Hair loss treatment options available
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Everyday practices which are the main reasons behind the hair loss


Dr. C Vijay Kumar: Most of us found hair at the back of the shirt, entangled in the comb, on the collar, on the pillow, and maybe at the workplace. You have made countless efforts to make your hair look healthy and strong.  Using the aggressive method of drying or to comb the hair You need to know that the hair breaks easily when they are wet. Tying it tightly, brushing, and combing it when they are wet will make them weak from roots and eventually they will fall out. It is also possible that they can get rough. Let them dry naturally. Using hot water for hair wash Enjoying a hot bath can be fun, but not at the cost of hair fall. Hot water can make the hair extremely dry and brittle. Preferably use warm water and then move to cool water when you want to rinse then thoroughly. Also, it strips away the natural oil from the scalp. In case, the problem of hair fall is increasing at a fast pace then you need to seek the help of the doctor. You can consult our doctor for Hair Transplant in Vizag as it permanent solution for the hair loss issue. Enjoying tight hairstyles Hairstyles change quite often and they also include tight braids. This can affect the hair follicles from the roots which are not ideal for the scalp. If you pull them very tightly they will get damaged. Also, make sure while sleeping you never tie them tightly. Neglecting the oil massage At times, people do not prefer applying oil on the scalp because of its smell or it seems tacky. Well, in that case, you need to work on your hair care regime as soon as possible. Use coconut, amla, or olive oil as they provide nourishment to the hair follicles. Do this at least twice a week as they improve blood circulation in the scalp. Use of hair styling tools Regularly When hair is exposed to heat in excess, then it can create a lot of problems. A blow dryer or other heat styling products should be limited. Keep them at the lowest settings to reduce hair damage. Use of cheap hair products No doubt, the market is filled with hair products and getting something at a reasonable price is liked by everyone. But, what if after its usage the hair get affected or damaged. Make sure you get the products of trusted brands only. Additionally, the styling gels and sprays should be used only when it is required, otherwise, they make the hair sticky and stiff. Not taking your diet properly At times, because of the hectic schedule, we even force ourselves to skip our meals. But, this is neither good for health nor for the hair. This is going to make even everything worse. The hair should get the right amount of protein and essential nutrients.  

Effective Hair Loss Treatment Options: Hair Transplant and Hair Cloning


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Visakhapatnam: Losing hair can be a nightmare for both men and women. In case, you are going through the same scenario then read the given article as we have mentioned the effective treatment options which are hair transplant and hair cloning. Hair Transplant During the hair transplantation, the bald patches thinning part of the scalp is filled. This procedure came into existence in the 1950s but many changes have been made in it till now. The procedure is minimally invasive and outpatient. Undergoing surgery help in improving the appearance and confidence of the person. This is the reason people are opting for the treatment of Hair Transplant in Kakinada to deal with the hair loss issue permanently. Suitable candidate Well, anyone can get the surgery. During the consultation, the doctor will diagnose your condition and let you know whether you are a suitable candidate or not. But it would be better if you get the surgery once the hair loss pattern has been established properly so that in future the problem does not get triggered again. Methods of hair transplant There are 2 methods of the hair transplant procedure. The methods are FUE and FUT. Follicular Unit Extraction In FUE, the hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area as their hair growth is maximum. Following that, the hair grafts are transplanted on the problematic area one by one. Before the surgery, the scalp is numbed so that the patient does not feel discomfort. Follicular Unit Transplantation In FUT, a strip of hair is taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is very less. In this case, there will be a linear scar on the scalp which will be noticeable when you wear the hair short. Top benefits of getting Hair Transplant Aesthetic and natural looks, result using ‘true’ and natural follicle units. Following 2 weeks from surgery, no scar on the donor area. Hair grows naturally. Hair color is same as of your natural hair The results are permanent. The long-term solution of hair loss. Just keep in mind following the doctor’s instructions before and after the treatment will help you see the desired results on time which takes around 8 to 12 months. Hair cloning This is a new technique to deal with hair loss and baldness. Cloning works by extracting the follicular units from the patient’s scalp where hair loss is not triggered. After that cells are multiplied by using culturing methods to produce the needed cells. With this method that part of the scalp is covered where the patient is experiencing hair loss. However, this method is under the research and development phase.

How Hair Transplant Can Change your Look


Visakhapatnam: We all want to look good in every phase of life. When we are young, it is not much of a problem. Our skin glows and our hair is shiny and abundant. However, as we age, things do not remain the same. Our skin starts losing elasticity and the effect on hair can also be seen. We start losing hair more than ever, leading to baldness. Sometimes thinning of hair goes unobserved and the damage is done when we start noticing it. While men tend to lose hair differently, women register some other signs. Men start losing their hair along the hairline which proceeds to hair loss in the areas of the middle and back of the head. Women don’t start balding like men but witness thinning of hair and broadening of the parting. Whoever is affected in whichever way, it is certainly not good news. Over the counter, medicines are available which claim to be quite effective in controlling hair loss. Cosmetics, oils, and gels also claim to reverse the process. PRP technique is also said to be effective in dealing with the situation.  It has been around for decades but the popularity has caught on in the recent years after a spate of celebrities opted for it and came out with stunning results. If you reside in south India, then it will be ideal to have a Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam at Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre. See for yourself the magic it does to your hair. Hair Transplant fact file The term emerges from the fact that this procedure is related to the transplant of hair follicles from 1 area of the scalp to another area. The procedure is based on the fact that certain areas of the head are less prone to hair loss due to being resistant to DHT. DHT is a derivate of testosterone hormone which causes hair loss. The areas near the ear and the at the back of the head are resistant to this hormone, therefore, don’t get affected by the hair loss pattern seen in the crown and middle of the head. The basic cycle of Hair Transplant consists of marking the donor and the recipient areas. While the site facing hair loss is called the recipient site, the site with abundant hair is called the donor site. The next step involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area and grafting them onto the recipient area. The grafted hair stays for some days and then sheds. New hair strands grow from the area after some time and the person can treat them the way he treats natural hair. Types of Hair Transplant Hair Transplant can be done in two ways FUT It is the method that uses the strip method for grafting. After extraction of a strip of the scalp containing hair from the donor area .the follicles are extracted from this strip and transplanted to the recipient area. FUE In this method, the hair follicles are extracted using small punches from the donor area. The grafts are then transplanted to the recipient area. This method results in less scarring as compared to FUT.

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