causes of gynecomastia in males
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Explain the reasons which contribute to Gynecomastia condition in males?

Explain the reasons which contribute to Gynecomastia condition in males?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Gynecomastia is the enlarged breast condition in males, which is caused due to hormonal changes in their body. Well, this is not a serious condition, but yes, you need to treat your condition on time, so that you can reduce the risk of some other conditions. You can simply treat your condition with the help of gynecomastia surgery in Vizag. This is the best solution for your problem, and this surgery works with the help of liposuction and excision method as well. Here are several causes of gynecomastia condition in males. There are several causes of gynecomastia condition in which hormonal changes are on the peak. Some other reasons for gynecomastia are listed below-: Fluctuations in Hormones Certain medications Over-consumption of drugs such as smoking and marijuana Health conditions And poor diet These are explained below-: Hormonal changes Well, this is the main reason behind the gynecomastia condition. Male have testosterone hormone in their body and also have a small number of estrogen hormones which are basically female hormones. These both the hormones are useful to control sexual traits in both the sexes. But the over-production of these hormones many problems, if males are suffering from excessive growth of estrogen which is useful for the growth of breast in females, then you will surely experience the enlarged breast condition. This condition is common in all age groups, if your infant is suffering from this condition then you must understand why it happens. This happens because your kid is born with enlarged breast due to high levels of estrogen in his mom. And as we stated above, adults experience this condition due to the fluctuation of hormones or during the puberty. Certain medications These days, many people take medications because of the rising in health conditions. Not all but some medications have side effects which can lead you to serious conditions, and gynecomastia is also in the loop. These medications include-: Anti-androgens, that are used to treat prostate enlargement and cancer as well. Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy. Anabolic steroids and androgens. Antibiotics. Ulcer medications, such as cimetidine. AIDS medications. Tricyclic antidepressants. Anti-anxiety medications include diazepam. Illegal drugs and smoking. If you are regular smoker and take some other types of drugs then these will surely lead you to male boobs reductio. These include-: Methadone Alcohol Heroin Tobacco Marijuana Health conditions Some health conditions are responsible for fluctuations in hormones such as: Kidney failure. Hypogonadism Aging and obesity Tumors. Hyperthyroidism. Liver and Kidney failure or disorders.

Follicular Unit Extraction: Evolution of a Technology

Why Hair transplant considered an evolution in the field of medical science?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair transplant technique has evolved so much that there are new techniques such as FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplantation began. Since that time, this minimally invasive hair transplant surgery has grown to such a big size of the market. The particular growth associated with it has a lot to experience. Doctor’s innovation has become so much critical that many doctors in the field had much of the difficulty in keeping up with it. Many people believe that significant changes and the constant things in technology are inevitable and the rise of the provider pool. The demand for such kind of services can be so much and the impact on both the labour and the delivery can be affected. The FUE has changed the labour pool impact on people and the delivery of a better quality outcome. Also in addition to this the proper training should be given to the doctors who do not know that doctors have less knowledge about the technology associated. Proper training should be provided to the doctors so that they can gain some of the knowledge about the financial incentives. The increased demand for a real barrier to entry so that an increasing number of physicians can be handled. As a result, proper process should be followed and younger ages often driven by the agendas of the doctors offering the service. FUE seems to be driving the increase in hair transplant patients, many of the patients are coming from the private practice of doctors. The kind of service they can provide to the people is very different from the others. Many of the new patients are coming from the situations which are very critical and the doctors have to take actions accordingly. The technologies have advanced a lot in terms of everything. It has evolved so much that the quality of service has also increased a lot as compared to the past. With this field, more patients are seeking FUE surgeries and more physicians will have to develop competence in the evolving technical procedure. These new technologies have been emerging with time and they have created a paradigm shift for the hair transplant industry. Many a time it is also possible that some of the patients are unwilling to undergo a hair transplant when it comes to their safety point of view. The fast recovery time can depend upon the operative pain and thus there are no significant restrictions on the exercise. Conclusion: So in the end it can be concluded that there may be at last some of the scars but you should be fine as a result of the treatment there are no side effects.

