Acne Scars & Pimple Marks: How to treat Acne Scars and Pimple Marks?
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Acne Scars & Pimple Marks: How to treat Acne Scars and Pimple Marks?

Acne Scars & Pimple Marks: How to treat Acne Scars and Pimple Marks?


These days acne and pimple problem is common among every age group because of pollution, dirt, dust, and poor nutrition.  This acne and pimples leave marks and scars which makes you unattractive. There are many natural ways to treat acne scars and pimple marks such as Aloe Vera, medicated creams, honey, cucumber, and coconut oil. Tips to treat acne scars and pimple marks Laser scar and pimple marks removal treatment Firstly your doctor will give you oral medications in order to remove scars but if these medications do not work properly then he will suggest you pixel laser removal treatment. Acne treatment in Vizag offers you best treatment which includes deep chemical peel, fillers, and skin resurfacing treatment. In addition, Benzoyl peroxide is also an effective solution for scars and pimple marks. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is known as natural healing astringent which gives you many benefits. This is not only effective for scar and pimple removal but also gives you flawless skin. You should apply Aloe vera gel or fresh aloe vera on your skin morning and evening in order to get better results. Because this gel is rich in vitamins and such type of nutrients which are useful to heal the skin. This Aloe Vera gets also give you relief from sunburn because direct UV radiations can also lead to acne and pimple which leave ugly scars and marks. Coconut Oil Coconut oil is well-known as a natural moisturizer because it heals your skin. You should buy organic coconut oil and then apply it directly to scar. Make sure you should avoid surrounding areas because coconut oil also promotes hair growth. You must apply this oil at night and then leave it for a night. In the morning you should wash your face with cold water and do not wash your face immediately after coconut oil. You have to stay patient because it takes time to show results but it gives you permanent results. Cucumber Cucumber is not only a vegetable but it also popular as natural astringent. It is popular among people because it is useful for facial treatments. It also prevents your skin from sunburn which leads to pimple and acne marks. You must cut the cucumber in slice and then apply these pieces on your affected skin. You should massage those cucumber pieces for 10 minutes after then you must wash your face with water. You must apply cucumber twice a week for better results. Lemon and honey You should mix lemon juice and honey in a bowl and then mix them well for better results. After mixing, you must apply this mixture on the marks and scars with the help of cotton balls. You should avoid to apply it with your hands. You should use this four times a week but make sure do not go outside after applying this mixture because it can worsen your condition.

Hair Transplant: India is the country which leads in the business of harvesting hair

Hair Transplant: India is the country which leads in the business of harvesting hair


Hair transplant surgery is a surgical medical procedure which includes transplantation of hair follicles from the back of the head to the affected area. This procedure includes two types of methods such as FUE and FUT additionally both methods are effective and give permanent results. Additionally, hair transplant in India gives you many benefits such as less scarring, natural looks, permanent results, and cost-effective. That’s why bald people choose this procedure more over other medical procedures. Moreover, some type of hair growth or hair loss medication can lead to such type of infections. Why picking hair transplant in India is a great choice? A recent study reveals that India is the country which is now leading in hair transplant business. Many people follow this country because they offer cheap and the best quality hair transplant in the world. Majority of people demonstrate that they offer this procedure at a very low cost as compared to the US cost such as in $2000. whereas the US offer this treatment is $20000 which is too much. FUE FUE hair transplant method is additionally known as Follicular Unit Extraction, in which your surgeon take a single follicular unit from your donor area. Then he will unite the hair grafts in order to transplant these on the affected area. In this method, he does not use a strip in order to collect hair graft. That’s why this method is well-known for less scarring and require less recovery time. Additionally, this system is totally painless because this system does not need any type of incisions. You may feel linear scar which is not noticeable or maybe faded away over time. The surgeons of this country are well trained and experienced, that’s why people follow them. In an interview, they said that people of Arab countries follow hair transplant in India most as compared to others because they encounter this problem more. There is a number of reasons behind hair loss in Arab countries such as hot and dry climate which leads to hair breakage and pulling. The second reason behind this condition in these countries is the habit of covering the head all the time. Because this task leads to dryness and dryness cause dandruff which is responsible for hair fall. The most important and primary reason behind this hair loss condition is purified sea water which is full of sea salt. And many studies reveal that salt is the most cause of hair fall in all age groups. That’s why people of Arab countries lean toward hair transplant procedures at low costs. This will not only treat their baldness but also gives them more permanent and natural looking results.

