Hair restoration Surgery
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Hair restoration – VJ Clinic doctor talk you through the hair transplant procedure


Hair Transplant – One of the most effective ways to restore your hair Hair transplant is the most effective method of hair restoration in which the hair follicles are moved from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less. Hair Transplant in Vizag is the life savior for patients struggling with hair loss or baldness issues at a young age. Moreover, the Hair Transplant Cost is extremely affordable in India as compared to the other developed nations. Once the hair grafts are extracted and put on the problematic area, within a few months (at 3rd month) the initial hair growth is visible. Which are the ideal situations to perform hair restoration? Different reasons are there where you will lose hair. In certain cases, the reason behind hair loss is temporary which means the situation will get back to normal within a few weeks or months. On the other hand, it is permanent where you need to get the hair transplant done to save your hair locks. Hair transplantation can help the patients suffering from the condition of: Thyroid diseases Traumatic injuries or burns Androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness Alopecia areata (Autoimmune disease) Who is the ideal candidate for a hair transplant? Ideally, you are a suitable candidate for the hair transplant surgery, if you have: Realistic expectations regarding the treatment There is proper hair growth on the desired area from where hair grafts have to be taken Your overall health is good What is the method of doing grafting? Grafting is the most commonly performed with hair transplant. During the same, small pieces of the scalp having hair are taken out. Ideally, that much part is taken which has 10 to 15 hairs. To perform this procedure several hours are needed. You will be awake during the surgery and through the medications, your scalp will be numb. Following the surgery, it will take around months for the scalp to heal properly. What is the approach to scalp reduction? Scalp reduction is also known by the name of alopecia reduction. During the surgery, a small part of the bald skin is extracted and then the nearby skin is pulled on the bald area & later stitched to the same. It is possible to achieve the desired density you are looking for. Hair Transplant – Benefits Well, the hair transplant has a lot to offer and there are different benefits which you can get with it. Some of the potential benefits which point to the fact that you need to undergo a hair transplant are: The treatment will boost your self-esteem. The treatment offers a permanent solution for all those struggling with hair loss or baldness. The treatment is advanced and improved which changes your hair health for life Affordable treatment Choose the best with the experienced hair doctor It is always about choosing the best and not leaving a single block of information that can turn out to be disastrous for you. If you are struggling to make the final choice, then schedule your initial consultation with our health expert to understand how effective the hair transplant treatment can be.

7 Tips to follow after undergoing the hair transplantation procedure

7 Tips to follow after undergoing the hair transplantation procedure


If you have just undergone a hair transplant in Vizag, then do not expect the results to show themselves. You will have to contribute to that by taking care of your scalp. If you want the money paid on the hair transplant cost to come out to be worth it, then make sure you are not missing a single point published in today’s blog. The recipient are should be kept moist At the end of the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon will provide you with certain things or the products which you will need throughout your recovery period. One of the things included in your hair care kit will include the saline water spray. If you spray your scalp with this saline water spray at regular intervals, then you will experience rapid and result-oriented healing.   No Shower washing After a few days, the doctor will suggest that you cleanse the recipient area. You will have to wash your hair. When you are washing your hair, then make sure you are not using the shower for rinsing your hair. The pressure of the shower will dislodge the hair follicles. Do not sleep without a pillow When you sleep, then make sure you are not sleeping without a pillow. If you do so, then you will be obstructing the blood supply to reach your scalp for nourishment. So sleeping in a semi-upright position is the key to the early recovery period. Use cold gels or the ice packs Some sort of discomfort is quite obvious to happen after the hair transplantation procedure in the following forms: Itching Redness Swelling Tips If itching happens, then do not even think of scratching the hair. It will lead to the displacement of the hair. As far as the redness is concerned, it will go off on its own after 2 weeks. It is a natural phenomenon. Do not worry about it. And when it is about swelling, then you have to make sure that you use the cold gels or the ice packs which will help you to reduce the swelling. No sweat causing exercises The hair transplant patients are suggested not to indulge in any kind of exercise that causes them to sweat heavily. Sweating is not at all conducive for the scalp which has just undergone a hair transplant. Do not opt up for the tight hairstyle Making a tight high pony or doing any kind of hairstyle which would pull the transplanted hair follicles, should be avoided if fruitful results are expected. Follow a nutritious diet No matter what kind of recovery period it is, you will always and always need a nutritious diet for fulfilling the nutritional needs of your body. The cosmetic surgeons usually list up the food items at the end of the procedure when you are about to go home. Wrap Up! All the mentioned post-operative tips will only come out to be beneficial if you do not take the stress of any kind.

