How FUE hair transplant is considered an effective method on scalp scar?
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How FUE hair transplant is considered an effective method on scalp scar?

How FUE hair transplant is considered an effective method on scalp scar?


Some patients visit the doctor to get a hair transplant on scar tissue. At times, it is seen that the person undergoes the treatment and it results in a large scar. These problems occur when the person chooses the surgeon who is not skilled or they do not have the experience to do the surgery with precision. This creates a stressful situation for the person. Fortunately, the issue of scar tissue can be solved by undergoing FUE hair transplant treatment. Let’s understand this in detail.   About hair transplants on scar tissue Hair does not grow in the scar tissue because there are not any hair follicles in the scar. Hair follicles are present beneath the skin that hold and help the hair to grow again. Blood vessels under follicles result in hair growth. If the scar forms then the follicles do not grow the way it needs to. To transplant the hair follicles onto the scar area, the surgeon will take the grafts that have follicles into the scar. By doing so, it helps the hair to take the root, and they will grow easily. Also, it allows the hair root to have contact with blood vessels which means they get the nourishment for hair growth. Hair follicles will start growing once the affected area is healed, and the follicles are grafted into the skin. They receive the blood flow which allows them to grow within the required time. Following the surgery, you need to take proper care and make sure the results are according to the way you want. In some cases, there is a lack of blood flow to the specific area, and then another treatment session might be required.   FUE hair transplant During the FUE procedure, the hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. This way there is no problem with the scar. No one will be able to tell that you have undergone hair transplant surgery.   Taking care of your hair To make sure the hair growth is proper you need to take care of your hair. Just follow the surgeon guidelines. Most importantly take the prescribed medications on time. The medications are given to reduce swelling and inflammation. Also, you can take care of your hair the same as you used to do it with your natural hair. The hair growth is permanent, and it blends easily with the existing hair follicles.   When can I see the desired hair growth? A hair transplant is an ultimate solution for hair loss, and if you have a scar. This treatment option makes the best choice for male and female. The initial hair growth can be seen within 3 months following the surgery. To see the desired hair growth you need to wait for 10 to 12 months.

Is a shaved head important to undergo the treatment of an FUE hair transplant?

Is a shaved head important to undergo the treatment of an FUE hair transplant?


Introduction FUE is the method of hair restoration that corrects the issue of male and female pattern baldness. Also, this can address the hair loss issue which occurs due to many other conditions. Many people have a concern regarding whether they need to shave their heads before getting the treatment. With the technological advancement, it has made it possible to perform the surgery with little to no shaving which means non-shave technique. So, with a hair transplant, you can undergo the treatment without the need to shave the scalp. How does FUE treatment work? During FUE, the surgeon uses the back and side of the scalp which is known as the donor site. The hair grafts are taken from that area combining 1, 2, 3, and sometimes even 4 healthy hair follicles are taken. The surgeon uses a small punch tool to take the hair grafts. It leaves tiny holes on the extraction site that will heal up, and they are tiny dot scars that are not visible with naked eyes. The hair extracted from the back of the scalp which grows permanently on the problematic part of the scalp. If the hair growth is less than the surgeon might extract the hair follicles from the chest, beard, and back that is known as BHT (Body hair transplant). The hair grafts are placed into the tiny recipient sites that are made in that part of the scalp where hair growth is extremely less. Is it important to shave or not to shave? With the no-shave technique, it is possible to leave most of the hair on the side and back of the scalp. The hair that is extracted is trimmed short. Undergoing this surgical procedure means, the patient does not have to worry about shaving the scalp. Another person is not going to tell you that you have undergone the surgery as there are no visible signs that you have undergone the surgery.  How do I prepare for the surgery? If you decide to undergo an FUE hair transplant to restore the hair growth. You need to consult the surgeon, and he will diagnose your reason for hair loss. The person must stop taking medications because at times it can result in complications with the surgery. To assure you heal smoothly and get the best possible results you need to give your doctor all the information. Consulting the experienced and skilled surgeon Make sure that you research and once you are sure then only make the final choice. Ask the surgeon to look for before and after pictures as this will give you an idea what were the outcomes.

What are the topmost cosmetic surgery options performed on the breasts?

What are the topmost cosmetic surgery options performed on the breasts?


