibrations and oscillations.

Everything you need to know about FUE hair transplant treatment in India

Everything you need to know about FUE hair transplant treatment in India


Overview We all want to look our best. However, with aging, it is normal to experience certain issues and one of them is hair loss. Medical science has evolved with time and treatment options have upgraded. In India the most preferred treatment for hair loss is FUE (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplant. In this topic, we are going to elaborate on the treatment so that you can make an informed decision.   What is a FUE hair transplant? FUE hair transplantation is a treatment approach that results in natural hair growth. With this surgical treatment, the hair follicles are taken individually from the donor area (which is not affected by DHT) and implanted in the thin hair or bald spots. During the treatment, the surgeon makes use of the micro punches to extract the follicles individually. You can make the most of this method, as there are no visible signs of extraction. Undergoing this minimally invasive treatment results in all-natural results, no scars, and the patient will be at ease. It is one of the preferred methods for hair transplantation for patients experiencing severe thinning, chronic hair fall, and bald spots. One of the important considerations to undergo the surgery is the availability of the hair follicles.   How is undergoing an FUE hair transplant useful? Natural hair growth Natural-looking hair Permanent results Scarless and painless surgery Quick recovery time The success rate is high because of the improved technique Do not give the appearance like hair plugs No scars after the hair follicles extraction   How is the cost of FUE calculated? Depending on every case, the cost of a hair transplant will vary a lot. A total number of hair grafts needed for the recipient area will be checked. Additionally, the FUE hair transplant cost will depend on the surgeon’s experience. Some of the additional cost which determines the FUE cost are mentioned below: How severe is the baldness? (For that the doctor uses the Norwood scale to measure the male pattern baldness) Extent of Baldness What type of technique is needed for hair follicle extraction? What treatment is needed? Patient overall health The total cost of medical equipment Labor cost   Some of the scenarios which help to understand how many hair grafts are needed for the specific area: Full head coverage – A minimum of 5000 grafts are needed. Frontal forelock – 1000 to 2000 grafts Front and Mid-front coverage – 4000 to 5000 grafts Front coverage treatment – 3000 to 3500 grafts   What is the procedure of FUE hair restoration? Here are the following steps which will be in the FUE hair restoration: Prior assessments Preparation Hair follicles extraction Implantation of hair follicles After-care   Who can take advantage of the FUE method? Following are the situations in which the FUE method can be best suited for the patients: Patient with male pattern baldness Patient with Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness A patient suffering from scarring alopecia patches A patient who wants to get FUT scar restoration Patients who want to get eyebrow, hairline, beard, mustache, and beard reconstruction.    

What are the topmost facts you need to know about hair transplant surgery in India?

What are the topmost reasons which lead to the problem of hair loss?


Introduction In the past few years, it has been seen that the hair transplant has become successful and most demandable surgery. If you are suffering from hair loss & baldness then you can take benefit from hair transplantation. The treatment provides you permanent and natural results. If you want to try exotic oils or hair loss supplements then keep in mind they are not going to work like hair transplantation. In this blog, we will take you through some of the interesting facts about hair restoration treatment. Top facts need to know about hair transplant: Is the treatment given just one-time? No doubt, we all don’t want to go to the doctor again and again. Hair transplantation is one of the cosmetic treatments where you do not need to consult the doctor daily. Simply visiting the doctor just one time for the treatment will solve the hair loss issue once and for all. The hair follicles are extracted from that region of the scalp which is considered as the safe zone. Also, this zone does not have the DNA which can result in male pattern baldness. Undergoing the treatment just one time will solve the issue for a lifetime. Treat the transplanted hair normally After getting the treatment, patients get worried about using the shampoo, color dye, or any other specific product for the hair. If you want you can use them without any tension. You can treat the newly grown hair like you used to do with the normal hair. After getting the surgery, when the healthy hair grows it will be just your hair. Make sure that you follow the immediate aftercare instructions given by the surgeon. Is the treatment painful? Undergoing treatment does not result in pain. This is because, when you get the treatment, the patient is given local anesthesia, and this way the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. During the entire treatment, the patient will be at ease and comfortable. Is the hair transplant costly? Fortunately, you can undergo the treatment under your budget. The treatment is given depending on how many grafts you need, surgeon experience, clinic infrastructure, and the treatment you need. So, undergoing the treatment helps you get it under your budget. Is there an age limit for hair transplant? The best thing about hair transplantation is that you can get the treatment without thinking about age. After the age of 25, you can get this treatment. No matter what your age is you can get the treatment.    

is it beneficial to undergo a liposuction procedure for weight loss?

is it beneficial to undergo a liposuction procedure for weight loss?


