Facts About FUE Hair Transplant
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Hair Loss Treatment: Take A Peek Into Facts About FUE Hair Transplant

Tips To Need To Follow To Choose The Best Hair Transplant Centre In Vizag


Know the unknown about FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Do you notice your hair is getting thin, receding hairline, or bald spots? Be it hair loss or hair thinning, both are a considerable concern that requires you to visit one of the top-rated hair clinic in Vizag. Undoubtedly, it’s hard to accept hair loss, especially when you have it at a young age. However, gone are the times when you have to struggle to find the desired solution. Or splurge your money on expensive hair creams, medications, and whatnot. The Hair transplant clinic Visakhapatnam offers the most advanced medical treatment, i.e., Hair transplant performed through the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. That’s not all. The hair restoration technique helps offer natural-looking and permanent looks that increase your self-confidence. No doubt, when we go down the road of hair transplant treatment for the first time, it’s obvious to have anxiety and worry ‘What, How, Why, When, and much more.’ And considering the similar reason I have mentioned about the FUE Hair transplant in Visakhapatnam and some of its unknown facts to help manage your hair loss situation effectively. Facts about FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Fact 1: Most popular hair transplant treatment The FUE hair transplant makes one of the most precise treatment plans for giving natural-looking results. As one of the minimally invasive methods, the demand for FUE hair transplant keeps increasing. The benefits treatment offers to make it an all-reliable method. Fact 2: Worth every minute, even if it’s a long procedure The FUE Hair transplant can take between 4 to 8 hours. This much time ensures the hair grafts are transplanted in a precise and most natural way possible. No visible signs and scars following treatment. Therefore, the method of extraction used by the Surgeon helps offer excellent and natural results. Fact 3: No problem with scars FUE Hair Transplant makes an exceptional choice, as it doesn’t leave any scar. The targeted area heals within a few weeks. Just make sure to follow all necessary guidelines shared by the hair restoration surgeon. Fact 4: No need for general anesthesia The FUE method uses local anesthesia or a local numbing agent, so the patient doesn’t feel discomfort or pain. Moreover, with the expertise of a qualified surgeon, there won’t be any kind of risk or problem. Fact 5: Experience and skills of Surgeon are imperative The success of FUE hair transplant takes another level with the Surgeon’s skills and expertise. The hair restoration surgeon has done proper training and has a keen eye for strategically preparing the right kind of FUE hair transplant for you. It offers a natural-looking appearance and hairline for the best hair restoration results. Fact 6: Smooth recovery and desired results After the surgery, the recovery goes with utmost ease. You must follow the suggestions and tips given by the hair restoration surgeon. Additionally, it takes around 8 to 12 months to see the desired hair growth that’s natural-looking, permanent, and just the way you desired.

How does beard hair transplant work? How long does it last?

Five Frequently Asked Questions About Beard Hair Loss which offer the ultimate information


Beard Hair Transplant Beard is the perfect option to make your masculine features stand out. Now, most men prefer to ditch the razors and choose to grow a beard. Moreover, men wait for ‘No-Shave November’ to grow their beards even more. However, some don’t have the desired beard growth naturally. Due to this, they need to opt for technological help to bring a difference in the beard. WAIT! Does this mean I can grow a beard? Does the procedure work? YES! Beard Hair Transplant in Andhra Pradesh is the savior for all those men who are struggling with minimal beard hair growth. Undergoing beard hair transplant allows you to be in a position to grow a beard and restore beard hair. Make sure you consult the experienced hair restoration surgeon who will give you the most feasible treatment plan depending on your condition. Beard Hair Transplant Procedure The beard hair transplant follows the primary method of extracting and transplanting hair grafts. The procedure uses FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) to give fuller-looking hair. At our hair clinic in Vizag, the process happens in the form of a minimally invasive technique to remove and transplant the hair follicles and give natural-looking hair growth. So, here’s how the procedure gets done: During FUE, the surgeon will use a circular needle through the method of ‘Punch’ to take out donor hair from the back and side of the scalp. During FUE, the hair grafts are extracted one by one and transplanted scatterly. It eliminated the need for a visible linear scar. The total number of grafts required for extraction from the donor area to have a fuller beard will need around 2500 to 3000 hair grafts. The doctor ensures the desired number of hair grafts are used to fill in the patch and give suitable results. How are donor hair transplanted for beard? During extraction, the surgeon makes a small incision in the beard area. It’s the precision and quality of incisions that helps to tell about the: Direction Density Angle Determining these factors for beard growth will make a difference in the final results. Your hair transplant surgeon will discuss everything with you beforehand and guide you in detail as to what will happen before and after the surgery. How long do beard hair transplant results last? The procedure to transplant the hair grafts takes less than one hour. Just prepare yourself  as told by the surgeon. Following the surgeon’s guidelines allows you to be at utmost ease and help the recovery with maximum comfort. Remember that in the 2nd or 3rd week, you will notice hair fall, which is normal. It’s part of the procedure; afterward, you will see the permanent hair growth and a fuller-looking beard.  