Let’s understand some of the topmost cosmetic surgery for breasts which have become popular in 2020: Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation is also known as augmentation mammoplasty which is used to increase the size, appearance, and contour of the woman’s breast. Women choose to consider this surgical procedure for different reasons. Some feel that the breast has changed after pregnancy, some feel it is small, and others want to correct the breast symmetry. How is the procedure performed? This procedure is performed with implants and it can be replaced under the chest or over it. The incision is placed in the armpit, areola, or lower breast fold. Generally, all of them are minimally invasive procedures. Where the incision is made, an endoscope is inserted which is a thin tube with a small light and camera. How breast Implants are made? Breast implants are made from a silicone shell filled with saline or silicone gel. A woman can choose the desired size by fitting the trial implants. Currently, saline implants are extremely common. On the other hand, silicone gel-filled implants are banned by the FDA. The augmentation procedure is simple and your surgeon will let you know about the risk factors included with it. You must inform the doctor about your expectations but make sure they are realistic. Consulting the board-certified plastic surgeon is going to help you get the best results.  Breast Reduction Breast reduction is used by women who have large and heavy breasts. It can result in discomfort, back, and neck pain. In some cases, there can be weakness and numbness. How is the procedure performed? During the procedure excess fat, skin, and breast tissue are removed. Following the surgery, breast reduction can result in a change in breast sensation along with that woman is not able to breastfeed. Following the surgery, women find relief with the pain and discomfort. Breast Reconstruction Breast reconstruction surgery is performed in women who choose to undergo mastectomy for breast cancer treatment. This procedure is going to create a breast with the desired contour, appearance, and volume you want. The contour, volume, and appearance of the breast will be recreated with implants or with the help of a woman’s tissue. If the implant is used, then its size is to match the opposite side of the breast. The breast can be created again with the help of a woman’s tissue. At times, the lower abdominal wall can be used. In some cases, surgery is required on the normal breast to create symmetry with the breast newly constructed. Breast Lifts (Mastopexy) In some cases, women are not able to support the breast weight and this can make the breast sag. With this condition is known as ptosis, the skin is too much compared with the breast tissue. The excess skin is removed which helps to give it a lift. Different surgical techniques are included in it and your doctor is going to tell you which one will suit you the best. If you have any doubt, then book your consultation today only.

Everything you need to know about cosmetic procedures like botox, laser, and chemical peels

Everything you need to know about cosmetic procedures like botox, laser, and chemical peels


A timeless beauty with Cosmetic Procedures Every person has one wish to stop the aging process and live eternally. With that said, cosmetic procedures have made this possible to a great extent. Many cosmetic procedures can mask the effect of sun exposure and the aging effect. With time, non-surgical cosmetic surgery has gained a lot of popularity. Let’s understand some of the revolutionary cosmetic procedures in India. What is Botox? Botox is available in three different forms Dysport, Botox Cosmetic, and Xeomin. These are injections and temporarily paralyze the facial muscles. Botox can diminish some of the wrinkles produced on the eye corner and forehead. With this procedure, the muscles are contracted that cannot happen normally. With the use of thin needles and toxins in small amounts, the pain is minimized with the injection. What happens before and after Botox? Once you get a botox injection, there is muscular control on a gradual basis and this can take around 2 weeks to reach maximum effect. By doing so, the affected area is inexpressive and calm. Patients need to get maintenance regularly as the paralysis effect lasts for 4 months. What are chemical peel basics? During a chemical peel, many substances are used to damage the skin and following that exfoliate the skin outer layer. According to the chemical used by the cosmetic surgeon, the depth of the peel will vary. Additionally, it also determines the amount of time it will be on the skin. Lactic acid, Glycolic acid, Trichloroacetic acid, and phenol are some of the chemical options. Once your skin starts healing you will be able to see the desired results. What happens before and after a chemical peel? To get the desired outcome, you need to get mild peel for a few weeks. Deeper peels can result in slight discomfort along with swelling and face crusting. A deep and moderate facial is repeated for around 6 to 12 months. What is Microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a procedure whereby silicon crystals are projected by air onto the skin surface which can result in inflammation. There is swelling by this procedure which improves the wrinkle appearance. The procedure gives temporary and modest results. To maintain the results you need to get the treatment repeated at intervals suggested by the doctor. What happens after microdermabrasion? The procedure can result in irritation which is initially like sunburn and our skin is tight. However, this effect of the procedure lasts for just one day. For the improved and better results you need to undergo multiple sessions. What is cosmetic filler? Not only is there a wrinkle problem, but there is a loss of fat in the temples and cheeks along with increased fat in the neck.  What happens before and after getting cosmetic filler for dark circles? The surgeon might use fillers around the hollow eye areas and it reduces the bags and dark circles under the eyes. To make the best final choice, consult our cosmetic surgeon and he can guide you better how your specific problem can be fixed.

