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What are the Effects of Hair Loss in Men and Women’s Life?

What are the Effects of Hair Loss in Men and Women's Life?


When you lose hair, is it just the hair you lose? What is the importance of hair in our outlook? To answer the question just imagine just how much a change a single hair cut brings to our personality then you will understand the importance of hair. Hair is not just a part of the face, like the nose or the lips which cannot be changed easily, rather hair is one thing that can easily be transformed and even a simple change in hair style brings change in the personality by leaps and bounds. So, what do you think would be the change in the person’s mental and physical condition when one faces hair loss. To some people hair loss would mean a complete change in one’s perception of the self, yet in the initial stages of hair loss it is not given much importance and by the time the person realizes that hair loss is becoming a problem 60% of the hair are already lost. There are many things that change when a person is facing the acute hair loss problem; some of the effects of hair loss are listed below: Firstly the confidence of a person is deeply hampered as hair are a very important part of the vanity of a person, and when one does not think he/she is looking good enough the confidence automatically comes down. When a person is facing hair loss, they are not able to keep up the latest trends in the hair industry like a new hairstyle or hair color which is disheartening. The baldness caused by hair loss prompts the person to shy away from social gatherings and hence the social circle of a person is reduced considerably.

The Causes for Hair Loss

The Causes for Hair Loss


The Justification for Hair Loss When it comes to our hair, we can barely afford any risks as they are the most important feature of one’s outlook. But in spite of the care that we have for our hair sometimes we come across excessive hair loss problems. Let’s understand the reasons because of which this happens. Firstly, we have to understand when the hair loss is limited to the count of 50-100 hair per day it is considered normal because it is the part of normal hair cycle, but when this count rises, there has to be some problem because of which we see such a change. Some common reasons for hair loss are given below: Genetic causes: if the parents and the direct blood relatives of a person are suffering from hair loss the person will most definitely face the same problem. Malnutrition: Like everything else in our body the hair also require nutrition and when they are deprived of the same it leads to hair fall. Fever and other diseases: there are many diseases, which are cause of hair fall like thyroid, high fever for long period of time, alopecia areata, etc… Medications and other treatments: sometimes to cure a major disease the patients face the side effect of hair loss for example in case of cancer. Hormonal changes: among the many reasons the hormonal imbalances also play a major role in hair loss. Stress: these days stress is so common to every life yet the effects are just as hazardous as they ever were like consistent hair loss. Hair pulling disorder: there are certain mental illnesses, which lead the patient to pull out their own hair; this is also a cause of hair loss. Products: there are certain cosmetic and artificial products which when excessively used cause hair loss problems in men and women.

