The Procedures And Benefits Of Mustache Transplant With Cleft Lip Repair
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The Procedures And Benefits Of Mustache Transplant With Cleft Lip Repair



The appearance of a man relies a lot on their hair, especially facial hair. Some people take having a thick mustache as a sign of masculinity, while others believe it is a great way to get that sleek look. In short, it is in trend, and people love having one. That is the reason why you would see a distinct effect on the self-esteem of people who have comparatively less dense and patchy mustaches. Some of the reasons behind patchy mustaches are surgical scars, genetic disorders, burns, injuries, and many more. Apart from that, having a disorder like cleft lip can also lead to patchy mustache growth. Men who suffer from cleft lip notice limited growth or have some missing mustache growth in the area affected by the scars.  Mustache Transplant With Cleft Lip This is the reason why it was more challenging for the doctor to transplant the mustache to those who have cleft lips as compared to others in a hair Clinic in Vizag. But it is not impossible; we can still get the outcome of a functional and aesthetic mustache with the help of transplant surgery. The main part of such a condition is to treat the required underlying issues before beginning the correct procedure. In simple terms, the whole process of a hair transplant will go smoothly if the patient undergoes the Cleft Lip Repair in Visakhapatnam. This will help you get rid of two things in one without any hassle. This will help you make the irregular and patchy mustache in the affected area more dense and thick. The doctor mainly suggests FUE (Follicular Extraction Unit) for such transplant procedures. FUE is a very effective, safe, and minimally invasive technique that only takes around three to nine hours and highly depends on the affected area and the number of hair grafts. In this process, the doctor begins the hair extraction from the donor site and implants it in the affected area.  Procedure For Mustache Hair Transplant The doctor begins the process by evaluating the extent of hair loss in the area of the mustache. After that, the surgeon will make small incisions in the bald area. The doctor will retrieve the hair follicles from the back of the head. After the month, the transplanted hair will shed some hair leaving the roots that will in shorty initiate the hair growth.  What Are The Benefits Of Mustache Transplant Post Cleft Lip Repair? These are some of the benefits of the mustache transplant post cleft lip repair: It increases the self-esteem of a person. It helps the patient to get an aesthetic appearance. It helps in achieving thick, natural facial hair. It helps in enhancing the natural line of mustache hair growth.  Operative Care Points Post Mustache Hair Transplant    These are some tips after the transplant surgery. You should avoid repeatedly washing the transplanted area You should keep your face dry with the help of moisture. For a few months, you should avoid trimming or shaving the area. Avoid direct sunlight  Takeaway  

Hair Transplant Treatment: How much are the 2000 hair grafts?

How many grafts are needed to get the treatment of hair transplant?


Hair loss is one of the nerve-wracking conditions spreading like a wayfire around the globe. Individuals searching for one of the best hair fall treatments often struggle and try their best to determine the most satisfactory possible solution. In the search for the treatment plan: The most effective choice is a Hair transplant in Andhra Pradesh. Undergoing the treatment helps the individuals transform their hair locks with desired hair growth on a permanent and natural basis. Now, as you begin your journey of  Hair transplant in Vizag, the surgeon will check: ‘How many hair grafts are required?’ One of the requirements for hair grafts is around: 2000 Hair grafts. But what does that mean? Did you know? The hair graft used for hair transplantation treatment stands for ‘Hair follicles.’ On average, the hair graft has around 2 to 3 strands. For 2000 hair grafts, the approximate hair follicle count is about 5000 to 6500. The total count of hair grafts depends on the initial examination and adequately understanding your hair loss condition. To know if your hair loss state needs 2000 grafts hair transplant or more, our hair restoration surgeon performs an initial evaluation and then figures out how to proceed further with your treatment plan. The surgeon thoroughly checks the total number of hair grafts needed to cover the bald spots effectively. The total number of grafts required varies from person to person No two people are the same. So, how is it possible the hair transplant treatment required is the same for two individuals struggling with hair loss? The hair characteristics are different for every patient, so determining the same allows one to have a better idea of which treatment plan to get and how many grafts. Along with hair characteristics, the other possible factors to be checked include: Scalp laxity Hair density Facial characteristics General aesthetic requirement The doctor thoroughly determines your hair loss classification level and then tells you about the necessary treatment plan. Which type of hair transplant treatment do I need? The type of hair transplant you need depends on your hair loss condition and which procedure seems fine for your hair loss state. The doctor chooses the method from the following and even asks you about your suggestion: FUE hair transplant FUT hair transplant No matter which hair transplant type the doctor suggests, permanent and natural-looking results are possible with both the treatment options. Can a hair transplant fail? A hair transplant is an advanced and modern-based treatment performed with the expertise of a hair restoration surgeon. Those who fall for the ‘Cheap Hair Transplant’ advertisement or miss out on the initial consultation with the surgeon. Ensure not to make this mistake and consult an experienced surgeon to seek all necessary information and make an informed choice. Under the expertise of a board-certified surgeon, you will get an effective and advanced hair transplant treatment plan.

