How to clear the scabs after transplanting hair? 
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What are the various ways to get rid of scabs after hair transplantation?

What are the various ways to get rid of scabs after hair transplantation?


What are Scabs for Hair Transplant? How to clear the scabs after transplanting hair?  First of all, having a hair transplant performed by a good surgeon and at the right clinic is always really necessary. Likewise, aftercare and precautions are important, too. Most patients are very uncertain about hair transplant scabs, how they can be cleaned etc. Let’s just see what the scabs are. Call Us Now: +91 9849797776 What are hair transplant scabs? Because of the minor incisions when grafting, hair transplant scabs are born from injuries caused on the scalp. This wound needs a couple of days to continue healing. The scabs tend to develop on the 3rd or 4th day itself following surgery, but they are closely bound to the scalp at this point in time. Such scabs usually fall off within 2 weeks and rely on the number of hair grafts as well as the quality and scale of the incisions. Scabs are beneficial to protect your newly transplanted grafts. Where to clean the scabs after transplanting hair? Using baby shampoo, 72 hours after the operation, you will start washing your hair. You should even spray your head with water and baby oil in the sun, to make the scabs slough off. Please do not try to take scabs, as this action can affect your hair graft. So you just pat them gently. The doctor sometimes recommends saline spraying to help the healing process, because it does not affect your newly transplanted grafts. In this method, you can softly rub the scabs underwater without using the aid of the fingers. It is natural to fall off any of the scalps, as long as there is no bleeding. Don’t try to remove the scabs early as it can damage the follicle below. Hold this intact for the first week. Let the scabs dry off on their own, and call the doctor immediately in case of any bleeding. How do I look after Hair Transplant? After the surgery, you need to avoid any type of drug including alcohol for a few days as it will thin your blood and hamper the healing process. For the first two days, you can take medicines like supplements, ibuprofen, and inflammation, because they will thin the blood and induce unnecessary bleeding. Take prescription medications as per the instructions of your surgeon such as pain relievers, antibiotics, and prednisone. Avoid one week of Intense physical exercise, as it leads you to excessive sweating. Seek to keep the upper body portion uplifted. In case of minor leakage, using a wet, clean cloth to apply gentle pressure. Do not use warm air for a minimum of 5 days after surgery to try your hair.

Following hair transplant: Guidelines to treat and style newly transplanted Hair

Guidelines to treat and style newly transplanted Hair


It’s one of the first things you want to do following your hair transplant and enjoy your latest hairstyle. But you have to wait a few weeks to create looks and use cosmetics in order to improve your hair and scalp. Allow your skin time to recover, and nearly every hairstyle you’ve thought about will soon be able to fit you. You also get instructions from your surgeon about making a hairstyle after undergoing hair transplantation. He may suggest something different helps you in healing as well as hair growth so that you can make any hairstyle as per your desires. Shampoo The hair would usually not be shampooed immediately after surgery. Your surgeon may warn you, and he will not suggest shampooing for at least two days in most situations. This is because shampoo will irritate the scalp and grafts, also as a mild and gentle sort. Also, as far as possible, you ought to support the healing cycle. Using a gentle soap within the first two weeks after you have been granted a chance to shampoo your hair. Baby shampoo is safe to use, without extra ingredients or toxic detergents. Nonetheless, speak to the surgeon, as others are unsuited, before using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Hair Drying after hair transplant surgery It is generally safest to keep the hair dry naturally in the first week after undergoing hair transplantation. The postoperative graft region appears to get crazy, such that you don’t know if your scalp or the base of your hair is over-heaty. The hair follicles can be harmed until they are healed. Using it just in a low condition when you start using a hairdryer again. Most patients desire a fresh appearance, one of the explanations why they first want a hair transplant. Yet coloring the hair too soon will contribute to healing difficulties. Take recommendations from your specialist, but most surgeons suggest staying away from dryers three or four weeks. Transplanted hair follicles are more susceptible to chemicals in dyes and products and can react unexpectedly. Styling The newly transplanted or grown hair’s going to get used to others. The new hair will be evident several months before it grows, but you might find it necessary to change the hairstyle as your hair grows. A quarter after a procedure you can use hairspray and gel to keep your look, but please consult with your surgical team whether such items are the most suitable or not according to your hair growth following surgery.

What if I am not eligible for a hair transplant then how can I get a fuller look?

