Is Platelet Rich Plasma going to change the future of Hair Transplant 2020?
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Is Platelet Rich Plasma going to change the future of Hair Transplant?

Will dandruff affect your hair growth after a hair transplant?


Introduction Over the past few years, there has been a lot of advancements made in the technology to make the treatment successful and less invasive. A hair transplant is designed to improve a person’s appearance and solve the issue of balding. This treatment is best for men and women.   How Does PRP Work? During the procedure, the patient’s own white and red blood cells are used. The blood plasma is mixed with growth hormone and then injected back to the part of the scalp which needs treatment. The growth hormone is going to stimulate hair growth. As the patient’s blood is used so there is no complication. This procedure is simple which means growth is better along with healing.   Is the treatment successful? There are different instances where PRP hair transplantation treatment is considered successful. Studies have shown that treatment resulted in faster hair growth while combined with surgical methods. When both the treatments are combined it helps the patient to get faster and better results. Experts know that the treatment is going to give you better results and the successful results are the best for men and women. Shedding is going to slow down or your hair will be thick which means your overall appearance will be better.   What are the additional uses of PRP? PRP treatment is used for different reasons. The treatment is successful to improve the functioning of various joints which include the hips, knees, elbows, and ankles. Studies have shown that treatment can significantly reduce pain and discomfort. This means the results are going to be the best. The PRP is extremely popular for the patients in the sports field and they are going to get the treatment for the condition of joint injury, arthritis, and tendon repair. Moreover, these techniques can also be used for dental treatment. This is perfect to graft bone to areas of the face correctly.   What about the future of the treatment? The science behind the treatment is still in development but cosmetic surgeons are well aware of the treatment potential. This is true for the use of PRP in the future and can solve the problem of hair loss. During the hair transplantation, the hair follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less.   Consult the experienced surgeon If you are dealing with hair loss then book your consultation with our surgeon. He is going to understand the reason for hair loss and accordingly suggest the best treatment plan for your condition.

Is it true low nutrition can leave bad effects and can lead to hair loss?

Is it true low nutrition can leave bad effects and can lead to hair loss?


Overview Hair loss is considered extremely normal for the people until they realize that it is getting out of control. Sometimes things can go extremely wrong and there is nothing you can do about it. The main reasons for hair loss are: Improper nutrition Abrupt hormonal changes Change in environment Hereditary traits Unhealthy lifestyle Stress   Bad Nutrition and hair loss Ideally, the patients planning to undergo a hair transplant will be informed by the surgeon to follow a healthy diet. Additionally, the surgeon is going to make sure what is the exact reason behind hair loss. What your body and mind get is extremely essential for having healthy hair. Hair needs essential nutrients To make sure your hair grows properly there is a need for essential nutrients like zinc, protein, iron, and vitamins. If not, then there are high chances that you are going to suffer from hair loss. Hair loss due to the deficiency of nutrients is referred to as telogen effluvium. The hair loss occurs at a slow pace and it is noticeable when half of your hair is lost. If you brush and wash the hair in excess then hair loss is increased. The proper balance of Nutrients To make sure hair function properly, there needs to be a proper balance of protein, iron, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Smoking and drinking habit is going to affect the body ability to absorb all the essential nutrients. Bad Nutrition affects the hair growth cycle Around 90 % of human hair is in a growing phase and this lasts for around 2 to 7 years. It can vary from person to person. Once this phase is completed the hair is going to enter in the resting phase before they start to shed out. The resting phase is for around 3 months and once they shed, it will be replaced with a new one. The hair is going to enter the resting phase quickly if you do not consume the required amount of nutrients. So, make sure your body is getting the right amount of nutrients and proteins to have healthy hair. What do you need to do? You need to make sure that you eat loads of protein so that the hair growth is efficient. Include food items like soy products and eggs. Make your diet include many veggies like peas, soybeans, carrots, salads, and cauliflower. Additionally, have a great amount of biotin and Vitamin B6 as they help to improve hair growth greatly.

What is the need for undergoing the second session for hair transplant?

