Tips If You're Considering Liposuction Surgery

Tips If You’re Considering Liposuction Surgery

Tips If You're Considering Liposuction Surgery

You must have heard about liposuction, right? If not, we would like to tell you that it is a procedure which sucks out fat from specific areas of the body.  Liposuction surgery In vizag is possible if you are stationed in south India.

Are you fit for it?

To find out if you are a good candidate for liposuction, check out how many conditions you fulfil-

1. It is beneficial for those people who are within 30 per cent of their ideal weight. They might be having localized areas of fat deposits which show no reduction after exercise and diet.

2. The patient should have good skin elasticity and firm muscle tone. The patient might not benefit at all if he has loose hanging skin.

3. The candidate should have good general health. He should also have a positive outlook along with realistic expectations from the surgery.

Limitations of Liposuction

It will not be able to knock off a great amount of fat from your body. You can expect a reduction in the range of 1-10 pounds, not more than that.

Removal of Large volume of fats will also pose trouble as it can lead to safety risks, and skin rippling.

Risks and Complications

When it comes to Liposuction, you can’t expect it to be devoid of any risks. It can lead to the following complications in extreme cases-

It can lead to necrosis or tissue death

  1. Fat clots—these happen when fat goes into the bloodstream and blocks the blood vessels.
  1. All risks associated with anesthesia can be triggered if you are sensitive to it .
  1. It can also result in excessive bleeding, also called hematoma
  1. It may result in persistent swelling or pain.
  1. The results may make the body appear asymmetrical .
  1. It can also lead to deep vein thrombosis.
  1. There can be other undesirable after-effects like sagging of the skin, skin discoloration, contour irregularities or unfavorable scarring.
  1. Some signs like chest pain, unusual heartbeats, shortness of breath, or excessive bleeding should be treated as an emergency and you should call your doctor as soon as possible if that is the case.


The cost is a variant factor which depends on the number and size of the area being operated. The technique used also influences the cost factor. Your geographical area, surgeon’s skills, lab fees, anesthesia, compression garments, and medications are some of the factors which influence the cost of the procedure.

Before you go under the knife

Before the procedure, you will be asked to undergo some tests so that the status of your health could be ascertained. The tests usually include full health check-ups and a detailed history of your weight.

You might be required to give up or start some medications. Usually, the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements is stopped two weeks before the surgery.

What to Expect during the surgery

Anesthesia will be administered after marking the target areas and checking your vital parameters. Small incisions are made through which the fat is suctioned out using hollow metal tubes called cannula. The incisions are closed with the help of sutures after this process.