Hair transplant: Explain the treatment and surgery of hair transplant step-by-step?
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What are the various reasons when and why men need Hair Transplant Surgery

What are the various reasons when and why men need Hair Transplant Surgery


Hair loss is a common health condition in both sexes. Many people suffer from this condition due to some diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and PCOS. Many women experience this problem due to pregnancy. Nowadays, this problem can be cured with the help of hair transplant surgery which gives you the best results. With medical advances happening each day, hair transplantation is becoming more popular across the world. Truth be told, it is presently the most well-known medical procedure in men. Hair transplantation has made considerable progress. The most developed method is follicular unit extraction (FUE), in which hair follicles are extricated from the back of the scalp and transferred to the affected area. There are the main reasons why and when men swing to hair transplantation methods. Why the men need hair transplant procedure?   Excessive hair loss-: The foremost reason to get hair transplant is excessive hair loss in men. This condition happens due to stress, excess consumption of liquor, and smoking. Many people experience this issue due to a genetic factor, for example, if their elders had this problem then they will definitely encounter this issue. Certain diseases-: When men encounter certain diseases such as cancer, and diabetes, they can experience hair loss. Additionally, the treatment of cancer which is known as chemotherapy can lead to this problem. Diabetes is additionally responsible for this issue in men. There are many other medications that are responsible for hair loss such as too much vitamin A and anti-depressants. Many people experience this problem due to a thyroid problem. Alopecia-: This is the condition which occurs due to deep stress in men. Men who have a hectic schedule of working or some other type of stress can lead to Alopecia. Which cannot be cured without hair transplant surgery? There is no such type of medications that are helpful to cure the Alopecia condition. Why hair transplant is needed? Results are permanent The consequences of an FUE method regardless of whether done by the hand of a specialist or by the robotic arm are permanent. Transplanted hair normally develops following 4 months, and in 2 years it will have accomplished its full thickness. As there are no noticeable scars, individuals are not constrained to hairstyles,  not as other medical techniques. In this treatment, the transaction rate is under 5%. That implies, 100 percent of the follicles are transplanted effectively. Furthermore, the surgeon is done this procedure very carefully, so that it gives you permanent results. Looking Great with a natural look A full head of hair frequently converts into confidence. Confidence, thusly, influences how we see ourselves and accordingly how others see us. Additionally, it gives you natural look. You may feel great and confident after the hair transplant procedure. It improves your self-confidence which is useful to achieve your desired goals. Moreover, this hair loss procedure has no side effects.

Hair Transplant Timeline: What you should expect after the transplant surgery?

Hair Transplant Timeline: What you should expect after the transplant surgery?


Sometimes the patient is not worried about the procedure of hair transplant surgery, but their major concern is what to expect after the surgery. After the surgery, the patient will notice scarring and redness for some amount of time. The doctor will prescribe you medications and give you a schedule on how to manage your hair-care routine. If you are following the doctor advise then the patient will recover very fast. You can get the best treatment of hair transplant in Andhra Pradesh. Your hairs will grow back according to an extensive timeline. So, you need to be patient to see the final results. Immediately After The Hair Transplant Surgery After the Transplant surgery, you will be able to see the shape of your new hairline where the hair follicles are transplanted. If you notice tenderness, swelling, redness, or soreness then it is very normal. After a few weeks, it will go away. The doctor will recommend you some medications to apply for redness and swelling. He will also suggest you a plan on how to take care of your hairs. Some of the things which you should avoid like sleeping with your head elevated or washing your hairs after the surgery. For some time you should avoid applying hair products because it might cause infection and itching. First 15 days after the procedure For the first few days, the patient will experience mild swelling, itching, and pain. These side effects will occur in both recipient and donor area. First Month after the procedure After the surgery, it is very common that the patient will experience hair loss as it is part of the procedure. So, you should not worry about this situation. This happens because after the transplant the hair follicles enter into the resting phase. This is temporary and it will go away in a few weeks. Two months after the procedure In the first few months, the patient will notice hair growth. Every patient will notice this phase differently. In some case, the hair growth might take some time and for some, it may happen early. The doctors say that it takes at least three months to notice the change. In the starting phase, the hair follicles might be uneven but it will grow eventually. The transplanted hairs are also thin when they start to grow. Six months after the procedure The patient will expect new hairs which are thick and noticeable after 5 or 6 months from the surgery. Ten months after the procedure At this stage, you can properly compare the hair growth and in a very impressive way. One year after the procedure After one year, you can notice the final results. It also depends on what type of medication and whether you have taken the necessary precaution or not. If the patient has suffered the problem of hair loss in excess then they can get another surgery.