What is the need for undergoing the second session for hair transplant?


Overview Hair Transplant is the best treatment plan for dealing with hair loss once and for all. Undergoing the treatment will ensure that the final results are the best and it can help to solve the problem of excessive hair loss. No doubt, in most cases, one session is enough to get the desired results. But at times, there are some situations in which the person needs to get a second session to cover the problematic area. Additionally, a second session should only be started if the donor capacity is enough. Generally, a maximum of 2500 to 3000 grafts can be used in the second season. You are going to get the best results at the end of the second years and you must wait for 2 years to get the second treatment session. Some patients are often impatient and they do not take much care to see the effective results. The second session is held frequently at the end of the first year. Topmost reasons to get the second session for Hair Transplant Results are good but not that dense Your final results might be good which means you can see the hair growth which looks natural. But the results are not that dense. To solve the issue, you need to get a second session of the treatment for fuller results of natural-looking hair. Specific areas need to be corrected Sometimes there are specific cases, in which the bald spots need to be fixed. To solve the issue you need to undergo a second session of treatment. Fixing the crown area Sometimes, there can be problems with the crown area. In that case, you need to undergo the treatment to correct the issue. Results are not what you want to have In some cases, the final results are not what you are looking for. You must undergo the second session to get the desired natural-looking results. Baldness issue can trigger in some areas Sometimes you might need it. From time to time, you can have bald areas and there can be the issue of dense hair. So, you should face any issue to undergo a second session.  Avoid the second season in certain cases If your donor area is weak, unsuitable, and thin then you need to avoid the second session. If the scalp circulatory system is not sufficient then the transplanted hair follicles will not be fed from the veins and the transplanted hair is not going to come as effectively as you want them. In case there is an issue of patch-style opening then you should avoid getting a second session.

What are the topmost benefits of undergoing Hair restoration surgery?

What is the need for undergoing the second session for hair transplant?


Undergoing hair transplant treatment is the best option to solve the issue of hair loss. With just a one-time procedure the problem is solved for a lifetime. The best part is that the treatment gives natural results which means the regrowth of hair matches your existing hair. Not only that but there are various advantages of undergoing the surgery which is mentioned below: Most effective treatment Once you start facing the issue of hair loss, it can be devastating to deal with. You need to have something which works in the best manner and its results should look natural. The best part of undergoing the surgery at our clinic is that our surgeons are experienced and qualified which helps in giving the desired results. The surgeon effectively takes the hair follicles and then transplants them to the problematic area. Permanent results with fuller hair You can find several hair loss products in the market but the problem is that you need to use them over and over again. This is not the case with hair transplantation surgery. Once you go through the surgery, the results last for a lifetime and they continue to grow like your existing hair. The best part is that it will increase your confidence greatly which you are looking for. Quick results with hair restoration There are some products which you need to use for 8 weeks or maybe months to see the results. With hair transplantation, it is just a one-time method and you will be able to see the initial hair growth within 3 months. Moreover, scars will heal in time and hair grows within time. This way you will get a head full of hair with just one-time surgery. From there, you will be able to see the shampoo, cut, and style your hair the way you like them. Get your youthful look Nowadays, individuals are extremely conscious about their looks. Facing hair loss at a young age can affect the way a person looks. The person needs to have the best appearance when they see in the mirror. Moreover, the wig or toupee will not give you the natural results and you might feel uncomfortable when you wear them all day long. Treatment is customized for you With time, the hair restoration treatment has advanced a lot. This includes methods like FUE or FUT. The doctor will suggest the treatment plan according to your condition. The natural results are possible because the patient’s hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to the problematic area to cover the bald spots or thin part of the scalp.    

