Known all Details about Cicatricial Alopecia and Its Treatment
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Cicatricial Alopecia and the Available Solution

Cicatricial Alopecia and the Available Solution


Cicatricial Alopecia is also known as scarring alopecia and it falls among the complicated cases of hair loss. Almost 4 % of alopecia patients are diagnosed with Cicatricial alopecia. This particular type of hair loss is common worldwide and it affects men and women beginning from children to adults. What is Cicatricial Alopecia? It is a rare type of hair disorder or hair loss where hair follicles are damaged and destroyed, which leads to the formation of small patches on the scalp. With time, the patches increase in sizes, leaving one bald or with scar tissue. Two types of immune cells are said to be responsible for the destruction of the hair follicles and they are; Lymphocytes Neutrophils Each may lead to scarring alopecia or both may play the role of destroying the hair follicles Symptoms of Cicatricial Alopecia There is speedy loss of hair Severe burning in the targeted areas Itching and pain in the targeted areas In some patients, there are no symptoms Diagnosis An examination of the scalp hair is necessary A microscopic evaluation may be taken The doctor may require a biopsy to be taken The doctor will ask about your family history Will also ask you about prevailing symptoms Treatment for Cicatricial Alopecia There is no permanent treatment for Cicatricial alopecia but immediate treatments can help to reduce its effects on the patient. Antibiotics can be used Immunosuppressive medicines Anti-inflammatory medicines Thiazolidinediones medications Each treatment is provided depending on the cause of Cicatricial Alopecia but the treatment will take a long period of time to have an effect on the affected region. Cicatricial Alopecia treatment in India can also be performed by a hair transplant provided that it had remained inactive for more than 2 years.

An Artistic hair transplant was my last option

An Artistic hair transplant was my last option


I have observed a systematic hair growth ever since I had a hair transplant 8 months ago at Dr. Vj’s hair transplant centre. It was my only last resort after realizing that my hair was thinning from the front. As a lady, Rogaine was the first treatment I used and it had a good impact on my hair growth but as the years went on, it’s results declined. I was losing more hair and I couldn’t sit back and watch myself go bald. I really loved my hair and the agony that I felt every single day was unimaginable. As I searched for a good hair transplant centre, the surgeon and his experience were all that mattered most to me. I had to be vigilant since I am a lady and wouldn’t want to suffer from a botched surgery and lose my money. When I decided to have a Bio-fue hair transplant at Dr. Vj’s clinic, I first viewed the patients’ responses and results to be sure that I would get my desired results and so did i. My hair is growing just like the surgeon told me. I make sure to avoid stress, eat a balanced diet, and making my health a priority.

I now live Young, Free but not wild

I now live Young, Free but not wild


After tasting on a former hair transplant centre in my neighborhood, I realized the biggest mistake I had made after 1 year. I knew that the transplanted hair had to shed, but this kind of shedding became a major trimming activity. It looked like the hair transplant procedure was directed towards eliminating the hair on my entire scalp. I watched in dismay until a friend of mine told me about Dr. Vj’s clinic. I approached the doctor, but could totally believe that there was something he could do for me at that particular time. He told me to start on Finasteride and gave me other tips to reduce the rate of hair loss. Well, Finasteride had a somewhat a positive change, but I needed a hair transplant. Dr. Kumar told me that I had to choose BIO-FUE since it could stimulate hair growth at a faster rate and also to help strengthen my hair. According to me, this was all a dream. It is now 2 and a half years ever since I had a BIO-FUE procedure from Dr. Kumar and am really humbled with his skills. He brought my dreams to reality and am grateful for that.

Talking about Virginity Restoration

Talking about Virginity Restoration


It is not only through sex that women get to lose their virginity. Vigorous exercises like gymnastics and athletics can lead to the destruction or the hymen that makes a woman virgin. Actually, any person who has never had sexual intercourse is a virgin. Call Us Now: +91 9849797776 Talking of virginity; every woman has a layer called a hymen towards the vaginal entrance. It is always intact until she gets sexual intercourse on the first day. This is the commonest way of losing virginity and most of the women may not know the effect it actually has on them. Many women will experience bleeding on the first day, while others may not. Lower back pain and lower abdomen pain are also experienced. Of late, cosmetic procedures like Hymenoplasty treatment in India are performed to help women who wish to restore their virginity. A hymen is a membrane that is reconstructed during the surgery or repaired in case it is still there. The top layer of the tissue is removed and the hymen will be joined and stitched to cover the entrance of the vagina. Hymenoplasty surgery is taken to be awkward by many people in the society, but the truth is that women get the procedure mainly due to personal opinions. After the procedure, you can expect slight swelling and discomfort, but they are just for a short period. They will disappear within a few days and the hymen will completely be restored. Many women report better sexual activities after the procedure.