What if I am not eligible for a hair transplant then how can I get a fuller look?


To undergo the treatment of hair transplant it is important to determine eligibility. The degree of hair loss and thinning, and the reason behind hair loss are some of the factors which your doctor will consider when you are given the treatment before deciding you are a good candidate for the treatment or not. If you are not eligible for hair transplantation currently, then you should feel disheartened by it. Many methods can make your hair look thicker while you are waiting to get the treatment of FUE hair restoration surgery. In this article, we are going to mention the ways to make your look fuller with fewer efforts.   What makes hair look fuller and thicker? If the patient is not eligible for the treatment currently, then there are a few options that you can try. Some of the best tools and options are mentioned below to reduce the appearance of thin hair.   Opt for a haircut If your hair is lackluster and limp, then it is the best time to get the haircut. When you choose to get shorter length it makes it easier to get rid of thin ends, and instantly you have a fuller look, especially if you have thin hair naturally.   Buy spray-on hair Spray-on hair is the best method for men and women to cover the bald spots perfectly and get the hairlines fuller. The spray contains hair-like fibers that make it easier to get the youthful look back till the time you cannot undergo the treatment. On the problematic area, the spray will be applied that reduces the bald spots, and your hair will be thin instantly.   Hair Mousse The use of hair mousse in the tried and tested option to get the desired volume and have thick hair. You need to apply it on wet hair, leave it for air dry, and style them normally to give your hair the lift you always wanted.   Do not opt for defined parting People with naturally thin or fine hair can have defined parting which can expose their scalp too much and make hair look thinner. If you normally part hair with a comb or brush, you should try to sweep the hair across the hands. This option will not make the hair parting look as defined as it should be, and the hair will cover most of the scalp.   If you normally part your hair with a brush or comb, try sweeping your hair across with your hand instead. This will make your hair parting look less defined, and your hair will cover most of your scalp.    

What is Gynecomastia in Pediatrics and Adolescents? Explain the causes?

Is there a natural approach for gynecomastia treatment?


Gynecomastia is breast tissue produced in a male individual. It is a chronic disorder that is most commonly seen in boys entering puberty due to hormonal fluctuations that arise during this time. This condition is additionally explained as enlarged male breast due to several causes. This can be caused due to hormonal problems, certain lifestyle habits, or medical problems. Gynecomastia can only be treated with gynecomastia surgery because this is one of the best ways to treat an abnormal amount of estrogen in males. What is Gynecomastia in Pediatrics and Adolescents? Much of the time, this gynecomastia goes by itself without the need for medication, but it may not leave entirely, or it may be triggered by an issue with hormone development or absorption, or possibly a form of tumor, in which case special care and treatment may be required. Of this purpose, a multidisciplinary team method is effective in determining the origin of the gynecomastia, evaluating its effect on the patient and preparing a tailored strategy of care. You can only get the treatment after knowing about the signs and causes of the condition. What are the signs and effects of Gynecomastia in Pediatric and Adolescent? Tender breasts Nipple discharge into one breast or both Fluffy breast tissue Which are the causes of Gynecomastia in Pediatric and Adolescent? Individuals of both sexes have some breast tissue and the way that this grows into noticeable breasts relies on various variables, most notably hormone activity. Gynecomastia is normal in males growing this breast tissue. The hormones of the mother working on the breast tissue of the infant, this is still observed in premature babies but typically occurs in the first few weeks of conception. The next level is sometimes used when it is in adolescence. In reality, during this period gynecomastia condition affects almost 35% of boys. But, as we stated above, a gynecomastia in boys during puberty disappears within two years without any medication. Additionally, About 5 percent and 10 percent of boys who have gone through puberty will not fully vanish breast growth during adolescence and they would be left with noticeable breast tissue. Hyperthyroidism-: The metabolism-regulating gland may change hormones. Hypogonadism-: Any disorder that reduces testosterone (such as pituitary insufficiency or disease with Klinefelter) Hormonal Fluctuations Liver or kidney insufficiency-: Hormonal changes in medication response and dialysis Malnutrition or hunger-: Inadequate nutrition results in a decrease in testosterone, but estrogen stays stable. Drugs or medications-: Hormones, inhibitors, radiation, or drugs for the heart can contribute to gynecomastia. Mother’s hormone rates-: Boy ‘s breast tissue usually declines within two or three weeks of birth. Puberty-: Fast fluctuations in the hormone modify different body functions. Street drugs as well as the usage of drinking-like cocaine, heroin.  