Man boobs could be a genetic problem, but you can control its existence

Man boobs could be a genetic problem, but you can control its existence


When we all look at a healthy baby, we can see man boobs and I guess we all had them. Also known as Gynecomastia, male breasts or man boobs can be triggered by many factors and can appear at an unexpected age. Babies, adolescents, and older men are victims of man boobs. Mostly influenced by life habits and practices, man boobs can be controlled to a greater extent the issue is detected in time What is Gynecomastia? It is where a man has enlarged breasts almost detectable like for a woman. The gynecomastia problem is a gradual process where the glandular tissue develops over time and causes the breast tissue to enlarge hence forming that bulky chest. The problem of breast tissue in males is not an issue to do with fat only, fat may exist, but the major problem goes down to the glandular tissue that is formed with time also causing more skin. The breast issue in males despite of age, excluding babies, is a deformity that may affect the body image and self-esteem in public. Recently, Jax Taylor the Vanderpump Rules star underwent surgery to get rid of the breast tissue since he had body image issues. Causes of breasts in males The causes vary widely in males, but we can explain the causes below Genetics – It may run in families making you get it too in future Hormonal imbalances– lower levels of testosterone and androgens may cause gynecomastia in some males. That means that they have high levels of female hormones, like prolactin and estrogens that need to be corrected Physical exercises– vigorous exercisers like gym exercises may also cause breast tissue in males Obesity and poor eating habits- males who gluttonies have higher chances of developing man boobs. Also, an obese man obviously has enlarged breasts Drug use- The use of anabolic steroids to build muscles cause breast tissue and in addition, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and opioids can also lead to breast tissue in males. Looking at breast issues in different males Babies and children Breast tissue in babies and children of 1 to 2 years is okay. This has greater chances of disappearing as the baby grows up due to the requirement of more food for energy production and bodybuilding. Adolescents The breast formation could represent high female hormones in the body since this is the time when male attributes are supposed to show up in a boy. Breast tissue in adolescents could be due to over-eating and obesity, but where the breast tissue persists until the age of 20, then gynecomastia must be the issue Adults We are currently witnessing enlarged breasts in rich men and those who are associated with vigorous activities. When dietary measures are taken, this may solve the breast issues. Cases, where one is not associated with any of these, must get gynecomastia treatment. Diagnosis At Dr Vjs cosmetic surgery centre, the diagnostic procedure is carried out through the following; Physical examination, mostly focusing on the shape, size, tenderness and hardness of the breast. Ultrasounds Tests to detect the hormonal levels Gynecomastia treatment Gynecomastia treatment in India is performed with surgical treatments or non-surgical treatments. With the non-surgical treatments, it may include weight loss, diet, or exercises to get rid of the breasts as may be diagnosed. Man boobs can also be controlled once one detects that there are possibilities for the breast tissue to enlarge. In other cases, 70% of males will require surgery for breast reduction. Surgery is seen as the permanent way of getting rid of the glandular tissue. The process of Gynecomastia surgery in India begins with the administration of local or general anaesthesia. There are different types of surgeries that a surgeon may select from in order to effectively treat a patient. The surgeon makes an incision around the areola to remove the whole glandular tissue. Liposuction may also be performed to remove the excessive fat and also eliminate the excessive skin. The surgeon will also have to remove the blood vessels and the nerves. The procedure normally lasts for 4 hours but may take more time depending on the work to be done. The cost will also vary on the level of breast tissue, plus the individual requirements to be achieved. What happens after the procedure? There is an immediate change in the size of the chest and you will feel it. It is recommended that you restrain yourself from vigorous exercises that may put pressure on the chest. Try to follow the doctor’s advice There is always a new thrill felt by the patients after a breast reduction. You will be satisfied with the results and you won’t struggle with body image issues anymore. From the given video you can watch the live procedure of gynecomastia surgery:  

Thigh Lift Surgery and how it can help contour your body

Thigh Lift Surgery and how it can help contour your body


These surgeries are proving to be necessary because of the fashion trend that anyone may want to move with. When aesthetically performed, a thigh lift surgery will leave you contented for the rest of your life What is a thigh lift surgery? It is a cosmetic procedure where excessive skin and fat are removed from the thighs and around the buttocks areas. The sagging skin may be a result of weight loss and aging or either of the two. Another may be the poor shape that some people have that need to be corrected Who gets a thigh lift? Quite high numbers of men and women are getting the procedure done as long as one is mentally and physically healthy. A thigh lift surgery in India will require you to fulfill the following; Generally healthy When you have lost the elasticity effect in the thighs and the surrounding regions Poorly formed thighs Sagging skin and dimple formations in the thighs Any other reason Before the surgery You will have a consultation in which the surgeon explains the whole procedure. Avoid smoking and use of various drugs for 2 weeks before the surgery Depending on the goals, a type of thigh lift is selected to hide the scars You need to have realistic expectations The procedure of a thigh lifts in India The procedure is an outpatient surgery, so you will be discharged on the same day most likely It is performed under general anesthesia to prevent pain and you will not feel anything until you wake up In the case of lifting the inner thighs, the surgeon will make small incisions (cuts) from the anterior part of the groin crease to the buttocks crease In the case of circumferential lower body surgery, it will take more time since the surgeon has to make incisions from the buttocks crease to the groin then to the abdomen. The incisions will be sutured in an aesthetic manner Drainages are used to collect fluid and blood Postoperative care There will be bruising and swelling for the first 8 weeks, after which they will fade In the case of small thigh lifts, simple pain killers are used to relieve pain and discomfort and usually, there is a les recovery period In case of extended procedure, one will have to stay at the hospital for two or three days for monitoring A corset is used after the surgery for protective measures A thigh lift surgery cost in India Anywhere in India, a thigh lift surgery starts from Rs. 80,000 to 1 lakh or plus depending on the hospital and the type of surgery required. It is best to avoid very cheap procedures or clinics since it may cost you a lot in the future. What to expect after the surgery A thigh lift is a contouring procedure, so you will have to enjoy the benefits whenever you look at yourself or dress up for any occasion. To know the full procedure of the thigh lift surgery watch this video:

Botox Treatment to reduce wrinkles and the aging effects

Botox Treatment to reduce wrinkles and the aging effects


The commonly used cosmetic treatment has reduced the number of facial issues in women and men. Thought to be dangerous, scientists discovered the good side of the treatment making a drastic change in the cosmetic field. It is a simple treatment provided by dermatologists to reduce wrinkles in the face. Candidates All men and women experiencing aging and unwanted wrinkles or lines in the face are candidates. The following are excluded; Pregnant women Lactating or breastfeeding women Men and women with neurological problems When your doctor denounces it How it works As we grow, the skin loses its firmness causing it to form lines and dropping skin. The loss of weight is also another issue that can cause lines to be formed. When one meets a dermatologist, a botox injection is administered in the facial areas with wrinkles to reduce the effect of the muscles. Once this treatment is given, the muscles or tissue is damaged, they will cause the wrinkles to disappear and the lines will also go away. A majority of patients have benefited from the treatment since it is cheap and effective at the same time. Before the procedure Cosmetic procedures require attention during a consultation. Many patients suffer complications due to negligence and undermining the doctor’s instructions. Before the Botox treatment, one is advised to stop smoking for at least 3 weeks. Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption, drugs like aspirins and other anti-inflammatory drugs. The procedure of Botox Treatment in India It is an outpatient procedure and requires no anesthesia and very simple. The doctor will inject the Botox treatment into the skin in the specified areas to reach the muscles. It will take approximately 30 minutes for the treatment to be accomplished One shouldn’t scratch or rub the injected area after the treatment Side-effects of Botox Treatment Bruising is a common side-effect which goes after a few days Eyelid dropping also occurs due to the effect of the Botox treatment One may also feel discomfort and headaches at times. The on and off headaches will last for 2 days Weakening of the muscles in the location where the injection was administered Getting another Botox treatment Naturally, our body changes with age and the muscles grow as well. It will take you 7 months for the wrinkles to appear again, which means that you will need the treatment again to remove the wrinkles and the lines. Botox Treatment Cost in India When thinking about Botox treatment cost, one should consider between Rs. 10,000 to Rs.20, 000. As you search about dermatologists and cosmetic centres, so will you find a difference in the prices. An effective treatment will last for a good number of months and there will be results after 3 weeks of the treatment.

Could some of us exist without hair transplant?

Could some of us exist without hair transplant?


A common man, celebrities, and politicians are all victims when it comes to hair loss and this automatically shows how some of us can’t exist without hair transplant procedures. Hair loss alters one’s facial looks making you look way older than your real age. The experience of all the victims after a hair transplant is quite interesting by the mere look at the pictures taken before and after. The kinds of celebrities are the leading pioneers of hair transplant in India since most of their work is associated with how they look. How hair transplant procedures help some of us stay at the top The likes of Salman Khan, Kapil Sharma, Akshay Kumar, and the powerful Narendra Modi from India have all had hair transplant procedures and the results are quite inspiring. When it comes to the international stars, the list goes higher than you think. Some have revealed about their hair transplant procedures, whereas others shut the fact from a long distance. David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, Mel Gibson are some of the international celebrities to have exposed the truth. When you look at these celebrities you will find that the days of hair loss were characterized with low self-esteem and diminished facial looks. After a hair transplant, you will notice that they comfortably socialize and even get better roles to play in the case of actors and actresses. What brings hair loss? Despite the genetic cause most of us get hair loss out of the poor habits and environmental factors. Hair products- the high standards of living have played a major role in causing hair loss. People want to look their best whenever they move out and this has caused them to style their hair with different products that at the end weaken the hair follicles. Stress, sleep deprivation, and poor eating habits have increased the rate of hair fall in men and women today The hair transplant cost in Visakhapatnam is lower due to the competitive nature of the clinics. This has helped many get hair transplant procedures to restore their hair.