Why choose VJs Clinic for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy for hair growth?

PRP Treatment – Non Surgical Solution for Hair Restoration


Best centre for hair loss treatment Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center is one of the well-known places among the patients to get hair loss treatment. Whether you talk about getting the Hair Transplant in Vizag or PRP therapy, Dr. C Vijay Kumar has experience of more than 35 years to address your hair loss issue completely. Like the doctor will inform you about the Hair Transplant Cost during the initial consultation after analyzing your situation. In the same manner, only after the initial consultation, you will get to know about, ‘How much does the PRP therapy cost?’ Platelet-Rich Plasma Best choice to regrow your lost hair PRP therapy is one of the effective treatment plans which a person can get individually or along with hair transplant treatment to make the results better. This therapy effectiveness is seen among the patients who are struggling with hair loss and after getting the treatment they got fuller & natural-looking hair growth. Here’s what happens during PRP treatment: During the PRP session, the blood is drawn out from the highly effective area. Following that the blood is centrifuged through which the platelets are taken out from the plasma. These platelets are filled with all the best of properties which are a key factor to repair and help the cells to regenerate themselves. Then Dr. C Vijay Kumar will inject the platelets into the problematic part of the scalp. As the cells can renew and regenerate themselves which increases the hair growth in the bald or thin part of the scalp. In simple terms, you can say that the hair growth cycle will go into the anagen phase. How many PRP sessions are required to see the results? To see the notable hair growth with a PRP session, it takes around 3 to 4 treatment rounds. Well! Once the procedure is done it is essential that you take proper care of your hair, so that the results last for a lifetime. PRP treatment: Effective, minimal downtime, and natural results Can it get any better than this? The conventional method of hair loss treatment used to provide the patients with doll-like results or it required too much maintenance that the individual would stop the treatment midway because of the excess cost. Thanks to medical science, there is no such thing as that in the present. With PRP the results are highly effective, natural, and you will be at ease whether you are getting the treatment or after the results. As we have said earlier the total number of sessions you need will be based on the extent of hair loss you have. Take the right step on time If you are struggling with a hair loss problem, then what’s the wait? Don’t let things get out of control and then regret later that you should have taken the right step then only. Today is the day when you need to be proactive with every decision of your life. Schedule your initial consultation with our doctor to get the best care.

How much is the total count of hair grafts for hair transplant treatment?

How much is the total count of hair grafts for hair transplant treatment?


