Are people considering cosmetic surgical procedures in the pandemic?
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Are people considering cosmetic surgical procedures in the pandemic?

Are people considering cosmetic surgical procedures in the pandemic?


When the pandemic commenced, then for the plastic surgery world, it was not at all a good time since people were lacking faith in the surgical procedures. The lockdown guidelines were banning all the practices which are required to carry out plastic surgery procedures; only those procedures which were reconstructive were allowed. However, now the situation is getting better and people are again finding the procedure useful. Are people interested in taking cosmetic surgeries during the pandemic? All of us have become lazy in this lockdown period and none of us wants to get out of our loose pants and trousers. So how can they be interested in taking up the procedure? They surely will since no matter how lazy the individual is, everybody wants to look good and enhance their facial features. This is the predominant reason that the visitors on the cosmetic blog posts have considerably risen during the lockdown. Despite the financial crisis, can people approach cosmetic surgeons? The Lockdown period results in the banning of everything from public transport to food delivery. So in that condition, if you are the one who used to commute every day to visit the office or who likes to eat the food from different restaurants, then the pandemic has allowed you to save money for cosmetic procedures. Fact to know The pandemic has given people a lot of time to thoroughly analyze the fine lines, wrinkles and other facial deformities. Because of this, the people are willing to take up the procedure. How has 2020 remained a trend changing year for plastic surgery? Many things changed in 2020. Staying relevant with the topic, a lot has also been changed as far as plastic surgery is concerned. Previous trends Previously the people were more interested in breast augmentation procedures which were performed with the help of the following: Liposuction Rhinoplasty Eyelid Surgery Facelifts Ongoing trends But now the people are more interested in taking up facelifts and chin liposuction. Also, the specifications of the people have changed. So if you are also interested in undertaking any of the cosmetic procedures, then kindly give us a chance to serve you.  For an initial consultation, book your appointment with us right away. For any other query, do an effort to ring us. Rest is our responsibility.

FACELIFT PROCEDURE – What happens before, after and during the surgery?

FACELIFT PROCEDURE - What happens before, after and during the surgery?


The facelift procedure is the common cosmetic procedure on which people are relying the most to enhance their facial appearance. So if you are also reading this blog because you want to undergo facelift surgery, then here are a few things that you should know: What is involved in the facelift procedure? A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that helps to obtain a youthful appearance by beating the consequences of ageing like skin sagging and wrinkles. Important information The facelift surgery is accountable for targeting and treating the lower portion of the face which may include the following: Cheeks Mouth Jawline What can you expect during the surgery? The number and the type of techniques used will heavily rely on your cosmetic concerns. Before beginning the procedure, the doctor may administer you with anaesthesia. Also, it is relevant to mention here that the type of anaesthesia used will also be dependent on your medical condition. The type of technique will decide where the incisions are to be placed. Usually, the incisions are made either within the creases and around the hairline. Usually, all the techniques which are used for the facelift must include the following: Removal of the excess fat Repositioning of the tissues Lifting facial muscles No sooner the procedure will be completed than the surgeon will seek the closing of the stitches with the help of the adhesives. How far will the recovery period go? The overall recovery period lasts no more than a period of 2 weeks. During that period you have to endure the following: Swelling Redness Tightness Just Ponder over it At the cost of the slight discomfort, you can obtain a youthful appearance. Scarring after the procedure is quite common. So do not get worried, if such a thing happens as it will fade away on its own gradually with time and within the recovery period. You have to wait for at least two to three months after the procedure. How should you find the ideal plastic surgeon? The plastic surgeon is supposed to be certified by the board. If he is not certified, then you should bever consider him for undergoing the procedure. A little point to note When you are finding the surgeon, make sure you are relying on the one who is skilled in the particular procedure. How should you prepare for the procedure? Take care of the following points before undergoing the procedure: As the doctor will suggest you give yourself a complete rest then you should hire a maid beforehand who would help you to cook the meal. Call someone at your place who will help you to render your responsibilities for a few weeks. You should follow the necessary instructions which the doctor has guided you with. Following these instructions will help you to obtain the desired results from the procedure. Also, no such huge discomfort is experienced during the procedure. Why should you consider Dr VJs cosmetic surgery and hair transplantation centre for undergoing the surgery? You must consider Dr VJs cosmetic surgery and the hair transplant centre for undergoing the surgery because: At our clinic, the procedure is performed by board-certified professionals. The use of the latest technology is done to perform the surgery. The patient is given due care after the procedure. The doctors provide the individualistic treatment plan based on the medical needs of the individual. The responsibility of our doctors is not only limited till the procedure is performed. Rather the doctors also conduct a few follow up sessions after the procedure which to track the results of the patients.