Facelift Surgery and how it will transform you

Facelift Surgery and how it will transform you


One of the leading cosmetic procedures in the world is a facelift surgery performed to generally alter or improve the facial appearance of a woman or a man. Cases, where a man or woman appears older than his or her own age, are common, aging is also a factor of life that can’t be battled with minor techniques. What is a face lift surgery? Also known as Rhytidectomy, a face lift is a cosmetic procedure that is aimed at giving someone a youthful appearance. Clinically performed under sedation or general anesthesia, or local anesthesia, a face lift surgery is an outpatient surgery conducted after a general consultation. A face lift surgery involves a number of procedures that include; Removing excess facial skin Removes deep creases around the nose or the mouth Removes excessive skin from the neck and chin and at the end tighten it Tightens loose skin around the jaw line Face lift procedures have realistic results favorable in young and old men and women. It can also be combined with other procedures like lip augmentation, eyelid surgery, facial liposuction, laser skin resurfacing, or chemical peels. The procedure of a face lift surgery The latest advancements in face lift surgery are all aimed at achieving better results and offer a quicker recovery. The same improvements are all revolving around the traditional type of face lift procedure Normally, the face lift procedure is performed, after a thorough discussion with the surgeon to avoid unexpected occurrences. The face lift practices are also aimed at disguising the scar and normally the incisions are made above the hairline. Depending on the goals, The surgeon makes an incision in front of the ear, which will extend to the hairline The surgeon will then lift the skin to separate it from the fat and the facial muscles and then pulls it to remove the excessive skin. The surgeon will then tighten the facial tissues if required Drainages are placed under the skin behind the ear to collect excess blood and liquid which will be removed after 3 days The incisions will at the end be sutured and bandages will be applied After a face lift surgery in India, there is a total change and the results will last for numerous years. However, studies show that one will need another face lift surgery after 6 years since the results are distorted by the environmental factors and lifestyles After the surgery, it is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions to avoid complications. There will be bruising, swelling and discomfort, but they fade with time and with the help of the medications provided. There will be numbness and it is advisable to avoid smoking and reduce alcohol intake as much as possible 3 weeks are enough to recover from the surgery Complications like infections, scarring, and damage of the nerves are possible in case of carelessness.

Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck Procedure)

Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck Procedure)