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hair Transplant surgery?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hair Transplant surgery?


Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to treat hair fall in both men and women. In this treatment option, your specialist transfers individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp to a bald area of the scalp. In this process the back of the scalp is known as the donor area and the affected area is the recipient site. It is mainly used for treating male pattern and female pattern baldness. Hair transplant in Vizag has two types including FUT and FUE. Both methods offer you the best results, but you choose according to your hair fall problem and type of hair loss. Only then, you will be able to get the best results of hair transplant surgery. To get more benefits of hair transplant surgery, you need to follow all the instructions of your surgeon. Advantages of hair transplant surgery. It is one of the best hair restoration procedures that work with your own hair graft. And this treatment option results in natural-looking hair growth. Because in this process, the surgeon collects the hair from the back of the scalp to transplant in the affected area. Additionally, the hair color is identical to that of your original hair. Hair development usually begins after two to three months. The recovery is complete within 8 to 10 months. The technique for hair transplantation has greatly advanced. Hair Transplant strategies are different, in which one method is follicular unit transplant (FUT) in which the specialist collects the strip of hair from the back of the scalp, then the collected hair grafts are divided to transplant at the affected area. In this procedure, the linear scar on the back of the scalp is always visible. But only a good specialist can help you to get rid of this linear scar. Another advanced surgical technique is a follicular unit extraction (FUE). This is a modern method, in which a specialist extracts a single hair graft from the donor area and then transplant at the recipient areas. This is one of the best hair transplant methods, which does not result in scarring and other side effects. Hair transplant surgery is completely a safe and natural treatment option to get rid of hair fall. In this treatment, your specialist does not use any type of special chemicals or medicines, because these can harm your hair badly. Disadvantages of hair transplant surgery To undergo this treatment option, you need to get a proper check-up of your health. Because you cannot get the treatment if you do not have good health without any medical problems. You may also need to wait if you do not have enough hair growth on the back of the scalp. Or if you also don’t have enough hair growth at other donor regions then you cannot undergo this treatment option.

COVID-19: How Coronavirus Quarantine Influences the Hair Transplant Services Market?

COVID-19: How Coronavirus Quarantine Influences the Hair Transplant Services Market?


Several people are suffering from excessive hair fall, but they are unable to get rid of this condition. Some people were planning to get a hair transplant in Vizag, but due to COVID-19 Pandemic, they were unable to reach the hospital. This Quarantine time does not only affect those who were thinking to undergo treatment but also affects the hair transplant services market badly.  Additionally, this new report also covers certain other factors, such as-: Shipment Price Revenue Gross profit Interview record Business distribution. All these factors help you to know more about the competitors. The researchers also talk to the owners to get more information about manufacturing. They also involve Hair Transplant Services classifications, definitions, applications, competitive landscape analysis, industry chain structure, market status, and development trends. If you are also providing hair transplant services to people, then this article will be beneficial to you, because we are going to tell you about the impact of COVID-19 on hair transplant services. COVID-19 Impact on Hair Transplant Services Market. As we stated above, the COVID-19 pandemic affects the hair transplant services market badly. According to the study, CoVID-19 Quarantine does not affect those companies too much which has a reputable image in the market. This study also covers the impact of COVID 19 on the growth of the Hair Transplant Services market. For the proper investigation, first of all, researchers separate sections to focus on the key players within the market. So, every section can cover all the aspects of the hair transplant service market, and this is additionally known as competitive analysis. A report also uncovers several facts about the big companies that are involved in the global hair transplant services market. It includes their-: Product portfolio analysis Pricing strategies Marketing strategies Promotion tactics Expansion plans Geographical spread Recent developments and innovations Mergers and acquisitions Key strategies Revenue Market shares. And so on. What actual report provides about the Hair Transplant Services market? The research uncovers the key statistics of the Hair Transplant Services manufacturers. This report is also a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies that are interested in this industry. Report research about upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and current market dynamics of the hair transplant services market. The analysis of this report estimates 2018-2024 hair transplant services market development trends. This report mostly focuses on big companies, which have enormous hold on the market and this is for guidance on how to remain a business presence in the market.

Is it ok to harvest beard Beard Hair for Scalp Hair Transplantation?