Everything you need to know about the different types of baldness



Hair loss and types of baldness Hair loss is one of the nerve-wracking conditions which makes it difficult for the person to enjoy life to the fullest. The state of losing hair often signals low self-esteem and self-confidence. With the ever-increasing state of increasing hair loss issues, more people demand to look for permanent and economical Hair loss treatment. But, one thing is sure to know about the effective hair loss treatment plan: The reason for hair loss and type of baldness should get checked. What are the symptoms of hair loss? If you have any of the given below hair loss symptoms, then schedule immediate consultation at one of the leading Hair Clinic in Vizag. Some of the common symptoms of hair loss are: The scalp top has gradual thinning Sudden hair loss Full-body hair loss Patches that spread to the entire scalp If your hair loss has reached a state where baldness is evident, seek medical assistance at the earliest. What are the types of baldness? Given below are the common types of baldness which you have to be familiar with like: Patterned baldness Patterned baldness occurs due to a family history of baldness. The problem occurs when hormones that help with hair growth are not balanced. This type of baldness is common in men and women. Hair Transplant in Vizag is one of the effective treatment plans to deal with such kinds of hair loss. Alopecia areata Alopecia areata is the state of autoimmune disorders which means the immune system starts attacking the healthy hair follicles by mistake. Such hair loss has two different types: Alopecia totalis: Hair loss over the entire scalp Alopecia Universalis: Complete hair loss on the scalp and body Sometimes the hair loss condition gets better on its own, but sometimes it triggers permanent hair loss. If you have this type of hair loss, you have to consult a medical expert at the earliest. Diffuse hair loss Diffuse hair loss is when you have a bald spot in the crown with a receding hairline. Such baldness makes it pretty evident you have lost hair, and even hair quality gets down. There are high chances there’s an underlying condition that is making hair health worse. Lichen planopilaris Such baldness is not common, but it leads to moderate or inconsistent baldness when it occurs. One of those conditions for which the reason behind baldness is also not known. Treatment for baldness To find the most reliable and economical hair loss solution, you must visit one of the best hair transplant surgeons. Sometimes, it’s possible to treat the condition through medications. But sometimes, only the hair transplant surgery works under that state. Get hair restoration treatment Hair transplant treatment in Vizag, under the expertise of Dr. C Vijay Kumar, offers the most effective treatment plan. To know better about the right kind of treatment plan, schedule an initial consultation and make your condition better.

