Why do hair loss conditions affect teenagers and youngsters?
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Why do hair loss conditions affect teenagers and youngsters?

Why do hair loss conditions affect teenagers and youngsters?


Do you know? Not only the people, who are in their 40s or 50s feel the need to undergo the Hair transplant in Vizag. Rather the teenagers and the youngsters do also suffer from the hair loss problem and thus they also experience the need to consult the well-reputed cosmetic surgeon about the solution to the hair loss problem. In most of the hair loss cases among the youngsters, the problem is sought to be treated with natural remedies or medication. But in severe cases, hair transplantation is surely a good way. So when this happens, the patients get worried about whether they will be able to afford the hair transplant cost or not. But you need not worry as the minimal cost is incurred on the hair transplantation. Why do youngsters or teenagers suffer from Hair Loss problems at such an early stage of their life? The whole credit goes to the below-mentioned factors which not only deteriorate the structure and the functioning of the various organs of the body but also make the patient suffer from baldness. Smoking Smoking is injurious to all people irrespective of their age. Teenagers and youngsters start smoking just to appear trendy and cool in front of their friends. But neglect has hazardous consequences to their health. When you smoke, then the blood flow experiences complicated fluctuations. And when this condition is not treated for long, then the blood flow to the scalp gets completely terminated which results in hair shedding. Smoking completely prohibits the regenerative cells to stimulate hair regrowth. Diet and regular exercise Diet is the critical component for the well-being of the overall body. The youngsters nowadays rely on eating so many junk food items like Pizza, Burger and the other items. These food items are accountable for causing conditions like blood clots. Along with the diet, regular exercise also plays a quintessential role. If your body is physically inactive, then you will not only experience hair loss like problems. But you will also encounter problems with the reproductive systems and a lot more. Stress or trauma hair loss Nowadays all of us go through stress for some reason. Students are worried about their studies and adults are concerned about their profession. So every individual is bothered by stress and that does not get limited to torturing our minds, but these also irritate our scalp by causing the hair to shed off. Hereditary conditions If any member of your family, especially your father and mother, has also gone through the same condition of hair loss, then their genes may pass on the hair loss traits to you. This is the main reason that the couples are suggested to get genetic testing done as this helps to detect any chromosomal defects and faulty traits. Bottom Line There might be some other factors like hormonal imbalance which can also aggravate the situation.

What is O-shot used for? What are the advantages of using the O-shot?

What is O-shot used for? What are the advantages of using the O-shot?


With age, each part of the body undergoes serious changes in emergence and functionality. The sexual or the intimate organs are not even spared. Some women accept the change, while others can’t. Some women do not want their sexual life to get affected, so they undergo hymenoplasty in Vizag. The intimate changes are not only encountered by the females. Even the males also undergo such changes. For the amelioration of the functioning and the aesthetics of the private parts, they undergo male genital surgery. What exactly is the O-shot? This is one of the orgasm therapies which makes use of the PRP. Such regenerative cells are harnessed from the patients’ blood. The PRP injection is considerably useful to treat the variegated problems concerning age. For improving the aesthetics and the features of the vagina, this injection is injected in the vagina and the clitoris, when the patient is under the effect of the local anaesthesia. Thus this process can be immensely simple and painless. Why is this used for? This treatment alternative makes use of the platelets that are extracted from the blood. The platelets extracted from the blood are known for having enhancement abilities. This treatment does not repair the look of the genitals at the cost of the health, rather health is significantly taken care of. Besides, it helps to treat the following issues: Place the graphic here How is this treatment performed? During the extraction, usually, 6-8 ccs of the blood are extracted by using venipuncture. The blood is then processed with the spinning technique carried out by the centrifuge and the designated FDA. When prepared, the PRP is filled in the syringe. Is the injection injected without numbing the organs? No, the first step of the PRP treatment involves the numbing of the intimate organs. This numbing could be accomplished either with the help of the numbing creams or the local anaesthesia. The injection process initiates with the injection of about 1 cc of PRP. Once done, then the injection of about 5 ccs is done in the G-spot area. Keep it clear Based on the several factors the doctor will decide whether only one or multiple injections will be required. What are the advantages of undergoing O-shot? The libido is enhanced and thus the female achieves more satisfaction while having sex The female can have a stronger orgasm as the vagina and the clitoris becomes highly sensitive to the sexual arousal The urinary incontinence maybe get rid of The vagina may not get dry frequently because of the lubrication The sexual act will be enjoyed, as no pain will be encountered The skin may get enhanced on the vulva Consult us! For the amelioration of the aesthetics and the features of the vagina, consult us as we are committed to making you avail of the right procedure at your convenience.