Everything you need to know about three phases of the hair growth cycle

Everything you need to know about three phases of the hair growth cycle


Hair Growth cycle On an everyday basis, we all lose around 80 to 100 hairs, which is normal. It is important to understand that every hair has its hair life cycle. Medical treatment is only needed when hair loss exceeds 100 hairs every day. The hair follicles exist in a cycle of a long stretch of development. The hair follicles also go in a resting phase and at that time they are not developing. With age, the hair follicles are modified to quit creating hair and they spend more time in the resting stage. If you are losing hair in excess or at a young age, then get medical help right away. Ideally, the best option for hair loss is to get a hair transplant which helps the individual to get permanent and natural-looking hair. Given below the 3 hair growth phases for your understanding: Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen phases. Anagen Phase The anagen phase is the first phase which is known as the growth phase. Usually, the hair grows an inch every month. You might now know but the hair grows faster in summer as compared to winter. On average, this phase lasts for around 3 to 5 years. In the anagen phase, the hair is delicate. Hair growth can get limited because of anxiety, stress, and nutritional deficiency. Catagen Phase Once the anagen phase ends, the hair enters the catagen phase. This phase is called the transitional phase. This phase lasts for around 1 to 2 weeks. During this phase, the hair cell division is going to decline and the hair root is reduced to ⅓ of the original size and after that, the hair gets separated. Telogen Phase The telogen phase is the last phase in which the hair is discharged and they drop out. This is also referred to as the resting phase. During this phase, the follicles stay there for around 3 months. The hair follicles are autonomous and the development cycle is experienced at different times. Generally, the hair will drop out. Rather, a person shed only specific numbers of hair in a single day. Balding, hair diminishing, and issues with hair development happen when the development cycle is not working the way it needs to. To manage the hair growth cycle, you need to follow a nutritional diet, get adequate sleep, and you need to keep yourself healthy. If you have hair loss for weeks, then it is important to consult a doctor. They make sure that you get a perfect treatment plan. Hair transplant – the perfect solution for hair loss A hair transplant is the best solution for restoring hair. During the treatment, the hair follicles are extracted from one part of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less.

What are the procedure, cost, the complication of a hair transplant? Will it last for a lifetime?

What are the procedure, cost, the complication of a hair transplant? Will it last for a lifetime?


You are facing excess hair fall such as thinning or a bald patch on your head and thinking of consulting a doctor for hair transplant. Will hair transplant work or not? Do not worry this article will be solving all your problems.  How long do the results last for? So people who are worried about hair transplantation will last or not? So the answer to your question is yes hair transplant lasts for a lifetime. It depends upon the surgeon you are choosing for yourself. Make sure he should be having proper experience and follow his instructions for the better results. What is the procedure of hair transplant? The surgeon will take hair grafts of yours and transplant to the bald area or where you are facing thinning. Usually, the surgeon takes from the back of your head but he can take from other parts of the body as well. There are two methods FUT and FUE.  In FUT (Follicles Unit Transplantation) With the help of a scalpel, the surgeon will do an incision in the skin. Then the surgeon will close it with stitches. With the help of the magnifying lens and surgical knife, the surgeon will remove the portion of the scalp into small sections. After implanted, these sections only help the person in growing the hairs naturally. In FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) With the help of a needle or blade surgeon will make tiny holes in your scalp and then implant the hairs into those tiny holes. You will be amazed to know the surgeon will transplant hundreds or sometimes thousands of hairs in the first treatment. In the end the surgeon will graft, gauze or bandage the area. You have to cover it for a few days. What happens after the surgery? The surgeon will prescribe you some medicines. To reduce the infection the surgeon will give you some antibiotics. Swelling comes inpatient’s head and it is a process of healing. So don’t worry doctor will give you anti-inflammatory medicines. You might face some complications such as Itching Infection Bleeding Shock loss You must be wondering what is shock loss right? Your scalp will be gone through trauma so in response your hairs will shed from the scalp. But it is temporary. Your hairs will grow naturally within some time. The cost of the hair transplant depends upon:   Surgeon of your area. Experience of the surgeon. Technique surgeons will choose for you. The extent of the hair transplant procedure.  