Let’s break the myth: Gynecomastia treatment is possible without surgery

Gynecomastia Triggers: 5 Mistakes to Avoid


Gynecomastia Treatment When there’s a specific term, different assumptions are made regarding the same. One of the biggest that revolves around the problem of Gynecomastia, also known as male boobs, is ‘Gynecomastia treatment is possible without surgical intervention.’ Well, that’s not true at all. Gynecomastia Surgery in Vizag is the only way to deal with the problem once and for all. The condition is the imbalance of hormones in the body which triggers the male breast’s growth. So, if that is what is happening with you, you have to seek medical assistance to take the best care of yourself. What are the significant causes of Gynecomastia? Apart from the hormonal imbalance, several factors can lead to the development of this condition: Sedentary lifestyle Too much intake of alcohol Not staying active at all Aging Medication side-effect Determining the underlying cause is essential, and accordingly, the doctor will suggest a necessary treatment plan. No doubt, after undergoing surgery, it’s crucial to take care of your overall well-being, and if there seems to be any problem, then it needs to be addressed on time. Are there any supplements that have proven effective for Gynecomastia? There are no such supplements or herbs that have shown to work effectively against man boobs or enlarged breasts in a male. That’s not all! Even FDA has not given a green signal to any medication to come there in the market getting the tag of ‘Medication for Gynecomastia Treatment.’ So, that makes it pretty evident that surgery is the only possible and practical way to treat Gynecomastia. Work upon your lifestyle and daily habits after surgery Gynecomastia surgery is performed through a liposuction procedure. The excess fat is taken from the breast tissues to let it come back to its original shape. There are a few things that you can follow to improve the hormone levels and limit the chances of having Gynecomastia problems: Minimize alcohol consumption Try to avoid sources of stress in your life Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night Perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week Aim to strength train all major muscle groups at least twice per week Eat a balanced diet with an emphasis on minimally processed foods Follow the doctor’s instructions The most crucial factor is to follow the doctor’s instructions every time after undergoing surgery. Therefore, it’s all important to follow the right kind of diet plan and make a difference in your condition. Just follow the necessary suggestions, and the results of the gynecomastia surgery are managed under all possible considerations. Do you need any help? If there’s any question in your mind, then make sure to discuss the same with the doctor.

Important Facts About Hair Restoration Treatment For Hair Loss

Interesting things about hair restoration that you must know


A hair transplant is an extensive surgery that requires a lot of strategies before the doctor begins the procedure. You would want the outcome to be natural-looking, which is why it is necessary to have the proper plan while simultaneously clearing all doubts. More than that, I think it is essential to have a realistic approach to this method. Each case is different, and it is necessary to know that the outcome w0udl varies from one case to another depending on the particular condition and health of the hair. Hair plays a significant role in dictating the appearance of the person. Thus hair loss can hit hard on some people. If you want to gain back your self-confidence and esteem, you can think about undergoing a Hair Transplant in Vizag. This process will restore your hair back with a surgical method. Now let us move ahead to the myths or wrong information which are circulated about hair transplant surgery. This is one of the reasons why people often ditch the idea of hair transplant surgery. Today, we will present to you some facts that might cut down the myths about Hair Transplant in Kakinada. Facts About Hair Transplant Surgery Achieve natural-looking hair with hair transplant surgery The thing about hair transplant surgery is that you can achieve natural-looking results with it. We mainly focus on giving you that subtle and natural look that would not look artificial at all at our clinic. With the latest technology of FUE (follicular unit extraction), we present precise work with minimal incision and the best result. In your initial consultation, the surgeon would discuss the cognition of your affected hair and the donor’s hair to set a realistic expectation about the result. The doctor would also give you a set of instructions to follow before, during, and after the procedure. The instructions include the technique to wash your hair, the styling technique, and how to take care of it for some time. Hair transplant results will take time. One of the most vital steps of hair transplant surgery is to have a realistic expectation. Which also includes the time period it will take to show the outcome. You would not be getting immediate results in hair transplant surgery, as the whole process will take around 8-109 months to show natural-looking hair growth. It is a slow process but do trust the outcome. Several weeks after the procedure, the newly transplanted hair will fall out but do not worry; the follicle in the scalp is growing. Women can undergo hair transplant surgery. It is a myth that a hair transplant is a solution for male hair loss. But that is not the case; a woman can also undergo hair restoration treatment. Almost 50% of the women population experience a lot of hair fall in their life, out of which nearly a third of the population have female pattern hair loss. In this condition, the woman begins to experience thinning of hair over the sides and top of the head. For All Intents And Purposes Visit VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplantation Center and treat your hair loss with a proper hair transplant surgery. With the guidance of a skilled doctor, you will get consultancy about the appropriate treatment with a set of instructions to follow to achieve natural-looking results.