Which is the safest non-surgical treatment for vaginal rejuvenation?

Which is the safest non-surgical treatment for vaginal rejuvenation?


Do you think that there can be a procedure for vaginal tightening and rejuvenation, which may feel like a warm massage when carried out? Yes, you guessed it right, we are talking about the hymenoplasty in Punjab. This is a kind of female genital surgery. If you are interested to know about male genital surgery, then let us know. We shall publish our next blog on that topic. But in today’s write up, we are going to talk about the thermiVa procedure. ThermiVa is the kind that helps to make the vagina tight and rejuvenated. It is often taken up by the women after delivery. This procedure takes the help of either the medicines or the radio frequency waves. With these, the collagen gets synthesized which eventually leads to the shrinking and the tightening of the female tissues. In simple words With the real-time monitoring of the temperature, this procedure helps to reach the subcutaneous layers of the skin. With heating, the tissues are aimed for the contraction. What is the difference between surgical vaginal rejuvenation and the thermiVa? Usually, all the other methods to rejuvenate the vagina are surgical and are less effective. But when we are comparing them with the ThermiVa, then it comes out to be best in all the aspects. With its non-surgical approaches, this treatment procedure aims at treating the following problems: Vaginal Laxity Vaginal Dryness Urinary Incontinence Sexual disorders Who can benefit you with this procedure? We offer all the procedures which are required by our patients to improve the aesthetics and the functioning of their private parts. We know that not all people are comfortable talking about genital problems with the opposite genders. So as per your convenience, we make you available with highly qualified doctors whose primary motive is to make you comfortable. There are broad scope of advantages if you take up this treatment from us: Cost-effective treatment Result-oriented procedures Use of the modern technologies Right approach Personalised treatment plan How long does it take for the completion of the procedure? It depends upon the expertise of the staff that this procedure does not take more than 30 minutes to get completed. How can you get benefitted from this procedure? You can experience the following if you undergo ThermiVa: The vagina gets tightened and thus the satisfaction in the intercourse can be achieved The viva and the Labia also gets tightened The vaginal dryness can be gotten rid of The incontinence and leakage like issues can be treated What about the cost? The cost of the procedure may vary depending upon the expected outcomes. If you want to achieve more than one enhanced feature, then the cost will naturally be high. Contact us In case, you want to take up the vaginal rejuvenation procedure, then make sure you are consulting us. We are best known for providing the required services in this regard.

Why undergo breast implant removal? How to take care of your implants?

Why undergo breast implant removal? How to take care of your implants?