Introduction One of the most important questions asked by the patient during a consultation for Hair Transplant Vizag is, ‘How many hair grafts do I need?’ This helps to understand how effectively the bald spots or thinning area can be effectively covered. To let you understand your concern about this factor, we have shared all the necessary details in this blog. Online Graft Estimates or “Graft Calculators” Well! To start with people get confused about what they should choose between these 2. You will come across different types of charts or calculators to check the total number of grafts you need for hair translation. Although they can be helpful and give you a rough idea about the graft requirement. One of the widely and simply accepted tools is known as ‘Norwood Hamilton’. Through this it allows you to understand the total number of grafts you need. In this case, the hair loss pattern and level are used to access the graft requirement. If you are on Norwood Level 2, then it means you need ‘X’ number of grafts and there is no need to access further data Why should you not always rely on online graft estimation? It is pretty clear because it provides the estimation of the graft number depending on the hair loss and the psychological or anatomical features into account. It is important to understand that for every patient the need for total grafts is different. It is not possible that the patient with dark hair or pale skin-tones will need a similar number of grafts. For every patient, the total number of graft requirements will vary a lot. Your doctor will plan the treatment by determining various factors like hair health, level of baldness, donor availability, overall health, and all other factors that are taken into consideration to tell you about the total grafts you need. How can I get an Accurate Estimate? As it is pretty evident that different factors are taken into account to determine the total number of grafts to cover the bald spots or thin hair. You must talk to an experienced hair surgeon. Only an experienced surgeon will be able to tell you the correct approach which needs to be followed. They will tell you about the exact number of grafts you need depending on your situation. Moreover, they have all the necessary tools and best treatment approaches to effectively transplant the hair grafts on the problematic area. It is important to understand the donor area is finite, so only choose the surgeon who has the skills to use the hair grafts precisely and effectively. Get in touch with the doctor If you are facing hair loss issues, then make sure to get in touch with our hair experts for more precise information. The hair doctor will tell you the total number of hair grafts you need. Most importantly, your treatment plan will be customized depending on your condition, so that the treatment outcomes are perfect.

Dr C Vijay Kumar’s Guide – Precautionary measures before hair transplant

Why choose VJs Clinic for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy for hair growth?


Dr Vijay’s Cosmetic surgery and the Hair Transplantation Centre is one of the best centres that provide the best results after performing the hair transplant in Vizag. Even the hair transplant cost at this clinic is so economical that the hair loss patients who earn less than 3 lakhs per annum can also undergo the procedure without any financial constraints. The friendly and super-compassionate approach towards the patient is one of the things that our patients always went away satisfied from the procedure and remember us for a lifetime. Only Doctors are not responsible for the success All those patients who are expecting successful results from the procedure must know that the doctors are not solely responsible for the success of the procedure. 50% of the accountability of making the procedure a huge success lies on the patient as well. Before and after carrying out the surgery, all of the responsibilities of making the results emerge conducive are of the patients. Oh! If you do not know about the precautionary measures which you should take up before the procedure, then no worries! We are here for you. No Medicines, please! Before 2 weeks of the procedure, you are advised to stop taking any of the medications that could result in the thinning of the blood. The patients are not even suggested to take the single dose of the following: Aspirin Anti-inflammatory drugs Vitamin B or E. Blood thinners Ibuprofen Natural medicine Stop consuming any of the antidepressants If any of the hair loss patients are taking the following kinds of antidepressants, then they are advised to stop consuming them immediately, as the hair transplantation on the patients undertaking these drugs is not at all possible: No smoking! Do not smoke before the procedure. If you will not stop, then the blood vessels will get narrower and thus the right amount of blood will not get transported to the scalp. There is the presence of carbon monoxide in the smoke that is accountable for reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. These conditions will never let you recover or heal at a speedy pace and the chances for the procedure to emerge as a great failure will be high. Things to do on the morning of the procedure: Bathing and Shampooing You can bathe and wash your hair on the same day before the procedure is to be performed. Tip If you used to wear the hair extensions or the wigs before the procedure, then make sure you’re not wearing them during the bathing and even after that. Wear Comfortable and the Loose Fitting Pants Make sure that you are wearing comfortable clothing before the procedure. Do not skip the Breakfast Make sure you are having a healthy and tasty breakfast. Also keep a bottle in your hand always since staying hydrated is the necessity to be fulfilled before the procedure. Final Comments! For the success of the procedure, the patients should follow all the above-mentioned precautions. If any among these will be left unfollowed, some chances for making the procedure a success will get reduced.

Which are the factors that determine the cost of chemical peel in India?

Which are the factors that determine the cost of chemical peel in India?


