What is the difference between hair transplant and hairline lowering surgery?
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What is the difference between hair transplant and hairline lowering surgery?

Everything you need to know about FUE hair transplant treatment in India


Making the right choice There are 2 approaches to lower the hairline and reduce the size of the forehead which includes: Hair transplant Scalp Advancement The former one is the same as that of a hair transplant procedure which includes transplanting hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another in which the hairline area needs to be relocated. In the other method, long incisions need to be made in the hairline and the forehead skin portion needs to be removed. Consulting a qualified and skilled surgeon is going to help you choose the best treatment for you.   Hairline lowering with hair transplant Hair transplantation or hair grafting is a common method for hairline lowering. This option is the best for the people who have thin hair at the hairline or their hairline is not even. Before you choose to get this treatment, it is important to wait till the time hair loss stops. If you have the issue of progressive hair loss then it will ruin the desired outcome of the treatment. If you do not consult the surgeon correctly, then you need to get more than one surgical procedure. Hair transplantation is the best option for individuals who have large foreheads. However, these people will not have an uneven or thin hairline as they choose to undergo the hair grafting method to add hair on the front of the scalp as it allows them to have a narrower forehead.   Hair transplant – The best option for hairline restoration During hair restoration, the hair follicles can be transplanted from one part of the scalp to another. The best part of this method is that it does not leave a scar on the scalp even if the hair grafts are transplanted or extracted. Undergoing this method can help the patients to get the desired and natural-looking hair growth. To see the desired results you need to wait for 10 to 12 months.   Forehead reduction with scalp advancement The second choice is the surgical method which is known as scalp advancement. During this method, the incision is made along the hairline from temple to temple area. After that, the skin portion is removed which is around 3 to 5 centimeters in width, and the scalp is pulled so that it can be reattached to the remaining forehead skin by using the sutures. The suitable candidate for this surgery includes females with high hairline along with men and the patient should not have a history of hair loss. Also, the patient should have good elastic skin as it is the most important part of this surgical method. After the surgery, the hairline is lowered and forehead size is reduced. But the problem is that scarring is the problem with this surgery which is not the best site for any person.      

Everything you need to know about the treatment of beard hair transplant in India

Everything you need to know about the treatment of beard hair transplant in India


What is a Beard Transplant? Treatment of hair transplant in India: Many men are out there who face hard times when they want to grow their beards. In some cases, it can be easy to avoid the use of a razor and let the beard grow, but for some of them, it is extremely difficult. In some cases, the beard can look patchy. In that case, the beard transplant is the best choice for a cosmetic procedure. No doubt, the beard hair transplant is the best choice for the patients to get the regrowth of hair and the hair also looks natural. During the treatment of a beard transplant, the hair follicles are extracted from the area which has the desirable hair growth i.e. donor area. Following that, the hair follicles are placed carefully on the face of the person which contains less hair and then hair follicles start growing thicker. Who needs to undergo a beard transplant and what is the procedure like? You are a suitable candidate for the treatment if: The beard is growing in uneven and thin patches. The beard has scars and it can make your face look better without scarring.  Process of Beard Transplant Harvesting The surgeon takes the hair follicles from the back of the scalp which is known as harvesting. Implantation The harvesting needs the hair follicles to be implanted in the required area. The patient is given local anesthesia to carry out the process. The hair is implanted into the person’s face and this is a time-consuming process. Process of Recovery Then comes the recovery process which takes a day. The person feels tiny crust development around the hair follicles which usually flake off within a day or two. The transplanted hair follicles fall out within 2 to 3 weeks and then the new hair follicles start coming. Beard transplant takes time and location of the hair in the face to be found correctly. What are the advantages of a beard transplant? The procedure is painless and the patient does not have to worry about the pain involved with the treatment. The procedure helps in giving permanent results and this process is one time. It means by getting the surgery one time will help you to get the best possible results on time. The transplanted hair gives a natural look and with time when the beard grows it results in hair growth which is uniform and thicker. The beard transplant recovery does not take much time and the procedure is straightforward.   How much time does the beard transplant take? The entire procedure of the beard transplant takes 8 hours. The patient needs to wait for a few weeks to see the results. The transplanted hair will fall out after 15 to 30 days after the surgery. To see the final and desirable results you need to wait for 6 to 10 months following the surgery.  

Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty nose job surgery in India

Shall I opt For Rhinoplasty Surgery?


What is rhinoplasty surgery? Rhinoplasty nose job surgery in India: Rhinoplasty is also known as nose job surgery. During these surgical procedures, the changes are made to the nose and it is redefined which helps the face to get an aesthetic look. If you are not with the nose and think it is too small or too large then this cosmetic surgery is the preferable choice for you. Nose shape and size are dependent on different factors and this includes heredity. If you talk on a scientific basis, the way the nose looks then it is determined by the structure underneath it which is the cartilage and the bone. To change the size and shape of the nose, the rhinoplasty surgeon will change the position or size of the cartilages and nasal bones. However, the patient needs to have realistic expectations from the surgical treatment. Keep in mind you cannot get the nose looking like your favourite celebrity. What is the need for undergoing rhinoplasty surgery? Some of the common issues for which people need to undergo rhinoplasty surgery include: A nose that is too long Wide nose Nose looks droopy Bulbous round tip Hump along with the nose bridge No doubt, the nose performs the most critical function, and it also helps to enhance human beauty. It is placed right in the face which makes it the first thing to notice about the human body. It is the reason, it plays an important role to increase the aesthetic beauty and determine the femininity or masculinity of the face. How does nose job surgery correct the breathing issue? If the nasal septum is partially or entirely crooked then it blocks the nostrils that trigger breathing issues. This surgery can even correct the deviated septum. So, this surgery makes the best choice to correct the breathing issues and the deviated septum. The surgery aims to repair the deviated septum, exclude nasal polyps, or shrink the size of the turbinates. Keep in mind, if you are happy with the nose appearance then make sure to inform the surgeon during the consultation so that he does not make any changes in it.   Will the surgery leave scars? During the surgery, the incisions are made inside the nose, so you do not have to worry about anything. Only one incision is done externally on the base of the nose. However, it is going to fade away with time as the healing is completed. Does the surgery hurt? Like any other surgical procedure, we are afraid that it will be painful or hurt a lot to get the treatment done. With this surgery, you can rest assured because surgery is done under local anaesthesia that numbs the nose and face. This way the sensation of pain is reduced. If the surgery is done on a child, then the surgeon can prefer general anaesthesia.  

What are the common myths people are having about Hair transplant?

What are the common myths people are having about Hair transplant?


Are you worried about excessive hair loss which eventually leads to baldness? Thinking of undergoing hair transplant but due to common myths,you are not able to make the right choice. Myth: The end result of the surgery is not satisfying This is the foremost myth which is very common among people. They think the end result of the hair restoration will not be satisfying which is false. The surgeon will transplant the hair grafts in such a way which will end up looking natural. In fact, it will not be identified by the hairdresser or barber that you are having natural or transplanted hair. Myth: FUT is a better method then FUE The experienced surgeon will first check the condition of the patient and then suggest the best possible procedure i.e follicular unit extraction or follicular unit transplant. Sometimes the surgeon will end up suggesting both the methods to the patient to get the desired result. Myth: The surgery is painful The hair transplantation surgery is not painful because the patient is given anesthesia. The patient might feel some irritation rather than pain. In fact, the patient is allowed to go home back on the day of surgery and can resume his daily chores. Myth: The surgery will give you an instant result No, it is false because it will take time to show the results. The patient will start seeing the result after 6 to 8 post-surgery months and by the end of 12 months, he will see the desired results. Myth: Lager grafts are having more density Always remember the density of the hair grafts will be depending upon the number of hair grafts transplanted into the problematic area. The density is not measured on the basis of the size of the hair grafts. In fact, the qualified surgeon knows if he will transplant the larger hair grafts then it will end up showing unnatural hair. Myth: Hair transplant is not meant for women Hair transplantation is meant for both men and women depending upon the condition of their health and reason of hair loss. The surgeon will examine the patient and then he will decide whether the men or women should undergo the treatment or not. Myth: The person should avoid washing hair after the surgery The surgeon advised not to wash your hair for a few weeks post-surgery. But after the consent of your surgeon, you should start washing your hair. In fact, you should keep your scalp clean which will keep you from staying away from the infection. Myth: The surgery might affect your brain Hair transplantation surgery is done on the skin of the scalp. The surgery will not come in contact with any part of the brain.    