Everything you need to know about the infected hair plugs scenario



Hair transplant treatment During a hair transplant, hair follicles are moved from the healthy part of the scalp to the part where hair growth is less than the required one. The Hair Transplant in Kakinada approach is safe when performed under the expertise of trained and skilled hair restoration surgeons. But, sometimes, some individuals have an infection and other complications which are likely to affect the necessary results. Undoubtedly, the infection rate is less than 1%, and there are several reasons for the same. Have you undergone hair restoration treatment but have not been able to see the necessary results? If that is the case, schedule your consultation for a Hair Transplant in Vizag and get it corrected by Dr. C Vijay Kumar to manage your hair loss problem. What are the symptoms of an infected hair transplant? The infection is highly low, but it’s better to be cautious about the same. Some of the known states of infections are: Red or discolored skin Pain Fever Smelly Discharge Wound healing slows down What are the reasons for hair transplant infection? Consider the scenario: Someone chooses an experienced hair restoration surgeon, but they don’t follow all the necessary suggestions shared by the doctor. Being careless with an aftercare hair transplant regime is likely to affect wound healing, triggering infection at a fast pace. So, if you notice your wound is not healing properly, or you see redness, smelly discharge, or any other unwanted symptoms, consult the doctor right away.  What are the treatment options for hair transplant infection? The chances of infection are extremely low, but you need to seek the utmost care from a health expert even if that happens. In case you notice any complications then you are suggested: Antibiotics Shampoo your hair two times a day Exfoliation with a warm compress How do reduce the chances of hair transplant infection? The most important and effective measure is to follow the surgeon’s aftercare instructions effectively. Such a simple factor makes a difference in entire results, and the road to recovery after hair transplant treatment goes with utmost ease. There are a few simple yet effective measures that you should take to reduce & prevent chances of infection: Don’t touch your transplanted hair grafts Keep your head elevated at a 45-degree angle Take all the medications suggested by the doctor Make sure to wash your hair and scalp only after getting the doctor’s signal & do it the right way Don’t apply any chemical-related product on your hair Don’t miss out on any of your medical appointments Give your scalp enough time to heal after a hair transplant After a hair transplant, the most important aspect is to take enough care of hair grafts, and if you are not sure about something, consult the doctor. Like transplanted hair grafts, it takes around 7 to 14 days to let it get into the necessary place. All in all, be mindful of every small detail your hair restoration surgeon shares.

Is It Possible To Undergo Hair Transplant Burn Injury On The Scalp?