How long does it take to see the desired outcomes from hair transplant?

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Provides A Long-Lasting Outcome?


Hair transplant treatment for hair loss Hair Transplant is considered as the best choice for the patients. This makes it easier to address the hair loss issue on time whether it is men or women. During the surgery, hair grafts are extracted from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. The hair is extracted from the back of the scalp because they are resistant to DHT which means the hair will not fall out after the treatment. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will identify the reason for hair loss and let you know what treatment plan you need to get. The hair transplantation includes 2 methods FUE and FUT. FUE stands for Follicle unit extraction. During the surgery, the hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted where hair growth is extremely less. FUT stands for Follicle Unit Transplantation. During the surgery, a strip of hair is extracted from the donor area and then transplanted where hair growth is extremely less or the patient has bald spots. Seeing the desired results Hair transplant results are best which means just one-time treatment is going to address hair loss issues. Patients are mostly concerned regarding the recovery process and the length of time to see the results. To see the outcomes from surgery, it is important to understand the results vary from patient to patient. In most cases, the initial hair growth can be seen at around 3rd month. After the surgery, it is important to follow the recommendations and guidelines given by the doctor. What to expect following the surgery? Once the hair graft is transplanted on the bald or thin area, they will fall out. You don’t have to worry as this is a normal process which means it is part of the surgery. The hair falls out because of the trauma of surgery and after that, the natural hair growth process will start. Once this is done the hair follicles enter the resting stage for around 3 months. Following that, the new growth cycle will begin. Initially, you will be able to have hair of around a few inches long, and gradually they will become longer and longer. In the beginning, the hair might appear uneven in a few months. In the 5th or 6th month, you will be able to see the progress in a better way. This is the time you can see the hair growth following the surgery. During this entire time, you need to take proper care and follow the surgeon’s instructions. This is important for the success of the surgery. By doing so, you are taking proper care of the transplanted hair grafts.  

Myth or fact Does hair transplant damage the remaining hair or not?

Myth or fact Does hair transplant damage the remaining hair or not?


Do you walk every day in fear of what people will say if they will see a hair loss? You want to look young and energetic again? All your friends of your age are having good hair growth as compared to you. Are you thinking of doing a hair transplant? But scared of what will happen to your existing hair? Do not worry this article will help you in knowing about this. A hair transplant surgery happens in a place where you are not having hairs, in short, you have a bald patch on your head. Your remaining hair went through a process called miniaturization. You must be thinking what does this term mean? Miniaturization means your hair will decrease both in diameter and length. When your doctor does the hair transplant surgery he doesn’t do around the remaining hair he does through that hair. don’t scratch your head thinking about whether hair transplant surgery will damage the existing hair or stop the hair growth? No, this will not happen, it will not cause any harm to your remaining hair instead of shocking it. Shock means you can face a hair loss but this is naturally shedding a hair is a process of the surgery. Your hairs will shed then regrows also without even doing anything to your scalp. All you need to do is follow the instructions of your surgeon. You have to take prescribed medicines only, eat healthy food, don’t take much stress, etc. Before the surgery consult your doctor and take information about what you should do before and after the surgery. If you are getting scared with the process of electrolysis, surgeons treat unwanted hair. What he does in this is doctor stick a needle in the follicle and turn on electric current and burn it. This will not cause any harm to your hair. Your surgeon will apply a needle directly into follicles, the tool which is commonly used in hair transplant. Some hairs will shed but don’t worry those shed hairs will come back. There are reasons why you face hair fall are: Stress Imbalance in diet Pregnancy Any kind of diseases Some kind of medications If you are going for a hair restoration surgery then it might take 6 months to 1-year hair to grow. So don’t take tension if your hair is not growing. You can face the problem of decreasing the volume of your hair. don’t forget that miniaturized hair will fall and not grow. If the shed hair is healthy then they will grow otherwise it will not and the transplant of hairs will go eventually and take their own time. Here is the most frequently asked question while going for hair transplantation to the surgeon.