Everything you need to know about liposuction scar treatment and steps to minimize it

What is a Liposuction procedure? Is it a substitute for a healthy weight?


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat deposits from the body. With this time surgical procedure has gained a lot of popularity because of the results it provides.   Can liposuction leave a scar? Liposuction surgery: When you consult the experienced surgeon he knows what needs to be done to minimize the scarring after the surgery. The surgeon will make sure the incisions are as small as possible and place them where no one can notice them easily. However, if scarring occurs then it is because of the choosing inexperienced surgeon. After the procedure, the surgeon will instruct you to wear the compression garment over the area where fat deposits are removed. When you wear them correctly and follow the surgeon’s instructions it is going to reduce the risk of scarring.   What are the options for scar removal? The given method is going to reduce scar appearance and make the outcome better.   Silicone gel sheets and silicone gel Silicone gel and gel sheets are a popular choice to minimize the scar appearance and they can work when you apply them according to instructions regularly. Silicone gel is great as it hydrates the skin and stops the body from overcompressing during the healing phase.   Chemical peels and microdermabrasion The dermatologist will use the chemical peel or microdermabrasion method to remove the scar tissue layer from the skin. You can consult the doctor and he can tell you whether you need additional recovery time. Mostly it results in redness. Keep in mind everyone’s skin is different so you may respond to it differently. In some cases, treatment needs to be repeated and you will see the scarring start to fade.   Cryotherapy The keloid scars and hypertrophic scars are not treated with this. During this method, the scar tissues are pierced and freeze it with nitrogen gas from the inside out. The scar is then released from the healthy skin which surrounds it. This procedure is simple, and it is performed in the outpatient setting and does not result in pain. This method helps reduce scar appearance.   Laser therapy Laser therapy is another outpatient procedure in which laser heat is used for the scar tissue, and healthy cell growth is stimulated. This procedure is simple, and recovery does not take much time. However, repeated treatment is necessary, and it takes months to see the desired results. Scar removal surgery Scar removal surgery is the option for highly visible scars which makes you feel self-conscious. But, it involves the risk of making more scars. It is best to consult the doctor on which method works best for your condition.  

Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a good choice for women or not?

Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a good choice for women or not?


Hair transplant came as a blessing to the men who were facing excess hair loss. But will this surgery only work for male pattern hair? Women are not a good candidate for this? We know these questions were running your mind because not only men but women also face hair loss problems. And yes, women are also a good candidate for undergoing hair transplantation. Factors should keep in mind before hair transplantation? There are a few factors which need to be taken care of before undergoing the hair transplant surgery that is mentioned below: Age of the women Only women above 30 are eligible for the surgery. So if you are facing bald patches or thinning and you are above 30 years then you are the right candidate. Condition of the health The surgeon checks whether the women are medically fit or not before the surgery. If you are on long term medications then you should tell your doctor about this. The lifestyle of the women For speedy recovery of the surgery, the women should take care of their diet and eat healthy food. She should do exercises and take medicines on time prescribed by the surgeon. It will help you in reducing the risk of infection and swelling. Category You should be having healthy hair at the back so the only doctor will be able to transplant the hair grafts on the problematic area. Remember the doctor will be taking hair from the back of the scalp or various parts of the body for the transplantation. Who is eligible for hair restoration? The only women are eligible for the surgery that are mentioned below: Women experiencing hair loss due to alopecia. The women are also eligible to have done plastic or cosmetic surgery and are scared of hair loss around incisions. Women suffering from a distinct pattern of baldness are also a good candidate for the surgery. Women experienced chemical burns, scarring from accidents. What are the procedures? FUE Follicular unit extraction is the type of procedure in which the surgeon will take out the hair follicles individually and transplant into the problematic area. The surgeon will transplant the hair in a zigzag way for the hair growth. FUT Follicular unit transplant is a type of procedure in which the surgeon will take out the strip of the hair from the back of the scalp and transplant it into the area where a bald patch or thinning will be there. The risk involved in the surgery mentioned below: The patient might face infection. The patient might experience bleeding also. The patient might experience the death of hair follicles. Conclusion We hope you get the answer that women undergoing hair transplant surgery is a good choice. All she needs to do is find the best surgeon for herself.

