What are the various tips of Rhinoplasty Recovery?
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What are the various tips of Rhinoplasty Recovery?

What are the various tips of Rhinoplasty Recovery?


Nose correction surgery in India is the plastic surgery method that is used for correcting and reconstructing of the nose by resolving the various issues like nasal trauma. Most of the patients go for the Rhinoplasty due to following reasons: to remove a bump narrow nostril width change the angle between the nose and the mouth correct injuries, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing You can consult the best doctors for the best cosmetic surgery in Visakhapatnam. What are the various tips of the Rhinoplasty Recovery? Tip #1: Take enough recovery time Most of the surgeons will recommend you the 1-2 weeks of the recovery period after the Rhinoplasty surgery. No doubt, you will feel normal after the few days but you have to do the complete rest in order to complete the recovery and the healing process. Tip #2: Set up a proper Recovery Area You will not do the normal routine tasks after the Rhinoplasty. You have to arrange the recovery area before hand. In the few hours, you have to sleep elevated above your heart initially. So easy chair with two pillows and the blankets are the best option for this. If you don’t have the chairs then your bed will do work for you. You will use the extra pillows in order to stabilize your sleep. You also have to ready to your ice packs. Your painkillers will be close to you in order to control the discomfort. Tip #3: Plan your meal before head. You cannot make your food by yourself. You have to plan out your meal. You have to cut out the salty and sugary food from your diet. You have to make your food beforehand; your food should be freeze or refrigerated. At the dinner time, you don’t need to perform extra hassle, just microwave it and eat. Tip #4: Take Your Medicines at the proper time The next guideline is to take your medicines in time and according to the prescription of the doctor. Tip #5: Treat Your Nose with Respect Your surgeon has created the magic in the operating room; you have to take the necessary steps in order to recover fully.You have to leave the smoking, drinking and consumption of the wrong supplements etc. Tip #6: Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions This is the essential condition that you should follow the pre and post instructions properly; this will help you to the successful recovery of your nose.

What’s the best Gynecomastia Treatment?

What’s the best Gynecomastia Treatment?


Man boobs aren’t an easy thing to deal with, especially when you are a playboy or a celebrity. Even though, who doesn’t want an attractive chest to allure every beautiful lady who comes your way? The modern era has doubled the gynecomastia victims by 3 times as compared to a decade back. As though that wasn’t enough, a number of factors cause male breast enlargement even in young boys which is quite puzzling. A sedentary lifestyle, use of bodybuilding drugs, fatty foods among others are believed to cause the enlargement of breasts in males. Gynecomastia is extremely embarrassing and annoying and a number of males are looking for the best treatment for this abnormality. Here are the possible gynecomastia treatments; Surgery A gynecomastia surgery is a topmost gynecomastia treatment that can treat different kinds of gynecomastia, i.e. gynecomastia due to medical conditions or caused by other factors A gynecomastia surgery in India addresses both moderate and extreme levels of gynecomastia. With this treatment approach, several areas improved that is by removing the enlarged glandular tissue, excess fat and the skin in case present. Going under the knife will actually eliminate all your worries in a single day. The procedure is planned depending on your stage of gynecomastia and during the procedure, the surgeon will cut an incision to access the innermost part of the breast and remove whatever that needs to be removed. Male Breast Reduction Pills This is a non-surgical approach of eliminating gynecomastia and various pills such as Gynexin has been approved and confirmed to provide significant results in the case of enlarged breasts in males. Such types of pills work by increasing the testosterone levels, a male hormone responsible for physical and sexual developments in males. Also, these pills can be intended for suppressing or reducing estrogen levels, a hormone responsible for several developments in females. Topical Creams When it comes to a comparison between all the gynecomastia treatments, topical creams seem convenient and safer. These creams can be purchased at a pharmacy and applied regularly on the breasts to attain a firmer chest. In the real sense, topical creams are for beginners or those with slight male boobs. Gynexol is one of the commonest topical cream for gynecomastia and it works by shrinking the fat cells around the breast tissue. Herbal treatments In case you desire no medications or creams, herbal treatments can be utilized to eliminate those man boobs. Diet It is now time to cut down the fatty foods that you eat regularly since male breasts are developed due to lipids. A low-fat diet accompanied by leafy vegetables, fruits, water, and vitamins can help you put that chest in order. Lifestyle In case you are fond of smoking, using steroid drugs or bodybuilding drugs, alcoholism among others, it is now time to stop them. Considerations before any Gynecomastia treatment Try as much as possible to consult a specialized doctor before embarking on any gynecomastia treatment. This mostly is applicable to gynecomastia surgeries and this kind of surgery is excellently performed at Dr. VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery Centre in Visakhapatnam.