Difference: Exclusive Hair Transplant clinics vs Complete cosmetic care clinics

Difference: Exclusive Hair Transplant clinics vs Complete cosmetic care clinics


Vizag: Practice makes perfect and when everything is done with precision it gives the best results. The clinic that performs only hair transplant has all of its focus directed towards that one craft. When you visit the hair doctor he ensures you get the best results.  Consulting the doctor for Exclusive Hair Transplant The treatment has evolved a lot which helps in giving the desired results the patient is looking for. The hair doctors are experienced and trained to have the root cause with utmost care. They are constantly evolving with the changes and make sure every betterment is used during the surgery. Additionally, the surgeon and the entire team is focused on just one area. This means they will have the desired level of experience to perform the entire surgery with precision. The labor, resources, and cognition are deeply saturated with just one field. They become the master of doing the treatment with the top-notch level. They are just focused on one treatment for years. This is the reason, undergoing the treatment at the exclusive hair transplantation clinic will make a lot of difference.   Accurate environment When the cosmetic procedures are performed it is important to handle every task with precision. This way there is no tension that other procedures can be submerged into the hair restoration surgery. To perform the surgery, the environment needs to be accurate. At the hair restoration clinic, the surgeon will have all the necessary tools and equipment to perform the surgery with the utmost precision. The specialist will leave no scope of error. The surgeon makes sure the patient’s confidence level is increased which means they feel the best about themselves. This opens the door for better and improved results when the surgery is performed.   Complete cosmetic care clinic When there are multiple distractions, the balance can get affected, and the skills, not the best. It is important to know about the boundary field so that the final results are not impacted. It is important to research every aspect of the treatment so that the results are what the patient is looking for. So, it is best to consult the surgeon who is fully trained and well-versed with technological advancement.   Consult the best surgeon During the surgery, the surgeon takes the hair follicles from the back of the scalp and then transplant them to the problematic area. The surgery is done by using 2 methods which include FUE and FUT. No matter which method the surgeon selects the final results are the best. Just getting the surgery once from the skilled doctor will give you long-lasting results and you will have your youthful look.  

How undergoing hair transplant treatment can transform your appearance?

How undergoing hair transplant treatment can transform your appearance?


We all want to look our best when we look in the mirror. People who have experienced hair loss slowly start to look distracted with their appearance and this can affect their self-confidence greatly. Moreover, it can become difficult for them to style their hair, and managing them is a task. With each passing month, there can be many challenges which they need to face. Fortunately, all this problem can be solved by undergoing hair transplant treatment. This means your hair loss issue can be resolved simply by getting hair transplantation. Feel good with Hair Transplant Due to continued hair loss, the person can feel not so good about their appearance and this will have low self-esteem. You need to consult the doctor to get the best solution by understanding what your condition is. The doctor will determine the reason for hair loss and evaluate your history to know about the entire problem. The treatment can easily cover the large area of the scalp with the different methods of hair transplantation. Method of hair transplant FUE FUT FUE (Follicular unit extraction) First of all, the surgeon is going to build a new hairline, restore the frontal zone, and mild scalp which works to the front of the crown. This way the patient is going to get the best cosmetic benefit as it helps to improve their appearance greatly. During FUE, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. The hair grafts are placed with precision which helps the patient to get the natural look. This procedure is going to leave dot like scars which cannot be seen with bare eyes. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) During FUT, the strip of hair is taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. With FUT, more number of grafts can be transplanted on the scalp as compared to FUE. Gain your self-confidence With hair transplantation, the person can gain back his or her self-confidence. Just a one-time procedure your hair loss issue will be solved once and for all. In some cases, the surgeon can combine both the methods to have better results and address the issue of hair loss. The treatment is going to give the best coverage you are looking for and restore the crown area easily. The transformation is what the patient needs and it leaves a positive effect on their mind which increases their self-worth. Consult the best surgeon The surgeon will understand the reason for hair loss and accordingly suggest to you what treatment plan will address the issue perfectly.

Why is hair transplant needed and explain the success rate of Hair Transplant?

Why is hair transplant needed and explain the success rate of Hair Transplant?