So, you have recently come across the chemical peel treatment. Undergoing this treatment helps to make the skin look even and it gives an improved texture. With the Chemical Peel Treatment in Vizag, you will be able to see the best results. Although one of the major concerns of the patient is regarding the treatment cost. To enlighten you on this topic go through the blog in detail. Factors that determine the Chemical peel cost Some of the major factors which determine the chemical peel treatment cost are mentioned below: Type of peel The type of peel you choose will greatly determine the price. The doctor will tell you about the chemical peel strength which is best for the skin and what will impact the cost. Patient’s concern Based on your concern, the doctor will decide the strength and type of peel you need. Also, the total number of sessions you need. Treatment safety The treatment approach followed by the clinic will impact the cost. The clinic providing the latest treatment with stringent protocols will determine the price accordingly. Geographical location The place where the clinic is situated will determine the cost. Keep in mind, the cost of chemical peel in Vizag will be different from Mumbai. What is the cost of Chemical Peel Treatment in India? If we want to sum up the price on an average basis, then it will cost you between Rs 1500 to Rs 10,000 per session. To see the best results you need at least 4 to 6 sessions. Also, different factors are taken into consideration. Average Cost / Session of Chemical Skin Peeling Treatment City Minimum Maximum Vizag (Andhra Pradesh) Rs 1,000 Rs 7,000 Delhi Rs 2,500 Rs 10,000 Chennai (Tamil Nadu) Rs 2,000 Rs 9,000 Pune (Maharashtra) Rs 2,000 Rs 9,000 Kochi (Kerala) Rs 1,500 Rs 7,000 Hyderabad (Telangana) Rs 2,000 Rs 9,000 Mumbai (Maharashtra) Rs 2,500 Rs 10,000 Kolkata Rs 2,000 Rs 9,000 Bangalore (Karnataka) Rs 2,000 Rs 9,000 Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) Rs 1,000 Rs 5,000 Jaipur (Rajasthan) Rs 1,000 Rs 5,000 What is the cost based on Strength? Based on strength Treatment cost Superficial chemical peel Rs 1000 to Rs 5000 Medium Depth Peel Rs 3000 to Rs 7000 Deep Chemical Peel Rs 5000 to Rs 9000 Cost of different types of chemical peel Type Treatment cost Salicylic Peel Used for acne management Rs 1500 to Rs 8000 Glycolic Peel Used for discoloration, uneven skin texture, sun spots, wrinkles, and acne Rs 2000 to Rs 5000 TCA Peel Improves the skin damage caused by external factors, especially due to acne scars and melasma Rs 5000 to Rs 7000 Lactic peel Best for sensitive or dry skin Rs 700 to Rs 1500 Jessner peel Best for deeper layer due to excessive sun exposure Rs 1500 to Rs 3000 Kojic Peel More sessions are needed. Helps to take off the dead cells and reveals healthy skin. Rs 1500 to Rs 3000 Claze Argi Peel Makes the skin tone brighter and reduce the eye discoloration Rs 1000 to Rs 3000 SM Peel Works best for acne spots, dark spots, pigmentation, and discoloration. Rs 1000 to Rs 4000 *Disclaimer: The following table is just an estimate of the cost of chemical peel treatment. The price may be depending on different factors, so consult the doctor for a better understanding.