What Are Various Methods Used For The Lip Augmentation?

What Are Various Methods Used For The Lip Augmentation?


Lip augmentation is the best cosmetic surgery in India. This is the non-surgical procedure that is used to alter the appearance of the lips. This involves the enlargement of the lips using the fillers. You can consult the best surgeon for the lip correction surgery in India. Lip augmentation is performed by using the following substances: Cross-linked hyaluronic acid Patient’s own fat tissue. Permanent solutions (endoprosthesis) LIP AUGMENTATION BY HYALURONIC ACID INJECTION This injection is not painful and doesn’t require any kind of the hospitalization. Uses of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers These fillers are used to improve the appearance of your lips by adding the following to your lips: Shape Structure Volume What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers? Following are the benefits of the Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Control over lip volume: the volume of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers will be best controlled by your surgeon. The expert in this field knows very well how much quantity is required to fill the lips in a controlled manner. Gradual pace of treatment: These inject should be injected at the different periods of the time. These injections are injected at that time period until the desired results are not achieved. Bumps dissolve easily: All the bumps and the lumps are dissolved easily Less bruising: There is less amount of the swelling as compared to the other dermal fillers. Reasonably lasting results: This has the long lasting results but results are not permanent. Allergic reaction: it doesn’t cause any kind of the allergic reactions. LIP AUGMENTATION WITH FAT TISSUE This is the facial procedure. In this technique, injection of the fat tissue is injected in the lips by using the special cannula. This procedure is performed under the local anesthesia. This treatment time is 45 minutes. You can see the results between the 4 to 9 months. This is the most harmless, less costly with the expected results. After the treatment, it has the beautiful contour, sensuality and the long lasting result. There is no pain and discomfort involved in this treatment. This treatment doesn’t require the hospitalization. What are the various risks and side effects associated with the Lip augmentation? Following are the side effects of the Lip Augmentation; There may be chances of bleeding from the injection sites. There may be chances of the swelling and bruising. You will notice the redness and the tenderness at the site of the injection. Serious side effects include the prolonged swelling for the 10 days. There may be the chance of the Lip symmetry. There may be chances of the lumps and irregularities in the lips. There may be the chance of the infection. Injection into blood vessel sometimes leads to the problem of the tissue loss. Sometimes, there may be scaring shown on the lips.

What Are The Various Exercises To Reduce The Male Breasts?

What Are The Various Exercises To Reduce The Male Breasts?