The breasts are that part of the female’s body that is responsible for establishing confidence among them. If these do not have the right size, like if their size is too large or too small, then they giantly affect their self-esteem. But why worry? Breast implants surgery in Vizag is the best alternative to enhance the look of the breasts. Usually, the females face the problem of the smaller size of the breasts, so they end up opting for undergoing breast augmentation in Vizag. So as you might have guessed, today’s topic will be going to be all about the barest implants. Does the implant last forever? The implants do not last forever, but yes! They surely serve for a longer period. It is usually the period of 10 to 20 years that the particular implants satisfy. But in some cases, these implants serve for more than the period of 30 to 40 years. It quintessentially depends upon the care factor. If you take care of your implants, then rarely the need will be aroused for the replacement. Which reasons are responsible for undergoing breast replacement? Breast hardening The breasts may get hardened when the scar tissue gets hardened. The hardened scar tissue may cause the breasts to suffer from tightness, tenderness and the size of the breast may change. Saline Implant rupture The ruptured saline implant always leads to deflation. If there will either be a hole or tear in the implant, then the saline will leak out. The leaked liquid will harmlessly be absorbed by the tissues surrounding the implants. Silicone rupture As compared to the saline rupture the silicone implant rupture is significantly different. As the saline implants have saline water in them, the silicone implants do have silicone gel in them. So when these ruptures, the gel stays in the implant. It is difficult to find out whether the implants have ruptured or not because of the gel. But still, if you experience uneven emergence, then it is the sign of silicone rupturing. Changed Position With age, every part of the body is accountable for undergoing some change. No ammeter, you have undergone the breast implantation procedure or not, the breasts will encounter some change in the future. So in those conditions, the implants may also shift away from their position. Personal choice Sometimes it is because of the personal choice of the women that they determine, they do not want to continue with breast implants. How can the removal of the implants take place? The removal of the implants can be carried out with the help of several ways: Simple removal In this condition, the implants will be removed and the breasts will be left to their original and natural look. Breast lift removal It will be your choice whether you want to simply remove the implants from your breasts or you still want to contribute to the appearance with the help of the breast lift procedure. How can the implants last for a longer period? You can enjoy the summer breasts or the longer period if you take some important measures into account: Support garment The doctor will advise you to wear a supportive garment which could be a garment like a surgical bar. If you neglect following this aspect, then the breast will continue to get sagged. Annual checkups The plastic surgeon will call you for the annual checkups. You have to make sure that you do not miss out on any checkup. If you do, then you will be responsible for deteriorating the shape and size of your breasts.

What is phlebitis? How is it caused and diagnosed? How is it treated?

What is phlebitis? How is it caused and diagnosed? How is it treated?


When the blood walls get damaged, then it results in serious venous inflammation which we all know as phlebitis. The damage to the veins can be caused by any of the following: Trauma Infection Injury So what exactly is thrombophlebitis? When the blood clots get formed in the veins. It could be of any number. Then this condition is known as thrombophlebitis. Which similarity would you find in the varicose veins and phlebitis? Both the varicose veins and phlebitis can be caused in the various parts of your body like legs and the arms. And unlike varicose veins, this condition can also cause you to suffer from extreme pain, irritation, and discomfort. Which among the varicose veins and phlebitis can cause considerable harm to the health? The varicose veins do not do as much harm as phlebitis. But if you have enough knowledge about this condition and you detect its symptoms at an early stage, then it can surely get treated. In what regard, phlebitis is said to be superficial? Phlebitis will be said to be superficial if the veins present on the surface of the skin get affected by it. What is DVT? DVT stands for deep vein thrombosis. If the phlebitis is affecting the deep veins, then it will be known as DVT. What are the risks associated with the DVT? If you are suffering from the DVT condition, then there will be the formation of large blood clots. These blood clots are never stable and they keep on moving and traveling from one direction to another. So they can be risky if they travel to your lungs since it can result in pulmonary embolism which is a considerably life-threatening condition. How is superficial phlebitis caused? Superficial phlebitis is caused if any kind of medical or surgical procedure has injured or damaged the veins, then owing to the consequential complications, superficial phlebitis can be caused. AS far as the DVT is concerned, then it a wide variety of factors can contribute to this: Hereditary Medical Lifestyle When does the chance of encountering phlebitis escalate? The chances to encounter phlebitis become considerably high if you are: Pregnant In the postnatal phase Undergoing hormone replacement therapy How does lifestyle affect this condition? If the individual is having a lazy and unhealthy lifestyle, then the veins themselves get damaged owing to prolonged inactive periods. How can phlebitis be diagnosed? Phlebitis can be diagnosed with the help of blood tests or ultrasound tests. Blood tests With the blood tests, the release of the D-Miner substance is detected. This is the kind of substance that is only released when the blood becomes deteriorated. Ultrasound The ultrasound tests help to have the images of the blood clots and the blockages. This also helps to know if the blood clot is stable or is getting extended to the other organs. How can the condition of phlebitis get corrected? Usually, the patients who are diagnosed with phlebitis are suggested to do walking. Walking helps to keep the blood flow normally. If you are diagnosed with superficial phlebitis, then you will surely be suggested to take some of the anti-inflammatory drugs. Compression stockings also regulate the ideal flow of the blood. Bottom Line At our clinic, we facilitate our patients with non-surgical treatments. With the ‘Guaranteed success rate’ to ‘No use of the general anesthesia’ everything catches the attraction of the patient. So if you encounter any symptoms of phlebitis, then make sure you are consulting with reputed doctors. Do not let it get aggravated and intensified. Otherwise, it may cause serious life-intimidating issues for you.