आईये जानते हैं गंजेपन का इलाज हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट आन्ध्र प्रदेश में

आईये जानते हैं गंजेपन का इलाज हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट आन्ध्र प्रदेश में


गंजेपन का इलाज और हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के कुछ मूलभूत तथ्य आन्ध्र प्रदेश, विशाखापट्नम: हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट (Hair transplant) किसी व्यक्ति के एक भाग से लेकर दूसरे भाग में बाल ट्रांसप्लांट करने के द्वारा बालों के झड़ने के क्षेत्रों का उपयोग करने में प्रयोग की जाने वाली प्रक्रिया है। इसको ज्यादातर पुरुष पैटर्न गंजेपन में उपयोग किया जाता है, महिला पैटर्न गंजेपन, आघात,  जलने, शल्य चीरे, आदि के कारण होने वाले बाल झड़ने में भी प्रयोग की जाती है। पुरुष पैटर्न गंजापन ज्यादातर मामलों में ९०% में देखने को मिलता  है दो तरह के मरीज होते हैं, पहले वो जो २० साल से कम उम्र वाले युवा जिनमें गंजेपन का उच्च स्तर पाया जाता है और दूसरे वो जो ४० वर्ष से कम उम्र के वे व्यक्ति जो अपनी उम्र के अनुसार औसत बालों  से अधिक खो चुके होते हैं. कॉस्मेटिक  प्रक्रिया है हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट यह एक मानी जाने वाली परिक्रिया है और  मरीज की अपनी इच्छाएँ इस ऑपरेशन को करने के लिए प्रमुख प्रेरक कारण है। यह परिक्रिया से  बहुत ज्यादा लाभ हो सकते हैं। हेयर गायब होना उस व्यक्ति के  सामाजिक एवं पेशेवर, दोनों प्रकार की अवस्था को परभाभित कर सकता है,  और वह लोग जो इसके प्रति नाजुक हैं|  दोबारा से उग सकेंगे गंजे सर पर बाल नासा वैज्ञानिको के कुछ प्रयोगों से पुरषों के गंजे होने के कारण ढूंढे है और साथ ही साथ यह भी उम्मीद जताई है के इस प्रयोग से गंजेपन को रोकने का स्वस्थ इलाज़ के साथ साथ बालों को द्वारा उगाने भी संभव हो जयेगा। गंजे पुरूष और प्रयोग गंजे व्यक्ति और लेब्रटॉरी में चूहों पर किए गए प्रयोग  के आधार पर  वैज्ञानिकों ने एक प्रोटीन की खोज की है  जो कि बालों के झड़ने का मुख कारण है। सइंस ट्रांसलेशन मेडिसिन के नाम की पत्रिका में बताया गया है कि गंजेपन को कम करने के लिए दवाईयाँ की खोज की जा रही है। इस के पूरे होते ही गंजेपन को रोकने की एक क्रीम भी बनाई जा सकती है। अधिकतर गंजेपन का सामना पुरुष उम्र के आधे पड़ाव में करते हैं जहाँ के ७० के ८० प्रतिस्थ पुरषों में ७० साल की उम्र में ही बाल झड़ने लग जाते हैं। यह अवस्था आखिर में गंजेपन में बदल जाती है। बालों का दुबारा आना  पेन्सिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय के शोधकर्ता मनुष्य के गंजेपन के शुरू होने की शुरआत होने पर कोनसा विशिष्ट जीन उसके लिए जिम्मेदार होता है। रैसेअर्चे ने बताया है के प्रोस्टाग्लैंडिन डी सिन्थेज नाम के एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रोटीन बहुत सत्रों पर गंजे हुए सथानो पर बाल पुटिकाओं में इकठे होती रहती हैं। और यह प्रोटीन बाल वाली जगह पे नहीं होती। चूहों की उन प्रजातियों में जिनमें इस प्रोटीन का उच्च स्तर दिया गया, वे पूरी तरह से गंजे हो गए जबकि उन पर उगाए गए मानव बाल इन प्रोटीन्स को देने पर उगने बंद हो गए. इस शोध का प्रयोग करने वाले वैज्ञानिक प्रो. जॉर्ज कोट्सारेलिस ने बताया है, “बिल्कुल हम कह सकते हैं कि जब हमने गंजी खोपड़ी में प्रोस्टाग्लैंडिन प्रोटीन दिया तो बालों के उगने की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो गई। इसी से हमने मानव में गंजेपन के इलाज का लक्ष्य सुनिश्चित किया।” वैज्ञानिक प्रो. जॉर्ज कोट्सारेलिस के अनुसार अगले आने वाले प्रयोगों में  उन मध्य  यौगिकों की जानकारी दी जाएगी की यह इस तरह के प्रक्रिया को कैसे  प्रभावित करता है। इसके साथ ही यह भी जानने का प्रयास किया जाएगा कि  इसके रुक जाने पर क्या इसके विपरीत होगा।

What can bodybuilding supplements do to the hair follicles and hair growth of human beings?