Breaking the Myth: Risk of catching COVID-19 due to hair transplant procedure



Best & Safe Clinic: Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center In Andhra Pradesh, the demand for hair transplant is increasing at a fast pace. People from all over the globe travel here to get the hair transplant procedure. Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center is one of the well-known places for patients to get the hair transplant done in the most appropriate manner. With that said, the health tourism in the Hair Transplant in Vizag is one of a kind. Moreover, the Hair Transplant Cost is even affordable in India as compared to any other developed nation. In addition, highly skilled professionals are always there to manage everything and give you the best kind of treatment plan. But, there is one major concern among the patients and that is due to COVID. This deadly virus has changed many things around us and the way we see them. Considering the situation, the international borders are sealed. This way no one can come to India and no one can go abroad. Thankfully, as the vaccine for COVID is there everything is getting back to normal. And people are slowly and slowly adjusting to the new routine. In case you are planning to undergo a hair transplant, there is no need to worry about anything. Top-notch health quality At Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center, the patients will get the best quality treatment. Additionally, our doctors are properly trained and certified to give you the hair transplant treatment plan. This way, it ensures that the treatment plan you are going to get is simply the best and given under strict protocols. Specialized medical instruments Dr. C. Vijay Kumar and his team are extremely particular about the medical instruments used during the treatment. Before and after the treatment, everything is properly sterilized to ensure safety measures are followed all along. At our hair transplant centre, we are strictly particular about the hygiene and safety standards for every treatment plan done in our clinic premises. COVID-safety guidelines are followed all the time Well! The use of face masks and disposable gloves are used by our team, even before COVID. For every transplant procedure performed at our clinic, we always ensure the best hair transplant treatment is given to you. We never compromise on the safety and hygiene part at our clinic which is the reason the success rate of our hair transplant centre is higher as compared to other clinics. Fully vaccinated team We only started giving our medical services, once our team got fully vaccinated. Our entire team is doing their bit to ensure that the treatment plan you get is the best. This way once your treatment plan is done you will get to have the best of results and without any complications. No risk of getting COVID So, take out this concern from your mind that after a hair transplant you can get COVID. Dr. C. Vijay Kumar along with his team has done countless hair transplant surgery after COVID and the patients have only got the best results that they wanted. Book your initial consultation with us to be our next ‘Happy patient’ –

What to choose Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre?

What to choose Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre?


Did you know? Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery and the Hair Transplantation centre is one of the best clinics that offer brilliant services concerning Hair Transplant in Vizag. The hair transplant cost at this clinic is also very economical and reasonable. So if you are the one who is suffering from intense hair loss issues, then visit us. We shall guide you with the right treatment plan after properly diagnosing the root cause of your problem. How can you be sure to visit Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation Centre? You can check the doctor’s credentials Since we know how important it is for the patients to rely on the doctor or the surgeon who is treating their hair loss, we have made sure that each of the doctors comes out to be highly trustworthy. We have a checklist of the important credentials. Only the surgeons who are getting a check in each of them will be the ones whom we consider hiring. So, all the patients who are reading our blog, please be sure, we will only make you that from the right people. Have faith in us! Doctor’s Experience Next, the patients look for the experience of the doctor. This is why we only let those surgeons perform the surgical procedures who have performed at least 10 successful surgeries. Clinical Staff We do accept that it is not only the surgeons who will perform the hair transplant surgeries, rather the other hospital staff is also responsible for making you reach your treatment goals. So no matter whether these are nurses, ward boys or the receptionist, each of them is highly trained in what they do and how they do it. Staff Friendliness Since it is an invasive kind of procedure in which the hair follicles will be extracted from one region and will be transplanted to another region, it is quite natural on the patient’s part to be nervous before it. That nervousness becomes even worse if the staff does not know how to behave in the right way. Type of the technology used We know the type of technology to be used is among the major concerns of the patients. But with us, it is no more a concern, rather this is a comforting point for you. Since no matter how many modifications take place in the technology, we always make sure that we always get equipped with the latest technology. Confidentiality of details No matter whether we treat a VIP or a common man, we always keep the details of our patients highly confidential. Whether it is a phone number or an email address, we make sure that we keep each of them highly confidential. Final Comments! If after reading the above-mentioned characteristics of our clinic, you feel that it is only Vjs Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation Centre that can provide you with the right kind of service, then book your initial consultation with us at the earliest.

How does chemotherapy affect hair? How to reduce its effect on hair?

How does chemotherapy affect hair? How to reduce its effect on hair?


