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Minoxidil For Men & Women To Re-Grow Hair

Minoxidil For Men & Women To Re-Grow Hair


You may doubt the possibility of restoring your hair in the case when you can’t afford a hair transplant or when hair loss is just starting. Today men and women have less to worry about in case they approach a dermatologist for the effective use of Minoxidil to enhance hair growth. What is Minoxidil? Minoxidil is a medication that reduces hair fall and improves hair growth among men and women. It is believed to produce the best results in the case of hair loss in women. However, the latest results also show that men with beginner hair loss use the treatment and there are positive results. Minoxidil is the main ingredient in Rogaine that leads to the following; Stimulating dormant hair follicles Helps to attain thicker hair Increases the size of hair follicles Slows baldness How to make the best use of Minoxidil Find a dermatologist The treatment is one of the excellent means of retaining hair, but it also has numerous side effects. Minoxidil is in a liquid form and it is applied to the affected scalp area at least twice a day for 3 and half months to observe new hair growth. It doesn’t mean that during the 3 months nothing is going on. This is what happens Extended hair loss in the first 2 weeks The ingredient will activate the hair cells New hair will start growing Side effects of Minoxidil Minoxidil is also used to treat hair loss in men, but one may experience the following; Scalp Itching Scaling Dryness Irritation Burning The severity of the side effects depends on the use of the treatment and it may result in complications

How To Know That You Will Go Bald One Day

How To Know That You Will Go Bald One Day


Hair is very important, though we may all have different attitudes towards it, there is one thing that remains and that is that it is a source of beauty for most women. Men can go with short hair or certainly with bare heads, but that is not the story with most women. Most women would love to keep their hair and style it in any way as they wish. What is the cause of hair loss? Some may think that hair loss is just a disease or a hair disorder, but the truth is that hair fall or loss is part of nature. Just like a snake sheds its skin almost twice a year, so does a human being lose his or her hair. Even other species lose hair due to different reasons. Human hair has a cycle with mostly 3 stages and in one; you will experience hair loss as long as you are above the puberty stage. This is regardless of your nationality or your sex. High levels of DHT and a high sensitivity will naturally increase the rate of hair loss. How should I know that I will go bald one day? This may sound like a funny question, but according to my experience prevention is better than cure and I also heard someone say that I wish I knew is a…! So, as we know that hair loss is part of us, things that we do in our daily life should be targeted at preventing hair loss and in case it had to happen due to genetic reasons, the damage shouldn’t be that much big. There are beliefs that one can take hold of a hair transplant in India to overcome hair loss, but the truth is that it all goes down to our habits Less Sleep We tend to think that those who sleep for 7 hours a day are lazy but that is not the case for every individual. There are fellows who will sleep for 4 hours or less just because they were watching movies or a game. I am sure that even a hard-working man will think about his health which will trigger him to sleep for at least 5 or 6 hours a day. This will facilitate effective hair growth for more years High intake of creatine supplements and anabolic steroids   Creatine and other depression or anxiety drugs are commonly used by weight lifters or those who want to get happy moods.  These increase DHT in the body and when you have a high sensitivity, the rate of hair loss will increase Stress and Smoking When some are stressed, they resort to smoking and consuming alcohol in greater quantities. This is only going to disturb the hair cycle, causing anagen effluvium and telogen Effluvium. Solutions to hair loss I bet, when one does the above, he will buy some more years before he or she experiences drastic hair loss. Simple treatments like Rogaine, Finasteride, have proved to be an ideal solution to hair loss even before one gets a hair transplant. Altering our habits and living a healthy life can also reduce the extent of hair loss To watch the live hair transplant procedure, watch out this  video

The Different Concerns Of Follicular Unit Extraction

The Different Concerns Of Follicular Unit Extraction


The Follicular Unit Extraction technique is a modern type of hair transplantation. It is much loved compared to the Follicular Unit Transplantation, which is a traditional method. This particular technique has various concerns which are; Follicular Unit Extraction as a surgery The surgical procedure comes after a decision between the patient and the surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon observes the affected region and will also probably mark the scalp to clearly identify the affected region form the donor area. He will calculate the needed number of hair follicles for the procedure. Is FUE Surgery recommended for all hair loss types? The technique is a major solution to hair loss, but not every hair loss type can be effectively treated through FUE hair transplant surgery. This goes to Alopecia areata patients since hair loss is triggered by the autoimmune system itself. When a hair transplant is conducted, hair will fall out again after 4 months. Most alopecia areata patients are not are not helped through surgeries unless an expert is approached to conduct a biopsy before the procedure Anesthesia in Hair transplantation Any hair transplant procedure requires anesthesia since sharp instruments are used to extract hair from the donor area to the recipient region. It is always administered after a simple chat with the anesthesiologist. He will ask you for any reactions you have ever experienced with anesthesia or any allergy. Just the necessary amount is administered Extraction with the Micropunching Technique Unlike FUT, grafts in FUE are harvested individually from the donor area to the bald region. The procedure involves no strips that will require stitches at the end of the procedure. During extraction, the surgeon will ask you to sit with your face facing down on a comfortable clinical chair. The donor area would be identified, exactly that with the strongest grafts to be implanted. With the help of a micropunch, the grafts will be harvested from the donor area and 2500 can be extracted within one day. The Recipient Site The recipient site is always the bald region and in this part, tiny incisions are made where the hair grafts are to be implanted. These incisions are made using a specified needle with a diameter not bigger than the hair follicles. The holes are made and the depth has to be observed in the process. Implanting the hair follicles Single follicular units will be inserted in the front region, whereas in the following areas, hair is implanted as the surgeon may observe in order to create natural results. The surgeon’s artistic skills play a bigger role in attaining the best results for a patient. Postoperative care and treatment It is a crucial phase of a hair transplant since many have ended up with complications that cost them. Take the antibiotics as the surgeon may recommend and see that you visit a surgeon on the scheduled days. In case of major bleeding, see a surgeon as that is a complication. Always follow that surgeon’s instructions since he provides them as per a patient’s condition For more details, you can listen to the following testimonial video of a patient