Hair transplant without shaving head

Hair transplant without shaving head


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: There are some of the questions which often come in the mind of people that is it possible to have a hair transplant without shaving head. There can be various ​hair transplant in Visakhapatnam which can claim these things that yes it is possible with the help of some of the techniques such as FUE. FUE It can involve the hair transplant without getting head shaved. A normal hair transplant process is one in which the people go for the head shaved and choose those methods in which you have to undergo the process of hair transplant. This process usually involves the extraction of single individual units from the back of the head and also doctors plant these hairs back to the roots of the hair where you need to grow the hair. To overcome this problem, you need to take some advice from the doctor and have a developed procedure known as U FUE. These special methods make sure that you do not have to shave your head. U- FUE Unshaven Follicular Unit Extraction It requires the surgeon to be a master of his craft. The process in which it makes the other people to know that what the real importance is of hairs. In this way they easily blend the non-granted follicles and to shave the noticeable trim at the back side. This method is usually performed when there is a small requirement which is well maintained and aesthetic appearance in younger and older women can affect the lifestyle. People who have generally massive hair can have some of the problems while such kind of surgery. This method is generally preferred by those people who work in the industrial area and commercial sector because it is easy for them to maintain all the needs of this surgery. They are able to meet the requirements very easily. The best thing about this is that no one would be able to notice the change and you can have a hair transplant with the help of which you can resume your life. Another important point about this is that it is not that too much expensive treatment that anyone can not afford this. So it is easily available in the market and very cheap so that everyone could use kind of service in order to improve the hair condition. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the hair transplant technique has become very special in every field and as far as the surgery is concerned then people are becoming more aware of the hair techniques.

Why Vjclinics offers you the best Hair Transplant procedure in India?

All You Need to Know: A Guide to Hair Transplantation in Vizag


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Visakhapatnam: Hair loss is experienced by every person in life, that’s why this is a common condition. Millions of people try so many home remedies in order to treat their hair fall condition but they are unable to get rid of excessive hair loss. There are various hair loss conditions such as baldness, alopecia areata, and male pattern baldness. In addition to this, you need to get the right treatment for hair loss. There are several types of hair loss treatment such as: Surgical-: Hair transplant and scalp reduction. Non-surgical-: Hair growth medications include Minoxidil, biotin, and finasteride. Hair transplant in Visakhapatnam gives you the best results because the surgical procedure is valuable for each type of hair loss. Well, the majority of people are struggling to find the best hair transplant surgeon in order to get the best results. Well, if you are in the line of those people then, you have to break the chain and visit us once in Visakhapatnam. Since Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre is well-known for the best treatment and results as well. Let’s see how we are well-known among people who are suffering from hair loss. First of all, we have skilled and experienced surgeons who have vast knowledge about hair loss types and hair transplant techniques as well. Also, we also have a well-trained team of surgeons who are dedicated to giving you the best results without any side effect. We offer you the most advanced and modern method of hair transplant such as FUE. This FUE hair transplant method is also known as Follicular Unit Extraction, which does not use any type of stripping method in order to collect hair graft from the donor area. moreover, this hair transplant method offers you more effective, permanent, and natural-looking results. Well, there is no risk of scarring because it includes the Graft transplant method, which is specially designed to cure scarring conditions. In addition, you may not be aware of it that we have the latest tools and equipment in order to give you the best treatment. So, you just contact us once in order to get the permanent solution for your hair fall condition. We first examine the reason hair loss and then check the health condition of the patient, whether he has any type of problem or not. After that, we start performing the hair transplant procedure, which is completely surgical procedure, in which your surgeon first prepares the donor area, and then collect hair grafts from the back of the head. At last, he will transplant the hair graft at the affected area, so that you can get the proper hair growth. We will also give you post-care instructions so that you cannot feel pain and discomfort after the hair transplant procedure. If you experience any type of pain and discomfort only take prescribed medications.  

Changes observed after the hair transplant treatment over a period of time

Changes observed after the hair transplant treatment over a period of time


Hair transplant is an easy way to treat the problem of your baldness which has always been a cause of your shyness, embarrassment or stress-related issues. Even as to prepare your body for the operation, you need to restrain yourself from such medicines that result in excess bleeding and poor grafting. Getting a hair transplant in Vishakhapatnam is an easy choice to get the solution to your problem and the results will always satisfy you. Here, in the following content, you will come across the various changes to expect on how to respond them along with the hair transplant growth timeline Hair transplant and its timeline changes list Day zero – The surgery will last for 4-5 hours, a little up or down. You should get your schedule planned for the day accordingly. You are better to go for rest at home the same day after you are done with the procedure. Day one to five – The first five days after the surgery will give you an experience of swelling of the forehead and at the back area of the head along with the redness on your skin area which was targeted in the process. The redness is basically due to the inflammation and will be seen disappearing as the wound will gradually heal. As a patient, you also need to have self-care at least for the first two weeks which are critical. Get a set of instructions from your surgeon for self-care to obtain the desired result. Day six to ten – You will see your redness and swelling is majorly gone, and the occurrence of crusts on the grafted area, which again will be removed by your surgeon  The second week – You will be allowed doing shampooing or hair cuts from the start of week 2. Your transplant hair will start to shed but its normal because your grafts will be in perfect condition and are permanently placed at your skin. The third week – You will find out most of your transplanted hair has shed out within this week The first month – it is a resting phase of your hair follicles. You will observe the same look of your hair as the previous one prior to the surgery. By the end of this month, you are also allowed to have coloring and styling of your hair done. Month 2-5 Here you will be seeing a certain growth in the hair transplant done. Any inflammation or redness on the donor area will be vanishing this month. MONTHS 5-9 – It is a duration of time where you will witness a textural change in your transplanted hair. You need to see your surgeon in this phase. Year 1 – You will be watching 80% of your hair growth and hair thickness

Hair transplant surgery: Is it necessary to trust Hair Transplant surgeon?