Enlarged breasts are the attribute of the females but this condition will become worse when this will be the case of the men. There are large numbers of the men who suffered from the disease Gynecomastia, wants to get rid of this problem. You can also consult the best surgeon for the best cosmetic surgery in India. What are the various exercises that help to reduce the breasts? Following are the some of the exercises that help to reduce the male breasts: 20 Minute Running Session 20 minute running the session on the treadmill and on the open road is the ideal solution for starting the new lifestyle. In the starting time period of the walk, you will stick up to three-four days in the week. After the passage of the time, you will be going to start for 5 to 6 days per week. This will help you to develop the stamina. If you have the treadmill at the home, then it is the good time to take the advantage of the machine. Running can be the more challenging option for the men. This is the best way to firstly invest in the workout clothing and the supportive wear in order to prevent the bouncing of the boobs while you are doing the workout. Rowing Routine This is the workout that involves the working of the chests, arms and the back muscles. This is the best alternative to get rid of the excessive fat for reducing the chest. In the initial stages, you will go with 10 minutes session and after that, you will go to 30 minutes sessions. Low Impact Man Boobs Exercises Many of the people, who suffered from the Gynecosmastia, can go with low impact exercises. This will help you to greatly reduce the enlarged boobs. Swimming and the elliptical training are the two most effective exercises to reduce the enlarged breasts. These exercises do not impact much on the joints and the Ligaments. Swimming is the good exercise in order to maintain the upper body of the person. Moreover, this will create less fatigue as compared to other exercises. Elliptical training is the good for keeping your heart rate up. This exercise will less impact on the knees and the ankles. These types of the exercises are recommended for those persons whose age is 45 or more. Strengthening Gynecomastia Exercises /Weight Lifting When you are going for the cardio and the interval training, then it is the good time to do some of the complex routines like weight lifting. After the cardio and interval lifting, your breast is already in the manageable level. Weightlifting is the excellent and the best way to develop the chest muscles. This is the best way to get rid of the man breasts. If you don’t go for these types of the exercises, then you consult the best surgeon for Gynecomastia treatment in India.

Why FUE Hair Transplat Surgery Is Considered To Best Hair Restoration Treatment?

Why FUE Hair Transplat Surgery Is Considered To Best Hair Restoration Treatment?


Hair problems such as thinning of the hair and the falling of the hair are the most common problems among both male and the females. This is the most threatening feeling that when it reaches the last stage like you are left with the bald patches. FUE hair transplant is the most effective and reliable hair transplant surgery in India. In this technique, there is no need of any king of the stitches and cuts on the head. When you start losing your hair on the daily basis, then it is the ultimate option to consult the best trichologist for the best hair transplant in India. Your trichologist will examine your scalp properly. After examining, he will tell you the exact reason for the hair fall. Who is the poor candidate for the FUE hair transplant? Patients with the improper flow of blood in the scalp, curly hair person, the patient with the blood clotting problem are the poor candidate for the FUE Hair Transplant. What are the various reasons to choose the FUE hair transplant? In most of the cases, FUE hair transplant is used. Following are the reasons for choosing the FUE hair treatment: Local anesthesia is used: FUE hair transplant is performed under the local anesthesia. This will reduce the risks and the complications that are otherwise associated with general anesthesia. Minimally invasive procedure: This is the less invasive procedure. This procedure only involves small incisions. There is less discomfort before or after the surgery. No stitches: There is not any kind of the stitches involved in this and wounds are healing very quickly. Donor area can be some other part of the body: In this treatment, donor areas may be any area of the body. Follicles can also be extracted from the chest of the person. Less post-op discomfort in the donor area: There are less pain and discomfort feel after this surgery. There are very minimal numbers of the side effects that are associated with this treatment. Short recovery period and downtime: There is faster and the immediate recovery time. You can go back to the normal routine after the surgery. No linear scarring: In this surgery, there are small incisions in both donor and the recipient areas. This surgery involves minor scarring and there is no linear scaring. Donor area looks unaffected and unchanged after surgery:There are extremely small incisions because your trichologist just extracts the follicles in the group of 1 to 4 follicles. You donor area will look unaffected and unchanged after the surgery. What are the various complications involved in the FUE hair transplant? The complications are very less in case of the FUE hair transplant after the directions of the Trichologist about pre and post care. Some of the risks that are associated with FUE hair transplant: Patient’s physiology Hair transplantation is performed by unlicensed surgeons Usages of the flawed or robotic procedures don’t lead to the desired outcomes.

What is not to perform after the Face lift surgery?

What is not to perform after the Face lift surgery?