A hair transplant is intended to stimulate hair development in scalp areas with or without minimal development.  Make sure to realize how effective this treatment is before contemplating hair transplantation. Above all, nobody wants to spend their time and resources, because the outcome is frustrating. We will promise that with the Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre this does not happen. Why do we believe that? Their insightful counsel means that the suitability of treatment is fully understood to us, not just the extremely trained and seasoned experts who carry out this operation. Types of hair transplants: Two major hair transplants are available. The surgeon selects the follicles from dense hair locations, including the back of the scalp, where he named the donor region during hair transplantation. The follicles are then inserted in the infected region of the scalp. These are the two main transplants focused on the extraction of hair follicles: Follicular unit strip surgery or Follicular unit Transplantation (FUSS or FUT) Follicular unit extraction (FUE) Several people ask us about the success of hair transplantation. Well, the success of hair transplantation depends on several parameters that are mentioned in this article. Just not the amount but the quality obtained by the physician is the effective rate in hair transplants. The performance rate is dependent on many factors, for instance: To order to achieve the correct procedure, hospital technology plays a vital function. The clinic’s equipment during service. The specialist who performs the procedure Contribution of doctors and support for hair transplantation therapy. Hair transplantation is not as difficult treatment as any tougher operation. Nevertheless, the good or adverse outcomes of a hair transplant are determined by different variables. Let’s think regarding normal and efficient hair transplantation parameters. Pre-hair transplantation assessment procedure: The specialist will test the scalp and describe the patient satisfaction rate during a visit with a surgeon. Achievement relies on the objective or goal: Some people question their self-confidence mostly, while some want to ensure that they are not premature at a very young age. A good surgeon should also ask you what the expectations are and then advise you which hair transplantation is better for you from FUE or FUT. Your hair care after transplantation. It requires many hours, or a day, to complete the hair transplant with much commitment by the surgeon. On the same day of the procedure, you can go home, just keep the orders of your doctor. Via examination, the doctor will help you heal more easily.

What do you need to know about Beard transplant and how to get through it?

What do you need to know about Beard transplant and how to get through it?


What is a beard hair transplant? Different studies have shown that men who have a fuller looking beard seem attractive and stronger as compared to other men. We know that not every man is blessed to have such facial hair. In such cases, men try different options to grow their beard but they won’t get the results they are looking for. The ultimate solution is to get a beard transplant. With beard hair transplant you can look mature and you will have the masculine look you want. This makes it easier to get the natural look of the beard. The beard transplant includes the following steps: Hairline Designing According to the patient’s need, the symmetry is defined and the doctor is going the design the beard area. Hair follicles extraction In a beard transplant, the extraction process is performed with the FUE method in which the grafts are harvested individually from the donor area i.e. back of the scalp. Preparing the hair follicles With a beard transplant, the extraction method is done with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). During the surgery, hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area which is back of the scalp. The extracted grafts are counted and the healthy grafts are separated. This way it helps the patient to get natural results with the best density. Implanting the hair follicles With the predetermined hairline design, the extracted hair follicles are implanted one by one into the beard area. These are implanted in a precise manner keeping in mind the angle, depth, and direction.  What about the procedure and recovery? The entire surgery is going to take around 3 to 5 hours and you can go back home once the treatment is done. Small incisions are made on the face and it will only feel like a little pinch. The recovery time is less as compared to other hair transplants. The wound is going to heal within 3 to 4 days at maximum.   What is the effect of a beard transplant? In the worst-case scenario, the patient can have swelling and redness around the transplanted area. To get the results you want, you need to sacrifice the hair from the back of the scalp. This won’t result in bald patches but it can look thin. The transplanted hair is going to fall out within 3 weeks and this is a temporary phase. Once this is done there will be permanent hair growth. Once the hair follicles are grafted, you can shave it as usual and style it the way you want. The transplanted hair is going to look and grow like normal. How to take care after Beard Transplant? Take proper care for at least 2 to 3 days so that the wound gets healed completely. Don’t let the transplanted area get wet following 3 to 4 days of surgery. Avoid going out in the direct sunlight. Make sure to cover your face if it is necessary. Do not smoke and drink alcohol as it will affect the recovery process.