How long does the breast implant last? Is it best to remove or replace?

How long does the breast implant last? Is it best to remove or replace?


Deciding on breast implants is difficult and it should be taken by considering all the things. This treatment option is designed to give you the perfect look you want and increase your self-image. Although, they do not last for a lifetime and this is the reason most women want to get it removed 10 to 20 years after going to the surgery for the first time. After the surgery, make sure that you visit the doctor for a regular check-up and follow his tips to manage the breast implant results.  How much is the average lifespan of a breast implant? Breast augmentation is an effective method to enhance your breast appearance. The procedure is safe and designed the way women need the result. The modern and improved implants are designed to last for a long time and their chances of getting ruptured are less than 1%. With proper care and consulting the doctor from time to time, the breast implants can last for 20 years or maybe more.  What are the reasons to get breast implant removal or replacement?   Breast hardening or capsular contracture Scar tissues become hard around one or both implants. It leads to pain, tenderness, breast tightness or change in breast shape & size. Saline Implant Rupture The implant will deflate quickly like a balloon The hole or tear, will make to saline to get leak out The breast will become loose in size and shape Silicone Rupture Also termed as silent rupture, but it is not easy to tell about this problem. You might be able to notice breast sensation, uneven appearance, change in breast sensation, tingling, burning, numbness, or swelling in the breast. Rippling The implants will develop ripples or wrinkles. Sometimes they can be seen through the skin, in case of extreme conditions. Change in position Implants might enhance the appearance but cannot stop the aging process. With age, the breast start to sag In case you can go for a breast replacement. It is best to consult the doctor and consider the best option for you. Personal choice If you are someone who wants to change the breast appearance then you can do that. It is even possible to get the revision surgery to get the smaller or larger implants and even get them removed entirely.   Consult the surgeon to make the right choice Well! There are different options which you can choose from to get the removal. You should talk to the surgeon about what option you should get while doing the breast lift, hardening scar tissue, or removal of implants. The plastic surgeon will understand your goals, check your breast structure, and existing breast implants to give you the desired results you want. Take proper care of the implants If you avoid the necessary instructions, then the breast will start to sag over time. So, make sure that you visit the doctor for regular check-ups and perform regular self-checks, to look for any issue. In the case of silicone implants, make sure to get the MRI after every 3 years and then 2 years. This way the results will be extended for a long time.

Which is the best hairstyle to cover hair loss? Is there any treatment?

Which is the best hairstyle to cover hair loss? Is there any treatment?


Vizag: Hair loss is the major problem that leads to stressful situations in both men and women. To look for the best solution, they try out different options. One of them is trying out a different hairstyle and the most preferred option is undercut which can effectively deal with the problem. Why is undercut the best solution? The wind blows on the head’s sides when the hair is in the middle part and blows upwards. The sides are not blended in or they are not disconnected through the shape as compared to the rest of your hair. Through this cut, the bald spots will be hidden & the hairline will get covered with the long shift. It is the perfect combination of style and modernism. All in all, this hairstyle is a flexible choice which means you can get it the way you want it to be. New and latest trend undercut hair This haircut is the best choice to style your hair when you have hair loss. It’s just you should understand how it should be done and you are good to go. Can an undercut hairstyle cover the hairline? YES! It is up to you how you would like to do it as there are various ways to get it done. Through this you can play with the trend as the cut can be of your own choice with a full hair head. You can keep the shorter hair tuft or long strands on the top. This hairstyle calls out for perfect, classy, modern, and much more!   What can I do apart from choosing a different hairstyle? No doubt, your focus should not be only just to have the best hairstyle or change to deal with hair loss. Make sure that you take the medications to prevent hair loss and make them grow thick & strong. Through this, you will be able to see the best results which last for a long time. The best part is that timely medication will help to reverse the hair loss problem.   Which treatment provides natural results to deal with hair loss? Hair transplant – One and the only treatment! Hair transplant is the best surgical option which is improved over time and helps the patient to get the best results. It ensures that the patient gets natural and permanent-looking hair growth which is not possible with any other treatment. If you think your hair loss is not manageable and getting out of control, then you should not delay the treatment and consult the hair expert right away. Moreover, you can style your hair in different ways and do not have to make any special efforts to manage your hair growth, even after the hair transplant.

