The ideal age for the hair transplant procedure
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Which age is suitable for hair transplantation treatment?


When you notice a bunch of hair in your brush, you become nervous and immediately begin to discover how it can be regained, or possibly even seen in a hair transplant. It is very common to start losing your hair within 20 years but there is no immediate reason to quit.

It can be painful to discover the initial signs of hair loss issues but you start thinking the minor bald spot on top of your scalp which is growing bigger and bigger with the passage of time. Most of the hair loss issues are genetic, you should look at your father and grandfather, you should get to know how your scalp may look like at a certain stage of your life.

Many individuals in the 20s seek the services of hair transplantation surgeon. It is embarrassing as well as a frustrating situation when you’re in the highest setting of your life, and your hair starts to come out. Although no one likes to see their hair fall out, it can be peculiarly traumatic when it is so young.

Hair transplantation specialists recommend an ideal candidate for this procedure should be in the ’30s. Your baldness (or thinness) pattern has come out when you are in 30 and surgeons may recommend proper treatment or transplant depending on the pattern or severity of issues. 

Hair Transplant Process

You need to understand the mechanics behind hair restoration, before going into the reasons why hair transplants are not suitable for young individuals. In this procedure, the surgeon harvests hair from the donor region especially from the back of the scalp or any other part where there is the heavy supply of hair and then graft those harvested hairs strategically onto the areas which are balding or thinning.

It is not possible in this procedure that surgeon harvest donor hair from your peer or any other family member and transplant them onto your bald areas of the scalp, so the donor hair which is going to be transplanted must be your own. The reason the surgeon usually takes hair from the back of the scalp is that the scalp hair is more hormones resistant which causes baldness and the grafted hair will likely grow naturally with the passage of time in their new location.

Disadvantages of an early hair transplant

  • If you consider the transplantation of hair into your 20s, the surgeon will place resistant follicles onto the affected areas, but the hair will fall back on it. As transplanted hair grows, the end result will be a perceptible patch of strong hair (transplanted area) with thin or bald spots around it which creates an unnatural look.
  • Another disadvantage is that few individuals are destined to become completely bald. In such cases, you can never remove the same head hair from the back of your scalp(or body) even if you have a good donor supply that replaces the missing hair on your scalp.