What is Breast Reduction Surgery? Know About Its Procedure

What is Breast Reduction Surgery? Know About Its Procedure


If you are worried and feeling stress about your breast size that the heavy and large breast can cause a backache and neck pain then with the breast reduction surgery, you can reduce the size according to your desire. Large breast size sometime does not match with your body. You may suffer from skin irritation below the breast. Also, it is not easy to maintain the heavy breast at gatherings and this can make you to buy new sizes of clothes again and again. But there is a best surgical solution to this problem i.e. Breast reduction surgery in India. This is the only last option with which you can get rid of your large sizes f breast. You can instantaneously get the advantage of getting rid of back, neck and shoulder pain, skin infections, irritations and difference experienced in size. The procedure of the surgery involves the removal of tissues and some breast skin and then suturing the skin. Sometimes, there can be also needed to reposition the areola part in case of large sizes. Watch this live video of breast reduction surgery, to get an idea about the live procedure of the surgery.

Evaluation of Hair Loss

Evaluation of Hair Loss


A General Assessment of Hair loss with an expert This is a major step that you must undergo before embarking on any hair loss treatment. It is common today that people utilize the market hair loss treatments without having had a systematic evaluation of their hair loss with a dermatologist or a hair surgeon. There are different procedures or tests that a surgeon may have to carry out to determine the following; The cause of hair loss At times, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal changes, a strict diet, infections and treatments cause hair loss. Once these factors are corrected by habit alterations, hair will start to grow as it has to The extent of hair loss The surgeon may take a comb and pass it in the different parts of the scalp to determine how much hair you have lost. In other cases, a physical examination of the scalp is enough for the surgeon to determine the extent of your hair loss Family history You may have family members or had those with alopecia, for example, alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, or Telogen effluvium. The surgeon must be informed about it The number of hair follicles lost and the best treatment Commonly, this is done in case a hair transplant procedure is the ultimate hair loss treatment for a patient. The surgeon examines the hair density, the grade of hair loss, and the diameter of the hair follicles. Dr. Vijay Kumar stretches that evaluation of hair loss must be done by an expert rather than relying on personal judgments. The consultation session with experts can act as a window for new ideas about your hair. Many patients suffer from hair loss that increases with time only because a wrong approach was used for treatment. Thyroid test, diet, change of habits, ample sleep, and physical examinations by the expert should be a start off point for alopecia victims.

What is Finasteride Treatment?

What is Finasteride Treatment?


Seek the physician’s guidance before embarking on Finasteride Finasteride treatment is exclusively for men and it is also known as Propecia. Propecia is one of the major ways of combating hair loss and it is approved by pivotal organizations in hair loss in men. The treatment is orally administered and it is at times taken with Minoxidil a popular hair loss treatment for women. With Finasteride, you will have to swallow a single tablet a day normally containing 1mg or 5mg to help increase male hormones (testosterone) and activate the cells in the scalp. Normally, hair loss or baldness occurs due to degeneration of cells, which causes a slower or no growth rate. How to use it It is a powerful hair loss treatment, but also associated with a number of side-effects. For the best results, first consult a surgeon or a dermatologist before you start using the treatment. The doctor will instruct you depending on the extent of your hair loss, expected reactions, and the results to be obtained Side-effects Any medicines that contain Finasteride elements pose different threats to patients, especially women. On the use of the treatment, a woman will experience increased body hair growth that is uncontrollable. It may also damage cells within the body Some men who have used it report a decreased sex drive, erection issues, and reckless decisions due to headaches Women must not take the medication while pregnant Reasons why you can take the treatment for better results It is an ideal baldness or hair loss treatment for those who may not afford a hair transplant FDA discovered that men who take the medication experienced hair growth rate by 280 hairs per square inch before a year elapsed