Why are the winters considered the best time to get treated for the varicose veins?

Why are the winters considered the best time to get treated for the varicose veins?


I know being afflicted with varicose veins is the most difficult condition of all times. The discomfort of the swelled legs when added with the disfigured legs gives a bad feeling. I know, you are among those who love winters, not because of the cold temperature but because you may be able to hide those disfigured legs in long pants. So we have decided to dedicate our today’s blog to this topic: Which is the main cause for the development of the varicose veins? I know, it’s good to hear. But yes, the main cause of the development of the varicose veins is chronic venous insufficiency. When this comes into existence, then the walls of the veins become weak. And because of that, the blood does not get its way back to the heart. That results in blood-pooling. And that will eventually lead to the emergence of varicose veins which can be swollen and twisted. Why is winter considered the best season to get varicose veins treated? Reduction in the symptoms Winters are known to have a cooler and positive impact on the following symptoms: Cramping Swelling Discomfort No discomfort of wearing the compression stockings In summers, wearing compression garments can be a huge reason for the discomfort because they may cause you to itch owing to the hot weather. But in winters you can wear them without any problem and discomfort UV Rays can interfere with the recovery When you have recently been treated for the varicose veins, then you must keep the treated area out of exposure to the sun. IN winters, we usually stay indoors and wear full covering clothes, so it becomes easy for us to hide the area which is to be treated. Our activity slows down during the winter After getting treated for the varicose veins, it is indispensable for you to avoid strenuous activity. It is a general fact that our pace of doing the work generally slows down during the winter. So it is good to get your varicose veins treated in the winters as it is the best time for recovery. Final Thoughts So to get treated for this issue, make sure you are consulting the right doctors. As only the right doctors can help you to get out of this problem with ease and perfection.

Why do the varicose veins patients suffer maximum discomfort during the night?

Why do the varicose veins patients suffer maximum discomfort during the night?


After a tiring day, everyone wants to sleep soundly. But what if you have pain in your leg and thus you spent your whole night merely tossing and turning? The next morning you will get up in a bad mood and poor sleep which will result in tiredness. Such things only happen if you are suffering from the problem of the varicose veins. HAVE YOU PONDERED? Why do the pain and the discomfort when the individual wants to relax and have a comfortable sleep? So, as you might have guessed, our today’s topics are going to be all about PAIN & VARICOSE VEINS So let’s begin What are the varicose veins? There are tiny veins present in the legs which are usually the one-way valves. When these veins begin to malfunction, then chronic venous insufficiency comes to origin which will eventually lead to the varicose veins. How exactly does it happen? When tissues and the veins get deficient in the essential nutrients, then they come out to be extremely swollen. This condition only comes to origin, when the blood becomes pooled or refluxed owing to improper closing of the vein valves. Which are the warning signs of varicose veins? The symptoms and the intensity of the pain are different from individual to individual. Some individuals may suffer a lot of pain with full intensity, while for others, this pain may be dull and may fade away on its own. DO YOU KNOW? If you usually encounter pain in your legs but no sooner do you raise your legs than the pain goes away, then this makes you sure that you are suffering from the varicose veins. Besides, there are the following symptoms, which indicates that something is wrong with your legs: Extreme and Unendurable pain in the legs Itching in the legs (which do not go off until you apply something on it and rub it) Sudden cramping and the throbbing in the muscles Swelling on the legs and the ankles Why do we experience most of the varicose veins pain during the night? At night, when we are on the bed to sleep and there is nothing that can disturb us, then we somehow focus on the minute things and make them appear bigger and larger. But the good news here is that this pain goes off on its own once the sunlight hits the ground. I still want to enjoy a sound and painless sleep: How would I do it? By following the below-mentioned ways, you can significantly get rid of the pian: Raise your feet: In case you are feeling extreme pain, then raise your feet in the upward direction. Yoga: Yoga is a well-known method to maintain ideal blood circulation. Stockings: Those who are suffering from this problem can deal with the pain by wearing special kinds of stockings, which are known as compression stockings. Bottom Line Apart from the above-mentioned methods to get rid of the pain and the discomfort from the varicose veins, you should switch to a healthy diet. Make sure you are incorporating vegetables which have nutritious values.

