What are the Different Ways to Prevent Hair Fall - FUE Hair Transplant, PRP, Mesotherapy?
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Hair Loss Treatments: FUE Hair Transplant, PRP, Mesotherapy?

Hair Loss Treatments: FUE Hair Transplant, PRP, Mesotherapy?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Nowadays Hair fall has become one of the major problems all across the world. A survey provoked that almost 60-75% of people all across the globe are suffering from this pain but cannot find a perfect solution for this pain. Moreover, a simple hair fall seems to become a serious baldness tomorrow. Hairfall has a very adverse effect on a human being.

If you are the one who is going with the hair fall pain then there are numerous ways or techniques available that effectively help you to prevent hair fall and grow hair naturally. Along with that various hair transplant therapies are available that efficiently stop hair fall and provide the best results.


This hair transplantation therapy is considered as the best and simple solution or therapy for hair transplant. In this therapy, human hemoglobin which is enriched with plasma is used for regenerating tissues of its own. Moreover, the highly enriched plasma is directly injected or targeted on the extensive hair fall section. After 7-10 days, you will see the result in the targeted area. The targeted area is full of hair naturally.

Before moving forward let’s see how this therapy works?

In some cases, tissues die due to which human hair falls fastly day by day. If regenerated tissue or plasma is injected on the hair fall area then the hair starts growing.

This is the full working of the PRP therapy.

  • Mesotherapy

Most of the cases, hair fall occur due to some following reasons

1. Hormone Imbalance

2. Reduced Blood Circulation

3. Lack of sufficient nutrients

Well, mesotherapy provides a proper solution for hair fall prevention. It is an invasive treatment where tiny injections are injected on to the middle part of the skin in such a way to provide hormonal balance. After that, the blood circulation starts circulating so that the hair does not get thinner too. Most of the surgeons named this mesoderm.

This technique also becomes most popular as the follicular units are extracted from the donor (from the back of a human head) through which hair starts growing effectively. The major benefit of this surgery is that it is walk in and walk out therapy and less invasive. Most importantly, it does not require any sort of night stay. On the next day, humans start their work in a daily routine way. It delivers best-rated results.



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