How does PRP therapy can help to treat the problem of hair loss by stimulating hair growth?

How does PRP therapy can help to treat the problem of hair loss by stimulating hair growth?


Explain PRP? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is referred to as treatment for hair loss. In the past few years, this treatment has been emerged as a non-surgical therapeutic option to treat the problem of hair fall and balding. Sometimes this method is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications to get more effective results. PRP therapy is been in use since the 1980s to treat the issue of injured tendons, muscles, and ligaments. But now the research has shown that this treatment is also effective to stimulate the growth of hairs. If the hair follicles are healthy as well as the roots then the growth of the hairs will also be healthy. The follicles get nutrients from blood supply which make them grow and survive properly.The platelets help in the growth of hairs as they contain protein which is required for the hairs. Basically, this treatment helps in attracting the stem cells and it helps in stimulating the growth of hair follicles. Due to this, the blood supply is also increased to the hair follicles. Additionally, this helps in decreasing the inflammation on the scalp. Explain the procedure of  PRP therapy? There is three steps involved in the Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Most of the times there are three treatments required which are 4 to 6 weeks apart. Firstly, around 30cc of blood is drawn from the arm. This test is similar to the normal blood test. After that, the blood is placed in a centrifuge (a machine which separates the fluid of different densities.) After 10 or 15 minutes, the blood will get separate into different layers which are platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and red blood cells. Then the platelet-rich plasma which is the most effective will be drawn up into the syringe and then it is injected on the scalp where the growth is required or the hairs are very less. Additionally, for effective results, the patient might have to get a treatment every 6 to 12 months. No doubt, the results are quite effective as it stimulates hair growth, make them thick, and make the hairs healthier and more strong. Still, a lot of research is going on find the effectiveness of this treatment. You can consider that this treatment is in the early stages and its effectiveness for very patient is still not clear. It might not be ready to replace the current therapies such as hair transplant, DHT blockers (Propecia), and Minoxidil. Risk PRP therapy is not recommended if you are on blood thinners, for heavy smokers, and who have used the drugs. Additionally, the patients who are diagnosed with following issues are also not suitable for this treatment such as cancer, chronic skin disease, hemodynamic instability, systemic disorder, hypofibrinogenemia, chronic liver disease, low platelet count, thyroid disease, sepsis, acute or chronic infections, and platelet dysfunction syndromes. If you are thinking of getting the treatment then you should get the PRP therapy in India as the doctors are highly experienced as well as qualified.

Hair Restoration: Which technique is best to get the hair to grow back?

Hair Restoration: Which technique is best to get the hair to grow back?


Most people are conscious about how they look and their hairs should perfect. On average, every person loses 50 to 100 strands of hairs. Some people choose this method either get their hairs back or just to later the hairline.  Due to this, people get confused about which method they should choose. So, for that, we have prepared the list to help you choose the right and best method. Surgical Method Hair transplant is the best method of hair restoration and also the most effective. It helps in achieving the desired results which the patient is looking for. There are two methods this surgery. The decision will depend on the FUT (Follicular unit extraction) This method is conventional but still, it is used frequently to treat the problem of hair loss. During the surgery, the surgeon will cut a strip from the back and side of the scalp. After that, the hair follicles are extracted from the strip and then they are transplanted on the affected area where hair growth is very less. The advantage of this method is that the highest numbers of grafts are transplanted. But the problem is that it this leaves a scar on the scalp after the surgery. Additionally, this method is quite uncomfortable because the person has stitches on the scalp and there is swelling on the scalp also. FUE (Follicular Unit Transplantation) If you are not able to cut your hair short then this technique is the right choice for you. This method is gaining popularity because of the technique used. In this method, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the scalp and then they are transplanted on the affected area which is also referred to as donor area. Before the surgery, the donor area is shaved properly. Additionally, this method is quite effective and painless as compared to other methods. Even after the surgery, it does not leave any scar on the scalp and also the swelling goes away in a few weeks. Neograft It is an advanced FUE technique which makes the entire process of surgery. This method is automated which means it makes the removal and transplantation of hair follicles more convenient and fast. The main aim of this method is to reduce the swelling and scarring. Due to this, the recovery process is fast and the hair growth will be seen early. But it is equally important that you should follow the doctor prescription and follow his advice properly. Medications In some cases, the problem can be treated by taking the medication. No doubt, the problem will not be solved completely but it will definitely slow down the process of hair fall and balding. Finasteride The medicine is helpful in stopping the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. This is a hormone which contributes to male pattern baldness. If taken in the early stages, it helps in increasing hair growth. Minoxidil This method also helps in hair growth as it dilates the small blood vessels in the body.

