How Long Will It Take For Hair To Grow After Hair Transplant Surgery?
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How Long Will It Take For Hair To Grow After Hair Transplant Surgery?



Congratulations if you have already gone ahead and done the hair transplant surgery! Because of people’s unhealthy lifestyle, hair transplant has become a norm; they opt to go for it because of severe hair loss. Although it is not an easy decision to make sometimes, as you might have several questions and doubts, but you do not have to worry about anything as it is an effective and safe procedure. The stack of questions would never be stopped even after the hair transplant surgery is done. That is why we are here to help you clear out some doubts regarding hair growth after the Hair Transplant in Vizag. Hair Growth After Hair Transplant Surgery After the hair is transplanted from the donor area to the affected area, the hair growth might take up to one year or more to have entirely thick and voluminous hair. Hair transplant is not only a procedure but a process too. After the implantation of the Hair Transplant in Kakinada, the hair will fall again after 4-6 weeks, it is a natural process, and there is nothing to worry about. Three to five months after the hair restoration, the new hair will grow back as the follicles will be safely left behind. To give you better details about how long the hair transplantation will take, we have provided the timeline for the same below. Timeline For Hair Growth After Hair Transplant Two weeks after the hair transplantation It is when people often question the effectiveness of hair transplants as the patient would notice a lot of hair loss. This is obviously going to generate anxiety and fear, but do not worry; it is a factor of hair development before the total growth begins. Shedding will help create new structures for hair follicles, which will be much more healthy. Four months after the hair transplant After the shedding, the hair growth will start, although the hair will be unable to penetrate the scalp because of less strength, hence resulting in a skin condition known as folliculitis. It is nothing to worry about, but if the pain becomes unbearable, we recommend you to visit our doctor immediately. The symptoms and the conditions of folliculitis would gradually disappear within ten days. Four to eight months after hair transplant After crossing flour months, the hair growth will be good with a better density. However, the pigmentation and the strength would not be the best, as some hair might look brittle. But the hair structure would only improve from here. What Are The Factors That Might Affect Hair Growth? Many factors might significantly impact hair growth, including the locations of the hair transplantation and what kind of method has been used for the same. For example, the implantation in the back would take longer than in the front, as it contains more blood vessels that nourish the hair. Final Comments Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center is a leading clinic for the best hair transplantation surgery with a fantastic success rate. So

Hair Transplant For Transgender Men and Women



Hair Transplant For Transgender Gender identity is something that individuals focus upon where their physical appearance does not match with their personality. The way they feel inside, but their nature is not the same. Such scenarios include trans men and women who wish to change their looks so that their entire lives go with ease. If you are in the same system, you better get medical assistance on time. As medical science advances with time, it has made it possible for trans men and women to benefit from the Hair Transplant in Vizag and get their personality changed as to what they prefer. Following the initial consultation the desired treatment is found When you schedule an initial consultation with one of the known hair restoration surgeons for effectively managing the condition, once you consult the doctor, he will perform a detailed diagnosis and evaluation to find out which method of hair restoration will work best for you. By doing so, your appearance will be transformed for the better. As time has passed by, more and more individuals are choosing the path of Hair Transplant in Kakinada whether their wish is to have a masculine or feminine look. What is all considered while doing the transgender hair transplant? Understanding the female hair features Men and women have different facial features, which include hair also. The frontal hairline is lower, round, and thick around the scalp & crown area for women. All those looking to get the preferred results are given an FUE hair transplant. During FUE, the hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp and then transplanted where hair growth is needed. It’s an advanced and innovative treatment rapidly gaining attention to get the best results for getting the desired look.   Process of taking the hormones For trans patients, the option of female hormones is suggested as the aim is to slow down the impact of male hair loss patterns or stop it. Understanding the male hair feature Male have thinning hairlines or receding hairlines which is common in all ways. If your option is to get the highly traditional look, then make sure it is addressed most effectively. Apart from the hairline, male facial hair is also different. Depending on the results you are looking for or what is appropriate in your condition, you will be given the desired treatment plan. In case testosterone therapy is suggested to address the issue effectively. If you are looking for a male hair transplant, then the doctor will give you the treatment by considering the same. Schedule initial consultation with the doctor If you are a transgender looking to get a hair transplant, then schedule an initial consultation with Dr. C Vijay Kumar to plan for your treatment journey effectively.