FACE LIFT SURGERY: A face lift surgery is recommended to those persons who are having aging signs. In the scientific field, this procedure is known as Rhytidectomy. This method is suitable for reducing the signs of the aging on the neck and the face. This method is also used to reduce the deep creases beneath the lower eyelids and also suitable for the deep creases on the nose extending towards to the corners of the mouth. This is the correction method to correct the loss of the muscle tone along the lower face, excess fat deposits and loose skin under the jaw. This is also used to rectify the double chin features. What are the various choices of the Face lift procedures? This procedure is performed with the other surgical procedures like brow lift. This is also performed with the eyelid procedures so that you can look more lively and young. This is the one of the restorative procedure and it doesn’t change the actual look of the individual. This is not the procedure to stop your aging. This procedure is performed to achieve the best results. This procedure helps to give you the youthful appearance that can last up to 10 years. This is the outpatient surgery. This is performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in India. The dressing after the surgery is removed after the 3 to 5 days. After that, you will resume your social activities. What are do-not’s of the Natural looking Face lift Result? The natural appearance of the face lift surgery is entirely dependent on the surgeon. The best surgeon will perform the best face lift surgery in Visakhapatnam. Following are the things that should not perform the face lift surgery; 1. Don’t overdo the filler: Botox or filler substance is used to improve the appearance of the face. This is essential ingredient that helps to avoid the bloated look. Botox is the modernization filler that adds life to the aging face. 2. Don’t stretch the skin: Most of the surgeon achieves the support and elevation of the face by elevating the muscle layer. The next question that arises in the mind is how this is performed? This is performed by creating the incisions on both sides of the skin. This is helpful to create the skin flaps. Skin flaps allow the surgeon to access SAMS. SAMS is the thin layer of the muscles of the skin. The only recommended advice is to not to stretch the skin. Others it will create holes or pores inside the skin. 3. Don’t pull straight back: Your face should be elevated in the upward direction. You should avoid the face pulled straight back. If your surgeon is experienced enough. Then he will try every effort to give you the natural look. 4. Don’t overdo the neck: This is recommended that you should avoid excessive liposuction on the neck. Too much liposuction will remove the smooth appearance of the skin. If you don’t choose the best surgeon for the face lift surgery then you are left with the Lumpy appearance along the neck.

What Are The Various Recovery Tips After The Thigh Lift Surgery?

What Are The Various Recovery Tips After The Thigh Lift Surgery?


THIGH LIFT SURGERY This is the treatment that helps to reshape the thighs. This is a treatment to reduce the excess skin and the fat. As a result, you will get the smoother skin and better thighs and the lower body. This surgery is performed on those patients whose fitness and weight are not maintained with diet and exercise. Thigh lift surgery is the most excellent way to achieve the more firm and the attractive upper legs. This procedure is the blessing for those who struggle with the weight loss .After the surgery; you will go to the home after two days. You can require at least 2 weeks for the total recovery. You cannot perform exercises for at least 4 to 6 weeks. What are the various tips after the Thigh Lift Surgery? Following are the tips that need to be followed after the thigh lift surgery: Don’t be worried by bruising and numbness: Bruising is common after the surgery but it will disappear after the 3 or 4 months. There may be a chance that your skin around the thigh will be numb for several months. Because your legs have to adjust according to the new contours. You can consult your surgeon immediately if you notice any blood clot in your legs. You have to consult the best surgeon for the thigh lift surgery in Visakhapatnam so that irregularities after the surgery should be avoided. Wait for at least 9 months in order to minimize the scars: This is the realistic fact that thigh lift surgery produces a scar. But this scar will flatten or lighten with the passage of time. This requires 9 months to 1 year to reduce or lighten the scar. You will have to adjust the worse scar in the first few week of the surgery. But with the passage of time, you will notice the beautiful thighs, it is the natural healing process and eventually, it will heal in the undergarments. Always wear compression garment: compression garments are the highly effective after the thigh lift surgery. This will help you to reduce the swelling. This is the ultimate aid for the skin retraction. Compression garments are usually recommended by the surgeon for its effective results. Always engage in the light exercise: Avoid performing the heavy exercise. Walking and moving after the thigh lift surgery, will help to accelerate the healing process. This will also reduce the risk of developing the blood clots. You have taken the suggestion of the best surgeon for the best Thigh lift surgery in India. Consume plenty of fruits and the vegetables: Fruits and vegetables have the required amount of the nutrients and the vitamins that are essential for healing and the recovery process. It is recommended by all the doctors and surgeons that fresh fruits and the vegetables are very helpful in recovery from the thigh lift surgery. Don’t consume processed foods and the food that is rich in sugar and fat.