Hair transplant surgery: Is it necessary to trust Hair Transplant surgeon?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, that is useful for those people who are facing hair loss. The hair transplant procedure is designed for both sexes of any age group. Here are some reason prior to the surgery in your consultation These include: Genetic factors Poor and unhealthy diet Nutrient deficiencies Hormonal changes Stress Pregnancy Certain medical conditions such as cancer Chemotherapy-: Cancer treatment And some other type of medications such as High blood pressure and heart problems. Due to all these conditions, you need to go through hair transplant in Visakhapatnam. Hair transplant has two types of transplantation methods, such as FUE and FUT. If you are thinking to have these treatments you need to visit our specialist because he has vast knowledge about everything related to the hair transplant procedure. So, you do not take any type of tension before and after the treatment. Do many people take tension about their surgeon that can they trust him or not? Well, this is not a scarring factor, because you have chosen him for the procedure and we know that you will surely search each and everything about surgeon prior to commitment. If still, you are in doubt then must visit us once we are here to clear you all the doubts related to hair transplant surgeon. If your surgeon offers you the best techniques and methods then don’t worry about the procedure because he will surely give the best treatments. Well, you must understand the methods of transplantation such as FUE and FUT. In which FUE is a totally new and advanced technique, which is also known as Follicular Unit Extraction. Whereas, The FUT technique is a completely traditional method for hair loss known as follicular Unit transplantation. You must go with the FUE transplant technique because this is the procedure which takes less time to show the best results. You should also check for some other factors such as Vast knowledge about hair transplant and hair loss reasons. If your surgeon uses advanced techniques and methods in order to perform this hair transplant procedure. Because only new and advanced techniques will give you the best results with a natural look and permanent hair growth. You should also go with affordable hair transplant surgeon because the cost of hair transplant depends on the number of hair grafts which you need to transplant at your affected area. After knowing all these things you do not take tension, your surgeon will surely give you the best results. Due to which you do not need any other type of hair transplant procedure in the future. So, it is necessary to trust your hair transplant surgeon in order to get the best treatment.

Different types of thyroid disorder and how do they affect the hair?

Different types of thyroid disorder and how do they affect the hair?


No one likes experiencing excessive hair fall. In some cases, it can be controlled whereas in some cases it can get in excess that patient suffers from uncontrollable hair fall. Well, the reasons for this can vary from person to person like lifestyle, genetics and most importantly the wrong diet. In both men and women, different factors can lead to this issue. One condition which can affect the growth of hair is thyroid disease. On this topic, a lot of discussions have been done and studies have shown that this disease can make the hair thin, change in texture, and eventually the hair fall. Which type of thyroid disorder can lead to hair fall issue? Hypothyroidism In this condition, the thyroid gland is less active as a result the thyroid hormones are produced very less which can make the hair thin and hair fall also. If the problem is getting in excess then it is essential you seek the help of the doctor. After diagnosing the problem they will let you know which treatment option will work best for you. One of the best ways to treat the hair fall is by getting the hair transplant. The results of this method are permanent and they also match the hairline. This is the reason, the demand for Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam is increasing because of its effective results. Thyroiditis This condition is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Due to this, the inflammation is caused by the thyroid. This can affect the thyroid gland very negatively and it causes hair fall issue. Hyperthyroidism In case, you are experiencing rapid hair fall then it is because of hyperthyroidism. In this condition, the thyroid gland is performing way too much which results in producing hormones in excess. Myxedema If you are suffering from hair fall and some parts of the scalp are getting bald then it is because of Myxedema which happens because of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The hair grows in three stages and it is essential that it works properly so that hair grows accurately. Due to thyroid disorder, the resting phase is extended which affect the growth phase of the hair cycle. This can result in thinning of hair, hair fall, and balding. Are there any symptoms of thyroid disease? Change in a mood like increased nervousness, anxiety, and irritability. Not able to tolerate the cold and hot temperature. Sudden weight loss or weight gain. Sleeping too much or not able to sleep (Insomnia) Dry skin and hair Pain in the muscles or weak muscles Abnormal menstruation Not able to concentrate on things or trouble remembering. Treating the problem Finding the best treatment method at the right time is very essential. Make sure you ask your doctor as they can tell you which option will suit you after they have diagnosed your problem.

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