COVID-19 & Hair Transplant: Can COVID affect the hair transplant results?



The effect of COVID-19 is seen in every possible scenario you talk about. The government and medical professionals are taking careful measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 around the globe. Most importantly, the focus is on preventing the crisis. Considering the entire situation, many individuals are concerned about whether COVID-19 can affect the results of any surgical method. Most importantly, individuals are concerned regarding whether it is safe to get hair transplant treatment or not. Are you thinking of getting Hair Transplant in Vizag? Then this article is going to give you thorough information on the same as to whether to get this treatment or not. COVID-19 and its effect on Hair Transplant treatment The present time demands careful attention in all ways. Hair loss is one of those concerns typical for both men and women. The prevalence rate of the treatment is something that tells that medical assistance is essential. Be assured that if you are planning to get a Hair Transplant in Kakinada, you need to seek medical expertise from start to end to boost the success rate of the treatment. The experienced and skilled medical expert must follow all the safety measures to ensure proper treatment. What are the safety measures for COVID-19 and doing hair transplant treatment? The top priority is to give exceptional patient care throughout the treatment. The safety measures are the most important factor, including following all the robust practices and taking the sanitization rules into account. So, for the success and safety of ensuring hair transplant treatment is done correctly, here are some steps that are followed: Pre-screening The pre-screening part is done at the appointment when you consult the doctor face to face. Your condition’s initial diagnosis and evaluation will tell you what steps are needed. However, to reduce the chances of spreading the virus, a virtual appointment is given priority. Practice social distancing norms The most important part is following the social distancing norms. The hand-shaking gesture might seem friendly, but the present time demands to stop doing the same. Maintain at least 6 feet or 2 meters distance to avoid the chances of this deadly virus spreading from one person to another. However, you have to avoid going to a public space. In case you have to, then make sure to double mask. Even in hospitals, it is compulsory to wear a mask. Sanitization is a top priority Sanitization is one thing that cannot be taken away from the whole part at any cost. Maintaining the cleaning practices from time to time is considered an important part. The top-rated hair restoration clinic will follow the sanitization practices for every part of the clinic like labs, assessment rooms, labs, equipment, waiting area, reception area, and procedure room. Following this simple yet effective practice reduces the chances of risks.

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Provides A Long-Lasting Outcome?

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Provides A Long-Lasting Outcome?


How Long Do Hair Transplants Last? We all have noticed a significant amount of hair loss in our lives, but it brings us to the brink of insanity when it gets excessive. As hair is an excellent attribute of human features, which can build up their appearance to the next level, losing such characteristics could be heartbreaking for some. That is why Hair Transplant in Vizag is one of the most desired treatments by men and women to get desired outcomes. Many reasons, including stress, alopecia, medical conditions like cancers, genetics, excessive use of tools and chemical products, unhealthy eating habits etc. are the leading causes of hair loss, thinning of hair, and receding hairline. Counter medicines, some home remedies, and other options could treat hair loss problems, but it does not give a guaranteed lasting effect. Which brings us to our next question- how long do a hair transplant last? But before that, we must understand the basic information about  Hair Transplant in Kakinada? What Is Hair Transplant Surgery? It is a surgical procedure going on since 1950 but has gained immense popularity among people now. The hair transplant process is to extract hair follicles from a donor area and replace it in the affected grafts. The number of grafts would dictate the cost of a hair transplant and the sittings you would be required to give. We perform hair transplant surgery by two methods that are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). What Is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)? FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): Doctors perform this surgery by extracting hair follicles from the donor area one at a time with the help of a microneedle. This method of transplanting hair does not need to include a skin graft; hence no stitches are required. The doctors make small incisions on the donor area, and as the hair grows, it will conceal them with the existing hair. Later the follicular hair units are transplanted in the bald patches where incisions are made. The patients mostly choose it as it has less scarring. What Is FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)? In FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), the surgeon, unlike FUE, extracts the whole strip of hair from the donor area. It is generally taken from the scalp of the back of the hair. The strip of the hair is split into 500 -200 follicular grafts, which are later incised into the affected area. How Long Do Hair Transplant Last? Hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution to your problem of hair loss. However, the lasting outcomes of hair transplants might be affected by the patients’ lifestyle, health, age, and other factors. As the hair is transplanted from healthy hair follicles to the thinning area, the lifespan of the hair automatically grows. It is a slow process where you would require a lot of patience as the noticeable result will take at least one year. But do not lose hope, as it would help you overcome bald patches forever.