Answer the important Question about Micro Scalp Pigmentation hair fall treatment


Is Hair Transplant Viable After Burn Scar On Scalp? For hair loss, people often opt for hair transplant surgery. It helps in filling those areas which are bald. Hair Transplant in Vizag is not only limited to the head or the scalp but is also possible to be performed on the facial hair. A hair transplant is a great way to gain back that lost confidence that has butchered up your professional, personal and social life. There are many reasons for people to go for hair transplant surgery. One such reason includes burning injuries on the scalp. The damage has already made the patient stressed and has given them a hard time. On top of that, the surgery is going to add fuel to the oil. Hair transplant surgery for such a reason can only be possible if the injury for the burn is in the form of the first or second degree. given below are some of the factors that determine whether or not the patient should undergo the surgery of Hair Transplant in Kakinada: The size of the burned area The severity of the burn If the burn is not treated immediately, then the doctor might have difficulty performing the hair transplant surgery  What Is The Procedure Of Hair Transplant Surgery? There are two possible ways to complete the task of hair transplant surgery. These two techniques help in achieving natural and long-lasting results. The two methods are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). It would require several years for the patient to see the desired years in the burnt scalp cases- remember having patience is the key. The doctor performs this hair transplant surgery at various stages. This is done to observe whether or not the patient is responding to the remedy. The two stages of hair transplant surgery include: In the first stage, the doctor conducts the hair loss treatment at a low density so that the hair follicles get adequate time for proper growth. With years the doctor would increase the density of the hair as the procedure becomes effective. In both techniques, the doctor retrieves the hair follicles from the back or the side of the scalp and implants them back in the affected area. This is done because the tissues that stimulate hair growth are basically healthy there. It will also help heal the affected area with no difficulty; from patient to patient, the requirement of the number of grafts changes in the hair transplant treatment. What Is The Cost Of The Hair Transplant Surgery? The cost of the hair transplant depends on various factors, from the technology that is used by the doctor to your underlying health condition; all of these play a significant role in dictating the price of the treatment. This is why it is essential to consult with our doctor beforehand and learn about your condition and its causes to find which treatment would best suit you and your hair type. Apart from that, the qualification and the experience of the doctor and the reputation of the clinic also play a significant role in fluctuating the price.

What are the topmost ways to make hair transplant cost affordable?

What are the various reasons when and why men need Hair Transplant Surgery


Are you planning to get a hair transplant? Well, that’s a great choice. Especially if you are struggling with severe hair loss, bald spots, and hair thinning, then opting for the Hair Transplant in Vizag is worth it in every possible sense. One of the patients’ major concerns is the treatment cost; how to make it all affordable? When you are planning for the treatment of a Hair Transplant in Kakinada, you must keep different factors in mind to help your treatment to be affordable in all the possible ways. Here are some of those helpful factors that can make the treatment journey economical for you. Tips to make hair transplant affordable Tip 1: Look for an experienced hair restoration surgeon Most importantly, you need to find a hair restoration surgeon who is experienced and trained. Being a technical and advanced treatment, it’s essential that the treatment you choose to get is done correctly. And that’s possible when you find a skilled hair restoration surgeon. Make sure that to find the hair doctor; you give this step enough time. When you look for a surgeon, you should thoroughly check the reviews, take the necessary recommendations from your loved ones, check the doctor’s experience, and most importantly, see whether the doctor has an online presence or not. Finding yourself the right medical expert will take you one step closer to making an informed decision. Tip 2: Take benefit of Indian hair transplant medical tourism Most importantly, you need to take advantage of Indian medical tourism. If you are an international patient wanting to get a hair transplant, you should choose India. By doing so, you end up saving a lot of money. Bear in mind, that the average treatment cost for a hair transplant is around Rs 40,000, which is way less or, you can say, affordable compared to any other developed nation. So, get the most hair transplant treatment plan available in India. Tip 3: Choose clinic wisely Choose the hair transplant clinic where you will get all the necessary improved and inventive treatment options to seek the right treatment plan. You are seeking the right care for your hair loss by doing so. Not just that, even the final results are worth it, which is your main focus. So, carefully analyze every little factor to be sure that when you get the treatment, it will address your condition effectively. Are you looking for a hair transplant clinic? No doubt, this journey might seem tough initially, and that is why we are here to help you. Under the expertise of Dr. C Vijay Kumar, be ready to seek the best care for your hair locks.

What are the topmost ways to make hair transplant cost affordable?