The Best Dermatologist Discusses The Best Varicose Veins Treatments & Their Pros And Cons

The Best Dermatologist Discusses The Best Varicose Veins Treatments & Their Pros And Cons


Varicose veins affect 10% of females and 20% of males. These veins that mostly form on the legs have different causes and may appear in different sizes. The main cause of varicose veins is the failure of the valves to work properly, which makes the blood stuck. The enlargement of veins will occur due to the pressure that is exerted on them as the blood tries to move from the feet to the heart for purification. Depending on the type of veins, treatment is provided and that will first require an evaluation from a dermatologist in case one desires to completely eliminate the veins. What are the possible causes Pregnant women and obese people are prone to varicose veins, much as they can appear due to; Genetic factors Overstanding or sitting Improper blood flow Spider veins are a form of veins that can affect the legs or the thighs, but smaller in size. Varicose veins may cause certain complications such as; Thrombophlebitis Inflammation Eczema Leg ulcers Severe pain, among others What could be the treatment Modern forms of varicose veins are very precise and offer great results once performed by a well-trained and experienced dermatologist. A Varicose Veins Surgery in India is one of the possible treatment for the veins that are extremely large. The below discussion provides different forms of veins treatment as well as their pros and cons. Sclerotherapy This is one of the commonest varicose veins treatment worldwide. In this, a needle is placed in the vein and a form is introduced into the vein that will eventually dissolve the vein lining. This may take around 20-30 minutes, but more treatment sessions may be required depending on the extent of the veins. Pros & Cons It is one of the easiest treatment but Transient mini-strokes can occur after treatment There may be brown marks due to blood linking It uses relatively high recurrence rate Endovenous laser ablation In this technique, local anesthesia is injected into the affected vein and a very thin catheter is inserted into the vein through a laser light is introduced into the vein. This energy triggers the vein to disintegrate with time (months). Pros & Cons Suitable for small veins The procedure takes at least 45 minutes but; Painful anesthesia injections Not suitable for big twisted legs Effects of the laser heat are possible Vein stripping This form of Varicose Vein Surgery in Visakhapatnam is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, an incision is made along the skin crease of the groin to expose the vein and the vein is tied at one end to block the blood. A hook-like instrument is then used to pull out the vein in sections through an incision below the knee. Dissolvable stitches are then used on the wound. Pros & Cons Large or complex varicose veins are treated using this form of treatment It is painful Bruises are expected Nerve damage Complications from general anesthesia shouldn’t be neglected

What are the recovery tips after the Tummy Tuck Treatment?

What are the recovery tips after the Tummy Tuck Treatment?