Hair Transplant: Cost of 2000 Hair Grafts


Be it any surgical or non-surgical procedure, the primary concern among the patients is to know about the cost. The factor of cost is often noticed among patients suffering from hair loss. No doubt, it’s essential to get a customized treatment plan for hair loss and then know about the amount of cost to be paid. Hair transplant is one of the inventive surgical, safe, and cost-effective methods. All those planning to get this treatment must be wondering, ‘How much is the cost of 2000 hair grafts?’ If you want to know about the same, continue reading the given blog. Hair transplant treatment Hair Transplant in Vizag is performed under the expertise of trained & experienced surgeons. During treatment, the hair follicles are removed from one part of the scalp & then transplanted where hair growth is less. With hair transplant, the balding patterns are treated either male or female. Both can benefit from this surgery. So, for male balding patterns, this treatment makes a great choice. The hair transplant treatment can work effectively for covering scars. If there are not enough hair grafts, then the hair will be extracted from the eyelashes, eyebrows, or another body part. However, pubic hair is not used for hair transplant. Cost of 2000 hair grafts for hair transplant To determine the cost of Hair Transplant in Kakinada, different factors are considered. On average, the hair transplant treatment cost is Rs 40,000. If you talk about the minimum price, then it’s around Rs 25,000. Additionally, the maximum price for a hair transplant can range up to Rs 2,60,000. The cost will vary from one person to another as every individual condition varies from one another. Which are the factors which affect the cost of hair transplant? To determine the hair transplant treatment cost, several factors are considered. Being mindful of different factors will help better understand, ‘How can your hair loss be dealt with the right way?’ Now, let’s have a look at the different factors: The doctor will determine the hair loss How much area or bald spots needs to be treated? The total number of grafts that need to be implanted Characteristics & texture of hair Surgeon experience Clinic location Type of hair transplant to be performed The patient medical condition is checked If any complications are there, then treatment is customized accordingly Admission room you selected to seek treatment How much is the recovery time with a hair transplant? Following hair transplant treatment, it takes around one week to get back to a regular working regime. After the surgery, make sure that you are careful in all ways and take better assistance on what to do. Bear in mind that you have to follow the minutest of steps after the surgery to be at ease & comfort.

Do Hair Transplant Treatment Leave Any Scar?

Our Patient Gets Successful Results at Our Clinic


With medical advancement, all things are changing with time and it has effectively helped in making everything balanced. Most importantly the treatment has started to get better with time. There is an option of Hair Transplant in Vizag which is effectively helping the individuals to better deal with hair loss. The scarring is well-determined by the factor of the surgeon’s skills and expertise. The surgeon is going to effectively check the scalp condition & even take your age into perspective for analyzing better about the scenario. Moreover, whichever method of hair transplant you talk about FUE or FUT the results of both are effective. Being a surgical method the patients are worried that, ‘Will there be scar problems?’ Well! That is just temporary and if you are concerned about the same while you get at the Hair Transplant in Kakinada then here are some ways in which a scar removal method can be performed. Which are the most common hair transplant scar removal methods? Different procedures are there through which scar generation will be reduced. No doubt, they don’t effectively reduce the scar appearance but they will cause some scarring afterward. It’s important to better check the effectiveness of the treatment so that the scar thickness is analyzed. Some of the methods which are suited best for addressing scar removal are mentioned below: Concealing hair transplant scars For concealing scar there are several options which are suggested and it includes the following: Scalp Micropigmentation SMP is referred to as hair tattooing and it is a permanent method in which hair color is matched with the scalp. Doing so will give your hair locks a thick appearance. Be it FUE or FUT it is great for better addressing the scar areas. Tricopigmentation (TMP) It is a temporary method of SMP that works as semi-permanent inking & this is formed on the dermis top layer. The results of the same will last for 6 months to 3 years. Depending on the clinic you select the treatment plan will vary. Laser therapy Laser therapy is used along with SMP or TMP which works great as a hair transplant scar removal treatment. The scar appearance is reduced & then damaged skin will get eliminated through the same. All in all, it works great in reducing the scar appearance to a great extent. Seek assistance from the best medical expert If you are worried about what will happen next then better get medical assistance from one of the best health experts for managing everything the right way. It’s all about making an informed decision and that has to be done properly so that there is no certain issue while you begin the treatment journey. Schedule your initial consultation with Dr C Vijay Kumar Visakhapatnam For all the right answers you need to know.