What can bodybuilding supplements do to the hair follicles and hair growth of human beings?


The young individuals nowadays are extremely focused on attaining a definite shape of the body. They are very much into making a six-pack abs, eight-pack abs, strong muscles, athlete type body. For this, they join the gym and consume a lot of things such as body supplements and give up on eating many things too. These body supplements are possibly harmful to their body. Do body supplements result in the loss of hair? Body supplements can definitely lead to hair loss. The reason behind this is while they are giving the desired muscles mass and shape to the body of the individual, they are inducing hair fall on the other side. This is because body supplements such as protein shakes, creatine, and growth hormone supplements contain elements that are responsible for the increase of testosterone in the male body. With the increased testosterone level, there is muscle gain as wanted by the male. However, this also brings about an increase in DHT. DHT is a hormone that is responsible for the loss of hair follicles when present in excessive amount. Thus, the increased level of DHT leads to falling of hair and baldness. It must be noted that all the protein shakes do not lead to loss of hair. Rather, protein is vital for the growth of hormone but certain elements present in some specific types of protein shakes cause hair fall. These can be non-organic protein shakes that have growth hormone in them or protein shake that has branch amino acids. The protein shakes that are growth hormone free or whey protein shakes can help both in bodybuilding as well as hair growth. What can be done to counter hair loss caused by body supplements? Now when it is clear that body supplements are the culprits by raising the presence of DHT which ignites hair loss, it is important to reverse the hair fall caused by the same. The best way to do this is by stopping the consumption of creatine and supplements that contain growth hormones to stop the hair loss. Discontinuing these will also result in re-growth of the hair follicles when the body returns to its normal functioning. The other way is to introduce Propecia or Minoxidil to reverse the effects of DHT in the male body. Including healthy diet enriched with vitamins, minerals, and good fats are essential to support and speed up the hair growth. Exercising is also a good option to support hair growth as it increases blood circulation and the increased flow of blood and oxygen reaches the scalp and supports the growth of hair follicles. Secondly, it releases tensions and stress which are detrimental to hair growth. The last method to restore the lost hair follicles is hair transplant if no treatment responds to hair fall. All in all, hair fall induced by body supplements as long as they are taken. Once their consumption is stopped, the hair starts regaining in a short span of time.

PRP therapy-: Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Hair Loss adequate for you?

PRP therapy-: Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Hair Loss adequate for you?


What is PRP Treatment? Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a medical procedure for hair loss treatment. This therapy is acquired from the patients own blood and comprises basically of platelets and other blood parts, for example, plasma, nutrients, and minerals. Platelets are in charge of recovering and contain active particles called development factors, which are useful for the normal recovery of harmed tissues. PRP includes concentrating the platelets found in the blood test. In addition, making it amazingly helpful for both people hair transplantation programs. The main role of utilizing PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate recently embedded hair follicles into an active development stage after the hair transplant. PRP hair loss treatment is a non-surgical option provides patients with scaling down and hair thinning improvement in hair thickness. Moreover, the results of PRP therapy for hair loss may vary according to the patient’s health condition. The Procedure of PRP therapy Doctors started utilizing PRP treatment about 10 years back to accelerate the recovering procedure in harmed joints after damage or medical procedure. During the treatment, an expert draws your blood and spins it in an axis to separate out the plasma and platelets. Specialists at that point inject the plasma, which enables wound healing, repair veins, stimulate collagen generation, and advance cell development.  The primary reason for utilizing PRP is that the high concentrations of platelets in plasma cells help advance hair development by dragging out the developing period of the hair cycle. The surgeons inject plasma into the affected area of the scalp where actually the hair loss happened. They regularly manage injections from month to month for three months. Afterward, spread them out over around four months for as long as two years. The injection schedule will rely upon your amount of hair loss, hereditary factors, age, and hormones. Advantages of PRP therapy PRP therapy is useful for people with excessive hair loss. Because it is useful to stimulate hair growth naturally. In addition, PRP therapy for hair loss also offers you many benefits that may improve your hair quality. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy is likewise increasing your hair volume, fullness, and density. Moreover, it is valuable to increase survival and strengthening of existing hair, which is useful to reduce the risk of hair loss. This is the only non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical treatment that has proven its efficacy and strength. Moreover, PRP therapy is useful for the patient’s overall satisfaction. This therapy can be utilized in conjunction with other therapies and medicines for hair loss. Other hair loss medications and PRP therapy There are many other hair loss treatments that are useful such as minoxidil and finasteride. But these medications can cause dryness and itching to the scalp. Moreover, it can lead to sexual dysfunction in men. Whereas, PRP therapy is too effective than these medicines because it provides you better results.

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