Breast reduction surgery – Eligibility criteria, Benefits and mechanism

Breast reduction surgery - Eligibility criteria, Benefits and mechanism


The breast size of all the women is completely different from one another. The ideal breast size should neither be so small that it attacks your self-esteem nor it should be too large that it creates a hurdle for you to perform the daily activities. So if you are bothered with any of the situations of either the enlarged breasts or the small breasts, then you can take up the breast augmentation and the breast reduction procedure respectively. In today’s blog post, we are only going to discuss breast reduction surgery. How does the breast reduction surgery help to get the ideal size? The accumulation of the excess fatty tissues or cells leads to an increment in the size of the breasts. Thus the breast reduction surgery aims at getting rid of the stubborn fatty tissues that do not respond to the changes in the diet and the lifestyle. What are the requirements to become an eligible candidate for the surgery? There are no such hard and fast eligibility criteria for the women who want to undergo this treatment. But yes! Most importantly, women are required to be in good health. Along with that, she should not be having any unrealistic expectations. Important information There is no such age bar to undergo the surgery. Teenage girls can also undergo this surgery. But it’s better to wait until the girl is 18. As her body gains more energy to get rehabilitated. What are the benefits of undergoing the bars reduction surgery? The breast reduction surgery may help you with the following: With the enlarged breasts, the women are sure to get bothered with persistent back pain. So undergoing breast reduction surgery will help you thoroughly. You can gain the ideal posture for your body with the surgical procedure which got deteriorated owing to the enlarged breasts. Wearing a bra when your breasts are too large can cause you to suffer from the indentations of the bar straps. This is the biggest relief that every woman with enlarged breasts sought. The sagging and the large size breasts make you irritated when you are on the hilly journey as the movement of the breasts make you suffer from pain. The enlarged breasts may make you embarrass while having sex. So the surgery can also benefit you to enjoy those special moments. How much of the fatty tissue is extracted from the body? About 200 to 400 grams of excessive fat get deposited in the breasts which are usually removed from the body. But in the rarest and the extreme cases, this deposit may get raised to 700 to 800 grams. Are breast lifts and breast reductions the same? The procedure and the motive of both the surgeries are the same Both of this help to achieve the following: Breast reshaping Breast size-reduction Breast contouring Bottom Line Several factors are responsible to find out how much of the tissue is to be removed from the breasts. Usually, the size of the breasts along with the blood supply to the nipple is accounted for before strategising the plan for excessive breast fat removal.

What are chemical peels and how is it done? When can you expect the results?

What are chemical peels and how is it done? When can you expect the results?