Everybody wants the beautiful and flat body at the age of 30. This includes the reduce the most important part of the party that is belly fat. Tummy tuck surgery is the miracle Tummy tuck is the surgical procedure that is used to reduce the skin and fat deposits located in the abdomen. This surgery is done by the cosmetic surgeon. You require minimum three weeks for the recovery. Pre and post recovery tips: Following are the some of the recovery tips: Proper diet before and after the treatment: As this is the skinny post surgery, you have to take care of your diet. After the surgery, you have to take the healthy and the proper diet so that your weight should not exceed so much. Don’t go for any medications and supplements for your body thinning. Avoid infections: it is essential that you should get with the bacterial infections. Most of the surgeon suggests that to bathe with the chlorohexidine solution before the tummy tuck treatment. This is done to avoid any kind of the bacterial growth. Avoid constipation: Most of the surgeon suggest for starting the stool softener before the surgery. This will helps to avoid unnecessary constipation after the treatment. Down and out: most of the patients can return to their work after the one week of the rest. But some cases, time will be enhanced. It is recommended by most of the surgeon that returning back to the work after the 3 weeks is the luxury for your body. Mobility If you want to get up from the lying down position, you require the help of someone. Whenever you go to the washroom, you need some help for the first few days. The patient is not allowed to shuffle and walk so rapidly in the few days of the surgery. The walk is essential in order to prevent the blood clot. Restricting activities There are numbers of the activities that are affected by the surgeon. This includes weight lifting and boot camp style exercises. Don’t do running. Only walk and climbing stairs are only recommended. Most of the doctors restricted the strain exercises. Pain: Pain is the ongoing process. Because there is proper structuring of the abdomen. Most of the patients face pain in the front and the back. There is the continuous pain for some days. Recreational activities: most of the surgeon recommended that there should be an only moderate amount of the alcohol with the pain medications. Drink plenty of water: sometimes, some patients feel dehydrated after the tummy tuck treatment. Water is the good remedy to get back to your regular digestion. Water is helpful to eliminate the residual toxic and painful. If you are looking for the best tummy tuck treatment in India, then consult the best team of the surgeons of VJ Clinics. VJ Clinics is renowned for the best tummy tuck treatment in Visakhapatnam.

How Does The Botox Treatment Works?

How Does The Botox Treatment Works?


BOTOX is one of the most effective treatments that help to get rid of the signs of the aging. Botox injections have gained publicity across all over the world. Nowadays, it also gained popularity in India also. Botox treatment is the best cosmetic surgery in India. You will be so much wondered about the celebrities look. They look so much young than their actual age. Botox anti-aging injections are the biggest secret of their aging. Botox also has an amazing result in other medical conditions. What Is Botox Cosmetic? Botox treatment in Visakhapatnam is mainly done for the three main purposes: muscle spasm control, severe underarm sweating cosmetic improvement Botox Cosmetic is the temporary solution of the glabellar lines. These lines that are under the eyebrows that make you look tired, unhappy and the angry. Who is not the right candidate for the BOTOX treatment? Botox cosmetic is only approved for the people whose age is between 18 to 65 years. Following persons are not the right candidate for the BOTOX cosmetic treatment. If you are having an allergy to any product of the Botox cosmetic. Then that person will not undergo with the botox treatment. If you are having the problem with botulinum toxin brand, then you cannot undergo for the botox cosmetic. If you are having the skin infection in the injection area, then botox treatment is not for you. If you are having any breathing problem, then you are not the right candidate for the botox treatment. If you are suffering from swelling and the bleeding issues, then you don’t go for the botox treatment. If you are planning for any facial surgery. Then you cannot go for the botox treatment. If you are having weak forehead muscles, then botox treatment is not effective for you. If you are having dropping eyelids, then you cannot go for the botox treatment. How do Botox Injections work? There are two muscles that are responsible for the frown lines. These are slightly positioned slightly between the eyebrows. When they contract, then frown lines shows in the vertical direction. Botox cosmetic is basically injected into the muscles. It blocks the nerve impulses to tissues. With the botox treatment, frown lines get reduced. As a result, it will give you smoother and smarter look. Injections take 10 minutes. Improvements are seen in the few days. Botox actually require two to four days for attaching the nerve ending so that it stimulates the muscles to contract. You can see the maximum effect after 10 to 14 days. Is Botox Painful? Botox treatment is not so much pain. The needles of the botox injection are so small and pain is very less. Firstly, your face is numbed with cream or cold pack for 10 to 20 minutes. Then injections are given. After the treatment, you feel discomfort when the anesthetic creams are worn out.

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