How a hair transplant changed my career!

How a hair transplant changed my career!


I may not be a big celebrity, but I believed that I was a celebrity for the kind of work I do. In the early 2000s, I watched my hair falling out for reasons I didn’t know. I tried to get some treatments mainly Finasteride, but its effect was not that big. To cut the long story short, I got to know about Dr. Vijay Kumar through a friend and after some years of struggle, I got a BIO-FUE hair transplant. I badly needed to restore my hair since it had a negative impact on my career. I stopped getting roles and opportunities since my looks had greatly diminished. My life wasn’t that cool since I lost my confidence and swag. But after 2 years of a hair transplant, I was back at the top of everything. I got started getting calls from here and there, I got better opportunities, and my looks were so natural and attractive. I now walk with confidence and I feel that my career is secure. Dr. Vijay told me about the need for another hair transplant after some good years, but am not worried about that anymore.

This is how a hair transplant procedure must be!

What are the possible side effects and complications of a hair transplant surgery?


People tell stories in their lives regarding their achievements, health, parents, love matters, and so on. As we all know that hair loss is spreading at a faster rate today, some people have stories to tell regarding their hair transplant procedures. A hair transplant procedure is a combination of many skills that a surgeon and his technicians have to deploy on your scalp from the beginning to the end. However, many have sad stories to tell about their hair transplant procedures because of a poor postoperative treatment, botched surgeries, and lack of artistry. From here, we get to phrase the right story of your hair transplant in India. This should be the systematic flow of events or procedures to tell the best story. Having selected the clinic, you will have a consultation where you have to give details like I am or I am not a smoker I am physically fit and healthy or not I am on these medications or not The surgeon will also examine your scalp and specify the number of hair follicles needed. One week to your hair transplant You will stop certain drugs like blood thinners and multivitamins, but you will automatically take other medications as the doctor would have allowed you You won’t need to cut your hair at least for a month. Avoid alcohol and smoking You will have to look back to into your pockets to ensure that you have the required cash. A hair transplant cost in India usually runs from Rs. 35, 000 to RS.95, 000, but am sure you may have concluded with the best cost during the consultation. The day of the procedure In most cases, some patients are unaware of what goes on (on the scalp) since general anesthesia is at times used. Today’s procedures can also be conducted with just the numbing of your scalp and you won’t feel anything on your scalp. This is what the surgeon will be doing; Extract hair follicles individually using a micropunch. He will use a magnifier to extract the grafts to properly remove them He will make small incisions in the recipient region after which, he will aesthetically insert in the hair follicles in the right direction, angle and pattern After the procedure There will be itching, swelling at times, but they will all go away Expect the transplanted hairs to fall out during the first month and this is completely normal After the 5 months This is the time to evaluate your hairline, how the hair grows and so on. If the post-operative period was gentle, am sure you will be rest assured that the hair will further grow as expected After 1 year, you will observe that your hair has grown to a better length, natural and just how you want it to be. Am sure from this, you will be able to tell a perfect story of your hair transplant procedure. Just make sure to find the right clinic

I look far better than I expected

Our Patient Gets Successful Results at Our Clinic


When I approached Dr. Vijay Kumar for a hair transplant procedure 5 years ago, I was totally worn out and looking twice older than my real age. I never expected to lose my hair that quickly, but since I was associated with smoking and working for a longer period of time I guess that’s why I lost it so badly. I promised myself to take preventive measures in case I grow my hair back which I need. The procedure at Dr. Vj’s clinic was friendly and minimally invasive. The doctor and his team extracted and implanted hair in the best aesthetic manner that until now am still shocked at the results I achieved. My hairline came out at its best, the density of my hair was perfect, the hair occupied the entire bald region within 2 years. Right now I walk confidently and majestically wherever I go. I recommend all my friends and others to come to the best hair transplant centre in India that helped me and many others to receive the right procedure and attain the best results. I will forever be thankful to the best hair transplant surgeon at VJ’s Hair transplant centre.

What are the possible side effects and complications of a hair transplant surgery?

What are the possible side effects and complications of a hair transplant surgery?