What Are The Major Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness And Its Treatment?

Hair Transplant: What are the different factors that influence the cost of hair transplant surgery?


Male pattern baldness is one of the most forms of hair loss that men, in general, suffer from. Most individuals suffer from it to a certain degree by their 60s. However, it does not discriminate; men of any age can suffer from these hair fall issues. In such a situation, the only proper treatment that comes to mind is Hair plantation in Vizag. It is an effective procedure that gives mind-blowing and natural-looking results. The Hair transplant doctors in Vizag also call these bald male patterns androgenetic alopecia. People usually notice later in life as an outcome of a change in the levels of hormones in males. Almost 80% of the male and 50% of the female population suffer from fhair . It usually starts before the middle age hits them up.  What Are The Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness? There are many things that could lead to male pattern baldness. In this blog, we are going to delve into some of those common causes. The number one cause of androgenetic alopecia is the genetic predisposition to balding. Basically, it means that people who have a family history of balding or hair loss might be at higher risk of going through the exact consequences of hair loss or balding. According to a study in a hair clinic in vizag, the doctor associates it with the male androgens and sex hormones. Androgens help regulate the growth of hair with many other functions. Do keep in mind that each hair growth has a cycle, but with male pattern baldness, the hair growth cycle gets disrupted, which ultimately weakens them. In the end, it leads to the shrinkage of the hair follicles, which eventually finishes the process with no hair growth taking place. Apart from the genetic causes, there are also environmental causes that disturb hair growth. There are certain things that negatively affect health that also contribute to balding. Some of these environmental causes that affect hair fall include stress, anxiety, smoking, and nutritional deficiencies. All so many more can impact the likelihood of experiencing hair loss. We can also link hair loss to some other long-lasting health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. In case you notice hair falling alongside some other medical condition, or after you try out new medication, we highly recommend you visit a doctor and seek medical treatment. In fact, the doctor has shown concern regarding the MPB as a potential indicator for prostate cancer incidence in the future. However, there has been no proper recollection of data that we can deem reliable regarding this. The doctor will conduct an examination to diagnose whether the patient is suffering from male pattern baldness or not. There are different variations and reasons for hair loss, and it is very necessary to verify the type of balding the patient has before they begin the treatment. Without diagnosing the actual cause, the doctor will not be able to prescribe the right treatment for the problem. Thus do not wait any longer and visit our doctor immediately.

Guide to in-demand Cosmetic Treatment Options around the world



The most effective part is that anyone can improve their looks and features. Whether you are not satisfied with the way you look or you want to make it better, then cosmetic treatment options are the most preferred choice. No doubt, different options are available around the globe that you can choose from. To make the final decision per your requirements, you should consult the cosmetic surgeon in Vizag. Let’s talk you through the three most effective options highly preferred by the individuals when they visit Dr. C Vijay Kumar. Highly in-demand cosmetic treatment options Treatment 1: Hair transplant treatment A hair transplant is one of the most asked for treatment options among individuals struggling with hair loss. At our hair clinic in Vizag, you will get the most reliable treatment plan that makes your hair health transformed into the desired way you are looking for. The hair transplant treatment has natural-looking and permanent results that are impossible with any other available option. Depending on your hair loss condition, the doctor suggests the option of FUE or FUT. Sometimes FUE, and FUT, are combined to hide the bald spots and give fuller-looking hair growth. It’s the way treatment is done with advanced technology brings difference in results. Just 8 to 12 months, and you will see a head full of natural-looking hair. Treatment 2: PRP therapy If you want a treatment plan that’s less invasive and there’s no surgical approach, then PRP therapy in Kakinada. During PRP, your blood is extracted from the vein and transferred to the scalp. During PRP, the blood goes through different stages to extract plasma that helps in hair growth. Additionally, it allows the treatment to be much more manageable and effective in all possible ways. With PRP, you need multiple sessions to see the desired hair growth. It should be done in the desired period to see results. All in all, the treatment works to effectively address hair loss and boost your confidence. Treatment 3: Face Lift Surgery After talking about improving hair health, let’s understand one of the treatments for the face. The Face Lift Surgery in Visakhapatnam can give your face an added lift and volume. The advanced technology and treatment allow your face to get the glow you want. When you consult the cosmetic surgeon, he will tell you better which type of facelift offers the results you are looking for. Do you have any doubts? Are you planning to undergo any given options or any other cosmetic treatment? Feel free to consult our cosmetic surgeon and see the desired difference in results.