No doubt, chemotherapy is one of those treatment options that help patients to get rid of cancer. But every good thing has a cost. So is ‘Chemotherapy.’ We have to pay for our hair as the cost for the cancer treatment. This is the super-strong treatment that produces the direct impact on the hair follicles. But no worries, as long as hair restoration procedures like hair transplant are available to give us our looks back. Did you know? 90% of the chemo patients who are suffering from one or the other kind of hair loss problem, usually go for a hair transplant in Vizag since it is the last resort treatment available for chemo patients. Do not take even a bit of tension regarding hair transplant cost. It is economical enough that it would fit in your pocket without disturbing the home budget. Please note: Some chemotherapy drugs may cause the patient to lose hair. But to consider that ‘All the chemo drugs are responsible for hair loss would be wrong. Is the hair loss caused by chemotherapy permanent? No, not at all. The hair loss caused by chemotherapy is never permanent. You will start encountering hair growth once the entire course of the treatment is over. But for regrowth, you need to be very very patient. Since it takes time for the hair to grow to the fullest. And also initially the hair is extremely thin. How to take care of the hair during Chemo-Treatment? Following are some of the important ways with which we can take care of the hair during the chemo treatment: Cut your hair shorter Before you start the treatment, it is always suggested that you should get a new haircut that is not only short but also easy to maintain. By this, it will be convenient for you to make the hair loss appear less noticeable. Tip You are also suggested not to pressurise or strain your hair by tying the tight ponytails, plaits or other tight hairstyles. Protect your scalp To make sure that you are protecting your hair follicles from getting further damage, you have to take a very good look at the hair follicles. Tip First and foremost, it is suggested that you should not go out in the sun. If there is an emergency and you need to go, then it is advised to wear a hat or scarf so that you do not let the harmful UV rays harm the follicles. Go for the scalp cooling method It is one of the most effective methods to make hair loss emerge at a lower rate. In this method, a cap which is usually filled with the cold gel is placed over the head to make sure the blood vessels get narrow and the less amount of medicines reaches the scalp and affects the hair follicles.   Our dietary plan No matter whichever problem we are suffering from, the eventual effective treatment option which all the doctors’ guide is hair growth and hair loss.

Is hair transplant with grey hair possible? Will it give a natural look?

Is hair transplant with grey hair possible? Will it give a natural look?


People who are getting transplanted with grey hairs should know that there are no preponderant differences in getting transplanted with either grey or white hair follicles. Some people are of the view that the pigmented hair is strong and will last longer as compared to grey hair follicles. But according to the cosmetic surgeons who are recognized for carrying out the hair transplant in Vizag, “ There is no giant difference between the hair transplantation done through the white hairs and that is done through the grey hairs.” Note: Some people have also been observed to be believing in the rumours that the hair transplant costs for both black and grey hair are different. You can’t know about the cost, until you visit the doctor. We have received many queries in which the people are asking: ‘Can Grey hair be transplanted?’ So to those curious readers, we want to say ‘Yes’. The grey hair can be transplanted. Not only the grey hairs but the patients who do have white hairs are also deemed as suitable candidates for the hair transplant. Did you know? It has been observed that the grey hair is extremely thick and textured as compared to the pigmented hair. We have observed many patients who have gained satisfying results from the hair transplant procedure. Will the colour of the transplanted hair match with the natural hair? It is quite difficult to make the colour of the transplanted hair match with the natural hair. None other than the highly professional and trained doctor can do it. Which technique helps the most to avoid the mismatching of the hair follicles? The whole credit for this goes to FUE. Through this technique, it becomes quite easy to extract the hair follicles from the back of the scalp. With this, it becomes easy to avoid mismatching. If we compare this technique with the FUT, then we shall come to know how natural and appealing results are encountered with the hair transplant. Point to make you gladden If any of the patients want to dye his or her colour to something different, then they are allowed to do this after 4 to 6 months. If you are wondering why this much time is being taken, then the answer for this is that the scalp needs a great amount of time to get healed. Which points are to be considered before carrying out a hair transplant of the grey hairs? When we are talking about the hair transplant for the white hair, then it needs to be played very very carefully. White hair is most commonly found in the following areas Nape Area Between The Ears The doctors are sure to consider the following mentioned factors into account: The colour of the hair follicles present in the donor area The colour of the hair follicle which is already present in the recipient area Will it be possible to achieve the matching hair follicles that are in harmony with each other?

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