Perhaps you have decided to get a hair transplant and feel ready for it. Hair loss that develops into baldness has no ultimate solution than a hair transplant surgery. Most patients have to deal with shame and lessened self image because of a lesser density or completely a bald region from the parietal frontal to the crown region. At last, you have secured some money and warming up for that knife. That is an awesome achievement for some patients. So, let’s have a look at some of the side effects you might experience after a hair transplant surgery. It should be noted that side effects are normal to a certain level and every patient will have to deal with them after the procedure. Here they are Bleeding Bleeding occurs in any type of hair transplant procedure, but the surgeon will limit it. After the procedure, it will also occur in the donor area, especially after a Follicular hair transplant. The area where the strip is removed is at the end stitched, but you will experience bleeding. With the FUE, there will be a slight bleeding. Your preoperative tips will help you prevent this Gauze is used to control bleeding Shedding of the hair Hair shafts must fall off after the hair transplant procedure is performed. This is completely normal and part of the hair cycle that has to grow again. This happens in the first 3 weeks and after that, one must wait for the new hair to grow. Swelling Swelling is another normal side effect, though the location of swelling differs in patients. Some get the swellings around the eyes while others on the forehead. This will last for a few days and completely normal after a hair transplant in India. Pain It differs with the difference in the technique and mostly FUT patients will report pain. Painkillers like Panado, paracetamol can be taken to relieve you from pain. Infection It can be equaled to a complication since it will require effective treatment and care. Infections are rare in good clinics like VJ’s cosmetology and hair transplantation centre simply because the procedure is performed in a hygienic environment with sterilized equipment. However, antibiotics must be taken as prescribed to avoid them and good care must be taken to protect the scalp Scarring Scarring occurs in every procedure, but the skills of a surgeon can reduce the visibility of the scar/s. With the FUE technique, dot like scars will be left behind, whereas with the FUT, a linear scar must be expected. Different treatments can help you reduce the scars Cysts Cysts are rare in patients. They mostly occur in case there are grafts that were not completely removed from the scalp. They disappear after 1 or 2 weeks See a doctor if they persist Side effects and complications are commonly witnessed in patients. Select a good hair transplant clinic with a well-trained surgeon to perform the surgery. Keep in touch with him or her to share ideas or information about your hair progress. Be well prepared before a hair transplant procedure.

What a hair transplant did for me!

What a hair transplant did for me!


A hair transplant is an advanced technique where your own hair is removed from one side of the scalp and implanted into another. The procedure can be performed in one setting or two, depending on the time one has or as the surgeon may suggest. Dr. Vijay Kumar is the best surgeon I have ever seen. He has a warm attitude towards patients always tries to present all the possible solutions to your hair problem or body issue. His centre is one of the leading centres in India that provides quality hair transplants and cosmetic treatments. My hair transplant procedure was friendly and comfortable just because I chose the best centre before the procedure. I had a limited donor area, but that couldn’t stop me from getting a hair transplant procedure that produced wonderful results. Within a year, I was able to see the hair occupy my former bald region and as more months passed by. My hair continued to grow and could style it in any way I desired. My appearance changed and even became more handsome than I was. I have no visible marks of a hair transplant and my colleagues are really surprised with my transformation.

How much do you know about Body Hair Transplant (BHT)?

How much do you know about Body Hair Transplant (BHT)?


Body hair transplant is commonly known as a life saver in case one has a limited donor area. BHT is new in the field of hair transplant that is to say that it gained popularity later on after Follicular Unit Extraction was introduced. The procedure is an alternative when one wants a hair transplant or when one needs a good density. It uses the FUE technique to extract hair follicles from the body to the scalp. What is Body Hair Transplant (BHT)? BHT is when a surgeon extracts hair from other parts of the body apart from the scalp. Normally, hair is harvested from the back or sides of the scalp and implanted into the small incisions made in the recipient region. Cases where one has grade VI or above baldness, there are chances that he will need BHT to facilitate the hair transplant. Another side of BHT When you need a surgeon to implant hair follicles into the different parts of the body, that is also known as body hair transplant. Facial areas like the eyelids, eyebrows, may lose hair due to certain infections or treatments like chemotherapy. To restore hair in those regions, body hair transplant in India can be an option. Is everyone a candidate? It is only a surgeon who can ascertain your candidacy through an observation of the scalp and the body hair during a consultation. Here is what can make you fit for body hair transplant in case hair has to be removed from the body to the scalp; The color of the hair on the body and that on the scalp The hair follicles available and required for the procedure The length of the body hair When transplanting hair from the body Body hair transplant is absolutely more complicated than other types of hair transplant. This is because the skin is more sensitive than the scalp and can easily be injured during the procedure. Artistry is a necessity before hair is extracted from the body. It is important to know that not all surgeons are experienced in carrying out body hair transplant in Vishakhapatnam, especially when it requires implanting hair in the facial regions. What type of hair to extract? We all have different hair with different thickness. With a single hair transplant procedure, some will achieve a great density while others will require another surgery to achieve the same. While extracting the hair, the surgeon will select the hair follicles that are strong to prevent shedding immediately after the procedure. The color of the hair follicles must also match that of the hair on the scalp and the scalp its self. Implanting the hair follicles The small incisions made in the recipient region must be in accordance with the diameter of the hair follicles The growth cycle- it must be noted that scalp hair grows faster than the body hair. So, it must surely be a last resort for the patient before body hair transplant is considered. The angle and the direction are also observed while implanting the hair into the small incisions in the scalp

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