When you are allowed to wear a helmet after a hair transplant surgery?

When you are allowed to wear a helmet after a hair transplant surgery?


Hair transplant is the best solution for the person who is facing a hair loss problem. In the surgery, the surgeon will take hair from the back of the scalp or various parts of the body of a patient and transplant it into the problematic area. If you are facing baldness or thinning then do not worry. You can take the benefits of hair transplant. Call Us Now: +91 9849797776 Frequently asked the question to VJC is if a person has undergone hair transplant surgery then when a person is allowed to wear a helmet. So we are here to help you and solve your queries explained below: When can you wear the helmet after the surgery? Avoid driving a vehicle and wearing a helmet for three weeks as your scalp needs three weeks to heal properly. You can start driving the vehicle and start wearing the helmet after three weeks of the surgery. Remember hair grafts are very sensitive and need to be taken care properly. So you should avoid wearing a helmet after your surgery. If you will start wearing a helmet after the surgery then there is a chance of your hair grafts to fall out from the scalp. Any type of pressure or hard things is going to affect the hair grafts so be careful and follow the instructions of the surgeon properly. You should avoid washing your hair for 3 weeks after the surgery and if you will wear a helmet which will make your scalp sweat which will put you in trouble. FUE hair transplant FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the methods of hair transplant surgery. In this procedure, the surgeon is going to harvest the hair individually and transplant the hair taken from the back of the scalp of the patient. You can do the procedure without even disturbing your daily routine. You should be aware of few FUE facts mentioned below: You should follow the instructions of the surgeon and take prescribed medicines from time to time. With the advice of the surgeon, you should apply the antibiotic cream for at least three times a day. Make sure to sleep on your side for at least three days after the hair transplant surgery to avoid any kind of problem. For 20 minutes continually, you should spray the water in your scalp. You are not allowed to do any kind of heavy workouts. You are not allowed to wash your hair after the surgery. You need to avoid using a drier on your scalp. You should not wear a helmet for 3 weeks. Conclusion It is your responsibility to take care of the scalp post-surgery. You tiny mistake can put you in trouble. If you will take care of your hair properly which leads to better and faster healing.

What are the top things you need to know about hair transplantation?

What are the top things you need to know about hair transplantation?


Someone has rightly said, ‘Sharing is Caring’. If you are planning to undergo hair transplant surgery, then you must be wondering the top things which you need to know about the surgery. This procedure has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years to deal with hair loss problems. You cannot overlook the fact that the surgery gives natural and permanent results which is not possible with any other treatment. Are your expectations realistic? This is not a common thing that comes in the patient’s mind. They are focused on seeing the images on the website and how good the results look online. The trust is, there is a limit to what the results can be accomplished. For the effective results, the donor supply matters a lot and this helps the result to get better. If the patient donor area is proper then it allows the surgeon to get the hair grafts without any issues. During the consultation, the surgeon will check the number of grafts required and accordingly let you know what treatment plan you need to get. Your surgeon will decide depending on the hair grafts what kind of cosmetic improvement is required. Also, every patient is different so the results will vary accordingly. The best hair surgeon will always evaluate everything and then make the treatment plan. How long does it take to get back to a normal working routine? Well, there is no specific answer to how much time it will take. It can depend on what type of work you do, it means if your work needs effort then you need to wait for longer to get back to the normal routine. Fortunately, FUE and FUT have evolved a lot that helps the patient to get back to the normal routine on time. IT means the downtime is minimized. Additionally, you need to wait for enough to let your scalp heal and the swelling should reduce. Make sure you have enough time to recover and consult the surgeon before you make any changes in your daily routine. How many surgeries do you need? This question is often unasked as the patient assumes they have one surgery for a lifetime. In most cases, this is true. The hair loss is a progressive issue and once you start losing hair, it can be difficult to stop. It is important to consult the doctor and he can tell you about your condition and what suits you the best. To make an informed decision and understand how many surgical procedures will allow you to see the results you need to consult the best hair restoration surgeon. Is it important to meet the doctor before the surgery? Before the surgery, the initial consultation is extremely important. During this visit, you can clear all your doubts and ask if you have any concerns.