If you want to have that glowing and radiant skin, chemical peels are the perfect option for you. Let’s make you understand in detail, how these are done, their results, and much more. What are chemical peels? Chemical Peels will improve the skin’s appearance. During the treatment, your medical expert will apply a chemical solution to the area to be treated. Once the solution is applied, it starts forming blisters and it feels like they are coming off. Once that is done, you will see new skin, with a reduced amount of wrinkles as compared to your earlier skin. Chemical peels can be done on different body parts like: Hands Neck Face How are chemical peels beneficial? Chemical peels can provide you with the following benefits which are mentioned below: Reduce fine lines which are present around the mouth and under the eye area. Reduce the wrinkled appearance caused due to aging and sun damage. Mild scars appearance is improved. Make your skin feel like new and fresh Reduce age spots, dark patches, and freckles which are caused due to consumption or birth control pills and pregnancy. Sun damage area gets better. Might be considered effective to treat certain acne Can a chemical peel make my skin sensitive? Once you have got the chemical peel, your skin is going to be sensitive for a certain time, which is normal. When you want to step out, make sure that you lather on the sunscreen. Make sure to buy the sunscreen which has been mentioned as “broad-spectrum”. This way your skin will be protected against UVA and UVB rays. Make sure the SPF level is above 30. Although, you need to limit yourself from going out in-between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Who is a suitable candidate for a chemical peel? Generally, a chemical peel is suggested as the best option for candidates who are: Fair-skinned Light-haired patients Darker skin can also get it The doctor will determine what is the problem to be treated. So, make sure that you consult the doctor and understand better about the way it can benefit you. What you should know before you get a chemical peel? During the initial consultation, you need to inform the doctor about: Past medical history of scarring, cold sores (come back often), and undergone any facial X-rays. Before the chemical peels, you need to stop the consumption of harmful drugs. Moreover, the doctor can recommend antiviral medications and antibiotics. The doctor may suggest you prepare the skin by taking the medications like: Glycolic acid Renova Retina-A How to determine the right type of peel for your face? You should consult the doctor and understand what type of peel depth will suit you the best. The doctor will be able to determine what is the right kind of peel, depending on the: Skin type The severity of Skin damage Downtime with each of them Budget With that said, there is 3 depth with chemical peels which includes: Superficial Targets the epidermal layer Downtime: 3 to 5 days Not repeated multiple times to manage the results Medium Peel Peels down the skin beneath the reticular dermis Downtime: 7 to 10 days Need to take utmost protection from the sun Deep Peel Not used that often and the person need to take utmost care of themselves Downtime: 10 t 14 days How are chemical peels done? A chemical peel is done at the doctor’s office and it is an outpatient method. This means you can go back to your home on the same day. To begin with the procedure, the doctor will make sure the skin is clean. Following that, the doctor will apply a chemical solution to the problematic area. One or a combination of the following acids are applied: Glycolic acid Trichloroacetic acid Salicylic acid Lactic acid Carbolic acid (phenol) Once that is done the new skin will come back in its place. For 5 to 10 minutes, you will experience a burning sensation, and then comes the stinging sensation. To manage it, the doctor will ask you to apply a cold compress to the area and it will help you. In case, you have got a deeper peel then the doctor will suggest medications. As mentioned above, you need to protect your skin against sun damage. So, make sure that you apply sunscreen. Are there any possible complications? Certain skin types might have a permanent or temporary color change, once you have undergone the chemical peel. If you are on birth control pills or have subsequent pregnancies, then it is likely to occur. If someone has had herpes in the past, then it might come out and chances of cold sores. In such conditions, the doctor will suggest the medications and get them treated. If you think this procedure is best for you, then book your initial consultation without any delay and get the treatment plan for you.