Is it true undergoing a hair transplant is best before getting married?

Is it true undergoing a hair transplant is best before getting married?


Hair loss is the most problematic thing experienced by people with age. No doubt, hair is the most important part of our personality. In case a person starts losing hair at a young age then it can create problems and it also becomes important that you consult the doctor on time. Ideally, the best way to deal with hair loss is by undergoing a hair transplant. Without a doubt, the treatment gives the best results to the patients. The best part is that the treatment gives natural-looking hair and the results last for a lifetime. Many patients have even doubt in their minds regarding the fact ‘Whether they need to get hair restoration before marriage?’   When do you need to get a hair transplant? People think that the first impression is the last. Well, in some cases it is true also. Though being bald is not the bad thing, men prefer a good hairline. Sometimes men do not like the bald appearance and for them undergoing a hair transplantation is the best choice. Not only men but even women face the hair loss problem and this problem plays an important role in their overall life. If you are planning to get hair transplantation before marriage then it is perfectly okay to get it done.   Get the natural and youthful look If you are looking for natural and voluminous hair, then this is one of the best treatment plans. You are going to start seeing the results within months and most importantly look natural. This wait is going to be worth it as you are going to get your young appearance back. You will start feeling confident and this will be shown in your personality.   How does surgery give natural and permanent results? During the surgery, hair follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. The hair grafts are taken from that part of the scalp where the hair is resistant to the effect of DHT which results in hair loss. There are 2 methods of during the treatment and the surgeon will let you know which procedure is going to suit your hair loss condition the best: Follicular Unit Transplantation During this method, the surgeon will take a strip from the back of the scalp and then transplant it to the problematic area. This method is going to leave linear on the scalp which you can cover easily if you have long hair. The best part of this method is it gives the appropriate hair density you are looking for. Follicular Unit Extraction During this method, the surgeon takes the hair follicles individually from the back of the scalp and then transplant them where hair growth is extremely less. This method does not leave a linear scar on the scalp and you can cut your hair short if you want to.      

Will dandruff affect your hair growth after a hair transplant?

Will dandruff affect your hair growth after a hair transplant?


Everyone loves their hair. Nobody likes to have dandruff in their hair. To protect their hair people do a lot of treatment and take care of them. Afterall hair can make or break your look. Taking care of hair is very difficult. People are scared of having dandruff in their hair and what about those who have done hair transplant. Call Us Now: +91 9849797776 You must be thinking about hair transplant right because this is the last option left with you. But don’t worry many Bollywood celebrities like Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kapil Sharma have gone through the hair transplantation. In their initial days in the entertainment industry, they are also facing the same problem of not having much hair on their head which is not good for them. Pictures are there on the internet which are proof that after hair transplant how they are nailing every outfit with their good looks and charming personality. Now people must be scratching their heads and thinking about whether dandruff affects their hair growth after a hair transplant or not. After a month of surgery, if you are having mild dandruff in your hairs that will not affect your hair transplant. But if you are thinking of scratching your head with your nails to remove dandruff. Then please drop this idea right away because doing that will not remove your dandruff but cause hair fall. If you are the one who is facing this problem then don’t worry. You can treat it medically. You should use the shampoo prescribed by the doctor instead of using any shampoo on your hair after 6 weeks of the surgery. Your doctor is the best person to tell you which shampoo you should use. Nizoral is almost every doctor’s favourite choice. They are going to suggest you this one which is over the counter drug. Apart from heredity, scalp dermatitis is one of the reasons for hair loss. After scratching your head the hairs which come on your fingers are native hair. There are types of hair shedding are: Normal hair shedding Don’t take tension if your 50 to 100 hairs shed a day. It’s normal for a person but if your hairs are shedding more than this. Then you should consult a doctor which will tell you what to do. Male Pattern Baldness It refers to an excessive loss of hairs from the head. It happens at the age of 50 or sometimes less the age of 50 in rare cases. Shock Loss It is a case where shock loss happens after an operation where hairs get permanently shocked. But hairs which are temporarily shocked are having chances to come back but the hairs which are permanently shocked will not come.

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