What are the factors you should consider while choosing a surgeon for hair transplant?



Hair transplant which is also known as hair restoration is a blessing to those who are facing excessive hair loss problems. If you are the one who is facing a hair loss problem then you should consult a surgeon keeping in mind the following factors for the best results. What is a hair transplant? Hair transplant is a technique in which your surgeon will transplant hair where you are facing a bald patch, thinning. The surgeon will be taking hair from the back of the scalp or from various parts of the body. There are two procedures which you can choose for yourself such as FUT and FUE. Following factors you should consider while consulting a surgeon mentioned below: Experience of the surgeon. Experience does matter no matter whichever the field is. You should check the experience of the surgeon before consulting him. Remember the experience of the surgeon will be one of the major factors which will help you in getting the desired goal. He should have the proper knowledge which will help you in getting the natural look. A barber or hairdresser will also not be able to identify whether you are having natural hair or transplanted. Recommendation from loved ones If you are facing a hair loss problem then you should not feel shy in asking the details of the surgeon from family, friends, neighbours. Your loved ones will recommend you the best hair transplant surgeon which will solve all your problems. Check the ratings, reviews The Internet is boon for the people if they use it wisely. With the help of the internet, you can check the website of the hospital or surgeon to know more about the surgeon in depth. Check the reviews or testimonials of the patients on the website. Remember good reviews are the sign that the surgeon is good at its work. But don’t believe two or three reviews you must consider at least more than 100 reviews then only you will come to know properly. References from the surgeon You can ask referrals from the surgeon about his previous surgeries. You can call them personally or visit their place to know more about the surgeon and how much efficient he is at his work. Also, you will come to know about the staff members, their services which will help you in selecting the best surgeon for yourself.   Qualification of the surgeon You can check the qualification of the surgeon by asking them about his training from hospitals, medical college, his certificates to make sure that the surgeon you have consulted is best for you or not.

How FUE hair transplant optimizes the donor area and uses the graft with precision?

How FUE hair transplant optimizes the donor area and uses the graft with precision?


A hair transplant is considered as the most effective solution for hair loss. This treatment is considered a suitable choice for men and women. This treatment has advanced a lot in the last few years which helps the patient to get the most effective results. The surgeons are experienced and skilled to give the surgery with the precise technique. FUE Hair Transplant Treatment With medical advancement, the FUE treatments have advanced a lot and it has become less invasive. Patients undergoing the treatment feel comfortable throughout the treatment. FUE is one of the methods which have gained a lot of popularity because of the results it provides. What happens during the FUE method? FUE (Follicular unit extraction) is one of the surgical methods of hair transplantation. During the procedure, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the scalp (donor area) and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less (recipient area). This surgery helps the hair grafts to be transplanted with such a precision they blend with the natural hair growth. Determining the total number of grafts To make sure the patient gets the most effective results and the bald spots are covered properly, the surgeon counts the total number of grafts required by the patients. The surgeon will evaluate the total number of grafts you need. Your surgeon will evaluate the reason for hair loss by doing different tests. According to the results you will be given the treatment plan which works the best for you. Just keep in mind, every patient’s condition is different so your results will depend on that. Treatment is done with utmost precision During FUE, there is no problem of scar or you can say these are tiny dots that cannot be seen with the naked eyes. Even the patients with severe baldness or hair loss issues can choose to undergo the treatment and get the permanent solution for hair loss. Whether you need less number of grafts or in excess, the surgeon can design the treatment plan accordingly. Seeing the final results To see the desired results from the surgery you need to wait for 10 to 12 months. The initial results can be seen within 3 months which is a few inches long. During the surgery, your hair grafts are used which blend perfectly with your existing hair growth. The final results are exceptional and the hair growth is thick the way you want it to be.   Consult the surgeon If you are looking for an effective treatment plan for your hair loss condition then visit our surgeon. He is going to check the reason for hair loss and customize the treatment plan that works in your favor. Book your appointment today only for the best treatment.

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