Everything you should be knowing about the PRP treatment and preparation

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration


There are many kinds of hair loss treatments. But today we are going to discuss the PRP treatment. What is meant by PRP? The platelets are autologously prepared to be infused in the plasma in the PRP treatment. PRP is a procedure that is hugely relied on because of the quick wound healing and rapid recovery. When the alpha granules which are present in the platelets are activated, then the following varieties of the proteins are released: PDGF – Platelet derived growth factor TGF – Transforming growth factor VEGF – Vascular Endothelial growth factor IGF – Insulin like growth factor EGF – Epidermal growth factor IL – Interleukin Why has PRP given so much importance during todays’ time? Because of the following benefits, the PRP treatment has not only significantly attracted the hair loss treatment industry, but it has been successful in making its special space in the plastic, cardiac and orthopaedic surgery: Skin Rejuvenation Rapid healing Reduced Infection No hypertrophic keloids and scars How does PRP treatment work for hair loss treatment? As long as the hair loss treatment is concerned, PRP is so beneficial because of its growth factors. The growth factors are supposed to activate the following Proliferative Phase Transdifferentiate of the hair When the above-mentioned is triggered, then the production of the new follicular units can be observed. Who plays an important role in lengthening the hair shafts? bFGF is known to play an important role in making the hair shafts broadened by triggering the in vitro proliferation in certain kinds of cells. Usually, the papilla cells are triggered. How is PRP prepared? There are many ways by which PRPP can be prepared. But the use of the Double spin method is most commonly observed. This procedure involves the separation of the layers of the blood cells. No sooner the platelets are activated, than the growth factors are triggered. These are accountable for affecting various varieties of cells in the mitogenic form. What is observed among the patients? Following things are observed among the patients who have taken up the PRP treatment: As soon as the four seasons of the PRP treatment is completed, then the hair loss test comes out to be negative. The visible improvements in the hair volume and the coverage is what makes the patients feel tempted to get treated through this approach only. The density of the hair can also be improved What is the main idea behind using the PRP treatment? The PRP treatment helps trigger your body to stimulate the growth of the new tissues that could replace the damaged tissues. How should you prepare yourself for the PRP injections? There are several ways by which you can get injected with the PRP. Following are the examples of how can the PRP be injected into the scalp: The scalp may be applied with the numbing solution before the injection is to be applied. The PRP is mixed with the local anaesthesia to make sure that no discomfort is being experienced. What is the mechanism of PRP preparation? Step 1: Blood sample First of all, the doctor will take a sample of your blood. Important point The amount of the blood sample will vary depending upon the type of area where it is supposed to get injected. Step 2: Separation process The blood will be placed in the machine that is accountable for spinning around rapidly. This machine is known as the centrifuge which carries out the separation process in no more than 15 minutes. Step 3: The injection preparation process In this process, the technologist will prepare the injection of the separated plasma. Step 4: Injection in the affected area When the injection is to be injected in the affected area, the doctor will take the help of the imaging tests which may include the ultrasound etc. What is the cost of the PRP treatment? It is not possible to give you the ex vat figure of the cost as it is different for different people. Other factors which affect the cost are the location, the type of the PRP injection, the preparation of the PRP injection. What if you do not take the PRP treatment from a reputed doctor? If you do not take the PRP treatment from a skilled and highly qualified doctor, then you may end up risking yourself with the following: Severe pain at the injection site Any kind of the Infection Damage in tissues Injured nerves

What are varicose veins? How are these diagnosed and treated?

What are varicose veins? How are these diagnosed and treated?


The affliction of the varicose veins is so common these days that 25% and 15% of women and men come across this respectively. The varicose veins can either be twisted or swollen or both. This problem usually appears on the legs. Customarily, people are concerned about varicose veins treatment just to enhance the appearance but sometimes it is an indication of some serious health problem. It has been observed that the varicose veins may lead to the following; Venous leg ulcers Deep vein thrombosis Why do the varicosities come into origin? The varicosities come into existence when the legs encounter extreme pressure which may lead to the weakening and destruction of either the valves or the walls of the veins. Any superficial vein is at the risk of getting afflicted by the varicose veins. Do you know If you keep on standing for prolonged hours, then it may contribute to skin breakdown. When does the encounter of the varicose vein become quite common? It becomes customary when the woman is in her postnatal period. People of older ages are also prone to these problems. Which other consequences can be faced apart from that of the aesthetics? No doubt, the varicose veins may contribute to the deteriorated look of the body, but apart from that, these also contribute in the following: Discomfort Itchiness Heaviness The amazing fact about Varicose veins Varicose veins are one of the pre-stages of the CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency). It is a condition that produces considerable impact on the lower leg venous circulation. What are venous leg ulcers? By venous leg ulcers, we mean the eventual stage of the CVI. These are the open wounds that usually occur around the ankle. The aggravation of the problem is not encountered in all cases. Rather only 10% of cases get affected by this. Why are the varicose veins patients considered risky? The patients who are suffering from varicose veins are at risk of getting developed with the DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). No sooner the blot clot gets encountered in the deep veins than the DVT starts bothering you with the illness and disability. What are the consequences of the bleeding varicose veins? If you come across the condition of the varicose veins, then the following conditions may be encountered: Skin changes in the lower legs Swelling Persistent itching Continuous Pain Lower leg ulcers The appearance of hard veins Why do the doctors perform the ultrasound for the diagnosis of the varicose veins? The ultrasound helps to know if there are any blood clots in the legs. What if the blood clots or any issues regarding the varicose veins are found? If any issue is found, then the doctor proceeds to provide the treatment through radiofrequency ablation. Important information The varicose veins may again come into existence if the individual has not taken the right precautionary or preventive measures into account. The modifications in the lifestyle help to prevent this situation. If you experience any symptom of the Varicose veins, please make sure that you are consulting with the doctor at the early stage. Otherwise, you may face the aggravated consequences of the same.