Hair Transplant Surgery: Permanent And Successful Hair Fall Treatment



Hair loss is an experience that can bring a lot of stress to individual life. It is not easy to deal with such a problem without any worry. I mean, after all, the biggest attribute of a human being is their hair. So if there is none left to take care of, how would one make a great impression? This is the reason why people opt for various home remedies, over-the-counter tablets, and other hair loss treatment in Vizag. But does any of those work? And if yes, but for how long? The main issue is that they are not a permanent technique to overcome the problem of hair loss. In this blog, we will talk about one approach that is gaining a lot of popularity because of its success rate. So without any further ado, let’s get into it. A Successful And Permanent Hair Fall Treatment Hair transplant surgery is the only successful hair loss remedy that works perfectly while also giving long-lasting results. You might wonder why hair transplant surgery? Well, the answer is pretty simple. It is an efficient method that will help you get long, voluminous hair without any side effects for a longer period of time. And to top it off, the results will look more natural and less choppy. In short, it is a win-win situation for all. No more wasting money on different hair loss treatments that cost you a lot but without any success. Now let us move towards the different types of hair transplant surgery, and which is the best for you? Different Types Of Hair Transplant Technique FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) In this technique, the surgeon in a hair clinic in Vizag retrieves the hair from the donor site, which is the back or the side of the scalp, one at a time. The follicles are single in number, making it easier and more precise to implant them back on the recipient of the affected or bald area. It is the latest hair transplant technique version, which helps get better results with no choppy outcome. So if you want something that will give you a satisfying result, make sure to choose FUE. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) It is an older version of FUE. In this technique; the doctor retrieves the hair follicles in a long strip all at once from the back or the side of the hair, which is also known as a donor site. Then they pluck the hair follicle from the strip to implant it in the recipient or bald area of the patient. Unlike the FUE technique, it is less precise and can give you a little choppy work but is not too extreme. Which Is Best For You? The only way to know the proper technique is to understand and diagnose the real cause of the hair fall. Final Comments Where can you get the best hair transplant surgery? At VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplantation Center. For more details you can contact us on: +91 9849797776 chevuru.vijay@gmail.com

3 Things You Must Consider Before Undergoing Eyelid Surgery In Vizag



Are you thinking of undergoing eyelid surgery? Then do give this blog a read to learn some insider points before you finalize the whole ordeal. With the help of an Eyelid Surgery in Visakhapatnam, you can revitalize your whole look. In short, it will make you look years younger. It is very typical to notice a sagginess and droopiness in the eyelids as you grow older. This situation makes you look rundown and also tired. But do not worry anymore; with our expert plastic surgeon, you can undergo eyelid surgery and improve the signs of ageing that are visible to the eyes. Eyelid surgery is also known as Blepharoplasty. We have listed down some points that you should know and consider before you decide to undergo the eyelid surgery are:  Things To Consider Before Eyelid Surgery Are you the right candidate for this surgery The first thing you should do is ask your doctor whether you are an ideal candidate for eyelid surgery. This point will help you form a better understanding of whether or not the result will be successful. You might wonder, who is the ideal candidate? The eligibility to undergo eyelid surgery is one’s good health. Apart from that, it is also vital that they should form a better and more realistic expectation from the whole process and its outcome. Most of the time, the people contemplating this surgery are finding a way to remove the excess skin on the upper and/or lower eyelid, improve the sagging or the droopy eyelids, and pronounce bags under the eyes.  Learn about the potential downtime or recovery time It is very necessary for the patient to learn about the potential downtime. If you are thinking of undergoing surgery, make sure that you ask your doctor about the recovery time that is associated with the surgery. Have a talk with the surgeon to discuss the possibility of combining other facial surgeries such as facelift, brow lift or hair transplant with eyelid surgery to save time in a hair clinic in vizag. You will already have the potential recovery time, so why not take advantage of the whole process and undergo other facial surgeries at that time.  Aftercare is very critical. Remember that after-care post any cosmetic surgery is significant. It is an outpatient procedure, which means you can leave the hospital right after the surgery. However, the doctor will keep you for a few hours in recovery. In most cases, we have noticed that the patient has mild discomfort for many days post eyelid surgery. This is why it is crucial to keep in mind that someone should keep the patient accompanied for at least a day at home after the surgery. You should also learn that the procedure of this treatment might invoke some swelling and bruise for at least two weeks post-surgery. The doctor advises the patient to continue with the work after five days and can also use some makeup to conceal the bruising around the affected area.