Are scabs after hair transplant permanent? How to deal with the same?



Scabs after hair transplant: Is it normal? Well, this condition is normal or you can say part of the surgery. Choosing the right method will help the crust to get removed & there won’t be any residue. Now! Let’s understand properly how the scabs formed after hair transplant? Scabs after hair transplant If you have undergone the Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam then it will result in scabs which is normal. Moreover, it will be natural protection which is great for covering the open wound on the skin. Following hair restoration, small incisions are made. This will result in bleeding and then crust formation occurs. The scabs which occur after hair transplant are going to get dry within a few hours. Hair transplant surgery with top quality is what all that matters Hair transplant surgery quality indeed matters a lot & it must be best in all ways. Only through the experienced hair restoration surgeon will you get the treatment that is right & best. To get yourself the right treatment plan you should always look for the best hair transplant centre. When the treatment quality is higher automatically it means that the right instruments are used & the surgery is given with the best of tools. Additionally, everything is done with precision which ensures the bleeding is less. So, there is no need to get the low-cost Hair Transplant in Kakinada as it is not going to be effective for your baldness issue. Make sure the scalp is clean Following a hair transplant, the donor area must be washed on the 3rd day. When you do such small things then automatically healing is much better and this will ensure the wound will not get dry. Additionally, when you have to wash the scalp always use that particular shampoo and conditioner given by the surgeon. Additionally, you need to use lukewarm water for washing the scalp. No need to put any sort of extra pressure on the scalp otherwise it is going to make the hair dry. 2-week time for the scabs to completely remove On the 10th day, you will be able to notice that the crust has slowly started to disappear from its place. After 2 weeks/14 days the scabs are completely removed. To reach this stage of hair transplant you must be following all the surgeon’s advice & taking the best care in all ways. No further intervention is needed afterward.  Being careless after surgery is not an option This stage cannot be prevented and you mustn’t leave even a single chance. All in all, it’s like taking the best care of the scalp after the surgery. No doubt the problem is temporary but the right measures have to be taken. Do you have any other concerns?  

Is it safe and effective to get hair transplant treatment during winters?



Are you someone who likes to do things as per the time? Indeed. Ensuring that time is given importance is necessary and making sure it is well-managed. When you have pre-planned everything it even allows that specific journey to go in the right direction and the results are fruitful which is our ultimate goal. Time is one factor that most individuals consider while getting the Hair Transplant in Vizag and think upon when they should get the treatment or which season will be the best? Hair transplant is one of the ideal ways to transform the look once and for all. The personality is improved as you will get a younger-looking personality which you wish for. All in all, the confidence has improved which started to get down due to hair loss or baldness issues. Many individuals think about the way season change impacts the body, ‘Will it make any difference if I get the  Hair Transplant in Kakinada in a specific season?’ Hair transplant is the road to seek natural looking & permanent hair growth Hair transplant is referred to as a minimally invasive treatment that works by extracting hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another where hair growth is less. All those bald spots or where hair has started to get less will be addressed the right way. When you choose one of the best hair restoration surgeons he will analyze your hair loss pattern, check the baldness level, see the bald spots, and then accordingly suggest the treatment plan. The treatment is given through the use of improved and advanced technology which includes procedures like: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Be it FUE or FUT the results are best with everything and by the end of 8 to 12 months of getting the surgery, you will notice the hair growth.   Should I get a hair transplant during winter? Well, to get the hair transplant you must be mentally prepared and ready to take care of yourself in every way possible. No matter what the time or season is, it won’t make any difference. Unless you have to get the surgery at a specific time or you are free in that period, that wish is yours. Be it winters, summers, or any other season, you can get the surgery at any time.   Always follow the doctor advice Following the surgery, it’s imperative to follow the doctor’s advice. Their advice is going to make the surgical approach 10 times better. So, you always have to follow the doctor’s instructions whether it is about taking the medications or following a necessary guideline after the surgery. Some of the necessary instructions which need to be followed are: Taking the best care of the hair grafts after the surgery and never itching the scalp To reduce discomfort apply ice on the forehead & not directly on the scalp Make sure to take all the necessary medications after the surgery & that too on time Avoid getting out in the sun and not wearing anything tight fitted on the head      

How is donor hair harvested through the use of hair transplant?