Is it ok to harvest beard Beard Hair for Scalp Hair Transplantation?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair transplant surgery is valuable to treat excessive hair fall when no other hair loss treatments give you the best results. You are not only, who is suffering from hair loss, but there are millions of people experiencing hair fall. There are several reasons for hair fall such as taking too many medications, over-styling your hair, nutrients deficiency, hormonal fluctuations, and thyroid problems. In the beginning, you experience little hair loss, but after some time, you start losing more than 200 or 300 hair strands a day. This type of hair fall is considered as excessive hair loss, which can only be treated with the help of surgical treatment. If you are thinking of getting hair transplant surgery, then you have to know certain things including enough hair growth at the donor area. The back of the scalp is the donor area for scalp hair transplantation. From this region, your specialist collects the hair grafts to transplant at the affected area. But if a person does not have enough hair growth at the donor region, then his specialist may collect hair from the beard or chest. Generally, a specialist collects the hair from the beard due to the thickness of the hair. In this article, you will learn about beard hair transplant in Vizag. Why collect hair grafts from the beard for scalp transplantation? As we stated above, some people do not have enough hair growth at the back of the scalp for harvesting. That’s why specialists collect the hair graft from another part, especially from the beard. To get the best results of hair transplantation, it is necessary to have enough hair growth at the donor area. Only, in this way, you will be able to get maximal density and hair volume. Beard hair is a great choice for scalp hair transplant surgery because of the thickness of beard hair. It is easy to harvest hair grafts from the face for transplantation because it does not leave a scar and provide quick healing. This is done with the help of the Follicular Unit Extraction method, in this method the surgeon collects the single hair from the donor site. And it does not result in scarring and no one can judge from where the surgeon harvests the hair graft. If you are thinking about results, then you do not take tension, because you will get the desired results. What to Expect? For hair transplantation, your surgeon collects almost 3000 hair grafts from the beard. Well, it is difficult for those, who never wish to grow a beard. In this case, they need to wait until the beard grows, and firstly the surgeon checks the hair density and volume. Only then tell you whether you are able to get hair transplantation or not.

What is a Bio Enhanced Hair Transplantation and explain its benefits?

What is a Bio Enhanced Hair Transplantation and explain its benefits?


A hair transplant in Vizag is specially designed for those with extreme hair loss or bald spots. Hair loss is caused due to several reasons, including certain medications, hair styling products, taking too much stress, and so on. If you are one of them, then you need to talk to a doctor, so that you can get a piece of knowledge about treatment options to treat hair fall. Hair transplant surgery has two types such as Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation. No doubt, both treatment options are beneficial to treat hair loss and you can get the desired results, but discussing with a hair transplant specialist may help you to find the new option to get rid of hair fall. Well, you can also go with bio enhanced hair transplants, because it is specially designed to offer you the best results. Let’s try to understand this treatment option. What is a Bio Enhanced Hair Transplant? A bio enhanced hair transplant uses PRP therapy to treat hair loss. People who are ideal to get both hair transplantation methods such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE) are great candidates for bio enhanced because it is helpful to improve the treatment’s outcomes. With this treatment, you can simply or easily heal without any problem. About PRP Therapy PRP therapy is known as Platelet Rich Plasma, which is designed to improve recovery and results of transplantation methods. In this process, your surgeon collects your blood and then separates the plasma cells to infuse at the affected areas of the scalp. With PRP therapy, you can heal faster, or it encourages better hair growth. Candidates for Bio Enhanced Hair Transplant As we mentioned above, people who are ideal to get FUE and FUT hair transplant are able to undergo Bio enhanced hair transplant surgery to treat hair fall. Benefits of Bio enhanced hair transplant Every hair transplant method has several benefits, and this bio enhanced method also has millions of benefits, which are explained below-: Increased Number of hair grafts for transplantation Patients who are going to get bio enhanced hair transplants usually have more hair grafts or follicular for the transplantation process. Improved Healing process and reduced Recovery Times As we stated above, bio-enhanced hair transplant is beneficial to improve the healing process. You need to follow all the instructions of your surgeon and this treatment method offers you the best post-operative healing experience.  Grow natural looking hair Similarly, as FUT and FUE, bio-enhanced hair transplant method also results in natural-looking hair growth. No one can guess the area where you get hair transplantation, because new hair completely matches your previous hair.