How Much Does It Cost For 2000 Hair Grafts Hair Transplant Surgery?



Because of unhealthy lifestyles and the polluted environment, more and more people are falling into the pit of hair loss which is messing up their social, personal, and professional life. It is something that has breached a lot of problems in many people’s lives which is why there was no opportunity left. But there is hope when you expect none. With the advancement in technology, Hair replacement in Vizag, also known as hair transplant, has become one of the most reliable options to get the most natural and long-lasting result out of all. If you are someone who is facing the issue of extreme hair loss and is tired of using different home remedies and over-the-counter tables, then this is the perfect solution for visiting a hair clinic in Vizag and getting yourself diagnosed to get the best treatment based on your condition. What Is The Cost Of Hair Transplant Surgery? There are many factors that depict the cost of hair transplant surgery. The number of hair you want to move is one of the most significant factors that would escalate the price of the hair transplant. It generally ranges between the price of 3 to 5 lakh. For example, if you wanted to undergo the 2000 grafts hair transplant, then the cost of the whole procedure might cost you around 1 lakh, if not more. All other factors such as your cognition for hair loss, the reputation of the clinic, and the qualification of the doctors also play a significant role in the cost of the procedure. What Is The Risk Of Hair Transplant Surgery? Like any other surgery, a hair transplant also comes with risks, such as infection and bleeding. There is nothing to worry about such a risk, but if you notice something extreme, we highly recommend you to visit the doctor immediately for a check-up. Apart from that, you might also notice some minor scarring and unnatural new hair growth, which might put you off, but it is a procedure. So have patience! We have also seen that right at the beginning, when the new hair starts growing; there is an infection or inflammation of the hair follicles. We also call it folliculitis. With the help of antibiotics and compressors, you can get some relief from the problem. Apart from that, you might also notice some hair loss in the new hair growth, which is nothing to worry about and quite a normal phenomenon. It is also known as shock loss, and it is not permanent. You should talk with your doctor beforehand to reduce the risk factors and get a speedy recovery from the surgery. With the help of correct guidance, you will be able to get suitable treatment. Factors That Might Reduce The Survivability Of The Hair Graft Given below are the elements which might reduce the chances of having a successful hair graft post-surgery. Dehydration Temperature Oxygen

Experts Guide: What Is Alopecia Area Hair Loss And Its Causes?



It is not easy to handle hair loss, especially when it is more than natural or normal. It is pretty standard to get tensed over your look and the constant tugging of hair. The bald patch is telling a lot of stories, and you are evident in hiding it and, in this case, with a hat or scarf. But for how long? In the end, you will require to find an easy option that will help you get rid of such a situation once and all. That is why FUE Hair transplant in Vizag is growing exponentially because of its permanent and efficient hair growth solution. But there are certain causes of hair loss that require different types of treatment. For example, the alopecia area requires its own remedy to get rid of the hair loss condition. Alopecia Hair Loss You might have heard about alopecia, especially with the debacle of the Oscars and Will Smith’s infamous situation. Alopecia is basically an umbrella term for all kinds of hair loss conditions. Many men and women suffer from hair loss; it is a common occurrence. And one that everyone will face in their life at least once. You can visit a hair clinic in Vizag and take extra care of your hair to make it stronger and healthier. To avoid this situation for as long as possible. Alopecia Areata Now let us move towards alopecia areata. It happens when the immune system of the body directly attacks the hair follicles, which then leads to hair loss. Also, note that alopecia can occur in any part of the body, including the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, and a place where hair grows, such as arms, legs, and thighs. What Are The Causes Of Alopecia Areata? The work of an immune system in the body is to protect it against any invasion of foreign particles such as allergens or bacteria. But there are times when the immune system does not work as it should. In such a situation, the immune system can attack the hair follicles. This process then turns the follicles to stay in the resting phase or sickle for some period of time until you get alopecia treatment from the professional. This resting phase is also known as telogen, and in this cycle, the hair growth stops. The doctor does not know the exact reason behind alopecia areata hair loss and what triggers it. However, some factors such as genetics, environmental elements, and even stress play a significant role in dictating the condition of hair loss. Apart from that, the doctor has seen alopecia areata in all ethnicities and gender. In fact, it is one of the most common types of hair loss issues that people suffer from. Alopecia areata can also happen to anyone at any point in their lives, but it is more evident in people younger than 30. Hair Loss Program If you want to treat your hair loss condition, kindly contact VJs Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplantation Center.

