Explain the types of hair loss and also state here treatment options for hair loss?
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How the Treatment of Platelet-rich plasma helps in stimulating hair growth?

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration


Dealing with the issue of hair loss is very difficult. Waking up every morning and seeing lumps of hair on the pillow is not the best way to start the day. Both men and women want their hair should be strong and thick so that they can have a good hair day. But, many people face the problem of thin hair. They even try various at-home treatment, medications, shampoo, conditioner, and topical treatment to prevent hair loss. None of these methods help them.   Does the treatment actually trigger hair growth? Many patients get confused about the treatment and they think it is a facial treatment. But, the PRP method actually helps the hair to grow. This is because our blood contains plasma which is full of protein and it helps to increase the hair growth. Injecting the blood plasma into the scalp will help make the hair follicles to grow again. In case, you are thinking of getting the treatment or want to know more about the procedure then you can contact our doctor for PRP therapy in Visakhapatnam.   How does the procedure of PRP actually work? PRP procedure contains three steps. Additionally, the treatment needs three sessions which are either 4 or 6 weeks apart. One session takes one hour and the patient can go home after that.   Firstly the blood sample will be taken from the arm. After that, it will be put into the centrifuge and it helps in separating the fluid into various densities as the machine is continuously spinning. After ten minutes, the blood gets into three different layers platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. The PRP is then drawn and injected into the scalp where hair growth is very less.   No doubt, this process is still in the research and its effectiveness is on research.   What actually are platelets? Our blood has red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. Platelets are small fragments of the cell which are in the plasma to help heal the wound and prevent clot.   Does the injection directly help in treating hair loss? The hair follicles can shrink because of problems like traction alopecia, pattern hair loss, and androgenetic alopecia. Facing these problems mean the hair will become thin and after a while will not grow. When the platelet injection is injected into the scalp the hair follicles get larger and also become healthy. This means if the hair follicle is strong the hair loss issue will be reversed. Many patients who got the treatment noticed that their hair got thick and healthy.   Can everybody get this treatment? If the problem of hair fall just started then it definitely the patient will get the benefit. If the problem is severe then getting different sessions will help to see improvement.  

Why people choose FUT hair Transplant in order to treat their hair loss or baldness?

Why people choose FUT hair Transplant in order to treat their hair loss or baldness?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair transplant procedure has 2 methods in order to treat your hair loss condition. These are known as FUT and FUE, in which FUE is additionally explained as Follicular Unit Extraction and FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation method. No doubt, both the procedures offer you permanent and natural looking results. But a recent study shows that many people choose FUT hair transplant method over other hair loss treatments. Let’s have a look at why people choose FUT hair transplant more than other treatment options. What is FUT? FUT hair transplant is known as Follicular Unit Transplantation method. This is the traditional and most popular method of hair transplant surgery. In addition, This FUT hair transplant method is also known as Strip method. This procedure has 4 steps of transplantation include-: Preparation of the donor area. Collection of hair from the donor area. Preparing the grafts Transplant at the affected area. What happens during the FUT hair transplant method? First of all your surgeon prepares the donor area, in order to collect the hair. Your back of the head is considered as the main donor area, but if you do not have enough hair growth at that area. Then your surgeon collects hair from another body part, where he finds enough hair growth. Then he performs the hair retrieval process with the help of stripping technique and makes one or two small incisions at the donor area. And then calculate how much hair graft do you need to transplant, and then he prepares the hair grafts according to the amount. At last, he transplants prepared hair grafts at your affected area. And then the surgeon closed the incision at the donor area so that you won’t experience any type of infection. This whole procedure is done through the strip harvesting technique. Utilities of the FUT method Permanent results with a natural look This hair transplant method offers you permanent results with a natural look. Because in this treatment option, your surgeon collects hair graft carefully from the donor area. In addition, with this treatment option, you are able to get back your natural look or appearance. And you do not need any type of other hair loss treatment after getting this FUT transplantation method. The highest grade of baldness is covered with FUT People who are completely bald can get the benefit from this treatment. Because this is the treatment option which offers you the highest grade of coverage. Because with the strip harvesting method your surgeon is able to collect a higher number of grafts in order to transplant them on the affected or bald area. Affordable treatment This treatment option is less expensive as compared to other treatment options. There is no need to worry because you can simply afford this FUT treatment.

Explain the most common hair problems and the ways to solve them?

Explain the most common hair problems and the ways to solve them?


Hair Loss: Hair is the most essential feature of both men and women. But, sometimes the maintenance and care it needs are not properly given which eventually leads to a problem.  Home Remedy Take 3 tablespoons of onion juice and organic castor oil. Mix both of them in a bowl. If it is too thick then ass almond oil (2 tablespoons). Apply this on the scalp and let it stay for around one hour. It would be even better if you leave it overnight. It really helps the hair to get nourished and make them thick.   Treatment You should keep your diet proper, do not take stress, and follow proper health. care routine. In case, if the problem is increasing then you should get a hair transplant. You can consult the doctor about treatment of Hair Transplant in Vizag.   Dandruff Dandruff is another issue which is faced by many people. With this, the scalp either gets dry or extremely oily.   Home Remedy Add coconut oil (3 tbsp), fresh lemon juice (3 tbsp), and tea tree essential oil (few drops). Mix them well, apply it on the scalp and massage. Leave it for at least half n hour and this surely helps to reduce the problem.  Treatment You can buy anti-dandruff shampoo from the market and using them as prescribed will help to prevent the problem.   Dry hair Having dryness means the hair is damaged. This can occur because of dry scalp or dry hair. Basically, it occurs when natural oil from the scalp get stripped away.  Home Remedy You need one banana, 2 tablespoon yogurt, and 2 tablespoon honey. Mash the banana and add the other two ingredients. If it is thick then you can add coconut oil or olive oil is little amount. This mask helps to increase the moisture level in the hair.      Treatment You should use shampoo and conditioner sulfate-free. Make sure to use conditioning mask at least once in a week. Do not use too much hair tools.   Grey Hair Many young people suffer from the issue of having Grey hair. Home Remedy You need one egg, half cup henna powder, and 1 tablespoon yogurt. Whisk the egg and add henna powder, then add yogurt in it. This mask really helps the hair to get proper nourishment.   Treatment The Grey hair can be a cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency, genetics, or excess hydrogen peroxide. Although there is no such treatment for curing Grey hair doctors usually prescribe supplements to deal with this issue.   Frizzy hair The hair gets frizzy because of genetics, humidity, and hair damage.   Home Remedy Take 5 part of water and Apple cider vinegar (1 part), then mix them properly. You can use a spray bottle to apply this mixture on the hair after washing the hair. Make sure you do not rinse your hair after applying this mixture.   Treatment Make sure you use shampoo and conditioner which are specifically designed for dealing the frizzy hair.

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