Define Human Hair Cycle

Everything you need to know about three phases of the hair growth cycle


The Production of Hair Like everything else in this world, our hair have a certain cycle of growth and decay. The cycle which helps us understand how the hair grow on our head and how they fall out, for each day we go through this process of hair transformation and are completely unaware of the same. This is a normal routine and nothing alarming. The hair on the head grow out of follicles, there are lakhs of follicles on our head which are the reason to a full head, but the texture and growth patterns of each type of hair is different depending upon the genetics, age factors, health condition and other factors. Hair growth takes place from the hair follicles when they are supplied with oxygen through the blood vessels and then it follows the normal hair cycle, which is divided, into three stages: The first stage is the Anagen stage, this stage lasts for about 4-5 years. In this stage there are about 90% hairs in active growth stage. The pigment that the hair bears is also developed in the hair in this stage. The second stage is the Catagen stage of hair growth which lasts for about 3-4 weeks only. In this stage the hair follicle stops producing melanin because of which the hair growth stops and the hair follicle is reduced to one sixth its normal length. The final stage of hair growth is the Telogen phase, which lasts about 2-3 months after which the cycle repeats itself again. This stage is basically the resting stage of the hair were they tend to fall out of the head by means of shampooing, oil massages, combing etc. these hair that are shed form about 14% of the total hair volume. The hair in this stage falls out only to make place for the new hair again.

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

What is Male Pattern Baldness?


The Unchangeable Change In Hair There is no one, to whom good looks don’t matter. But not all are able to have good looks in an older age and the most common reason for this deprecating feeling is the problem of hair loss. To discuss the usual pattern of baldness in men we have to understand the concept of Androgenetic Alopecia. The usual areas affected by this are the crown area and the hairline, 40% of men in India are facing the challenge of male pattern baldness by the time they reach 50. This hair loss is because of natural causes and does not hint towards any medical disorder. The main causes that have been found for the increasing hair loss in men are: Genetic causes: men usually face such problems of hair loss because of their family history of baldness; there is no natural solution to this problem of hair loss. Hormones: the sex hormones can be a major cause of hair loss in men, this problem is also among the problems that cannot be solved naturally. Hair loss in men is not something that happens overnight rather, it is a gradual process which starts when the hairline starts receding. Once the process has started it leads to the thinning of the hair. Once the hair loose volume the crown area starts becoming bald and the hair loss problem now seems much more pronounced. This sort of baldness may not be because of any illness but it does decrease the confidence of the person.

What are Main Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women?

What are Main Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women?


The basic outlook of humans has always been highly affected by the Hair. There are a lot of reasons why not all the people have as healthy hair as the others, but some of the reasons are listed below Bad lifestyle: lack of exercise and junk food consumption had become the norm these days, but such a lifestyle has an adverse effect on your body in various forms one of them being, hair loss. Diseases: there are a number of diseases like thyroid, hashimoto’s, Hodgkin’s etc… Malnutrition: lack of proper diet also aggravates the problem of hair loss. Stress: is also among the prime reasons for hair loss. Such reasons cause baldness in males and females both. If we go by the means of the genetics we see that the problem of hair loss is mainly prevalent in Caucasian (European) and Australian aboriginal histories but when it comes to Asia and Africa this is rare. Baldness is problem that usually with age but with the changing times this problem is seen commonly in the 25-35 years of age group because of the changing lifestyles, adulteration in everything and basically an unhealthy environment. Thanks to the technology now a days there are many clinics that aid patients with the right solutions to such problems. Among the very best clinics that offer such services is the Dr.VJ’s Clinic in Vishakhapatnam. The clinic is run with pride under the mentorship of the talented Dr.C.Vijay Kumar. This clinic has the am astounding team of expert doctors which are skilled enough to handle any problem. So, if you are under the care of such an exemplary clinic there is nothing to worry about.

What is Female Pattern Baldness, its Causes and Treatment?

What is Female Pattern Baldness, its Causes and Treatment?


Losing the battle for beauty For a woman there is nothing that is more important than beauty and good looks, for they are the fairer sex, the better halves, and the ones who personify allure. When the topic is of female attractiveness, something that cannot be ignored is their glorious and lustrous tresses, but with time, we see that there is a definite change in the quality of the hair. Opposing to the popular views, women also face hair loss and baldness problems. These problems seem bigger to women because it is not expected of them to suffer through baldness, but a fact would remain a fact, and it is a fact that 40% of the women start facing the challenge of increasing baldness by the time they reach 40 years of age. The normal hair growth cycle lasts for about 4-6 years after which the new hair grow out of the same follicles, but when there is the problem of baldness in women, these hair do not grow after the last ones fall out. This leads to a decrease in the volume and density of the hair. Unlike men, the female pattern baldness starts with the thinning of the hair at the crown area, the thinning continues until the hair become extremely fragile and break. When such hair fall out, new hair do not grow in their place causing baldness. There are many causes of baldness in women; some of them are listed below: Improper diet Unhealthy lifestyle Diseases and infections Genetic history Growing age Excessive use of chemical products on the hair Consumption of certain medicines

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