What to expect when you undergo lipoma surgery in Vizag?



Lipoma Surgery Have you ever heard of the term lipoma? Lipoma is a medical condition that forms fatty and rubber-like growth under the skin. The change can occur on any part of the body from birth or in individuals between 40 to 60. Lipoma Surgery in Vizag is not an immediate consideration for every individual. But, when the problem makes it difficult to live normally and triggers a problem, you need lipoma surgery. To be precise, when you notice pain and discomfort, you need surgery. Medical assistance for lipoma removal At one of the best hair clinic in Vizag and cosmetic surgery clinic in Vizag, you will find practical and advanced care for different problems. One of the leading clinics that have out front itself is Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center. Under the expertise of a skilled and trained cosmetic surgeon, you will get personalized solutions for your condition. Dr. C Vijay Kumar has years of knowledge and specialization in performing lipoma surgery. During the procedure, soft tissues are repaired and restored in the body. The flexibility of the approach makes it a great choice and allows precision in every step. The doctor will customize the lipoma treatment plan to give you ultimate relief from your condition. Our doctor will do a proper CT scan, imaging test, and X-ray to analyze the problem effectively. So, expect appropriate evaluation, and only then does the next step gets done. What happens during lipoma removal? The condition is not life-threatening, but if it causes pain, then surgical intervention is what you need. Significantly, if the lipoma is growing and does not look good, surgery is the last resort. Please Note! The doctor might suggest you get lipoma removal as the condition gets worse because there’s some possibility that the mass might become malignant over time. When is the right time for lipoma removal? You should get lipoma removal when the growth is still small. By doing so, the possibility of the problem getting worse is less. Additionally, you should consult a medical expert to analyze what is required for your condition. The type of anesthesia you need depends on the following: Large lipoma – General Anesthesia Small lipoma – Local Anesthesia The surgeon will make one single incision on the mass during the procedure to dissect the area and remove the lipoma from underneath the skin. The doctor can use a traditional suture method or absorbable sutures, depending on the condition or your preference. Recovery timeline for lipoma surgery Well, the factor of recovery depends on two essential elements: Size of lipoma Location of lipoma You don’t have to get yourself into any activity for a few days. So, there is no need to worry about the procedure and what happens afterward; Everything gets done safely and effectively.

Everything you need to know about the cleft platelet lip surgery



Cleft palate – Detailed information about surgery Cleft lip and cleft palate are craniofacial anomalies of mouth lip and mouth that occur in utero. The problem results in having issues with the lip side and mouth roof as they don’t get together the way they should. There is just the cleft lip, cleft palate, or both in many cases. With this condition, the mouth opening is not the way it should be, used for swallowing and speaking. If your child has this condition, you need to make an informative decision by consulting the experienced Cleft Palate Surgery Doctors in Vizag. In some cases, the baby might have lipoma of the soft cleft palate. Lipoma is a fatty tumor that occurs just below the skin. If your child has one, then make sure they get hold of the medical expert for lipoma removal treatment in Vizag to get the condition addressed before it worsens. How to treat cleft palate? For your child’s proper health, different medical experts like nose, ear, & throat, and hearing and speech doctors work together. They will suggest the right approach to work well against feeding and nutrition. The surgical approach’s key focus is to: Help better with hearing and language development Restoring normal function & appearance Seeking effective results is possible when the treatment plan is given by considering your overall state and addressing the functional restoration well. The surgical approach of the surgeon is all you need in your life to address the problem effectively by all means. And improve their appearance to give them the ability to have that confidence when they grow up. Are there any complications for the baby? The baby with a cleft palate has difficulty sucking as the mouth of the roof is not formed correctly. So, there are high chances of having difficulty eating food. That’s not all; ear infection is common to have in babies. Such dysfunction occurs because the throat and middle ear tubes have problems. The baby has higher chances of having: Speech delay Language delay You have to make sure the baby gets all the necessary nutrition to improve their well-being. How should I feed my infant with a cleft lip? A baby with a cleft lip will have problems eating the food as breastfeeding is out of the picture. So, a mother can pump breast milk through a specialized bottle. Some of the additional tips that could help you are: You should hold the baby upright so that the food does not come out from the nose. Try to feed your baby in small amounts, frequently. It would help if you asked the therapist to understand better how to feed your child. Along with them, you can understand what suits your child the best. Supplements are a great additional choice to add to breast milk or formula for extra nutrition.  

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