Hair transplant surgery is one of the ideal ways of restoring hair follicles. The process through which hair transplant is done addresses the condition in the right way. Hair grafts transplanted during the treatment are going to grow in the desired region for a lifetime. Through the Hair Transplant in Visakhapatnam, you will be at ease that hair follicles will continue in the same manner just like your natural hair growth. So, that lost hair coverage is going to be addressed with a hair transplant. How to plan for harvesting at the donor site? The donor site is referred to as that part of the scalp which is present on the back along with the nape of the neck & above ears. Additionally, the hair loss gets severe and this is where the male pattern baldness problem occurs. Additionally, the male pattern baldness is going to be different for every person just like the hair texture, hair color, hair wave, and hair density is different. During the initial consultation for the Hair Transplant in Kakinada, the doctor is going to check your condition to determine how much hair loss and how many grafts are needed to cover the specific part. Hair transplant is best to get after 25 years or once the hair loss pattern gets stable You must seek this medical treatment once the hair loss pattern is completely made. Make sure that you better get the doctor’s assistance on the same to move forward with what needs to be done. Ideally, it is allowed to get a hair transplant after 25 because this is the age when hair loss will not get progressive with time. Which are the factors that determine future hair loss? The future hair loss chances are better checked through the following factors: Rapidity or speed at which the hair follicles are getting lost Family history of progressive hair loss If the hair loss is rapid then it can determine easily whether there will be a need for a future hair transplant or not. This is where it’s essential to get the doctor’s assistance in determining what is wrong and which type of treatment can make the situation better. Only the doctor’s assistance can tell what type of hair transplant treatment you need. Which are the methods to harvest the hair grafts? Different methods are there in which the hair grafts need to be transplanted and as per your condition the doctor will give you the best possible option: Strip Harvesting During strip harvesting, the hair follicles are harvested in the form of a strip that contains different grafts. Following that the incision is made in the necessary area to ensure everything is intact in that one particular place. It is also referred to as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) FUE is another effective approach in which hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp and then put into the area which has limited hair growth.

Essential Measures You Should Take After Hair Transplant Surgery



Have you thought about getting a hair transplant? If you have then obviously you are on the right track to save your hair locks. It’s one of the ultimate treatment options which is gaining attention because of how advanced and effective it is. Being a modern approach to hair restoration and how it has to gain attention around the globe; it has become imperative to know every possible thing about the treatment. Just like before getting a Hair Transplant in Vizag, you follow the doctor’s advice, and similarly, you have to take all the necessary precautions after getting the treatment. Important measures to take after getting a hair transplant The treatment of Hair Transplant in Kakinada is going to change your look for a lifetime. So, it’s imperative to follow every possible suggestion for boosting the treatment success rate. Here are some of the factors to keep in mind: Driving after surgery Hair transplant surgery requires the use of anesthesia. So, following surgery, you will be under sedation so you better not drive for the next 24 hours. Ask someone to drive you back home or book a cab. Just make sure to not drive at any cost. Posture while sleeping After the surgery, it’s better to keep the head elevated for at least a few days (5 days). This approach will help to deal better with swelling & even not affect the transplanted grafts. Medication intake after surgery Following a hair transplant, it’s better to take only those medications which are suggested by the doctor. Doing so will ensure no medications leave a negative effect on the scalp & neither there is a risk of severe problems. So, you should always take the medications according to the doctor’s prescription. Follow the RICE method Whether you say deliberately or it’s effective to do the RICE method. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevate. It’s an essential factor to address inflammation & swelling. Doing this method at least for 15 t0 20 minutes every day till the swelling does not go away is essential. Hair wash after surgery Hair wash should only be done as suggested by the doctor. Make sure that you only use mild shampoo & conditioner because the use of abrasive products will damage the hair grafts & even increase the chances of infection.Additionally, when you wash your hair make sure to not put water directly on the scalp. Hair dye after surgery The use of hair dye after the surgery does not make sense. Doing this thing is going to affect the treatment results. You should wait for weeks before applying hair dye. Sunlight exposure after surgery It’s better to not get the scalp exposed to sunlight after the surgery. The UV rays will damage the hair grafts adversely which will compromise the treatment results. Additionally, you need to make your diet better as there should be essential nutrients, fresh fruits & vegetables for smooth recovery. Most importantly do not smoke & drink.

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