Why is India the best place for undergoing various cosmetic procedures?

Why is India the best place for undergoing various cosmetic procedures?


All of us know India for its best food and weather. The people of India are so welcoming and cordial. Wait! Wait! Wait!.. This is not all. India is now considered the best country for health tourism. Even people are somehow managing to visit India for medical reasons. Medical tourism is a crucial constituent of the economy of India. But the hospitals in India are taking proper covid measures into account to make sure that none of the patients should get affected with the infections. Keep in mind Now India is not only known as the best place for holidays, but it is standing apart in the league of medical treatments. Because of the advanced and cost-effective treatment options, people are making their way to this country since they can’t afford delay. India is emerging as the safest and most secure country as far as the COVID precautions are concerned. Which patients can get the treatment from clinic centres situated in India? The patients who are registered with the company houses are eligible for undergoing the following treatments with the aid of skilled & expert doctors. The cosmetic and other medical treatments are usually provided at internationally approved hospitals. These hospitals make use of the latest techniques for the ultimate perfection in the procedure. How are the clinics in India helping the doctors to provide the treatments? The partnership of the doctors with the clinics are helping them to emerge in more than 2000 countries which does include the following countries: UK Netherlands USA Belgium Sweden Spain France Italy Which kind of treatment can you get with VJ India? Following kinds of treatments are being offered by the VJ India: Cosmetic procedures Liposuction Breast Augmentation Breast reduction Breast uplift Thigh lift ‘ Facelift Neck lift Rhinoplasty Chin implant Brow lift Arm lift Tummy tuck Eyelid surgery Hair transplant procedures Beard transplant Moustache transplant Eyebrow transplant Dental procedures Zirconium EMAX crowns Dental Implants Dental veneers Hollywood smile Why is India so renowned for the treatment? India is so renowned for the treatment because it facilitates its customers with the additional comfort and the convenience to undergo the procedure. What are the views of the various companies in India? Various companies in India are of the view that they want their patients to just focus on their procedures. They do not let their patients worry about the hotels and the transfers. They do everything on their own. These companies provide all the amenities to the patient. Medical garments are also provided by these. The packages are so cost-effective that any individual could afford them. How are the consultations in India carried out? The consultation in India is taking place by taking all the COVID safety precautions into account. In India, people are also facilitated with the customised services. Bottom Line If you want to take any kind of cosmetic, dental or hair transplant treatment, then make sure you are visiting the reputed clinic as they provide you with the services of professional and expert doctors.

What you need to consider while planning for breast reduction surgery?

What you need to consider while planning for breast reduction surgery?