10 Best Hair Transplant Centres in Vizag

10 Best Hair Transplant Centres in Vizag


10 Recommended Centers to visit for hair transplant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Different states and different places have different best surgeons who are undergoing the process of hair transplant surgery. Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre He deals with Hair transplant in men, hair transplant in women, FUE surgery, Facial hair transplant, Follicular hair transplant, Unit by unit technique, Revision hair transplant, Giga sessions, Body hair transplant, etc. This is the most popular cosmetology and hair transplant centre in Visakhapatnam. The chief surgeon in this clinic is Dr. C. Vijay Kumar is one of the most well-known cosmetologists and transplant surgeon. He did almost 1000+ cosmetic surgeries as well as hair transplant surgeries with their ability and well training. Since he has experience of more than 20 years which no one has in Visakhapatnam in cosmology. He is running his hair transplant and cosmetology centre since 1983. Moreover, if you are thinking to get hair transplant surgery from Visakhapatnam then you must visit Dr. Vijay Kumar because he is well experienced who gives you the best results. Scala Skin & Hair TransplantScala skin and hair transplant centre is famous among people because they perform the surgery with careful consideration which offers you the best results in the future. They firstly examine your health condition and then start their procedure so that it cannot harm you in the future. Dr Srinivas Rao M Doctor Srinivas Rao is MBBS and MCH. He deals with and specialises in body hair transplant, eyebrow hair transplant, female baldness pattern, male baldness pattern, FUT, scalp  and hair micro pigmentation and hair growth laser and mesotherapy. Sri Gayatri skin care and hair transplant centre This is the hair transplant and skin care centre which offers you best results with the goal to treat hair loss. The chief surgeon in this centre is Dr.K.Venkatachalam who did many types of researches in this field. That’s why this the second most popular centre in Visakhapatnam. GJ hospitals Gj hospital is famous among people near to clinic because they took treatment from this centre. They said the surgeon is too polite and helpful who guides them about post-care instructions as well. Hair Harmony And YouThis is also one of the leading clinics of hair transplant surgery in Visakhapatnam. You should visit them if you are struggling to treat your hair fall problem. But you are failed to cure this condition, that’s why this is recommended. Dr Raju hair transplantation and Restoration centre The chief surgeon in this centre is Dr. Raju who is well qualified and trained. He did about 200 surgeries in his life because he is running his centre for many years. GHT Hair Transplant Clinic GHT hair transplant clinic was started in 1997 which is now one of the best centre in Visakhapatnam. The chief surgeon in this hair transplantation clinic is DR. K. VENKATA CHALAM, who did MBBS, MD. Transhair hair transplantation clinicThis is the best hair transplantation clinic because the surgeon at there is well-qualified and trained. They will give you the best treatment if you are thinking to visit them in the future in order to get treatment for your problems. DR. JAYA’s Exult Aesthetic Clinic This is the clinic focus of many problems such as Hair fall treatment and some other types of scalp problems. They offer you treatment for male pattern baldness, hair fall, female pattern baldness, and so on. Moreover, the chief surgeon of this centre is DR. SRINIVAS RAO M, who has many years experience.

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