Tips to Stop Hair Thinning

Tips to Stop Hair Thinning


Hair thinning problems are common in both men and women. If you are one of them, then you need to talk to your doctor to get the right treatment on time. Or you can also get knowledge from a given article on hair thinning causes and ways to get rid of this condition. Millions of people are experiencing hair thinning across the world. There are those who just neglect it or don’t realize there are various approaches to treat hair loss or thinning hair. Nonetheless, for those who worry about the color of their hair and want to look their best, there’s still a question: how to avoid hair thinning? In this article, you will learn several hair loss treatments include a hair transplant. Hair Transplant to stop receding Hair One of the easiest approaches to prevent hair thinning is by a hair transplant surgery. Hair transplantation is well-known and extremely successful, also a safe and easy way to improve hair thickness. However, hair transplantation may sound like a daunting operation for certain males, but its success rate is usually strong when it comes to the care of thinning hair. If you are suffering from hair thinning and other hair problems then you have to undergo this surgical procedure. Reasons behind thinning of the hair As we stated above, there are several reasons behind hair thinning, so you need to know them to get rid of hair fall. These include-: Family History Hormone Changes & Medical Conditions Medications Radiation Treatment Highly Stressful Event Hairstyles Scalp conditions And so on. Ways to Stop Hair Thinning Use a mild shampoo  You need to use a mild shampoo to get rid of hair thinning and hair shedding. Because the type of shampoo that you are using may cause your hair to shed and fade. So, you must check the ingredients in your hair care items in order to ensure your hair is healthy. Take vitamin supplements  Vitamin supplements will help you to grow healthy and strong hair. You need to talk to a doctor to get knowledge about the essential vitamins for your hair. Consume enough Protein Our hair is made of keratin, which is a form of protein. This is an essential nutrient that protects your hair from thinning and other scalp problems. So, to get rid of thinning problems, you need to add enough protein in your diet. Stop using hairstyling products People who use so many hair styling products are prone to suffer from hair fall issues. So, you must avoid using too many hair styling products to develop healthy as well as strong hair. Along with these tips, you also start drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

What are the topmost Body-Contouring Procedures popular in India?

What are the topmost Body-Contouring Procedures popular in India?


Body-contouring procedures in Visakhapatnam, India. Temperature-based fat-reduction treatment Temperature-based fat reduction treatment is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment. The treatment is FDA-approved in which controlled cooling is used to freeze the fat cells permanently which are not responding to the exercise and diet. The treatment can be used for the upper arms, thighs, and stomach. The entire procedure takes 25 minutes. During the procedure, the device is attached to the problematic areas and the intense heat will get absorbed into the body fatty tissues. In most cases, one treatment is needed to start seeing the results within 6 to 12 weeks. Results The final results of the treatment can be seen after 3 months when the frozen cells die and they naturally eliminate from the body. The best part is that the new cells are not able to grow in its place. You need to choose the best cosmetic surgeon who will give you a reliable treatment plan. Skin Tightening treatment With age, the body will lose its skin laxity and it will have a droopy look. In most cases, it affects the upper arms, knees, neck, and other different body parts. But, with the help of the latest and modern techniques it has made it easier for the patients to get rid of the problem. The skin tightening device uses the powerhouse procedure named Exilis which makes the skin tight and helps to build collagen. It only changes the skin contour in terms of tightening but it also helps in fat reduction in the arms, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and anywhere you have problems. People who have lost a lot of weight or given birth to a child prefer to undergo the treatment as it changes the skin laxity a lot. Muscle-enhancement procedure The muscle-enhancement procedure is to target the abs which might be getting difficult for you to build in the gym. The procedure is quick and moderate. With just one session you can go through ten-thousands sit-ups which strengthen the abs as well as butt muscles. During the procedure, the fat present above the abdominal muscles is eliminated and it really helps in the muscle density. With time, such procedures are going to gain a lot of popularity. On the Horizon: Injectables for Cellulite Well, this procedure is still new and its effectiveness needs to be taken into consideration. One the spot treatment of dimples and semi-effective methods like creams and lasers is stopped, the cellulite appearance can return. In medical science this field is new and still, a lot needs to be checked upon to make sure the results are the best. Liposuction Fat-reduction procedures are not magic. To make sure the treatment works, the patient needs to take proper care and they need to have weight within 10 pounds of the desired weight. Liposuction has been very effective in getting rid of the excess fat. Also, technology has improved a lot with time and reduces discomfort.

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