The main reasons of hair loss in teenagers are prevention and treatment

The main reasons of hair loss in teenagers are prevention and treatment


There are several factors on which the problem of hair loss depends and one of the main factor is age. But these days even teenagers are facing this problem and because of the embarrassment of losing hair prematurely they even undergo the treatment of hair transplant and sometimes because of the nasty work done on their scalp they regret it the whole life. In this article i will tell you some of the main causes of hair loss in early twenties along with its prevention and possible hair treatments. 1. Hormones: The first major cause of early age hair loss is hormones. There are various types of hormones in the human body, which determine the functioning and appearance of the body. Due change in lifestyle and diet of the person these hormones imbalance and cause various problems and one of them is hair loss. 2. Medicine:  Most of the time medicine is the cause of hair loss. If you take any kind of medication and are facing hair loss, then this could be the reason. You should consult your doctor about the side effects of the medicines you take. 3. Genes: It is common to see this problem in generations of a family tree. Just like diabetes could be passed through mother to the child, this problem could be passed too. If this is the case, then your hair loss can not be prevented or treated. You can consult a general physician about this problem. 4. Styling: Sometimes hair treatments done on the hair like straightening, curling, smoothening and rebonding can also cause hair problems. High temperature and chemicals applied to the hair destroy the hair follicles and damage the scalp. It is never recommended to overuse such kinds of treatments. How to prevent the early age hair fall? The best and most effective way to prevent hair fall is that you change your lifestyle immediately. First of all you should change your diet. Eat more and more raw food like fruits and fresh vegetables. Replace packed and processed food with fruits and nuts. Consume dry fruits on a daily basis so that you can get essential fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acid. Consume adequate amount of water daily to detoxify your body. Quit smoking and drinking if you do, because these two also cause hair fall. Exercise daily so that you can get sufficient amount of oxygen. Exercising increases blood flow in the scalp and every other organ of the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients in it and delivers it to the organs. Cardiovascular exercises and yoga will help you the most. 

Is it true hair transplant treatment can work effectively for women?

Is it true hair transplant treatment can work effectively for women?


Overview We all know that hair transplant treatment has gained a lot of success in the last few years. The results of the treatment have gained extreme success for male pattern hair loss. Recently, research has shown that women are also a good candidate for women’s hair transplantation. Let’s understand in detail the entire information for the treatment. The ideal candidate for hair transplant If the woman is planning to undergo the treatment for hair transplantation, here are the few points that need to be considered. Health condition If the woman is medically fit with a healthy immune system then she can undergo the surgery. If you have been on medication for a long time then discuss it with a surgeon. Age Ideally, women should be above the age of 30 and above because this time they have good stability in hair fall. Hair loss classification The condition of hair loss and donor hair availability is essential to get the best outcomes. Lifestyle Living a healthy lifestyle, doing regular exercise, having a balanced diet, and stress relaxation therapy will make the recovery better. There is less swelling and chances of infection are lowered. Dealing with aftercare Following the surgery, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions to prevent infection and make the recovery process go faster. The doctor will classify your hair loss with the Ludwig Scale for women and the Norwood Scale   Who can undergo the treatment? Do you know that undergoing the treatment only 2 to 5 percent will be benefited? Women dealing with hair loss due to traction alopecia or mechanical alopecia can also choose to undergo the surgery. Women with previous plastic or cosmetic surgery and who are concerned about hair loss around the incision site. Alopecia marginalis is the condition that looks similar to traction alopecia can choose to undergo the surgery. Women with distinct patterns of baldness similar to male pattern baldness and with a receding hairline, stable donor area, and vertex thinning can undergo the surgery.   What are the methods for hair transplant? Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) During the surgery, around 6 to 10-inch strips of skin are removed from the back of the scalp. After that, the tiny grafts are divided into 500 to 2000. After that from the strip, the hair follicles are removed and then transplanted to the bald area. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) During FUE, the hair follicles are extracted one by one with a small punch. After that, the grafts are transplanted into the balding area. It is essential to place the grafts in a zigzag manner which results in regrowth of hair in the balding area and then the hair growth will look natural.  

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