Overview With medical advancement, it has made it possible for women with large breasts to get their size reduced. Breast reduction surgery is in huge demand among women, as it helps to lift off the huge weight from their chest and they feel comfortable. Moreover, the large breast can even result in neck and back pain, & women have trouble doing exercise. Not only that, but they have trouble finding their favorite clothing items, and the bra strap results in excess pain. This is where breast reduction surgery is a highly beneficial procedure and it does not even have any risks. No doubt, it is your personal preference whether you want to undergo this procedure or not. In this blog, we are going to highlight the factors which you should consider while planning to get breast reduction surgery. Factors to consider while planning for breast reduction surgery Boost in self-esteem Most of the women you will come across who have chosen this option, we always say have a sudden boost of self-confidence and self-esteem. Research has even shown that women’s physical health is improved with this surgery. Around 95% of the patients always say they are grateful that they opted for this surgical method. You need to take it slow No doubt, the procedure in itself is highly beneficial. The surgery takes around 3 hours and depending on your condition, you might go home on the same day or the next morning. But, after the surgery, you will feel tired and sore. To recover from the surgery, you need to take it slow, so that the healing goes easily. Although, you need to keep yourself active and move regularly. The initial few weeks might be tough but the results are worth it. The doctor will determine what is best You must keep your expectations realistic. Sometimes a woman wants one or 2 cup sizes down, but that is not possible. This is because of the breast size and composition. During the initial consultation, the doctor will determine what is best for you, so make sure to do what the doctor says. Breast lift is also done During the surgery, the excess tissues & skin is removed to get the smaller breast size. Apart from that, the nipple size is moved up which eventually gives it a lift. It leaves scars but they are not visible The best part of this surgery is that incision wounds are placed on the bottom of the breast, which makes it not visible. When you choose the best surgeon, he will make sure the incisions are precisely placed so that there is no problem. Decreased nipple sensation Right after the surgery, the nipples feel numb and the sensation is also lost. Although, it happens temporarily and within 1 or 2 months it will come back. You should talk to the surgeon and clear your concern on this aspect. Take the right first step You need to begin, by consulting the surgeon who is board-certified and has the expertise to perform the surgery. Book your initial consultation, for detailed information.

Fatty Liver Disease: Can Gynecomastia occur due to hormonal imbalance?

A Simple Guide to Understanding and Addressing Male Breast Enlargement


Overview Fatty Liver disease sometimes does not have any symptoms and sometimes people are not that cautious which eventually makes the condition worse. In case you notice enlarged breasts, then there is a possibility of hormonal imbalance in the body. The reason for the same might be fatty liver disease. Although, in the case of enlarged breasts in men undergoing gynecomastia surgery will improve the condition What is fatty liver disease? Fatty liver disease is the condition of fat accumulation in the liver. It happens due to 2 major reasons which are: Alcoholic Non-alcoholic (NAFLD) The latter one is due to bad lifestyle factors like being overweight and an increase in blood sugar level. This condition can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body which leads to gynecomastia. With this problem, the breast gland tissue in men is increased. The imbalance of whether testosterone and estrogen can affect both or one of the breasts. Hormone imbalance Liver damage makes it difficult to regulate and break down hormone production. In the case of men, gynecomastia problem occurs whereas in women the menstrual cycle is impacted. Gynecomastia is the reason for the imbalance between the sex hormones which are estrogen and testosterone. Due to estrogen, the breast tissues start growing in the body. In the case of men when it is produced the testosterone gets higher and estrogen production is stopped, which leads to gynecomastia condition. In the same manner, hormonal changes in the body can lead to the growth of the male breast. Moreover, the reason behind hormonal imbalance is also not known. If you are concerned about your situation, then make sure to seek help from the doctor right away. Who is at higher risk of fatty liver disease? Postmenopausal woman (a woman whose periods have stopped). Have obesity with an increased amount of belly fat. Have diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Have obstructive sleep apnoea (This situation results in a blocked airway that causes breathing to stop and start during sleep). Get treatment without any delay Patients with fatty liver disease are suggested weight loss along with following a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. If you are suspected to have gynecomastia then our surgeon can customize a treatment approach for you. Undergoing the surgery will help to gain back your confidence and you can go out without worrying about anything. Schedule your initial consultation and get the best care from our experienced doctor.

What should you know about Gynecomastia and its treatments?

