The Different Concerns Of Follicular Unit Extraction

The Different Concerns Of Follicular Unit Extraction

The Different Concerns Of Follicular Unit Extraction

The Follicular Unit Extraction technique is a modern type of hair transplantation. It is much loved compared to the Follicular Unit Transplantation, which is a traditional method. This particular technique has various concerns which are;

Follicular Unit Extraction as a surgery

The surgical procedure comes after a decision between the patient and the surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon observes the affected region and will also probably mark the scalp to clearly identify the affected region form the donor area. He will calculate the needed number of hair follicles for the procedure.

Is FUE Surgery recommended for all hair loss types?

The technique is a major solution to hair loss, but not every hair loss type can be effectively treated through FUE hair transplant surgery. This goes to Alopecia areata patients since hair loss is triggered by the autoimmune system itself. When a hair transplant is conducted, hair will fall out again after 4 months.

Most alopecia areata patients are not are not helped through surgeries unless an expert is approached to conduct a biopsy before the procedure

Anesthesia in Hair transplantation

Any hair transplant procedure requires anesthesia since sharp instruments are used to extract hair from the donor area to the recipient region. It is always administered after a simple chat with the anesthesiologist. He will ask you for any reactions you have ever experienced with anesthesia or any allergy. Just the necessary amount is administered

Extraction with the Micropunching Technique

Unlike FUT, grafts in FUE are harvested individually from the donor area to the bald region. The procedure involves no strips that will require stitches at the end of the procedure.

During extraction, the surgeon will ask you to sit with your face facing down on a comfortable clinical chair. The donor area would be identified, exactly that with the strongest grafts to be implanted. With the help of a micropunch, the grafts will be harvested from the donor area and 2500 can be extracted within one day.

The Recipient Site

The recipient site is always the bald region and in this part, tiny incisions are made where the hair grafts are to be implanted. These incisions are made using a specified needle with a diameter not bigger than the hair follicles. The holes are made and the depth has to be observed in the process.

Implanting the hair follicles

Single follicular units will be inserted in the front region, whereas in the following areas, hair is implanted as the surgeon may observe in order to create natural results. The surgeon’s artistic skills play a bigger role in attaining the best results for a patient.

Postoperative care and treatment

It is a crucial phase of a hair transplant since many have ended up with complications that cost them. Take the antibiotics as the surgeon may recommend and see that you visit a surgeon on the scheduled days. In case of major bleeding, see a surgeon as that is a complication. Always follow that surgeon’s instructions since he provides them as per a patient’s condition

For more details, you can listen to the following testimonial video of a patient