Why is that so? Because of the tummy that is exposed to the public. A flat tummy will make one appear younger and smarter in any kind of outfit she may dress in and theta is why tummy tuck surgeries multiply very year. There are factors that cause a tummy to protrude as if one is pregnant and some of them are; Eating habits- Men and women in India are battling extended tummies just because of the foods they eat. Chapatti (roti) is widely consumed in India and many have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is wrong. It is good to balance the meals and eat a variety of foods rather than roti and dal each day. Another cause of the protruding tummies is the consumption of oily foods, sweets, and fats. Lack of physical exercise-many hit the gym after gaining extra weight or unwanted fats in the thighs, abdomen, and the arms which is ideally wrong. Exercising regularly will reduce cholesterol levels and burn down the unwanted fats What is abdominoplasty? Also known as tummy tuck surgery, it is a procedure which helps you get rid of the unwanted fat and skin (excess) in the abdomen. The procedure will help you get a firmer, smoother, and a youthful tummy shape. It is commonly performed on; Women who fail to lose the protruding tummies after a pregnancy Aging man and women Obese men and women Those who fail to respond to exercise There are no particular physical exercises to eliminate the excessive fat and skin in the abdominal region, but watching one’s weight and exercising regularly can reduce the chances of fat accumulation Are you a candidate? This particular plastic surgery is suitable for men and women, but there are considerations such as Having a good mental and physical health One with sagging abdominal skin Failure of other simple techniques to eliminate the excessive weight in the midsection One with realistic expectations What to know before a tummy tuck treatment in India A tummy tuck surgery is designed for those conscious of their body appearances and those who may want to retain their youthful body shapes. Abdominoplasty has various types and each procedure is performed on a patient depending on the goals A Tummy Tuck procedure on its own and requires attention on the side of the patient. A major consultation must be performed in which the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s eligibility for the procedure. There are cases of failed tummy tuck procedures due to neglected or compromised conditions. This will result in a second surgery to correct the mistakes. Before this surgery, the surgeon takes pictures, examines the amount of fat in the midsection and the amount of skin to be removed. Types of Tummy tuck procedures In this case, body contouring procedures are divided into 3 categories, each performed for specific reasons Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery This procedure is specifically for those with less skin to be removed and in some cases, the muscles remain untouched. Mini tummy tuck procedures require a single and a small incision to be made below the navel and the navel is not repositioned. It has a shorter recovery period Traditional Tummy Tuck Surgery This surgery alters the entire abdominal region. Usually, an incision is made from one hip to another where fat tissue and excessive skin are removed and the navel is repositioned. The abdominal muscles are tightened to create firmer and natural pleasing results. Liposuction is also performed during this same procedure The extended Tummy Tuck surgery It is a comprehensive procedure where excessive fat and skin are removed and the entire abdominal region is reshaped. The procedure requires a surgeon to make an incision from the hips to the waist and the lower back to contour the whole lower area and the muscles are also improved Other types include Circumferential for those who have drastically lost weight and it is more of a body lift surgery Endoscopic Tummy Tuck– performed with the help of an endoscope, it is performed on those with minimal fat and no visible sagging skin. The Tummy Tuck Procedure The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia Depending on the type of tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon will make an incision to remove the excessive fat The skin will also be removed and the muscles will be tightened. Drainages which are to be removed after some days are fixed for the blood or liquid to flow in The entire abdominal region will be contoured to give perfect and natural results. Recovery period These surgeries are not a joke; one will feel uncomfortable and moved to spend more time at home. Follow the surgeon’s advice to avoid complications. The recovery period depends on the type of tummy tuck surgery taken Advantages Slimmer and firmer stomach More self-confidence Natural and attractive looks You can dress up in any way you may want. Check out this video to know more information about the Tummy Tuck Surgery:

An Arm Lift surgery in India

An Arm Lift surgery in India


The loose skin may come after weight loss, liposuction or aging. The loose skin may occur in the upper arm or the lower arm and through the arm lift surgery, the arms are properly reshaped. An arm lift is also known as a Brachioplasty a surgical procedure that eliminates excessive sagging skin that falls downwards. The surgeon may remove the excessive fat and as well tighten and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue to give a new perfect shape to the arm. An arm lift is performed under local or general anesthesia to prevent pain. Before the procedure, a surgeon must discuss with the patient about the possible expectations. In this case, he has to evaluate the patient to see that she exactly knows what she is doing. The surgeon must also know about the medical history of the patient it is conducted. Major complications that include infections and bleeding can be avoided when an experienced and qualified surgeon is approached. An Arm Lift surgery always leaves a scar linear scar under the arm. It can reduce in size and in the visibility when treatments are taken. In addition, it can also blend into the person’s skin with time. The advantages of this surgery are generally cosmetic based. A woman will have the desired arm shape and above all look younger and confident about herself.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant and why it is an option

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant and why it is an option


There are surgical and the non-surgical methods and the fact is that non-surgical methods are the first options taken on by hair loss patients and when things become worse, surgical methods come in. The two techniques used in surgical methods are FUE and FUT. FUT requires a strip of hair to be obtained from the donor part and this leaves a linear scar that many patients don’t want. Being that, FUE hair transplant is looked as the best option when it comes to hair restoration procedures. The technique is a permanent way of eliminating patches on the scalp, beards, and mustache. Due to FUE, body hair transplant is possible and also, a robot can be used for the extraction and implantation of hair follicles. The FUE technique is performed step by step by an expert with the help of a technician or a nurse. The scalp is marked to identify the affected area from the donor area. A specialized instrument in the form of a needle is used to remove the grafts from the donor area that has a more density. Small incisions are made in the recipient region and the grafts are fixed into them one by one. They are positioned in the right direction to create natural looking results and to make a person appear normal and not like a doll. There are no visible scars created in the FUE technique and that is the major reason as to why many patients desire this technique.

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