In this blog, we are going to tell you how liposuction surgery in Vizag is beneficial for you.   What is Liposuction and how does it work? With the help of the suction procedure, the doctor will remove fat from various parts of the body. The fats can be removed from different parts of the body that are mentioned below:   Hips Abdomen Arms Neck Buttocks and more. Liposuction is also known as body contouring & lipoplasty. Some women face unwanted fat after doing exercise as well as dieting. During the procedure, there will be small incisions & cannulas to remove the fat from the body.   How much weight can be lost by the patient with lipoplasty?   The weight depends upon the patient that means different patients are going to lose different weights. The surgical method will improve physical physique and body sculpting instead of losing weight. During the method, the surgeon cannot suction more than 4 to 5L. Otherwise, some complications will increase. If the patient wants multiple treatments then always remember, the overall amount will be equivalent to 5L. In fact, the treatment can take place in two stages. But the patient should make sure the other surgery is going to take place after 12 weeks. But the patient should not think that he will lose weight, the liposuction surgery will be done to improve the physique of the patient. And you will see the difference in wearing clothes.   What about the results? After undergoing the surgery, the surgeon will place you in a medical-grade compression garment. The surgeon will also give you instructions on how a patient can take care of his new physique. If the patient will follow the instructions of the surgeon post-surgery, then you will not experience weight gain. The treatment will remove the fat cells permanently.   When the patient will be able to see the results? The patient will see the expected results within eight to twelve weeks. After undergoing the liposuction method, the patient will suffer from bruising and swelling but you don’t have to worry. The patient will recover within a few weeks.   Liposuction is better or tummy tuck Liposuction is a noninvasive method that pays attention to the removal of fat cells. But make sure if the person is suffering from excessive weight gain, then undergoing liposuction is not a great option. For those people, a tummy tuck is a great option. Liposuction is good for those that have good skin elasticity. Always remember, the liposuction procedure is not for diastasis recti or abdominal wall laxity. It is a body contouring method as it will improve the feminine features like hourglass silhouette and thin waistline.   Final thought If you are done with exercise and follow many diets and still not satisfied with your weight. Then undergoing liposuction treatment is the best option for you.    

What are the topmost tips for selecting the best hair transplant in Vizag?

What is the difference between the two - Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement?


Are you suffering from severe hair loss at a young age? Is your self-confidence reduced due to baldness? Do you not feel comfortable going out with your friends? If answers to all these questions come out as ‘Yes’, then you can solve this issue with a hair transplant. Undergoing treatment makes it easier for you to get an effective solution for hair loss. Is it safe to undergo a hair transplant in Vizag? Hair transplantation is a safe and effective surgical procedure performed by experienced and skilled surgeons. During the procedure, no harm is performed to your natural hair. The treatment provides flawless and excellent results. Before, you plan to get the treatment to make sure you have selected the best hair clinic. Does the clinic provide consultation? Consultation is an important part of undergoing treatment. During the initial consultation, your entire condition is evaluated and the reason behind hair loss is found. Also, you are allowed to ask questions which helps you to take the right step. Any renowned surgeon will make sure you are allowed to consult about your doubts and understand the treatment in depth. Is the clinic reputable? Before you select the clinic, you need to ensure that it is reputable. If you come across a clinic which is renowned then you should not take a chance and you must find some other clinic. Make sure the clinic you are selecting is reputable and they should offer you outstanding services. Is the surgeon board-certified? Not every other surgeon or doctor can perform the hair restoration treatment. Proper skills and expertise is needed to perform it correctly. The surgeon you are selecting must be board-certified. If not, then you need to choose someone who has years of experience and has undergone his training to do the surgery with precision. Which technique is best for me? If you like the clinic then you need to understand which technique they provide. You should go to their site and find which technique they offer. You should schedule a consultation with them and discuss the possible options which can work for you. If you find a treatment online then discuss with them whether they implement it or not and will it be suitable to treat hair loss. Is the clinic offering cheap treatment? If you ever come across a clinic which is providing you a cheap treatment plan then you should not go with them. Make sure the decision to undergo the treatment should not be based on price. Getting cheap treatment means service is also not up to the mark. If the prices are lower than you need to enquire about them.

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