Gynecomastia Surgery Complication Made Simple


Gynecomastia is a problem which is encountered by males in which they are bothered by the enlarged breasts. The enlargement of the breasts among the males is enough to destroy their masculine image. To get rid of that problem, gynecomastia treatment is relied on. One of the successful treatment alternatives for this problem is the surgical approach. Gynecomastia surgery in Vizag is carried out to make the patients attain the masculine look all over again with the reduction in the plumpiness and the broadness of the moobs. Facts about the GYNECOMASTIA Either one breast or both breasts can encounter the problem. Both boys and men can get affected by this. (This problem has been observed in the newborn baby as well) The breasts can become excessively plumpy in some cases. Those conditions are known as pseudogynecomastia. Which are the symptoms of gynecomastia? The gynecomastia is on the cards if you have come across the following symptoms: Enlarged breasts Tender breasts Plumpy breasts The feeling of a slight bump or lump behind the nipple What causes gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is usually brought about by excessive changes in hormones. These hormones experience changes during the following phases: Birth Puberty Ageing There are two kinds of hormones which are known the estrogen and testosterone which are responsible for passing the masculine and the feminine traits among individuals. Why do newborn babies suffer from the enlargement of the breasts? The newborn babies who are observed with the enlargement of the breasts usually have too much estrogen levels because of which their breasts experience abnormal changes. These hormones get passed to the babies through their mothers. How common is it among teenage boys? 4 out of 10 teenage boys do suffer from this problem. This condition sometimes goes off on its own as soon as puberty is over. But some cases can only get treated with the help of surgeries. Why do older men suffer from this problem? The regulation in the balance of the hormones is usually caused by ageing. The following conditions are responsible for making the older man more prone to these problems: Tumours in the glands like the adrenal gland, pituitary gland Tumour in the testes An overactive thyroid is also known as the hyperthyroidism Kidney diseases Liver diseases Which medication can contribute to the bringing of the problem? Following problems can contribute significantly to the problem: Intake of the medications prescribed for the treatment of either AIDS or HIV Chemotherapy and radiation therapy Intake of the antibiotics Long time consumption of the medications for the treatment of the heart disease Tricyclic antidepressants Intake of the drugs may include the following: Opioids Anabolic steroids Amphetamines Heroin Marijuana Does lifestyle also contribute to this problem? If the individual is not living a good lifestyle then he may surely get bothered with the enlargements of the breasts. The males should make sure that they are taking enough measures in account to avoid the encounter of the following: Obesity Excessive consumption of the alcohol Intake of the estrogen through medications or foods that may contain the soy Can breast cancer be caused by gynecomastia? In the rarest cases, it has been found out that the main cause of breast cancer is gynecomastia. The lumps which are formed during prostate cancer are significantly different as compared to those which are formed as a consequence of gynecomastia surgery. How can gynecomastia be diagnosed? It takes a physical examination to look out whether you are suffering from the problem of gynecomastia or not. No sooner you get to face the plumpness in the breasts than you should consider visiting the doctor. The doctor will determine based on the physical examination whether further tests are required for the diagnosis of the gynecomastia: An ultrasound. Mammogram. Breast biopsy Is there any way by which we can prevent gynecomastia? In most cases of gynecomastia, the problem cannot be prevented. These are caused by the changes in the hormonal levels and the excessive tampering with the hormonal levels is not at all suggested. Adults can prevent the problem by stopping intaking the medications and various kinds of drugs. If you are prescribed some medications, then make sure you are asking the doctor whether it will produce any side effects on your body or not. How can the problem of gynecomastia be treated? Usually, gynecomastia does not need treatment. But your doctor may call you for the follow-up sessions to check the size of your breasts. If the size keeps on increasing, then the doctor may consider carrying out any kind of surgical approach. If the treatment needs to be carried out, then there will be several options for the doctors to choose from. Based on the signs and the symptoms of the problem, the doctor will look for the ideal treatment option. The doctor has to keep a lot of things in mind before choosing the ideal procedure. Important point If you have been taking any prescribed medication for a long time, then make sure you are consulting your doctor before suddenly dropping the intake. What can you do to make your appearance better? If you will follow the subsequent measures, then gynecomastia can never bother you: Stop the consumption of the illegal drugs Make positive and good changes in the lifestyle Start intaking the hormone regulation medications with the prescription of the doctor. Can gynecomastia last through their lives? In some cases, it does stay forever. But as far as the newborn and the teenage boys are concerned, then gynecomastia does not last that long. Even the physique of the children gets back to the normal shape immediately after the period of 6 months to 1 year. Bottom Line To deal with gynecomastia, you need consultation from the right doctors. If you are not guided right in the matter, then you may end up destroying your masculine body structure forever. So we would like to suggest you take consultation from us. We shall be more than happy to guide you

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