Vulvar Varicosities – Causes, Symptoms and Preventions for future damage

Vulvar Varicosities - Causes, Symptoms and Preventions for future damage


It has been observed that pregnant women are not comfortable talking about vulvar varicosities. But they should not be uncomfortable. Since more than 4 to 10% of women develop the problem of vulvar varicosities during pregnancy. But according to the researchers, the actual figure is more than this. But because the women do not report such problems to doctors, the exact number can be estimated. What exactly are the vulvar varieties? Before understanding the meaning of the varicose veins, we should, first of all, get to know how the varicose veins are caused. These are caused when the walls of the veins are damaged. The damaged veins will lead to the condition of chronic venous insufficiency. And when this happens, the veins may encounter the following: Refluxing Pooling Twisting Enlarging An important point to note This condition can be experienced owing to any reason like age, hormonal changes and medical history. When the vulva of the female encounters the varicosities of the veins, then this is called vulvar varicosities. A large number of small and large blood vessels present in the vulva. When the woman is pregnant, then the underlying condition led to the formation of the varicose veins: When the blood flow is increased, then the pressure on both the genitals and the lower body can be increased which may lead you to suffer from varicose veins. What are the warning signs of vulvar varicosities? An important point to note: Not all vulvar varicosity afflicted women can physically examine the vulvar varicosities. But the ones who can see the signs may experience the veins around the vulva and the inner thigh. How to find out if you have vulvar varicosities even if the physical signs are not being seen? If such a thing happens, then you may get to know with the following if you have vulvar varicosities: The dull ache in the lower back or the pelvis. The vulva may give you the feeling of extreme heaviness and fullness. If the pain in the vulva gets worsened after you perform the following activities: Standing Sexual Activity Physical Activity The vulva may become swelled up You may experience itchiness in the vulva You may feel the urge to urinate too frequently. Are the vulvar varicose veins harmful? If we take the pregnancy into account, then any unusual change in the body can be concerning and you need to take action on that as early as possible. But you need not worry since this problem is associated with the side effects and the complications of the pregnancy. But the little discomfort which you will face will be related to the bleeding. Important information Varicose veins are the uninvited guests that come and go off on their own. Once experienced in pregnancy, these will go away on their own after 6 to 8 weeks in the postnatal period. How to prevent further damage from the varicose veins? To make sure that this problem does not cause future problems for you, you should be following some of the following approaches: Vitamins You should increase the intake of the vitamins as these are responsible for strengthening the connective tissues which are present around the vulvar veins. Ice Fingers Cold compresses are sure to provide you with temporary relief from the vulvar veins. Usually, the doctor suggests the women fill the rubber glove with the ice and place it on the vulva. It will help you to diminish the swelling and reduce the pain. Aromatherapy Some aromatherapists involve the shaking of the geranium oil in the gauze pad. The direct compression impact of using such a thing may give you relief from the swollen veins. Pelvic Floor Exercises The Pelvic floor exercises will help you to maintain the ideal flow of blood circulation. The idea and regulated blood circulation will strengthen the vulvar tissues present around the veins. Do not exert pressure For the suggested period, make sure you are neither squatting nor putting pressure on the vulva when you are using the Washroom. Wear the supportive underwear The wearing of leg supportive stockings can give comfort to many women. Complete rest and the sleep As far as rehabilitation is concerned, you should make sure that you are resting for a specified period. Take a sound sleep of almost 8 to 9 hours. TIP Even after the pregnancy try to avoid the heels as these will interfere with the rehabilitation. Bottom Line In many of the cases, it has been observed that the vulvar veins get ruptured on their own during the pregnancy. This condition is not at all harmful as long as you are keeping the proper touch with your gynaecologist.

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