Cost-of-Hair-transplant in India


Are you planning to get a hair transplant? Well, that’s a great choice. Especially if you are struggling with severe hair loss, bald spots, and hair thinning, then opting for the Hair Transplant in Vizag is worth it in every possible sense. One of the patients’ major concerns is the treatment cost; how to make it all affordable? When you are planning for the treatment of a Hair Transplant in Kakinada, you must keep different factors in mind to help your treatment to be affordable in all the possible ways. Here are some of those helpful factors that can make the treatment journey economical for you. Tips to make hair transplant affordable Tip 1: Look for an experienced hair restoration surgeon Most importantly, you need to find a hair restoration surgeon who is experienced and trained. Being a technical and advanced treatment, it’s essential that the treatment you choose to get is done correctly. And that’s possible when you find a skilled hair restoration surgeon. Make sure that to find the hair doctor; you give this step enough time. When you look for a surgeon, you should thoroughly check the reviews, take the necessary recommendations from your loved ones, check the doctor’s experience, and most importantly, see whether the doctor has an online presence or not. Finding yourself the right medical expert will take you one step closer to making an informed decision. Tip 2: Take benefit of Indian hair transplant medical tourism Most importantly, you need to take advantage of Indian medical tourism. If you are an international patient wanting to get a hair transplant, you should choose India. By doing so, you end up saving a lot of money. Bear in mind, that the average hair transplant cost is around Rs 40,000, which is way less or, you can say, affordable compared to any other developed nation. So, get the most hair transplant treatment plan available in India. Tip 3: Choose clinic wisely Choose the hair transplant clinic where you will get all the necessary improved and inventive treatment options to seek the right treatment plan. You are seeking the right care for your hair loss by doing so. Not just that, even the final results are worth it, which is your main focus. So, carefully analyze every little factor to be sure that when you get the treatment, it will address your condition effectively. Are you looking for a hair transplant clinic? No doubt, this journey might seem tough initially, and that is why we are here to help you. Under the expertise of Dr. C Vijay Kumar, be ready to seek the best care for your hair locks.

What’s the ideal to get hair transplant treatment: 30s or 40s?

Our Patient Gets Successful Results at Our Clinic


Are you thinking about getting a hair transplant? A Hair Transplant in Vizag is one of the ultimate treatment plans for all those individuals struggling with hair loss. If you wish to have thicker and fuller hair locks, then this is the treatment you have to go for. Now, if your consideration is what should be the ideal age to get the therapy b/w 30 and 40, then continue reading the blog to get a better understanding of the same. When is it advised to get a hair transplant? Alopecia areata is one of the common hair problems that can occur at any age. Usually, hair loss is noticed in the 30s and 40s. If you choose to get the Hair Transplant in Kakinada, then make sure you understand the way treatment works. The main focus of the therapy is to help in restoring hair growth and not help with hair fall prevention. The ideal age to seek the ultimate benefits of a hair transplant is 25. What’s the age limit for hair transplant? As mentioned above, 25 is the ideal age to seek the ultimate benefits of a hair transplant. No doubt, if you are young and struggling with hair loss, you have to wait. It’s essential that the desired hair loss pattern is made, and only after that should you get hair transplant surgery. Obviously, for a teenager, like any other cosmetic surgical plan, it’s not advisable to get a hair transplant. That’s the reason a specific age is set to seek the ultimate benefits of hair transplant and deal with hair loss in the most effective manner. Who is the ideal candidate for a hair transplant? Well, it’s not just about the age, but there are a few requirements that have to be met to plan for the hair transplant journey in the most successful manner. Some of the major considerations are: The donor area needs to be fertile so that it’s easier to remove hair follicles. Your overall health needs to be good. Because problems with the body can make it difficult to effectively go through surgery, the healing process is even affected. Also, make sure that you inform the surgeon beforehand if you are taking any kind of medication. Most importantly, you have to keep your expectations realistic. Bear in mind that the surgery works in a certain manner, and being aware of the same and when you can see the results is all-important. Not just your physical health but your mental health needs to be in the right space. Doing so ensures that your journey of hair transplant, be it before or after, goes in the most comfortable manner. So, your overall health needs to be in the right place to enjoy the ultimate success of hair transplant treatment.

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